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Unsolved mystery

In the world of Moonlight miracles

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Unsolved mystery

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I thought I could have some better sleep today, but I was just so wrong. There is something that keeps coming back to me. But why? What did I do so wrong that this keeps coming back to haunt me, taunting me to do something when I'm so helpless in my dreams? 


“ Goodnight Mom. ” I yelled from the open gap between the door before shutting it close. I took the moment to look around my room, smiling to myself that I could finally be alone for some time. Sure living underground wasn't too exciting to live in, but that's how I am. How my tribe is. That's how everyone here lives, far down where no sane being would reside is us, the Phantomwings. I grew used to this lifestyle. It was nice, we were the richest tribe because of our powers, but that doesn't matter now. I was thinking too much about this, I need the rest. “ I need to rest.. hopefully it'll be better this time. ” I murmured to myself, moving towards my bed but a messy notebook lying on my desk caught my eye. It was my old notebook where I wrote what I could do if I left- No. That's stupid and childish. Very childish. “ Come on... I don't have time for this ” I said to myself as I took the blanket and threw it around me. It felt more comfortable than leather surely. And better than nothing to cover myself with. And soon... I drifted away to sleep.


The next morning I knew I was sitting on my bed, knees to my chest and breathing ragged. I was panicking, but I couldn't remember why. Like the thing that caused me to be in this state just faded away from my memory that same moment. A Nightmare... It felt so real for me that I didn't even know what I could do at the moment to calm down, staring blankly at myself as I attempted to calm my breathing. With slow, but affirmative success for my breathing, I slowly uncurled myself from the fetal position and put my hands over my eyes, disappointed that I could've prevented it, but how? 


I took a good look around my room, still the same mess as yesterday.  Was I thinking that something could change things overnight? I must've been wrong. “ If only things weren't so bad. Why had it been me? Out of everyone. ” With a question hanging in the air, I sluggishly dragged myself off the bed and on my feet and headed to exit the room until something... something in me stopped me from going farther. That notebook, I thought to myself and looked around myself to see it still sitting there among the mess. Maybe I can take one last look at it before I go. Today's a big day. Or is it going to be something important? Mother didn't tell me what was going to be at the grand courtyard or whatever it was. I don't care right now. I felt my face changing to a frown as much as I hated to think about going outdoors and going to boring meetings like that. I sighed to myself and turned around wholly and went to sit by the table at the other side of my room. “ Hopefully there's enough time for me to look at this. ” I mumbled to myself. 


As I studied the old, boring notebook I had for a long time. Maybe what, even years and it barely had any signs of being worn out because I practically rarely used it. Why do I even want to look at this? There must be something in here that stopped me from going to see Mother. My time is running out. Just a quick check and I'll go. I thought to myself, humming in annoyance at the thought, and flipped the pages of the item. Just some childish drawings here and there, wait was that a photo? I don't remember putting that there. Puzzled, I pulled the photo from between the pages and examined it with a stern expression. It must've slipped there somehow. Just some scribbles all over it... Wait, that's- just really bad handwriting. “ I hope I can see you again. Please take care of our- … Our what-? I can't read the rest of it, it's all a smudge- ” I was probably just so furious about the blurred text I almost threw the picture away. But then again, it must have two sides. I flipped it around and- I sat there in shock. I couldn't believe what I saw on it. It was my Father there, with us. Me and My Mother, and my baby Brother. “ This must be just some trick, there's no way my Father would ever leave this and for Me. He never liked me, he always Hated me for being so different from others. Why would he ever leave me a photo of himself there? There must be more to this. I need to know the truth behind this myste- ” I was raging at that when I heard my mom yell for my name, I had to go. Now. There was no time for rambling about some old photo in my notebook. I pondered about how it got there, quickly put on the glasses with a golden frame, and rushed out of my room. “ Coming. ” I responded as I tried not to stumble over my legs and arrived. 


“ There you are, my dearie. Ah.. I see you're wearing those. Is something wrong? ” She seemed worried about me but I just shook my head in denial. “ Let's just go. ” I insisted, putting on a scarf from the hanger and followed my Mom wherever she was taking me. She didn't tell me much about him either. Maybe I could ask her? As we walked down the town, I took a brief look around, maybe there would be something intriguing enough to watch, but nothing enough to fit my taste. It was mostly all setting up decorations and the regular busy dragons all around to prepare for the festival, like every year. Not much to see when you're living here your whole life like me. You'll get used to things easily the way they are. But this is my home, just the way it is. 


What kept going through my mind was the image of my family, I couldn’t stop thinking about it as we passed familiar faces, most of which were Mom’s friends and colleagues. I stuck to being close to my Mom as we arrived at the palace. I didn’t like socializing due to how other dragons viewed me. It made me feel awful to the core. 


I barely went outside, and when I did I only went with my Mom. But that was when I was small, a child. It didn’t take us long to arrive at the gates to the palace. Or was I just too distracted to notice how fast the time passed? Maybe. She wanted to introduce me to someone who liked me or whoever from some months ago. I don’t have an interest in dating yet... I was only 17 and thought that maybe it’s better to start when I'm older. It felt rushed a lot. “ We’re here sweetheart. I’ll be with you in a moment, okay? “ She dismissed me with that, I was left alone in a room full of dragons, all noble as my Mother trotted away to meet with the Queen. They were close friends. That was nice at least. Since Dad vanished so suddenly, she hasn’t been doing well at work. Mourning the loss. I didn’t miss him as much as he’s presumed dead. I just think that he’s somewhere out there. As I thought to myself, someone waved their hand in front of my face. I was startled for a moment, blinking. “ Who- “ I started before being shushed by the same hand. “ Shh.. Come on, I have something to show you. “ I was starting to question his actions but I reluctantly followed, growing a little suspicious. “ You must be the daughter of that one dragon the Queen likes so much. It was just a matter of time before you showed up. “ he gestured for me to enter first. The room was pretty dark, purposely dark.  I entered it cautiously, using my night vision to scout for anything suspicious but it was a room full of clothing, robes, and stuff. “ Huh... Weird. What's so special about this room? I never really been here bef- “ he was getting close to me as I was speaking... I could feel it until he gripped my arm, gripping my neck and pushing me onto the wall. I fought back, resisting his grip but he only tightened his hand around my throat, choking me but enough to let me breathe. “ Now... You listen to me. You better obey or I will let everybody know what exactly you are. You know yourself what danger you bring to the tribe with your existence. “ he growled, dropping me to the ground. All I could think of right now was what could I do or how to escape. What could I say or who to turn to? I was so lost.   

“ What is wrong with you? What do you want from me?! “ I yelled but this room was pretty blocked off from any noise coming out. I started to feel that this threat wasn't the first thing that would happen to me. He just smirked, looking down at me as I gasped for breath. “ Look, hon, it's simple. Just do what I say and things will be fine. Nobody needs to find out what happened to your Father. “ I can't believe that he can know something about that awful dragon. I didn't like him already but I couldn't let him get away with this.. On the other hand, he could do awful things. I didn't want Mother to feel more awful than she does now. 

“ I have my eyes on you. And I will know if you've listened or disobeyed ~ “ he laughed a little before hitting me on the head with something I couldn't catch a glimpse of. I passed out, a headache I felt. My limbs are numb and everything is dark. The next thing I knew I was moved somewhere as all the noise was faint for me.

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