
Table of Contents

The Investigation The Spawn The Werewolf The Hunt The Vampire

In the world of Avestra

Visit Avestra

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The Investigation

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Magroño, a small town north known for its cantina. It was the last stop before taking the last day's travel to the capital of Veru. For Gallus, it made it a perfect place to gather information without too much noise from the living. Especially if he wasn't allowed to sustain his powers while on his mission. But the drumbeat from the residents' veins only worsened once he stepped into the cantina. He took a deep breath and shifted the mask that covered his entire face, one side white, and the other black. It was the reason everyone took notice of him no doubt.

The occupants were mainly townsfolk judging by their plain clothing. Some of them wore clothes with dark and muted colors, covered in dirt and sweat from a long day's work. His heightened sense of smell let him know of the latter despite how far he was from them. Others had more vibrant colors, suggesting they were merchants. Evidence to that fact included a few mercenaries who eyed him while keeping their hands near their weapons since he was armed himself. 

He strolled to the bar and set his spear to the side as he sat down. The barkeep, a light-skinned human, walked in front of him. They raised an eyebrow at the mask and Gallus paused before taking his mask off, leaving his hood up. The barkeep looked at the left side of his face and gave a sad smile.

“What can I do for ya, traveler?” He asked Gallus.

“A meal would be good. Information too if you have any?” He beckoned for them to answer.

“Alejandro.” The barkeep answered as Gallus pulled out a pouch and dropped a few copper pieces that clattered on the wooden bar. He took them and asked while pulling a mug from under the counter, “What do you want to know?” Alejandro poured him a drink and handed him a plate of bread as he asked.

“What’s the word around Veru?” The traveler gave a questioning look at the name and continued when he received a nod, “Anything strange going on?”

“Ah. Guess you’re not from around here then. Well, His Highness, Prince Wynvar…”

Gallus munched on a piece of bread while listening to the bartender talk about the current status of the valley. How the lords of western Aerinor were anxious about the rising strength of an empire known as Crystalia in the east. For the past four decades, this empire invaded the west and defended against attacks and raids form the west. Last year, the west formed a massive army and invaded during a rebellion in Crystalia. However, this massive force was destroyed by a smaller force.

Another kingdom had fallen under their banner some time ago and the stress from that and the failed invasion made Prince Wynvar, who was in his late years if Gallus recalled, fall ill. Add depopulation from how many citizens died in the army on top of that. A perfect place for my quarry to thrive.

“Townsfolk from the north probably don't visit as much since they have more work to do. Or maybe that has to do with the weirdness of the seasons.”

Gallus perked up and asked, “What do you mean?”

He watched as Alejandro pulled out a map of Veru and circled an area in the north, near the mountains. Trails went through the region and some connected back to the main road. It was isolated enough to where many wouldn't notice something wrong.

"Some hunters that go up there have been mentioning how dark it's gotten in the area lately. Thing is winter solstice was almost a month ago so it should be getting lighter more."

Gallus frowned and asked, "Are you sure it couldn't be due to the mountains or weather?"

Alejandro shook his head, "No, not from what they told me. Plus, the real strange part is the area stays dark like that all day. As if the sun ain't even there as much." The barkeep frowned. "Hopefully the crops aren't dying or that whole area could starve."

“Anything strange you’ve heard from there besides that?” He asked, putting the map to memory.

Alejandro shrugged, “If you're not from there, the wolves and fog might stand out. Other than that, not much else."

“Interesting… Thank you for the information, Alejandro. Is there a room I can have for the night?”

“Sure, there’s a free one to your right over there for a silver piece.” The barkeep took the silver from him and pointed him over to his room. Alejandro then turned his attention to another customer while Gallus grabbed his mask.

He made sure it fit on his face and stood up, grabbing his spear. After closing the door and setting down his stick again, he sat on the wool covered bed and pulled out a journal and ink pen.

Gallus took a deep breath, closing and opening his eyes once again. The world turned monochrome except for the red silhouettes that lit up the tavern. His hearing honed in on the conversations about the strange north, fueled by the conversation he had.

In elegant Lonavi script, he penned down as much as he could. 

Strange fog has only been around for a week. Target reached region only recently so can’t have fed on too many people yet. Need to deal with quickly before target gains too much power. Bad enough fog appears to be blocking sunlight, negates one of core weaknesses.

Wolves have increased in number and aggression. No killings sighted or reported, steering towards new master? Target could be pushing people towards their location? Must investigate further.

Conclusion: Target located in northern Veru. Let overseer know, rest, and then begin Hunt.

Underlining the last sentence, Gallus sketched the symbol of a nightingale in the top right corner of the right page. The sketch grew from the page, shifting from a flat shape to the actual creature.

“Gallus. Report.” The brown feathered, red eyed bird spoke, looking up at him.

“Rumors from the local populace have pointed me towards a small region in northern Veru near the Vazi mountains. Fog rolling into the region and the wolf population are considered to be normal but I have my doubts. Currently, I have a theory that the fog and the lack of sunlight in the region might be connected.”

“Can you definitively say the target is there?” The bird asked.

“Well, no," he said with hesitation, "but with all signs--”

“Rumors might not be enough to confirm considering these people have never dealt with our kind before.” The bird interrupted him. “It’d be best to investigate first and if you find the target, you will be given instructions on how to deal with them. In the meantime, your restrictions still hold.”

Gallus frowned. “Considering that I might face opposition, would it not be prudent for me to feed in order to defend myself?”

“No. Your punishment for your failure to protect Lord Caerin still stands. You will have to make due with your own willpower. And you know the consequences should you disobey your betters, humble Dhampir.”

He was glad his mask was still on or else the bird would’ve seen him baring his fangs. The nightingale cocked its head to the side which gave Gallus pause as he took a deep breath, calming his feelings on the matter.

“Very well. I shall continue to rely on my own strength for now. Thank you for relaying the House’s thoughts and my words to them.” He waved his hand over the nightingale and it disappeared in a cloud of ink. “And showing me just how far they’re willing to go to get me killed.”

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