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The First Age

In the world of Aldria

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The First Age

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Ah, gather 'round, dear adventurers, for I shall regale you with the tale of the Iseyid Empire and its tragic folly in the realm of Aldria.

In the dawn of Aldria's history, when the continent was but a pristine canvas, there arrived a formidable host of ancient elves known as the Iseyid. Proud and ambitious, they sought to shape this untamed land into their own vision. The Iseyid, under the ironclad rule of Primarch Elarion Iseyid, embarked on a conquest that would span a millennium.

These elves, unlike any seen before, possessed an unparalleled mastery of magic, artistry, and warfare. They built towering spires that scraped the heavens and vast cities adorned with otherworldly beauty. Yet, their magnificence was overshadowed by their unyielding desire for dominance.

Under Elarion's banner, the Iseyid elves embarked on a campaign of subjugation and expansion that knew no bounds. They waged wars against the myriad races that inhabited Aldria, from the noble dwarves of the Ironhold Mountains to the free-spirited halflings of the Greenmeadow Glades. Their conquest was ruthless, and their power seemed insurmountable.

As the Iseyid Empire expanded and flourished, their insatiable thirst for knowledge and power led them to explore the darkest and most forbidden depths of magic. It was during one of these perilous quests that they stumbled upon an incredible and ancient treasure - a Nether Scroll.

These scrolls, hidden within a long-forgotten tomb deep within the treacherous Shadowed Woods, held secrets of Netherse magic, long lost to time. The Iseyid elves, renowned for their magical prowess, recognized the immense potential within these scrolls. Their discovery marked a turning point in the empire's history, for Nether Scrolls would unlock new realms of arcane knowledge far beyond current capabilities.

The first scroll, found by a group of intrepid Iseyi mages, unveiled the secrets of the Arcanus Fundare – a chapter dedicated to the foundations of magic. With this newfound magic, the Iseyid Empire gained the ability to traverse great distances in the blink of an eye and create great foci for their magics. They learned the secrets of the mythallar and created a fantastic floating capital city. They could now strike swiftly against their foes and fortify their territories with unparalleled speed. The elves' conquests grew even more relentless, and their grip on Aldria tightened.

Years later, a second scroll was discovered beneath the hidden catacombs beneath the ancient city of Illyndra, revealing the art of creating powerful magical constructs. These arcane monstrosities, known as the "Nether Guardians," became the Iseyid's loyal enforcers. They were used to quell rebellions and intimidate the empire's enemies. The elves, with their newfound Netherse magic, seemed invincible.

Yet, it was the third and final Nether Scroll, found in a remote, ethereal chamber within the Iseyid's greatest spire, that would prove the most perilous. This scroll, bound in shimmering black leather and radiating a palpable aura of dread, promised the secrets to controlling the very fabric of the Weave itself. The elves believed this power would elevate them to godhood, allowing them to reshape the world to their desires.

As the centuries rolled on, whispers of discontent spread through the conquered lands. The Iseyid Empire's insatiable greed for territory and resources led to the enslavement of countless races. Tales of the suffering inflicted by the Iseyid rulers reached the farthest corners of the continent, and resistance began to brew in the hearts of those oppressed.

Then came the turning point – a mysterious event that remains shrouded in myth and legend. Primarch Elarion Iseyid, the linchpin of the empire's power, vanished without a trace. Some say he sought to unlock the forbidden magic hidden within the final Nether Scroll, while others believed he was consumed by his own insatiable ambition. Regardless of the cause, his disappearance plunged the Iseyid Empire into chaos.

Without their unifying leader, the empire fractured. Formerly subjugated races rose up against their elven oppressors, and a great rebellion erupted. The Iseyid Unification War, which had raged for four centuries, came to an abrupt end. The elves were forced to retreat to their once-majestic cities, now besieged by their former subjects. It was then the great city of Isethellion fell from the sky. In the chaos, the Nether Scrolls were lost. The beautiful spires of their cities were shattered, and their power evaporated. The Iseyid Empire was extinct.

The folly of the Iseyid Empire lay not only in their brutal conquests but also in their arrogance. They believed that their rule would last for eternity, that none could challenge their might. Yet, in their relentless pursuit of power, they sowed the seeds of their own destruction.

And so, dear adventurers, the legacy of the Iseyid Empire serves as a cautionary tale. It reminds us that even the mightiest of empires can fall, not from external foes alone, but from the weight of their own hubris and the consequences of their actions. The scarce ruins of the Iseyid cities stand as a testament to the impermanence of power in the ever-shifting tapestry of history.

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