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In the world of Storys of Port Robail

Visit Storys of Port Robail

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This was going to be the most boring summer ever. Gwen looked out of the window of the bus and thought about what was in front of her: a vacation to her weird aunt in the absolut nowhere. She hadn't seen her for about ten years and that was when she came to visit her and her family. Blowing a strand of hair out of her face she thought "Well, there is no turning back now."

Gwen didn't want to go but her parents left her no choice, she needed to find a subject she wants to study in university, at this point she already had a year to think about it. So her parents send her to her aunt, to get her head even, get away from the city and the distractions. Now she was stuck on a bus to Port Robaile, a small town in the south of England on the coast. How was she supposed to find out what she wants to do with her life while being stuck on the edge of nowhere.

During the next three hours she stared out of the window, watching the city disapear. Let's be real, you can't do much on a bus, except listening to music. So that's what she did, or at least what it looked like, in reality she was thinking about the last year.

After she finished school Gwen didn't really know what to do, no real friends, no real hobbys (well drawing, but that didn't count for her parents) and no idea how to go on. So she started working in a bookshop, nothing special mostly stocking shelves and helping customers. During this time the people she knew from school went to university or to study abroad and Gwen began to realise she wasn't close with any of them and it was fine. At least until her parents decided it was time to stop slacking and get a real career, Gwen sighed remembering where she was.

Another hour later the bus arrived on a small market place. The first thing you'd notice is the fountain with a statue in the middle, a woman with a fierce expression, wind blowing through her hair. Gwen went to take a closer look, "Captain Elizabeth Ophelia Griffith, founder of Port Robail" read the plaque. 

"Gwennie" came a shout and Gwen started to smile, she knew exactly whose voice this was and she was right. While turning around she saw Devon, her cousin waving at her.

Devon Corbyn was a tall and fit woman in her mid twenties, thick black hair down to her elbows and light brown skin, like you would see it in south asia. Right now she was also sporting a bright smile while making her way over to hug Gwen. "I'm so happy to see you again, it's been way too long", "Don't be ridiculous, you visited us during the holidays." laughed Gwen, as Devon wrapped her arms around her she could smell the sea, wich was actually normal. Devon studied marine biology, right now she focused on her dissertation, which meant she had to do her own research and although Gwen had no real idea on what topic, she knew it ment her cousin went out to collect samples and data at sea.

"Alright let's get going, Ma's probably already waiting for us and you can tell me what you're doing here on the way. And never say a half year is not a long time again, or I'll visit every week." After letting out a sigh Gwen followed Devon with a slight smile to her car, maybe at least one part of this trip would be fun.

After half an hour and a lot of catching up they arrived at an old cobblestone building with ivy creeping it's way up to the roof and man was it big. There were not only the three floors, but a high wall to both sides as well, it looked guarded. This was not really the house Gwen had imagined, this looked more like one of those houses in books where you move in only to realise it's haunted. She felt a shiver run down her spine, Devon seemed to notice and smirked "The ghost is really nice, he just likes to slam doors or make the lights flicker." "Not funny! How come your mum has such a big house all on her own?" a short pause, "It runs in the family and she's not all alone, one of her friends likes to stay over a lot, at this point they are basically roommates.", there was something in Devons eyes Gwen couldn't quite read. Well, not yet but since she would stay two week she had enough time to find out what Devon was hiding.

Right at that moment the door suddenly swung open and standing in the frame stood a stocky, older woman, with long gray hair, round, golden glasses and a twinkle in her eyes. "There you are dear, I've already cooked tea come in. It's so good to see you again!"

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