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The Words of the Divine Duality, The Twin Fathers; Brandish and Felll

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  1. Thou shalt honor the sanctity of life and not take it away, for every living being is a precious creation of the divine duality and deserves to live free from harm and violence.
  2. Thou shalt question the motives and actions of thy leaders and weigh them against the values of the arbiters of the Divine Duality on this world: Brandish and Fell. Thou shalt only follow the commands that align with their values and refuse participation in any act that would bring harm or violation to the divinity of the duality.
  3. Thou shalt honor and respect the Church directorate, for they have lived long and acquired much wisdom through their experience. Treat them with kindness, dignity and listen to their counsel, for they offer you valuable guidance and perspectives passed down from the holy Arbiters of the Divine Duality.
  4. Keep thine own countenance in the ways of the twin Arbiters. The good of the divine duality must be kept in all things, for through this duality will we once again ascend into the grace of Brandish and Fell.
  5. Thou shalt seek to follow the path of the authority of the Divine Duality, in our realm and the next, which leads to righteousness and strive to live guided by the truth of the authority, compassion of the authority and integrity of the authority. Trust only the moral compass of the Church and its authority. Use it to navigate the challenges and decisions that arise on your journey.
  6. Thou shalt be mindful of the impact of thy actions on others and the world around thee and let thy deeds be a testament to the values and morals of the Church thou holds dear.
  7. May thy path always be one of purpose and meaning and may it bring thee closer to the divine duality. 
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