Ch 15 - Tic-Tac-BANG!

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The infiltration event continued as per schedule. Team Lambda was oblivious to the comings and goings of the other teams however as preparations were being made for the following event: objective destruction.

The entirety of the team was busily running back and forth between Mark’s lab and Jesse’s room. The team spent that afternoon moving and mixing various chemicals. Jesse, Michelle, and Emilia saw to the process of transferring the chemicals into various types of ammunition. They finally finished the smaller ammunition and took the rest of the supplies to the firing range. Michelle contacted Bubba-Billy-Joe-Bob on the comm-link and waited for him to bring out some requested materials.

“Well, I got yur stuff. What the hell you need rocket casings for? I already took out all the detonators and stuff like ya asked”. Bubba questioned over the comm-link as Michelle grabbed the cart with the supplies.

“Top secret, and don’t tell anyone about this or you’re gonna have a bad time, got it”? Michelle threatened.

Bubba replied over the comm-link “I might actually be scared if ya could actually move that cart by yourself… buuuut”.

Jesse casually took the handle of the wagon from Michelle’s hands. Javon and David also lent their help and pushed the cart from behind.

“My hands are free now you hillbilly bastard” Michelle groaned over the comm-link.

“Too bad you aint got no clue where I is” Bubba teased.

“Too bad your English sucks” Michelle glared around the room.

“Sticks n stones lil one, sticks and stones” Bubba taunted. Michelle roared and ran around the room, looking for doors or any signs which appears as they might hide a person. Jesse and company merely moved the cart while Allison caught up to Michelle. Allison pacified Michelle with a hug and casually picked her up, carrying her off under her arm.

Allison questioned as she carried Michelle “So, is this plan off yours gonna work”.

“We probably won’t need it, but it never hurts to have a backup plan, or a plan to make everyone else shit their pants. I just want us properly equipped with versatile ammunition. More than the standard stun and smoke rounds at least” Michelle replied. “Oh, you can totally put me down now” she added.

Allison released Michelle and they returned to Mark’s lab.


The squad games continued right on schedule and after the 2 day infiltration event, the objective destruction event began. There were nine identical buildings constructed for the event, each one mile apart, forming a three by three mile square. Team Lambda registered for the even under the condition of using “special heavy explosives” and as one of only 2 teams to do so, were scheduled to be the last team to take the field. As such, the team’s target would be the building in the very center of the cube.

Jesse grinned upon hearing the conditions. “Alright, so we will have free movement since all other teams will be done. It’s safe to assume that after inspections, team Omega will be leading the event with the least evidence remaining”.

“Well yeah, since that’s what they do. It’d be a damn shame if they can’t win this even hands down. We’re the only team that can even hope to match them” Michelle noted. The team sat and watched as explosions occurred sporadically across the field, and as some buildings simply fell, as if touched by an invisible giant hand.

The team looked at what was left of the other buildings. Their designated target was still in-tact, as they had yet to take the field. Team Omega’s was also still in-tact for the same reason. Other buildings were in various states of togetherness, or a lack thereof, but large pieces and various things inside remained. Upon inspection of those buildings, most of the previous seven teams hadn’t done a thorough job.

Jesse watched intently as the field was cleared and 3 members of team omega (including Conrad who was still bandaged from their last encounter) took the field. They moved quickly, scoping out the target and planting unknown explosive charges. After about 4 minutes, the team moved away and an explosion rang out. Moments later, when the smoke cleared, there was a large hole in the ground, and 2 or 3 pieces of what once was a building. Team omega clearly exceeded all other teams, as expected.

Michelle nodded. “I can say this was completely within expectations. Well, now we know the team to beat. You guys ready” she asked the Javon, Emilia, and Jesse. The three of them nodded. Jessica and David answered on the comm-link. “We’re in place too”.

“What the hell are they doing” Javon asked.

“Well, if it’s by Michelle’s order, should be safe enough… I think” Jesse replied.

“Your definition of ‘safe enough’ is scary as fuck” Javon stepped back in fear for a second.

“Anyways, everything is set. We’ve also been cleared for deployment. The clock is ticking. MOVE OUT”!


Javon took a position on the north side of the competition area. He equipped his silencer and took aim after making sure his gun was properly loaded. Jesse proceeded towards team lambda’s designated objective and set his charges, then did a quick lap around the building, firing alternating shots with his dual-pistols. He calmly walked off from the area without any further action.

Javon could be heard over the comm-link “I did as I was told and shot the corners of the buildings on the north side. Why am I doing this again”?

Next was Emilia “I’m in place. Markers are being set… now. South end is done. Also, got the building corners too”.

“David here. My work is done. What about you Jess”?

“I finished 14 seconds ago. You’re so slow” Jessica teased.

“You little shit” David grumbled.

Javon raised an eyebrow from behind the scope of his rifle “Why the fuck are there so many people out here”?

“Don’t worry about it. You ARE clear, right” Jesse questioned.

“Yeah” Javon replied. Numerous notices of team members clearing the area could be heard over the comm-link.

Mark could be heard over the comm-link “Looks like we’re all in safe areas. Jesse, you’re clear to start phase two”.

“I was wondering where the hell he was” Aaron muttered over the comm-link.

“He’s being more useful than you” Jessica muttered.

“Oh… shots fired” David laughed.

“Nope, detonators triggered…” Jesse followed as he pushed a small button on a remote. Seconds later, there were numerous small explosions around eight of the buildings (not included team omega’s target). The remnants of the buildings, most of which should’ve been destroyed, fell to pieces into piles. Team lambda’s target, which was previously untouched, fell apart as if it were a dismantled box, folded upon itself.

Javon kept looking from the scope “What the fuck? Were we aiming for points by finishing the other team’s leavings? Why not just take out ours and be done with it”?

“Stop whining” Michelle groaned over the comm-link. “Clear for phase three”.

“What the fuck is phase three” Aaron asked.

“Better question. Everyone but Aaron seems involved in this. Where the hell is Allison”? David muttered.
“Twelve seconds out. Took me a bit to get the controls and set everything up in the cockpit” Allison’s voice could be heard over the comm-link. “You guys set the markers right”?

“All clear. Do your thing” Michelle replied.

“Alright”! Along with the sound of Allison’s voice over the comm-link, the sound of a helicopter could be heard fast-approaching. At a low altitude, Allison was flying just above trees, and just under radar. She fired 2 volleys of missiles. Putting a deliberate pause between them. The sets of missiles found their ways towards the 9 set markers and landed with a considerably small explosion, leaving the remains of the missiles stuck in the debris.

“All yours Jesse” Allison shouted over the comm-link.

“BIG BADA BOOM” Jesse shouted as he hit the button on the remote again. This time, 9 considerably larger explosion rocked the areal, sending dirt and rocks flying. Allison struggled to hold the helicopter steady as she pulled away from the explosion. After the blast cleared, she took an image from above. The nine smoldering craters let no room for discussion. All the buildings were thoroughly destroyed, the only traces being the gaping holes in the ground.

Team omega came in second. No other team was worth mentioning. And no one bothered to question who the winner was.

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