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Chapter 8

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Suwa found himself at Sezio's camp again, just as he had for the last several days. He had been making regular visits there to receive his lessons from Sezio. Even so, he was still unable to use era the same way as Sezio could. He was still in high spirits, however, as he was told the day before that he was nearly ready.

“I think we will be able to do some practical lessons today, Suwa,” Sezio claimed as the others gathered around. Usually, no one paid attention to Sezio or Suwa when Suwa was receiving lessons, but everyone seemed especially interested today. Each for different reasons, though, surely.

“I still don't agree with this, Sezio,” complained Moiya. “Even if you introduced it slowly, not everyone can handle the spark.”

“Oh, don't ruin the mood, Moiya. Can't you see that the boy is excited,” Luika exclaimed. “Sure, not everyone can be a genius like me, but I'm sure he'll be fine.”

“Okay, Suwa, close your eyes and think of everything I've taught you so far. While you think about it, I want you to focus your mind deep inside yourself.”

Suwa tried to follow Sezio’s instructions, but he couldn't fully understand. He was the type always focused on the outside world, so the concept of introspection was likely lost on him. He did his best, regardless, though.

“Good. Now focus on how you know the world to be. Feel the world inside you.”

As Sezio spoke more nonsense, Suwa felt him place a hand on his shoulder. From that point of contact, he felt something flow into him, becoming diffused throughout his entire body. There had already been a soft warmth in his core before—something that had started to develop since his lessons with Sezio began—which now felt as if life were being breathed into it, kindling it into a living flame.

“Now what do you feel?” Sezio questioned, but before waiting for an answer, he gave further instructions. “Hold out your hand and take this.”

When Suwa listened to Sezio, he was handed a packed bundle of dried grass. The strange sensation caused Suwa to open one eye to peek at what had been placed in his hand, the unusual object led him to question Sezio's intentions.

“That warmth you feel inside, try to project it onto that kindling and ignite a flame.”

“What?” Sezio's instructions were still too difficult for Suwa to comprehend. He thought he understood all of Sezio's lessons up to this point, but once he was asked to put it into practice, he felt lost.

“Just try to believe that the grass in your hand is on fire, and make it believe so, too.”

His words still sounded like nonsense, but Suwa continued to try his best to follow them. With his eyes closed to stay focused, Suwa wasn't aware that the bundle of dry grass had started to smoke when he heard a startling voice and dropped it.

“There you are,” Denda, the elder that had been sent to find Sezio exclaimed as he reached them. “I have an important message for all of you.”

Before Denda could continue, he noticed Suwa with the group and sighed. The elders knew of his selfish acts of wandering outside the village, but they had attempted to ignore it until now. However, with the situation the elders found themselves in, they could no longer afford such leniency.

“For us?” responded Sezio. “What else could you need of us? Have you decided to let us stay in the village after all?”

“No. In fact, it's the opposite. You cannot stay here at all, even in these outskirts. Your presence is a threat which we cannot risk. Please carry on to wherever it is you're going. We will not permit you to stay here any longer.”

“But we were told that it would be fine if we only stayed for a few days,” Sezio protested.

“I don't know who claimed such a thing,” Denda began to express before making a few connections in his mind. “Ah, Deia. Well, regardless of what she told you, all final decisions are made by the elders, and we decided that your presence brings unnecessary danger to the village. So, please take your leave.”

“We?” Sezio questioned. “Your one of the elders? We came to see you before, but you were busy. Is it possible to have an audience now? Can we talk about this?”

“Unfortunately, our decisions are final. We have nothing to discuss. Now, if you'll please.”

Sezio wanted to continue debating the elders' decision, but he didn't want to create any more problems. After giving his group an apologetic look, Sezio agreed to the elder’s demand.

“One more thing,” Denda added, “When you leave, take that one with you.”

Suwa looked around at the other members in the camp before pointing to himself, “Me? What do you mean, ‘take me with them'? I'm staying here. I need to take care of my mom and sister.”

“I'm sorry, Suwa, but if they are a threat to the village, then so are you. We can't have you leaving the village whenever you want. If you're going to leave, then leave. And don't think that I didn't see you trying to learn this man's forbidden knowledge just now. From this point on, you are exiled from the Endora village.”

“Exiled? Are you serious? You can't do that!”

“Of course I can. As one of the elders, that is my main job; to keep the village safe and to remove any threats.”

“Threats? How am I …” Suwa paused with realization, “This has something to do with Rashendala, doesn't it? How can you listen to everything that snake says? Can't you see that he's the threat?”

“Of course we do,” Denda interrupted. “He is a threat; the biggest threat we will ever face. And to mitigate that threat, we must follow every command he gives us.”

“Even when he commands you to sacrifice your own family? Do you even know how people like Rena must feel? When they have to watch powerlessly while the ones they love are taken from them by the whim of some beast? Why can't you see that the power to stand up to them is right here?” Suwa waved his hand in a gesture toward Sezio's entire party.

“Whatever it is you're suggesting is too much of a risk. We could never risk the safety of the whole village on such an unknown. Not everything needs to be all or nothing, Suwa.” Suwa clenched his teeth when he heard Denda's words. He knew that nothing he said would change the stubborn man's opinion.

“Fine. But you will not exile me. You can’t because I am leaving on my own. But I'll be back. I'm going to learn everything there is to learn from these outsiders, and then I'm going to return to you to prove that we have nothing to fear. Not Rashendala, and not any other beast. Nothing.”

Denda smiled, “If such a thing was possible, I would welcome it. But I fear that you will soon be forced to learn the reality that we live in. I can only hope for the best for you, and I will let your family know.”

As Denda turned to leave, Suwa kicked the dirt in frustration. He then realized the implications of what he'd just said and turned to face the others. Expecting to see irritated or disapproving faces, Suwa was surprised when he found that everyone was smiling.

“Way to say it, kid,” Moiya was the first to speak. “I didn't understand what Sezio saw in you, or why he would give you the spark, but I can see that there's more to you than I thought. We’ll show you the ropes, you just make sure you can keep up.”

“Wait, when did Moiya become such good friends with the kid? I thought she didn't approve,” Luika thought out loud.

“Well, you know how she is. I'm sure she just felt a connection with a fellow rebel.”

“Shut up!” Moiya swung her fists at the others, missing completely, while Sezio laughed. It had been a long time since everyone was so lively.

“We'll be glad to have you, Suwa, but are you sure that this is what you want?”

“No. But if they're going to push me away, then I'm going to push back—stronger and harder. So, teach me everything you can so that I can get rid of any beasts that threaten my family. Including that damned serpent, Rashendala.”

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