On the Occasion of a Noble Marriage

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I should not tell thee of my woes,

They are thine also.

I need not tell thee what I know,

Thou knowest also.

Thou know'st more than I of this lady you wed.


Oh tell me not thou hads't no choice,

I know it truly.

And when at night I hear her voice

I'll stand by duly.

Yet love, let me hate her, this lady you'll bed.


For pity's sake explain it not

Nor justify it.

Thou art my lord, not just my love,

I am resignéd.

And I must endure it, my duty tonight.


Oh thou, my lord, an heir must get;

I knew it always.

Yet now thy chambers are my hell,

My pain those hallways.

My duty now, outside our bed

Where first our words of love were said,

To stand and guard the newlyweds.

Night's watch through tear haze.

Oh how will I stand it? My heart is alight.

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