
In the world of Shared Worlds

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A chill breeze from an early autumn morning drifted through the large stone courtyard outside of the Larenfall Estate of East Loreholm.  Sunlight hadn’t yet come up over the Falcon Highlands although the day was bright and clear.  In the center of the circular courtyard, Miah spun her quarterstaff through several warm up exercises.  She was dressed in loose fitting cottons and linens, newly purchased, dyed in scarlet and gold. 

She both concentrated on the movements and let them flow without thought.  First whirling her staff to her right and then to her left.  Step forward.  Sidestep.  Step back.  Whirl staff overhead. Spin staff around in front.  Sidestep again.

She moved across the courtyard like it was a cotillion of one.  Hair tied up in a tight bun.  Sweat beginning to break out just beneath it.  Boots shuffling across the carefully swept paving stones.  Hands moving quickly, turning and twisting, following and guiding the weight of the staff.

Isiah came down the steps from the conservatory.  He was dressed in brown trousers and tunic, both with gold embroidery, and a black waistcoat.  A new shortsword was fixed to his belt.

She kept moving through the cycle of exercises.  Not ignoring him but not acknowledging him either.

“That bad?”  her brother asked.

She scowled at him and started moving faster with longer strides and harder swings.

“Dear sister, they--”

“Don’t you ‘dear sister’ me.”

Isiah held up both hands and watched her move about.  He decided that twenty feet was as close as he wanted to get.  “They love us and want the best for us.”

“Their version of it.”  Sidestep.  Spin left.  Spin right.

Isiah waited until she moved closer to the edge of the courtyard.  “Miah, how long did you think this was going to continue?”

She didn’t answer.  She just whirled into a final move that ended with her arms outstretched and her quarterstaff striking out to her left.

The ferruled end of the staff smashed into a clay flowerpot and shattered it.

They both froze in place for a moment.  Then Isiah deadpanned, “Quick, quick, if we run fast enough the maid won’t report on us.”

Miah did not smile.  “Why are you here?”

Isiah shrugged.  “I thought we could walk into town and get some breakfast.  And... maybe buy a flowerpot.”

She stared at him but could not hold onto her anger.  “I am a bit hungry.  And I don’t really want to be here anymore.”

Isiah grinned and held out an open hand towards the path around the conservatory.  Miah stepped off the courtyard stones and he followed.  They were soon through the landscaping and out onto the gravel drive that led to the main road into Loreholm.  The sun rose over the hills behind them as they walked.

Miah stretched her back and breathed in deeply.  “I want it to last longer, Isiah.  There are still so many people to help.”

“Yes, there are.  And we started out by helping people.  But the last few adventures seem to have been more about fighting and surviving than helping.  Do you feel perhaps we’re pushing our luck?”

“Perhaps, but there’s more I want to do, more I want to see and discover.”

“Me too,” said Isiah.  He walked a few more steps, placing his hands behind his back.  “Father wants me to take over Rooks Manor.”

Miah snorted with laughter.  “The crow’s nest?  You hate that place.”

Isiah was about to answer when they saw a young lad with simple clothing and a courier’s bag slung over his shoulder.  He had just turned into the gate from the main road and waved at them, holding up a small roll of paper.  Isiah’s brow furrowed.  “Isn’t that the same boy who brought us the message from Cley?”  

Miah stepped forward, quarterstaff raised, chanting spell words.  Six bolts of magical force shot out and struck the boy dead center.  Miah kept walking forward as each bolt impacted with a burst of flame.

Isiah hardly had time to grab his shortsword and clear the scabbard before the boy fell backward with smoking holes in his chest.  The body shimmered and changed into a small, sickly shaped fiend.  The scroll he held hit the ground and rolled to the side.

“New ring works?” asked Isiah.

Miah slowed and stopped next to the scroll.  She held up her hand and looked down at her very expensive Ring of Fiend Detection.  “Yes.”

“Any more of them?”

“No.”  Miah bent down and picked up the paper.  She heard Isiah reassuring a couple of the groundskeepers that all was well and then giving them some instructions.

She rested her quarterstaff in the crook of her arm and unrolled the scroll.


I’ve discovered a new series of Eldar’ai runes but I cannot access them and I’m in need of your help.  I fear there is great danger in store for you and many others if we do not act before year’s end.  You have my assurance that I will not harm you or anyone you care about.  Please meet me in Fairpoint Harbor before the winter solstice.  

Miah, you’re the only one I can trust with this.

-Your Friend, Jo


She heard Isiah coming up behind her.  “What’s it say?” he asked.

She conjured up a bright flame and incinerated the paper.  Ashes blew past her face in the morning breeze.  

“Nothing,” she answered.  “It was blank.”


You can read more stories in the Larenfall Cycle by visiting my Discord: You can also see the creator or the Realms of Eldara on Twitch:
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