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A Villanelle Etiquette & Criterion

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Etiquette & Criterion

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— Hello and greetings, little pathfinder! I am known to many as Maximillian Valentine, or M. Val, and it is my job to give you a warm, affable welcome to the equivocal world of Wonderspire!

    Before we begin, I must give you fair warning, as well as equal encouragement. When following the tale of Ellyse and her marvelous adventures throughout Wonderspire, it is imperative that you, dear wanderer, keep in mind a total of six salient statutes.

One. The people of Wonderspire are not your allies. Not the march hare, nor the hatter. Nor is the dormouse, or the Cheshire cat. Nor the white king, nor the caterpillar nor Time are your allies. You are alone; not even Ellyse is your ally.

Two. An imperfectly shattered mind is just as perfectly shattered as a perfectly perfect mind; no more, no less. Neither, however, truly exist to impress.

Three. Most roses will die, just as people do, when not painted red; rather, a deep blue. If you do not check your roses to make sure they are red during a full moon, you may find there will be an unintended aftermath.

Four. Everything is never as it seems, just as some things are always as they seem, or vice versa, such as apertures or magnitudes. Areameric and sefiotal are favorable in this case. These novelties may be acquired at a tea party, behindhand of the next wisp.

Five. It will do you well to avoid both the King of Hearts and the Knave of Hearts, as well as the Jabberwocky. They will not do you a kindness nor a cruelty, but it is better to keep to yourself regardless of their actions, intentions, or lack thereof.

     Along with this regime, propriety, and aphorism, you must realize that only you have the ability to know what is correct or righteous. It is up to you to make decisions, even if that may not seem to be the approach for most of your time here in Wonderspire.

     You must always trust your very own soul; no one else, nothing else. Not your heart, nor your mind. Emotion can cause your downfall with the strength of the wildest oceans, after all; the strength to drown you in the thoughts that have enraptured, ensnared your mind. Not all is as seems, you yourself must remind; the dreams can be cruel and nightmares kind. Trust not your eyes nor your ears; your soul alone. Be wary of all you can see and can touch as there are quite a few things in this world that you shall decide to question or accept.

     I wish you good fortune, little pathfinder, I truly do. I very much desire that our paths meet once more, but until then, you are free to join Ellyse on her adventure and experience Wonderspire for yourself!

                     Faithfully yours,

                     Faithfully yours,


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