4338.204.1 | The Portal

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My eyes snapped open, jolted from sleep by a sensation I couldn't immediately place. The room was enshrouded in darkness, a velvety, thick blanket that seemed to muffle sound. A prickling intuition danced up my spine, whispering of something amiss. The silence of the night was broken, I was certain, by the faint echo of footsteps down the hall. It was an odd hour, veiled in the deepest cloak of night, when even the moon seemed to slumber, and my parents' gentle breathing patterns had long since blended with the rhythm of the night. The notion of them being awake was implausible.

Compelled by a mix of curiosity and an indefinable apprehension, I eased the covers off with a quiet determination. My feet made contact with the hardwood floor, a shock of cold biting at my skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of my bed. The floor felt like ice underfoot, a reminder of the unseen chill of night that had seeped into our home. With a cautious grace, I crept from the sanctuary of my room, pausing just beyond the threshold to listen, my heart thudding quietly in my chest.

The hallway lay bathed in silence, an absence of sound so complete it was almost a presence in itself. I strained my ears, seeking any hint of movement, but found nothing. Yet, the air seemed charged, a tangible tension that whispered of an unseen other. I'm not alone, the thought echoed in my mind, a realisation that sent a shiver skittering down my spine.

I began to navigate the hallway with meticulous care, each step a calculated risk to avoid the telltale creaks that spoke of old wood and long memories. This path, worn familiar by nocturnal adventures and daytime play, now felt like a foreign landscape, every shadow a hiding place, every whisper of air a sign. The darkness seemed to pulse around me, a living entity that cloaked everything in mystery.

As I approached my brother's room, the darkness felt denser, as if it were made of something more than just the absence of light. Memories of nights filled with laughter and whispered secrets flooded back. The bunk beds had been our ships, our forts, our castles in the sky, until our nighttime antics had grown too much for our weary parents. Now, separated, our rooms stood as silent sentinels at opposite ends of the hall, guardians of our individual realms.

Frozen in the doorway, the stillness of the night was now a cacophony in my chest, my heart's rapid thuds and shallow, panicked breaths the only sounds in the vast silence. My brother lay there, a mere silhouette framed by the soft silver glow of moonlight filtering through the window, his gentle sighs conflicting with the storm of fear raging within me. For a fleeting moment, the tranquil sight of him, ensconced in the innocence of sleep, offered a brief respite from my rising dread.

But that solace shattered when I saw them—those eyes. Glowing red, they burned with an intensity that seemed to draw the very darkness closer, a malevolent fire smouldering from the abyss beneath the bunk. They were not just eyes but windows to a realm of malevolence, a testament to a sinister force that mocked the sanctity of our home. In their gaze, I felt the presence of an ancient evil, a force so fundamentally corrupt it seemed to warp the very fabric of reality around us.

The air around me thickened, charged with an ominous energy that seemed to pulsate with the rhythm of my escalating fear. Those eyes held me captive, their glow a beacon of malevolence that pierced the veil between worlds, challenging the very essence of what I believed to be true and just. I was ensnared, unable to look away from their infernal scrutiny, each moment stretching into eternity as the darkness around me seemed to pulse in unison with my racing heartbeat.

Silence enveloped me, a profound absence of sound that felt almost tangible, slicing through my consciousness with an icy precision. It was as if the world had been reduced to this singular confrontation, a duel of wills where time and space lost all meaning. The depths of my soul felt exposed, vulnerable to the insidious whispers that seemed to emanate from those unblinking orbs.

A shiver of absolute terror coursed through me as the eyes began their slow, deliberate approach, their glow intensifying, casting hellish hues of pink and orange that danced like the flames of perdition. They moved with a purpose, an intent so sinister it seemed to strip the warmth from the air, leaving a chill that sank deep into my bones.

My instinct screamed for release, for the salvation of sound in this silent void. I parted my lips, a desperate attempt to shatter the oppressive silence with a cry for help, but found myself ensnared in a silence so profound, so absolute, that it swallowed my voice whole. No scream could penetrate the suffocating embrace of fear that held me, a prisoner to the darkness and the malevolent gaze that promised nothing but oblivion.

As the entity, a spectre born from the night itself, crept forward with an eerie grace that belied its sinister intent, my terror reached new heights. This being, a man shaped from the very essence of darkness, moved without sound, a silence so profound it seemed to swallow the very air. As it rose to its full, menacing stature, the room was devoured by an all-consuming shadow, erasing the boundary between nightmare and reality. Though his form was cloaked in the impenetrable gloom, hints of his physicality suggested a paradox of strength confined within a compact frame, a menacing presence that loomed despite our comparable heights.

Rooted to the spot, I was a prisoner of my own fear, screaming internally with a ferocity that strained every fibre of my being. Yet, no sound broke the oppressive silence; my desperate cries for help were suffocated by the darkness that enveloped me, a darkness so absolute it seemed a tangible force, intent on isolating me from all I held dear.

In this void where light dared not tread, the figure advanced, his arms reaching out from the abyss with an inevitability that was terrifying. The silent screams that twisted my face into a visage of pure horror were witnessed by none. In this moment, I was utterly alone, facing an embodiment of darkness that sought to extinguish the very essence of my being.

But in the depths of despair, a spark of defiance flickered to life within me. The resilience of youth, an often-underestimated force, surged through my veins. Summoning a strength that I hadn't known I possessed, a strength that could rival the resolve of the most hardened warriors, I wrenched myself from the paralysing grip of fear.

With a burst of adrenaline, I turned on my heel, fleeing the nightmare that sought to claim me. My feet pounded the floor as I raced through the door, every step a declaration of my refusal to succumb. I darted down the hallway, driven by a primal instinct to escape, to survive. The front door loomed before me, a gateway between the horror behind and the promise of safety beyond. I grasped the knob, twisting it with a determination that left no room for hesitation, and flung the door wide open, propelled by a momentum born of sheer terror.

The world that greeted me was not the one I expected. Instead of the familiar contours of my neighbourhood, bathed in the comforting glow of streetlights or the soft luminescence of dawn, I was met with an otherworldly spectacle. The moment of hesitation was palpable as the door swung open, revealing a panorama that seemed to exist outside the bounds of normalcy. Technicolor lights danced across my vision, their source obscured, casting ethereal reflections through the stained-glass window of the door. It was a sight both mesmerising and unsettling, a tableau so at odds with the terror I had just fled, yet equally alien. For a fleeting second, I stood at the threshold of the unknown, my heart still racing, as I contemplated the surreal landscape that lay before me.

The sudden transition from the depths of nightmarish fantasy to the stark reality of my room left me disoriented, my pulse racing as if trying to outrun the shadows of my dream. The abrupt end of my descent into fear was marked by the jarring sensation of nearly colliding head-first with the cold, hard glass of my desk. My heart hammered against my ribcage, a loud echo of the terror that had chased me from sleep.

Blinking rapidly, I tried to dispel the last vestiges of the dream, my surroundings gradually coming into focus. The mundane familiarity of my study clashed with the lingering dread, creating a dissonance that buzzed at the edges of my consciousness. It was in this confused state that I noticed the insistent vibration of my phone, the bright display cutting through the dimness of the room. My partner’s name, Jamie Greyson, glowed accusingly from the screen, a beacon of normalcy that I reached for, only to have it slip away as the call ended.

As I fumbled to regain my grip on reality, a small, unfamiliar object tumbled from my hands, its impact against the glass a sharp counterpoint to the muffled world of my recent dream. The sudden appearance of this unknown device momentarily diverted my attention from the missed call and the remnants of my nightmare. It was an oddity, an anachronism in my digital life, resembling a USB stick but with a curious button that hinted at unknown functionalities.

My curiosity piqued, I attempted to manoeuvre for a better look, only to be betrayed by my own clumsiness. The chair, uncooperative in my hasty movements, tipped dangerously, sending the device skittering from my grasp once more. A muttered curse broke the silence as I scrambled to recover it, the minor chaos a welcome distraction from the unsettling echoes of my dream.

As my fingers closed around the device, the cold metal felt alien yet compelling. For a moment, the fear and confusion from my dream and the abrupt wakefulness were replaced by a surge of curiosity. What was this device, and how had it come to be here? The weight of it in my hand, coupled with the unknown purpose of the button, felt like holding a secret yet to be uncovered, a mystery that promised to draw me away from the remnants of my nightmare and into an intrigue of a very different kind.

The brush of my finger against the small button sent a jolt of anticipation through me. The subsequent sudden, sharp pain that lanced through my finger was completely unexpected, transforming my curiosity into shock. I jerked back reflexively, watching in disbelief as a droplet of blood traced a line down my hand, a stark contrast to the sterile, familiar environment of my study. The sensation was so intense, so real, it banished any lingering thoughts that this might still be a dream.

Then, the device in my hand began to warm, an ominous heat that hinted at something beyond ordinary electronics. My astonishment only deepened as it produced a spectacle unlike anything I had ever witnessed. A small orb of light, no larger than a marble, emerged from the device and raced towards the wall, where it exploded in a display of colours so vivid it felt like a breach in the fabric of reality itself. My room, once dominated by the muted tones of books and wood, was now awash with the ethereal glow of a living, moving rainbow. It was as if someone had taken the essence of a dream and splashed it across the walls of my very real, very awake world.

The phenomenon was mesmerising, a swirl of colours that seemed almost alive, painting the room with hues that danced and played across my vision. Compelled by a mixture of awe and a daring kind of curiosity, I stood, my movements hesitant yet drawn irresistibly towards this anomaly. With a cautious skepticism, I launched a pen into the vibrant tableau, half-expecting the normalcy of physics to reclaim its domain and dispel the illusion.

But reality, it seemed, had taken a leave of absence. The pen, rather than rebounding with the expected clatter against plaster, simply vanished, swallowed by the colourful vortex that had claimed my wall. My jaw dropped in disbelief, a silent testament to the shock that gripped me. This was impossible, yet the evidence of my senses could not be denied.

In that moment, fear seemed an inadequate, even irrelevant response. Instead, a wave of anxious excitement surged through me, a thrill at the edge of discovery that overshadowed the inherent danger of the unknown. The colours beckoned, promising wonders or perhaps madness, yet I found myself stepping closer, drawn by the allure of the impossible. The energy emanating from the transformed wall pulsed with an invitation to explore, to leap into the unknown, and I felt an irresistible pull towards whatever lay beyond.

The question ricocheted around my mind, disbelief grappling with the evidence before my eyes. Can this really be happening? The very fabric of reality seemed to bend at the edges of the colourful vortex that had once been my study wall. With each hesitant step closer, the line between possible and impossible blurred, until I stood at the threshold of something entirely beyond my understanding.

My hand, trembling slightly with a mix of fear and anticipation, reached out towards the mesmerising light. The moment my fingertips brushed against the glittering barrier, a surge of energy cascaded through me, electrifying every nerve and igniting a thrill that was both terrifying and exhilarating. It was a confirmation of the impossible made real, a physical connection to the unknown that urged me further.

Compelled by a mix of curiosity and a reckless desire for answers, I gathered my resolve. The air seemed to thicken around me, charged with the anticipation of what was to come. With a deep breath that tasted of both apprehension and determination, I launched myself towards the wall. The action was a leap of faith, a defiance of every law of nature I had ever known.

The transition was seamless, disorientingly so. There was no tunnel, no passage through dimensions or the sensation of movement beyond the mere act of leaping. Yet, when the swirling colours cleared and I found myself bathed in sunlight so bright it was blinding, I knew I had crossed into somewhere wholly other.

The voice that greeted me was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It wasn't heard with my ears but felt within the depths of my mind, a presence that was both invasive and comforting. The words, Welcome to Clivilius, Luke Smith, resonated with a clarity that left no room for doubt. This voice, ethereal and soft, spoke directly to the core of my being, making the air around me seem to hum with the power of the unseen speaker.

In that moment, standing under a sun that was not the sun of my world, hearing a voice that spoke not through air but mind, I was struck by the profound realisation that my understanding of the universe had just expanded beyond the confines of the imaginable. Clivilius. The name echoed in my thoughts, a beacon in this extraordinary reality into which I had so unexpectedly stumbled. The exhilaration that had propelled me through the wall transformed into awe and a burgeoning sense of adventure. Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, the voice in my mind had marked the beginning of something beyond my wildest dreams.

As my eyes acclimated to the blinding luminosity that enveloped this new world, a primal curiosity propelled me forward, guiding my steps towards the pen that had preceded me through the swirling vortex. Its familiar form, now lying incongruously upon the ground of this alien landscape, offered a tangible link to the reality I had so abruptly left behind. Bending down to retrieve it, the action felt grounded, a semblance of normalcy in the midst of the extraordinary. Yet, as I turned the pen in my hands, the sight of my own blood—still fresh, still real—coating it in a scarlet sheen, served as a stark reminder of the surreal journey I had embarked upon.

The question that hovered in my mind, Is this real? seemed almost trivial in the face of the overwhelming evidence before me. The pen, a mundane object from my own world, now acted as a beacon of reality in a place that defied all expectations. Its ordinary appearance belied the extraordinary circumstances, making the surreal, somehow, real.

Compelled by a mix of trepidation and wonder, I tentatively brought the pen to my finger, the action imbued with a significance that belied its simplicity. The moment of contact was fleeting, yet charged with anticipation. Pulling it away, I held my breath, half-expecting the laws of physics to falter, for reality to warp once again at the whims of this mysterious realm.

But there it was—a mark of my existence in this place, a simple blue dot on my fingertip, proof of the tangible, undeniable reality of my situation. The sight of it sent my heart into a frenetic dance, each beat a drumroll that echoed the shock, awe, and burgeoning excitement that surged through me. This was no dream; the pain, the pen, the blood—all of it was as real as the air I now breathed in this unfamiliar world.

I was somewhere else entirely, far removed from the safety and predictability of my own universe. The realisation was both exhilarating and terrifying, a dichotomy that held me in its thrall as I stood there, pen in hand, bloodied finger raised in silent testament to the irrefutable truth of my presence in this unknown land. I was not just a visitor; I was a participant in this extraordinary adventure, a reality that was now mine to explore.

As I took in my surroundings, the reality of where I was hit me with an overwhelming force. The landscape stretched out before me was a tapestry of browns, an endless mosaic of earth tones that spoke of a desolation both beautiful and stark. The hues of yellow and orange that punctuated the scene did little to dispel the overwhelming sense of vast, unending emptiness. The dunes and rolling hills of dust and sand seemed to stretch into infinity, a world devoid of the familiar markers of life and civilisation.

Driven by a blend of desperation and hope, I propelled myself towards the nearest hill. Each step kicked up clouds of dust, the particles shimmering in the air like tiny dancers caught in a beam of light, before settling back into the undisturbed sea of brown and orange that lay behind me. It was a futile gesture, perhaps, but I needed to see if there was anything beyond this barren expanse.

Reaching the crest, I spun in place, my eyes darting from one point on the horizon to another, searching for any hint of life, any indication that this place held more than just endless desert. But there was nothing. Only the relentless expanse of desolation, stretching out in every direction.

The effort, the heat, and the dizzying spin took their toll on me. A profound exhaustion settled over my body, a weight that seemed to press down on me from all sides. I became acutely aware of my own physicality, the rush of blood through my veins becoming a pronounced sensation. It was as if I could track the journey of my blood, feel the warmth it carried spreading throughout my body. That warmth quickly escalated to an uncomfortable heat, enveloping me, sapping my strength and dragging me down into a haze of lethargy.

As the world began to tilt and blur, the realisation that I was about to lose consciousness struck me with a clarity that cut through the fog encroaching on my mind. "Oh, crap," I managed, the words barely a whisper as the ground rushed up to meet me. Collapsing into the soft embrace of the dust, the colours of brown and orange merged into a comforting darkness that wrapped around me, pulling me into its depths as I succumbed to the overwhelming need to sleep, the expansive, silent desert bearing witness to my lone figure against its vast canvas.

Waking from unconsciousness, my eyes snapped open to the vast expanse of a sky so intensely blue it felt like I was seeing colour for the first time. The purity of the azure above me mirrored the sudden clarity slicing through the fog in my mind, a brief interlude of serenity amidst the chaos of this alien world. However, the calm was fleeting, shattered by the harsh reality of my physical state. My chest convulsed with the effort of breathing, each gasp a battle, drawing the hot, dry air of the desert into lungs unprepared for its desiccating embrace. The realisation that I had been unwittingly holding my breath hit me as hard as the ground I had collapsed upon.

The act of coughing felt like a brutal reminder of my fragility in this harsh environment, each convulsion racking my body with pain and reinforcing my resolve to escape. The brief peace I had experienced upon waking now seemed as distant as a mirage, replaced by an urgent need to flee.

Driven by a primal instinct to survive, I staggered to my feet, my gaze locked on the swirling vortex of colours that marked the portal back to my own world. The desert, with its oppressive expanse of nothingness, held no charm for me; every fibre of my being yearned for the familiar, for home. As I plunged back through the kaleidoscopic barrier, the sensation of crossing was as disorienting as it was immediate, a transition from one reality to another with no time to ponder the impossibility of it all.

As my foot made contact with the soft carpet, grounding me in the reality I had so desperately missed, the serene voice that had first greeted me in that other world echoed once again in my consciousness. It was a beacon of sorts, a guiding presence that seemed both alien and intimately familiar.

Remember, it intoned, a single word that held within it an ocean of meaning. I paused, the urgency of my escape giving way to a moment of introspection. Turning to glance back at the portal, I faced not just the physical void I had fled but the metaphysical one it represented—the vast, unknowable expanse of decisions and destinies that Clivilius stood amidst.

"Remember what?" The question slipped from my lips, a whisper lost in the silence of the room. It was more than a query; it was an expression of my bewilderment, a plea for clarity in the face of overwhelming mystery.

The voice's reply was a revelation, a cascade of truths that washed over me with the force of a tidal wave. Billions of decisions from thousands of years are converging. You cannot begin to understand the scale of what it is you are involved in. Every action has an impact. Every decision has consequences. You are a part of this, Luke Smith. Choose wisely. The words resonated within me, a solemn reminder of the interconnectedness of existence, the intricate web of cause and effect that bound every choice, every action to an infinite array of outcomes.

As the final word faded, a profound darkness enveloped the room, plunging me into a physical manifestation of the uncertainty that the voice's message had instilled in me. The darkness was not just an absence of light but a symbol of the unknown paths that lay ahead, the choices I would face, and the weight of their consequences. In that moment, the darkness seemed to hold within it the vast expanse of Clivilius, the billions of decisions, and the echoing admonition to choose wisely. It was a burden, a challenge, and a calling all at once, a pivotal point in the unfolding narrative of my own existence and the unseen, interconnected saga of the universe itself.

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