
In the world of Team Lambda

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3 - An Offer She Couldn't Refuse

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Mom's spaghetti...



[Wednesday, May 11, 2163 - 01:50]

[Burundi > Transactiance Outpost 3 > Detention Block 2]

Emilia finished recounting the story to Allison, excluding mission parameters and her internal monologues. She also didn't bother elaborating on the seized tech that was churlishly thrown in the box beside Allison's 'quarters'.

Allison, as the sole audience member, was incredulous at Jesse's actions. "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?! If it weren't a Founders' Day, you'd be dead by now! Your deaths are your fault, Jesse!"

Jesse, tired of being picked on, deserving as he may have been, grumbled the question, "The hell is a Founders' Day?"

Allison shrugged, "It's supposedly the birthday of one of the agency founders. They say the founders don't want to deal with extra paperwork or reports of executions on their birthdays at least, so it isn't allowed. It happens a few times a year, one for each founder. I suppose come tomorrow, you're as good as dead."

Emilia glanced at Allison, "So, we have almost a full 24 hours to not get attached. Might be hard. I kinda already like you."

Allison raised an eyebrow, "Uhm, thanks? I guess the company is nice."

Emilia thought about her duckie hairclip, the one they hadn't taken, and leaned her back against Jesse's cell. Jesse repeated the action, leaning against her cell as well. It wasn't necessary, but Emilia had opted to reduce the range and power consumption of her transmitter. She heard a beep and then another. "So, got a plan, or do I need to get us out of this mess?"

While awaiting Jesse's response, she observed Allison, who pulled out a tablet and was watching YallTube. Allison chucked at the back-and-forth commentary of a pair of home chefs who decided to start their own channel. "Do you guys watch Cocoa-Baguette?" She asked them.

Jesse and Emilia both turned and looked at Allison, then at the tablet, and then at each other.

In their shared headspace, they both thought in unison "Bingo!"

The pair started to act, their thoughts aligning like a well-rehearsed play. "Alright Jesse, I'll leave outside communication to you. I'll keep her entertained since she already seems to like me, more than you at least."

"Fine. I'll link up with Rinoa and discuss our options. I'll ping again once we have a plan."

Emilia turned her attention to Allison before replying in thought, "Alright." There was a beep signaling a disconnect immediately afterward. She then responded, vocally, to Allison. "Oh, I love that channel! You know, I've met one of them..."

[Wednesday, May 11, 2163 - 01:58]

[Burundi > Transactiance Outpost 3 > Detention Block 2]

Allison and Emilia's gazes remained transfixed on the tablet. The end of the video approached as the dark-skinned host said "Tune in next time when we'll make "The Reckoning", our first attempt at a burger we thought up that'll really bring the heat."

The other voice followed, a man with a bit of a French accent, "And if you have not, don't forget to subscribe!" The pair high-fived and the video cut to credits and acknowledgments.

Jesse pinged back to reestablish the connection. "Rinoa can get us out, minimal casualties. We just need to make a break for the 3 kilometers to the plane."

"I know it's a stealth aircraft, but still, 3 kilometers? I guess it can't be helped. We're basically right on top of them and their radar still couldn't see us." Emilia signed inwardly, wondering how they were going to make it. They did go through the motor pool, but managing to hijack a truck without getting turned into the human equivalent of Swiss cheese would pose quite a high hurdle. "Jesse... I'm going to try something as stupid as you did earlier. I won't bring any of it up if you go along with this."

Jesse looked over at Emilia and silently gulped "I know that look Emi. I don't like that look, Emi! What are you planning, Emi?!" The volume of his thoughts rose higher with each sentence and it was all Emilia could do to not burst into laughter. She mentally lowered his volume and glanced back at the screen of Allison's tablet. "Oh? Hard-Boiled Biscuits? Good band, I met one of them too!"

"Oh, you lucky bitch! You've got to tell me about them, and the guys from Cocao-Baguette too!"

Emilia grinned, "Sure, but I have questions too. I'd rather not die, but if I must, I'd rather know what's up with the tarp. Why do you live down here?"

Jesse sat, trying to figure out his partner's plan while watching Allison's face darken. "Entirely too much sexual harassment. None of it went too far, but it happened, and with enough frequency to make me feel... unsafe. There aren't many women at this location, and those that are generally come and go enough to not be bothered. I got groped, ogled, and given menial or impossible assignments. Anything that could undervalue me, so I complained. The response was my very own set of jail keys, and having my stuff delivered to my new room."

"That's... fucked up" Jesse muttered. "I'd shoot 'em for you, but these bars and my lack of guns kinda prevent that."

Allison smiled wryly, "I appreciate the sentiment, but there's no way in hell I can let you out. Even if I wanted to, the aftermath would be more than I could manage. They did this to me after I complained. Imagine if I actually fucked up and you escaped."

Realization struck Jesse and he tried to ping Emilia. She declined, instead, opting to continue the conversation. "What if you were kidnapped?"

Allison smirked, turning into her room and retrieving the keys, which she twirled on her finger. "Yeah, not likely as long as I have these. Also, unless you have some sort of super awesome stealth plane, I don't think you're going to be able to escape.

Emilia finally let Jesse's connection through, just in time to hear a "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!" Emilia merely grinned. "Look, you don't like it here. If you had one shot, one opportunity, to leave, would you take it?"

Allison nodded emphatically "Mom's spaghetti.. I mean, without hesitation, but you should know as well as I do that one does not simply get out of this sort of life." She turned away and looked at her room. "I wish I could walk out of here and never look back."

Emilia chucked, "I didn't say shit about walking. I was thinking maybe driving."

"My truck is nearly out of actual gasoline. That's how they kept me from leaving. Once that tank runs out, the little feeling of freedom in have is gone with it."

Jesse's voice rang in Emilia's head, "We have two minutes."

Emilia took a deep breath. "Alright, I'll level with you. We can get you out. You coming?"

Allison gave them a sideways stare, "...And how, exactly, do you plan to do that?"

Emilia raised her left arm and pointed her index finger at Jesse's chest. Allison was sure she saw the tip open, but it was too odd to believe. The silenced sound of a firearm followed, and that was followed by Jesse's scream of pain.

"You didn't have to fucking shoot me!"

"You're fine, you baby. It's not like they took the armor." Emilia stuck out her tongue and then turned her finger pistol on Allison, smiling all the while. "You have three choices. Number one: let us out and come with us. Number two: We kill you here and let ourselves out. Number three: we get out, one way or another, and you resist. You somehow live and are stuck here. I shouldn't need to explain that the last situation is the worst of the three. You have 30 seconds to decide."

Allison's knees shook and her breath caught in her throat. She was at gunpoint, which was honestly nothing new, but the smile, paralleled by the very real threat of death was absolutely stupifying.

Emilia threw her a lifeline, "Look, Thorne, I REALLY don't want to kill you. I can even take you to meet those guys from the show and the band. Just come with us. The worst that could happen then is death. There really isn't a good option where you live and don't come with us..., is there?"

[Wednesday, May 11, 2163 - 02:09]

[Burundi > Transactiance Outpost 3 > Detention Block 2]

Allison moved without thinking. She unlocked Emilia's cell door first, then, while still at finger-point, unlocked Jesse's. She stepped aside while they reequipped themselves with their carelessly handled belongings. Once they were done, which took all of six seconds, Allison found herself being escorted by Emilia. "You have enough gas in your truck for a short ride, right? Is it parked in the motor pool outside?" Emilia pressed her hollow finger into Allison's spine. Allison whimpered in affirmation to the question. Emilia nodded, still smiling, though the smile did not meet her eyes. "Good, then unlock the door to the room, and go to your truck as naturally as possible. Do anything unnatural and I shoot."

She complied with the directions, swiftly unlocking the door and checking her surroundings. She spotted her truck and walked at a brisk pace, slowing down as she got closer. Emilia followed nearly directly behind, continuously ducking behind vehicles. Jesse lagged a few steps back, seemingly delayed by something. 

Emilia noticed the rows of vehicles in pristine condition and wondered just how far they would have to go before they'd be able to easily acquire one. Her dismay was evident when they reached the edge of the parking lot. Allison stopped in front of her truck and motioned that it was hers. Emilia and Jesse crouched beside it, out of sight of the nearby guards atop the walls. 

One of the guards noticed her and spoke up, "A bit late for a drive, ain't it?"

She shrugged, "They talked my ear off. I needed to step out for a minute. That an issue?"

"Nah, still surprised you have gas though."

Her face contorted in anger, "That bastard..." She gulped and swallowed her anger. Both Emilia and Jesse could sense the oddity in the man's words. Allison continued. "I have enough for a short drive. I'll be back soon. Might even bring you a sandwich if you open the gate for me without any hassle."

"Oh? Alright. Open it up!" The gate slowly began to open, and seconds later, the guards screamed as projectiles rocketed toward the sides of the gate, making impact with the ground and shaking the surroundings.

"Now!" Emilia shouted, and Allison jumped into the truck. Emilia and Jesse ran to the other side to get in. Emilia paused upon looking at the manual gear shift in the center console "Damn, who hates you so much? I didn't even know they still made those! Guess you're driving. Put these on and follow the arrows." She removed Jesse's glasses and put them on Allison, who'd turned on the truck and was already heading out of the gate. As she sped past the shocked, yet uninjured soldiers, she shouted back "SUCK IT, PAUL!"

They sped along the dirt road for some tens of meters until the arrows indicated for them to leave it. The path was bumpy, filled with shrubs, bushes, and small fallen trees. The trio was shaken violently as the single headlight rose and fell with the curvature of the ground, and any parts that were not fully secured were ejected from the vehicle. The passenger-side rearview mirror was torn off by a branch, and Allison could see several sets of headlights gaining on them through the remaining interior mirror before that too, fell to the dashboard.

Moments later, gunshots could be heard, and bullets whizzed by overhead. Some hit the back of the truck, and one hit a tire, forcing Allison to fight for control. Jesse turned and knocked out the rear window, pointing his pistols, glowing with blue LED lights, at their pursuers. He fired, twice, twice, whatever came after thrice, and the number of vehicles chasing them reduced in turn.

"500 meters!" Emilia shouted as they bounced along the terrain which was obviously not suitable for their set of wheels. The remaining two vehicles were still gaining, and their accuracy was starting to improve. Allison gasped as she saw what looked like the interior of a plane appearing from the darkness. Emilia shouted, "Drive in there!"

Easier said than done. The back wheels had been shot out and merely moving was already a tall order. The truck coasted into the cargo bay and the door started to raise, as Emilia jumped out and started shooting an actual gun instead of her finger.

"Rinoa, emergency takeoff," came Jesse's order. Instead of an answer, they felt the increased pull of gravity and the sound of some much heavier guns being fired. It seemed that Rinoa had already taken them being pursued into account, though they were too busy trying not to get shot to notice that the engines were already running.

Allison sighed in relief as she reflexively engaged the parking brake, though that relief was short-lived, as she was prompted to remove herself from the truck by Emilia, who was now back to pointing her finger. Exiting reviewed two small gun turrets in the cargo area also pointed at her.

Emilia smiled cheerfully and shouted, "Welcome to team Lambda!"

Jesse buried his face in the palm of one of his hands and shook his head. "And here I thought my idea was the bad one..."

Allison sat slack-jawed, "...Lambda? You mean that letter that nobody gives a shit about? Fuuuuuuck!" Her perception of time for the next few minutes slowed, remembering only bits and pieces of those next few moments.


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