Act 1: Epilogue

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Waves pound against the base of the cliff, their consistent crashes a soothing reminder of their sudden change of circumstances.

"Where are we?" Zips chirps from her perch atop a small rock.

"Home," Heri mumbles, clutching his chest and staring towards the thousands of huge trees cast in hues of blue, green, red, and yellow rising high into the sky along the bluff. A single tree towers above the others about a day's travel along the forest paths. Its top glitters with luminescence, appearing like blue stars in the fading light of the day.

"Uhu...," Zips chirps, rolling her eyes and looking to Misxibis who leans against the nearby fallen log, nursing her deep shoulder wound, "...but where?"

"If I'm not mistaken, we're on the east coast now," Charles adds as he watches dark storm clouds mass over the darkening sea.

"Not exactly where we planned," Sephina says, tossing a position to Kalani, who catches it deftly and drinks.

"At least we got what we needed, and dealt with Ezeheli," Tyrvaan grunts, moving around the sparse ramshackle camp, healing his friend's wounds.

"For now, but it isn't over. Ezeheli was just the tip of the spear. Galenten is still out there, and Revin, and with Talkoris gone, whatever plans they have for Sabal are easier to accomplish. We need to get back, and we need to find Talkoris."

"No," Heri whispers, her eyes locked on the gigantic tree. "We need to go there, to see my lady. There is something... wrong."

"And there is this," Tyrvaan says, pulling the amulet from the sheath on his shield. Charles' eyes widen and he pushes himself up, shuffling towards it and taking it in his hand. He combines the new piece with the others and pauses.

"It's... it's not complete. There is one shard missing, but there is so much more here. Give me time and I can decode it, and...," he pauses as he peers into the six facets of the gem, turning it before his eyes. "Oh... by the gods."

"What is it? Treasure?" Zips asks, pushing herself up.

"Don't you have enough?" Zylnan says, rolling his eyes and gesturing at the bags. "You grabbed those, but couldn't get a tent... or a coat, or something? It's freezing here. I never thought I'd miss the desert."

"Gold is just as useful!"

"What, are you gonna sleep on it like a little dragon," Zylnan shoots back. Tyrvaan turns to his friend and growls a warning.

"Leave Zips alone," Misxibis adds. "What is it, Charles?"

"The gem. In its facets... are... things?" Tyrvaan steps up and peers over Charles' shoulder as Zips slips under him and looks up.

"I can't see em?" Zips squeaks.

"Only in three," Charles turns it. "Flame and fire here, and this one is all ice and frozen creatures and... here..."

"It's rabbits!" Zips shouts and Heri's head flicks around.


"Dozens of haregons," Tyrvaan growls. Heri darts towards them, grabbing the amulet from Charles and pressing his eye to it.

"No, no, NO!" he shouts. The tension drains from his body and he falls to his knees, dropping his hands to the ground. Tears form in his eyes, soaking the fur on his face and falling to the long grass.


The words play in Heri's ears like the gentle caress of a summer breeze, unknown to others, and the mark on his wrist begins to burn.

"Your family?" Misxibis asks. Heri nods. "I am sorry." Zips puts her hand on Heri's shoulder and Tyrvaan mutters a prayer.

Die Alone.

The words sound again.

"Oh...," Charles whispers.

"It get worse?" Misxibis asks.

"Much worse."

"Fantastic," Zylnan adds.

"I'll know more when I've deciphered the rest of it, but the words on my shard of the amulet read.

"Walk the path of those before,
collect the hearts of those adored.
Gather life and then its mirror,
fire, ice, zephyr, fissure."

"And?" Misxibis prompts.

"Inside the gem is fire and ice. Are Heri's family's souls life? Was Ezeheli collecting them?" Heri lets out a choking sob as Charles continues.

"Heri's right. We need to find out what's going on here. How this is all connected. How we're all connected." Sephina nods, pushing herself to her feet.

"If you plan on staying, we will find our way back to Sabal. If this is truly Greenleaf, then Luren is to the south. I have contacts there that can get me back." She stands, as does Kalani and the other Purple Hand agent. "I must find Revin and discover what he has done to Talkoris, and find Ignin if he survived." She shoves her hand into a pouch and pulls out two items, tossing them to the nearby Misxibis. "I will keep you appraised of what I find, perhaps it can help you uncover this mystery. The bauble is an orb of sending, of sorts. It can send an image each day. I will write what I discover and send it to you. You can do the same if you wish me to find something for you."

"If... if you hear of Ballen's fate," Tyrvaan grumbles and the others cast their eyes down.

She nods and gestures to the other. "The badge is a purple hand emblem, show it upon entry to Sabal, and I will contact you. Mark me though, this is not over, and should Galenten's plans come to fruition, the stability of the continent will be at peril. You are a part of this now, and he will now know of you. He does not take defeat lightly and you will all be targets. Take care of yourselves" Sephina salutes, as do the others. "Till we meet again." She turns and sets off at a trot, the two agents behind her.

Several moments pass in silence as they watch her leave.

"Well that not good," Misxibis says, pocketing the items.

"No, it is not," Charles mumbles.

"Yay! More adventures means more treasure!" Zipz shouts. All but Heri, turn to the small goblin and shake their heads at the complete misunderstanding in tone.



Thanks for reading and if you've read this far can you please follow the world or like these pages.
If there is further interest I will continue the story into Act II. 

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