
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

In the world of Fabula

Visit Fabula

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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The True Purpose of Cinderella's Dress


A tap alerted Atrobell, the Greatest Fairy Magi-technician, to the bird at her window. Atrobell looked up from the contract she was scowling at to let in the magi-bird, one of her highly sought after commissions in the Underworld. 

"How did this one go?" She played what the bird had recorded, seeing a handsome man scoff at a young lady with long flowing hair. He gave a grin that twisted his face and crossed his arms. The young lady bowed, but the man continued to be arrogant. Then the young lady bent down and wiped his shoe.

"The fifth one so far! There's only so many decent guys left in the kingdom."

Atrobell ripped the contract she was holding to shreds. As she huffed a replica formed in its place. She sighed, leaning inelegantly in her chair, hand to her temple.

Rella, more commonly known as Cinderella by her stepfamily, was the daughter of one of Atrobell's clients. Specifically, the client of the aforementioned contract. In exchange for use and ownership of the secret dimensional space in the forest behind their mansion, Rella's mother asked for Atrobell to look out for Rella until to her marriage to a decent man. Rella was finally of age to marry, but the concept of a decent man was foreign to Atrobell. She figured it was an age-relevant male that had had no business with Atrobell or her associates. 

After a moment of begrudging acceptance that the man must not have been decent if he treated Rella as a maid like her (now) ugly stepfamily did, Atrobell looked across her room to see the latest magi-tech up for the black market. All she needed to do was prepare a suitable demonstration. Something that would show off the special abilities it carries, whilst also clearly stating it was hers. 

She didn't have to wait long. At the end of the day, one of the mice that help Rella clean the mansion found Atrobell and replayed the recording it took of a palace messenger bringing an invitation for the three unmarried daughters living in the mansion. Atrobell tapped her hand on her desk as she stood.

"I don't think that the Prince is an associate of mine. His mother, yes, but not him. Could he be a decent man? But how could that all-too-eager-to-please girl ever catch his eye?" She glanced at the magi-tech blueprints.

"This could work." She grinned, laying out fresh paper to design on.

As the day to the ball drew near, Atrobell couldn't even get a glance at Rella as she brought the fresh blueprints to life. Whilst Rella all too eagerly readied her sisters and did all the household chores. 

"At least I know she's eating well - she's the damn cook!" Atrobell grumbled as she finished off the last of the apple pie Rella gave to the magi-animals she called friends. Now her creation was complete, she needed to see Rella. If only Rella wasn’t treated as a maid by her stepsisters and stepmother Atrobell may have not had the time to tinker with the family’s carriage.

It was only after the stepmother and stepsisters left on their failing carriage that Rella had a moment alone. Atrobell appeared in front of her.

"So, Rella dear, time for your Fairy Godmother makeover. I'm the Fairy Godmother and you're getting the makeover to go to the ball. Don't fret. Don't bother thanking me - it was your mother who asked me many years ago in advance." As she bulldozed her way through the house, pushing Rella to her room, Atrobell sized up Rella's measurements and started getting her changed into suitable undergarments that she wouldn't be too embarrassed to be seen in. 

As Rella's face changed to match her slower processing speed of all the information at her Atrobell continued.

"Now, we have plenty to go through and not much time, so just understand that I'm a great magi-technician - that's magic-user and technological inventor all wrapped up into the amazing me - so we can skip all the boring bits and just get you dressed for the ball." She first spoke about the fantastic dress that would be the talk of the town, just get out by midnight or the magic will run out. Then continued with the  face mask that beautifies a person's facial features, and just for her will render her unnoticeable so her stepfamily doesn't get jealous. 

Finally, Atrobell spoke of the gradient hair colouring that is all the rage in the kingdom now-a-days. This was Atrobell's signature invention that everyone in and associated with the Underworld knew was hers. Thus, she gave Rella the newest, yet to be released version, with varying degrees of blue to match the dress. 

Yes, the dress. Created from the blueprints Atrobell adapted earlier in the week, it would be the greatest spy tech the world has ever seen. At least until Atrobell completes the next big thing…

As Atrobell talked of her products, giving nothing of their true purposes and Underworld fame, she dressed up Rella and prepared her for the ball. Thankfully, Rella had a natural beauty that could be made to easily shine. Though Atrobell also praised herself for hiding supplements into Rella’s food via the magi-animals Rella called friends.

Just before the ball was to start Rella had only managed to insist on wearing her mother's golden shoes before Atrobell nodded, adding a matching golden ribbon to the dress and golden eyeliner.

Then Rella was in front of the ball doors, with the last of Atrobell's words still ringing in her ears, "Try to catch the Prince. He might be the only man left."

Rella walked in with the last crowd before the doors were closed, unsure as to what she should be doing. Neither did many of the ladies there as it was also the first time for many to be invited to a ball, so she chatted and sipped strange flavoured drinks with them. Soon she was loosening up and smiling brightly.

Not long before midnight, it was her turn to be asked by the Prince for a dance. As she'd been watching the previous dances, she was able to mimic the greeting etiquette well. The dance was a simple one, she'd even done it with her animal friends numerous times. 

She smiled brightly, enjoying herself with other humans for the first time in a long time. The Prince appreciated she wasn’t stiff with awkwardness like most girls, nor overly seductive like the rest. But that was all.

Midnight struck. A smirk formed across Atrobell's face as she looked forward to the inflow of business and fame coming her way.

Rella froze as she felt cooler as soon as the at the clocks bell struck, fear flashing through her eyes as she looked down. Her dress had disappeared! She quickly shuffled back from the Prince and hurriedly curtsied. Then she turned and ran, leaving the venue. So embarrassed, she didn't even realise she'd lost one of her shoes until long after she'd left. 


* END CH1 *

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