Chapter 20 - Rascals and revanges

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Well, we left off with Medulfa giving an untimely lesson to a sphinx, and looking for a way out of the catacombs that crawl beneath the Library of Alexandria. Let's leave her alone for now: her own way out she'll find it. Besides, if you remember the mood we left her in, you'll know it's better to stay away from her for now. 

Let us look at Leonbruna now, for she is the cause of Medulfa's suffering. Well, she and Madalgarius, but I think one of them can be forgiven. The other one was busy admiring herself in a mirror that adorned one of the library's corridors. It was neither ancient nor fey, but Leonbruna knew how to make amusing use of it. 

She stood there, dressed for once: two green, three-quarter-length trousers, held together below the knees by white ribbons; elegant leather sandals, decorated at the ankles with white and green clothes. A white top was held up asymmetrically at the left shoulder. Green clothes around the elbow, two brown leather gloves and a green headscarf. 

She played in front of the mirrors. Sometimes she showed one side, then the other, and each time her appearance changed. While showing her right side she kept her feline appearance, with tail, ears and legs. When she showed her left side, however, she appeared human, using the enchantment that allowed her to pass unnoticed among the common mortals. 

Right, left, right, left... well, I think you have an idea of the personality of this nymph, and it is time for this nymph to learn the personality of our Medulfa. 

It all started with a crack Leonbruna thought she noticed along the mirror. It was smooth, and no matter how Solid was under her touch that silvery surface, she had the feeling that her reflected image might shatter at any moment. 

It must have been a play of light and shadow, she said to herself. Yes, it was! A play of light and shadow, for that mirror was clearly intact. And indeed it was a shadow that sent a shiver down her spine. Long, dark, it stood out like the silhouette of a wolf projected by something behind her that refused to appear on the mirror. 

Leonbruna glanced over her shoulder out of the corner of her eye, almost afraid to look through the mirror by simply moving to the side. Yes, a step to the side and she could have seen what was behind her without turning, but instinct made her want to look straight ahead without turning her head. 

Would it have disappeared if she had not turned her head? Surely she would have had confirmation that it was not an optical illusion if she had looked without using the mirror, and there she was: a wolf with red hair and golden eyes. The she-wolf of Rome, who had come for revenge and was now threatening to smash her head in with a metal torch. 

Medulfa leapt forward, an eerie shadow obscuring her eyes, and brought her improvised mace down on Leonbruna, who recoiled, terrified by the attack and even more terrified by the small crater Medulfa made in the floor. 

"Here kitty kitty..." she said, slapping the floor again to straighten the crooked mace, "...let me pet you." 

Medulfa attacked again, and again Leonbruna dodged to the side, reaching a small table on which lay a dagger and a long sword. She swung in an arc, pulling the sheaths off the blades and hurling them at Medulfa, keeping her away until she was ready to brutally attack. 

Close... Leonbruna wanted to keep her opponent close so that she didn't have the space to swing her mace. She slashed first with one blade, then with the other to keep up pressure. 

Medulfa, on the other hand, wanted to keep her at arm's length, but far away; until she had enough space to hit, smash and spread her opponent on the ground. 

Leonbruna was fast, Medulfa was strong, and neither of them used any particular strategy apart from tactics and experience, until Medulfa jumped back and spread her arms, calling for an attack. 

Leonbruna was surprised for a moment, but perhaps because she smelt a rat, or perhaps because she was used to being the one to tease, she didn't fall into her opponent's trap. She spread her arms as well, inviting Medulfa to attack. 

It was an uncomfortable situation for both of them, because they were least used to letting the other make the first move: one preferred to break things and vent her anger; the other loved to jump around and tire the opponent, but that long, narrow corridor, with no hiding places, did not lend itself to the idea of cooperating with her. So they stayed, watching each other from a distance. 

Both could feel their muscles scream, but they could do nothing to satisfy them because their minds were still waiting for their opponent. 

Move, move! They both thought, but the other didn't move and continued to tease until Medulfa made the first step. Anger boiled inside her and she couldn't sit still, but she didn't fail to outwit her opponent. Sometimes I am surprised by Medulfa too. 

She raised her arms and lunged at her opponent like a brutal beast, but she stopped herself and hurled her improvised club from a distance. Leonbruna raised her arms to protect herself, and when she had both lifted, she found Medulfa pressed against her: a hand on one forearm, one hand on the other. 

Leonbruna smiled, but the smile faded as she saw both of her arms pushed aside by Medulfa's immense strength. Instead, Medulfa's smile was wide as she savoured her prey with her golden eyes. Another mischievous smile from her, and she head-butted Leonbruna to the ground. 

"Now let's see how much you like being a show-off when you're no longer in charge," said Medulfa, grabbing her by the hair and dragging her away from the daggers. 

Leonbruna reopened her eyes and, recovering, grabbed Medulfa and clung to her, spinning together until they collided with a bookcase and fell to the ground. The bookcase swayed and the only thing that kept it from falling was the fact that they both jumped up to prevent it from falling, rather than throwing themselves sideways. 

A strange silence filled the air, then they looked into each other's eyes. 

"You don't mind if we take the fight out of here?" said Leonbruna, indicating the door with her finger. “This doesn’t seemed the best place to fight.” 

Medulfa looked at the door and, suddenly, a snake of green light emerge from Leonbruna’s arm and looked her straight in the eyes. 

"I wasn't planning to hit her from behind..." said Leonbruna, "...fucking green-haired witch." 

Leonbruna accompanied Medulfa to the exit, but not before glancing at a huge book protruding from the bookcase. A memory crowded her mind... 

If there was someone that deserved to act as the model for the statue of a goddess, that was Isengarda. Serious and composed, she looked the incarnation of reason and academic rigour. Her white short hair decorated two curious emerald eyes. 

Feline eyes, feline ears, feline tails on a feline body, she was scrutinizing a pile of documents on her desk with elegant mannerism, when Leonbruna threw a massive book onto the table, making sure the thud was loud and clearly visible, but Isengarda did not flinch in front of it. 

"It seems that the future of the Library of Alexandria is safe again," said Isengarda. 

"Oh, do you really think so?" said Leonbruna, full of soot, excoriations and... oh dear, are that glowing embers burning Leonbruna's left ear? 

"I expected nothing less from you..." said Isengarda, extinguishing the embers that were scorching Leonbruna's feline ear, " for your reward..." 

Isengarda tossed a pitiful bag of coins into the hands of Leonbruna, who looked surprised and disappointed. 

"Huh? Do you have any idea how much it cost me to get that book back? Do you think I burned my ears just to raise the price?" 



"Surely a good deed like saving an entire culture of a world must be rewarding enough." 

"Well..." said Leonbruna, sneaking behind Isengarda's back with a mischievous look and then suddenly grabbing her breasts, "...I was thinking of a reward a little more on the hand." 

A quick movement and Isengarda's robe opened, revealing a beautiful breast waiting to be caressed. 

“Wait! I am busy!” said Isengarda, but Leonbruna wasn’t in the mood of hearing nonsense and said: “Come on! I think that even miss seriousness can take a break once in a while.” 

"Alright, we'll do it your way," said Isengarda, pushing onto the stool a Leonbruna.  

“...♥” (Leonbruna).  

Isengarda got down on her knees and... oh dear, Leonbruna really had a bad influence on her. 

"I guess I'd better check your equipment in person before I send you on another mission..." said Isengarda as she lowered Leonbruna’s trousers, and before she was confronted with a cheerful, action-ready trunk slapping her cheek, "...impetuous as ever, I see." 

Those were the last words she said before she began to please Leonbruna enthusiastically, perhaps too enthusiastically. 

"Hey, hey, hey, slow down. I don't want to collect my reward so soon," said Leonbruna, who was also surprised at how much Isengarda had changed. 

"Very well..." said Isengarda, putting her hand on the table and spreading her legs, " about I give you another mission?" 

"Mission accepted!" said Leonbruna, jumping at the chance to please her beloved and fill the room with moans. 

"How industrious you can be when tempted by the right means..." said Isengarda, "...I must admit. I'm growing rather fond of this way to reward... how about we start accruing interest?" 

Leonbruna felt Isengarda's tail wrap around her trunk. 

"Stop being such a vexacious tease and start collecting your reward," said Isengarda. 

"Well, someone is getting eager to pay his amount..." said Leonbruna, putting on a condom, "...alright then, here you go!" 

Sweet moans filled the air again. 

"You know... I was thinking..." said Leonbruna. 

"Well, that would be a first..." replied Isengarda. 

"Hey! I'm the one who gets to be the insolent one..." said Leonbruna, hugging her, "...anyway, since I'm risking my life for your precious library, I think it's time for us to make a nice kitten together." 

"Since when do you care about children?”  

"Sea and dunes, camels and ship, they can be such unreliable lovers. Maybe it's time to open my little shop here..." said Leonbruna, "...don't tell me you haven't thought about it. Besides, if we had a child, you would be out of danger for good.” 

"Well... maybe in the future..." said Isengarda with new feeling boiling in her heart.  

"Sorry I couldn't hear you over all the moaning. You'll have to speak up!" said Leonbruna trusting harder.  

"I said, I-I..." 

"What was that? Let me move closer so I can hear you better," said Leonbruna before kissing her passionately. 

"Fine! Breed with me!" 

One last moan and they both collapsed on the floor happy and exhausted. 

"Have I fulfilled my mission? I rarely fail on those... as you know personally" said Leonbruna, or at least this is what she says (with perhaps a little too much detail). Isengarda has not confirmed this to me.  

Well, if we want to be nitpicky, she didn't deny it either, but I think you understand Leonbruna's character. Let's give her this moment of glory, since Isengarda doesn't mind, also because what happened next is more important. 

Isengarda was too busy writing to listen to her mate's vaunts. Then she handed her a sheet of paper with a series of figures in money to be obtained.  

"Eh! And where am I supposed to find all this money? And why?" said Leonbruna. 

"I will not allow our child to become an uneducated scoundrel like his father. A sound classical education should prevent such a fate..." said Isengarda, "...I suggest you start procuring the funds as soon as possible. I also think that Madalgarius will be a nice name." 

"W-wait! I was just joking!" 

"My dear, if showing off your virility were an Olympic competition, you'd be the champion..." said Isengarda, "...besides, nobody said anything about making a child soon. Twenty or thirty years should be enough." 

My dear gentlemen, I know what you are thinking. Twenty, thirty years? Isengarda must really be in a hurry, but I assure you it is not how ordinary people think. If they start now, they may still need ten or so years, but it’s unlikely Isengarda wont be pregnant after the tenth year. So twenty or thirty years is not really rushing and... but what am I boring you with? I’m sure your parents have thought you how children are born and that... I mean nowadays anyone knows it doesn’t take a century as some people believes. I guess is possible to take a century if you... work lazily, I mean in not insinuating you may think that nymphs spawn from trees, it would be embarrassing for you, but...  

Anyway, lets go back to our Leonbruna, terrified at the idea of having a child. What if he grew up to be a scoundrel like his father? Did she know how to be a father? Would Isengarda have been disappointed of her? She had more doubts than she had ever had in her life, and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt Isengarda. 

Oh dear, and I was complaining about the bad influence Leonbruna had on Isengarda. Apparently, bad influences works both ways. 

Leonbruna's thoughts returned to the present. 

She and Medulfa moved into the courtyard of the Alexandria Library. They stood two paces away, as the rules dictated, and took up a guard position. With no armour and no real weapon, Medulfa wasn't in the best position. Which fighting style to use? Attack with the first? Play cunning with the second? Or keep at a distance with the third? 

Medulfa moved her left leg so that only one side was exposed to her opponent. Then extended her right arm, pointing the end of the mace at Leonbruna. Third style it would be. 

A small crowd of catizi began to gather around them, far away from the two ladies, but ready to act if Medulfa's victory proved unfair. 

Spinalba stood as judge of the duel and tossed a coin into the air. At the sound of it hitting the ground, the ladies began to dance: one to rejoin her lost Madalgarius, the other to protect what her Isengarda had left behind. 

"You made a big mistake coming here. Nor do you think you can get away with it like Valerina and Lycomans. Those who stick their noses too far into arcane caves end up burning their noses" said Leonbruna. 

Leonbruna sent a lunge that was promptly deflected, but with his second arm he sent a dagger lunge that grazed Medulfa's cheek. Now that she was so exposed, he struck her in the side with the hilt of his dagger, causing her to flinch. 

"I do not know who or what this Valerina and this Lycomans are..." said Medulfa, recovering from the hit, "...nor what they have done to cause you such fear and suspicion. If vaunting about random curiosities on a ship so easily frightened you, then you should give up proclaiming yourself the guardian of things you wish to keep secret," said Medulfa. "Nothing good has ever come from hiding knowledge, and now it is knowledge I need to find my man." 

Despite these words, it was a difficult situation for Medulfa and all she could do was keep herself away from Leonbruna's lunges. There was not much she could do with that disadvantage of armament. 

Blessed be Prometheus and Vulcan, who with fire and forge took the advantage of muscle from the brutes and gave the little ones a chance. Cursed be they now that it is not she who is taking advantage from them. Aesculapius cannot help her and Mars cannot do much in this situation. 

"Oh? And who is this man you are fighting so hard for?" said Leonbruna, laughing and giving another lunge, "Who is this man, this coward, who lets his woman fight for him? What has he promised you to make you so angry? Fame, wealth or eternal love? It is easy for men to promise when it is others who toil and you are here to toil for him, when to fight he should be here for you!" 

Prometheus got me into this mess by cunningly stealing fire from the gods millennia ago, Prometheus cunning will get me out of it thought Medulfa.  

Leonbruna made a lunge, then another and another, aiming for that peach-coloured face and those beautiful golden eyes, until a hand grabbed her blade. A quick flick and Medulfa's mace snapped the sword in two. 

"He is not here to fight for me, for he has asked nothing of me," said Medulfa. "He has promised me nothing, he has told me nothing, he is just a gentle soul who has seen my worth. Shining hero cloaked in red, cunning and crafty fox, fey ring-bearer. He is my Madalgarius, and I will not tolerate insults such as yours." 

At these words, Leonbruna felt swift hands grab her legs and pin her to the ground, while a sledgehammer blow knocked her to the side. Distraught and bleeding, Leonbruna was struck in the stomach, but before she could be struck a third time, she felt her heart beat hard. She threw herself at Medulfa with the force of a beast. 

"Who is this Madalgarius you are talking? What is this ring? How dare you speak that name?!" said Leonbruna. 

"A ring made by twisting the young branches of a golden tree around a ruby. A mere rogue is too petty to touch such beauty, even with your eyes." 

Medulfa struck violently, but Leonbruna did more than dodge: she threw down her weapons and threw herself at Medulfa, grabbing her, scratching at her, and striking with all her might. 

"Liar, liar, liar!" cried the nymph, "That ring, that ring! That name, that name!" but slowly Leonbruna felt her own strength failing her. "If it is him... if it is that name. This mean that I..." 

Leonbruna fell to her knees and Medulfa stopped fighting. 

Tears fell from Leonbruna's face. Thus she spoke: "Isengarda... the ring you worked so hard for. You scolded me when I risked my life to procure that branch for you. You spent sleepless nights learning how to twine it, how to carve the gem, how to imbue it with your magic. After a lifetime of learning how to forge it for yourself, you gave it to Madalgarius.  

Isengarda... the greatest gift you have asked from me, I am taking love away from him," said Leonbruna before looking around. "The Library of Alexandria... you spent so much time rebuilding it, and instead of protecting it, I turned its protectors into wolves.... I am such a scoundrel unworthy of you." 

Medulfa dropped the improvised mace. The battle was over and so this chapter. 

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