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Chapter 10: Return of the Princess

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Chapter 10: Return of the Princess

I remember running amok some bullies one day. The convoy had become something like a moving city, and just like any city, there were gangs. I was a teenager then, and like many teenage boys, I had a completely irrational sense of pride in my own abilities. So I thought I’d pick a fight with the meanest, toughest gang I could find. They would have beaten me to death if my father hadn’t shown up. When the fighting was done, he looked at me with those eyes that could cow a bear and he said something I’ll never forget. “There is a time to run and there is a time to fight. If you do choose to fight, always remember that overconfidence can be even more detrimental than cowardice.”

Crouching next to Ryan with violet eyes riddled with resolve and concern was none other than the silver-haired princess that he had met in the woods on the Elven colony five years ago. Or at least, he had thought she was a princess when he first saw her because of the way she dressed. This girl was one of the main reasons that he had wanted to become an Elemental in the first place.

She’s got the look, thought Ryan as he noted the sorrowful expression of this more mature Éclair. The look of someone who’s lost their innocence … someone who’s survived tragedy. I’d know that face anywhere. It’s the same face I see in my own reflection.

Though the years had changed her a great deal, it only added to her graceful figure and the elegant authority of her presence. Éclair’s silver, gray hair had grown even longer since the last time they met, straight and flowing like a waterfall over her back. Her face hadn’t changed that much with its angular shape and high cheekbones. She was tall … still taller than Ryan in fact, but not by much. Éclair had nearly grown into womanhood in the years of her absence with her straight back and narrow features. And though Ryan honestly tried not to look, he found his eyes briefly scanning the area anyway.

Since I saw her last, she’s gotten a pair of some really huge … uh … boots! She’s got huge boots! That’s all I was going to say! Honest! I swear I wasn’t looking at anything else!

It wasn’t an inaccurate description. Éclair wore long, silver boots with high heels similar to riding boots that went nearly up to her knees over white trousers. Glowing blue symbols shaped like roses had been etched into her silver boots. Silver wristbands with glowing blue runes had also been fashioned over her arms for protection. One of the wristbands had a readout on it, probably fashioned as a wrist communicator often sported by the military. She had on a long, light-blue coat with a single line on the right shoulder over a tight, white suit of armor that glowed with the same light as her wristbands and showed off just a bit of her well-endowed bosom. A lion and a dragon were etched into the breastplate, both sitting proudly on all fours. A pale quiver with white arrows hung on her belt, though Ryan didn’t see a bow on her, which perplexed him.

Éclair regarded Ryan quizzically, as if he were a specimen needing examination. “Are you okay?”

The only thing Ryan managed to get out was, “Nuh.”

Éclair seemed more concerned now. “Did that mercenary hit you with a hallucinogen?”

“Nuh,” he repeated dumbly.

“Okay. Now you’re starting to worry me.”

Why is she acting like this? Doesn’t she recognize me?

Ryan started to say her name when tall, dark, and stupidly handsome dude decided to appear and mess everything up. “Éclair, are you okay? I lost sight of you there for a moment.”

Éclair beamed at the guy with a face that could only be described as puppy love. “I appreciate it, Leon, but I’m more than capable of handling a few ruffians. You know I am.”

Ruffians! Those dudes were meaner than a wet Werecat!

Ryan wanted to say something, but the brown-haired girl showed up and started jabbering. “Well, well. So she ices some schmuck’s hand, and all of sudden, my little sister is a master and no longer the greenest member on the team. Will wonders never cease? Guess we can tell grandma to cancel her training.”

Wait a minute … sister! Éclair has a sister!

Éclair turned on the girl with what Ryan could only describe as venom. “Please don’t patronize me, Rachel,” said Éclair tensely. “I’m just as capable as you and Leon. I’ve already proven that.”

Amazing how someone so pretty and kind could appear so terrifying at the same time.

Before the girl named Rachel could respond, Leon interjected. “Yes, you’re right. In fact, it would taste a lie to say that I’d still be alive if it weren’t for you, Éclair.”

            Éclair looked away and Ryan realized with horror that she was blushing at his compliment.

Ryan decided that he did not like Leon. Who does this guy think he is? The nerdy equivalent of James Bond, or something!

So many things happened at once that Ryan wanted to scream in frustration. Éclair had become an Elemental, and a powerful one at that judging from the ice thingy that she just did. Some bratty girl named Rachel was apparently her sister and they had some kind of female rivalry thing going on. Éclair had goo-goo eyes for a guy who looked more like some aristocratic snob rather than an Elemental. And worst of all, Éclair behaved like she didn’t even remember her time with Ryan.

Maybe she’s faking it. Maybe she’s embarrassed to admit that she knows me because I’m a half-breed! No, it can’t be. That doesn’t sound like Éclair at all. But if not that, then why?

Ryan just couldn't help himself. He glared directly at Leon and said in a not-too-friendly voice, “Who the heck are you supposed to be?”

Leon turned on Ryan with his black eyes. It gave Ryan a shaky feeling in his bones that felt somewhat familiar. “I’m just the man who saved your life. Those mercenaries eat amateurs like you for breakfast.” 

“I didn’t ask for your help, four-eyes,” said Ryan, not even close to backing down. “I was just about to bust those ropes and open a can of whoop-ass on those turds when you butted in.”

Leon turned to Éclair with an expression of disbelief. “Can you believe this kid? He just awakens his powers after what, fifteen years, and already he thinks he’s the Prime Minister of Elemency.”

This guy’s asking for it,

“I don’t know what that means, but I’m guessing it’s some kind of insult.”

This time, Leon seemed even more intimidating as he leaned close to Ryan and said quietly, “Listen, Grunt. I don’t waste my time insulting little specks like you who are nothing but talk.”

Before Ryan had a chance to say anything else, Hannah sat up groggily. Ryan immediately went to her side to offer support, but she just shook her head for him to back off. She seemed better than she had before, but Ryan wondered if she was just putting on a strong face; either way, he knew that he had to get her some help and fast.

Leon's eyes widened in alarm as he seemed to recognize her. “You are-”

            “I wish to speak to your superior. Please signal for him to come out.”

            Éclair and Rachel looked at each other like they wanted to object, but Leon held up his hand to silence their concerns. And then, he made a circling motion with his index finger. Out of the shadows materialized a bald man wearing the same red and gold uniform. It appeared as if he hid inside the pavement itself, but Ryan thought that he might have imagined it.

Then again, I’ve seen stranger things.

The older man, probably mid to late thirties, had a grim face. But even he paled in comparison to the presence of Hannah Lioness, who seemed mad enough to spit fire. Offhandedly, Ryan wondered if she could. The man nodded his head towards Hannah in a sign of respect. Ryan felt his curiosity for Hannah's identity elevate exponentially. Even so, he despised being out of the loop like this. It always seemed that when cool stuff happened, Ryan spent most of the time wondering what the heck was going on.

The man spoke in a gruff voice with forced politeness. “Captain Zax, Third Level Fire Elemental, at your service, Lady Lioness. I have been assigned as escort for Squad 99 during this mission.”

Hannah glared at the man in obvious displeasure. “A Third and a few Firsts sent on a mission like this one? Kaves must be getting sloppy.”

A quick bout of anger flashed through Éclair's violet eyes as she clenched her fists until they cracked. Leave it to Éclair to remain defiant of the scariest woman alive.

Before Éclair could say anything, her older female comrade interrupted. “Leon and I are both Seconds. The only First is this one here. But don’t worry, she’s housetrained … at least that’s what I’m told.”

Hannah glanced at Éclair as if she were a piece of gum under her shoe. All of the sudden, Ryan felt himself getting angry at the way this Rachel-girl would just dismiss Éclair, like she didn't even matter. A sort of treatment he himself found all too familiar.

And then Zax addressed Hannah again. “The girl needed more experience out in the field. That’s why we brought her along. She’s proven herself on a number of occasions, so there’s no need to concern yourself with her.”

“It goes against protocol to bring in amateurs on a mission involving anti-element hunters, no matter how gifted,” said Hannah. “She should not be here. Those were professional mercenaries, equipped and trained to capture or kill Elementals of at least level two status or lower.”

Éclair lowered her head suddenly seeming very timid as she realized that she was being scrutinized. Ryan thought it strange how she could be bold as a lion one minute, then frightened as a lamb the next.

Ryan had taken all he could take. Bad enough that Hannah got herself mixed up in all this somehow, but now she joined in belittling Éclair. Even if they had met only once many years ago, Ryan still considered Éclair his friend. “That’s enough,” said Ryan loudly. “I may not know what’s going on here, but Éclair saved my life. She’s just as capable as any Elemental, so stop picking on her! Now, would it be convenient to tell the guy who just shot fire out of his hands and feet for the first time in his life what the hell is going on around here!”

They all stared at Ryan like one would a mental case, even Éclair, which didn’t help to bolster his confidence. Ryan felt sheepish all of the sudden. “Sorry for cussing, but it’s the only way for people to take you seriously … at least in the holomovies. But seriously, what just happened?”

Only Hannah smiled sympathetically. “Of course, Ryan. I apologize. This must be very confusing for you. I’ll explain everything just as soon as-”

“Actually, I think I’d better be the one to explain things to the brat,” said a new voice that Ryan didn't recognize.

The most impressive figure yet stepped forward. He stood six feet tall with slightly graying short dark hair. He had one brown eye and a cybernetic eye that glowed a deep shade of orange light. The man sported a perfectly pointed goatee that looked sharp as a knife. His gnarled face had a single scar that went down the same side as his cybernetic eye. And as if to add to his intimidating appearance, the guy had a voice so gruff and grinding that it could turn Black Dragons to stone.

Everything about the man’s bearing bespoke of military superiority, from his well-tailored red uniform raked with medals, to the long cape of pure gold except for red symbols at the center that represented the Ministry of Fire. Ryan soon realized with a deep sense of both excitement and dread who this man was. 

“You’re Eramar Razor the Demon Slayer, the Elemental who single-handedly won the battle for the sixth moon of Talvon V,” said Ryan as if in a trance.

Ryan had always known that the Elementals were real, but just seeing one of their greatest warriors stand before him made the stories seem tangible at last. A slight whimper of excitement escaped Ryan's lips as he stood face-to-face with one of his childhood heroes. Somehow, the legends he’d grown up hearing about had finally come to life.

            Eramar did not smile. Ryan immediately wished he could take back his words. He suspected that this man hardly ever smiled. The legendary Elemental perceived Ryan with his one good eye that somehow managed to be more disconcerting than his cybernetic one. It almost seemed that the man reasoned whether he thought it a good idea to incinerate Ryan where he stood; either that or he had a bad case of constipation.

“It wasn’t singlehandedly,” started Eramar without letting up on his cold stare for a single second. “I just did what I had to in order to live, and to make sure that my men had a chance to live too. Now then, you’re Ryan Uruks, son of Richard Uruks?”

            Ryan thought his question somewhat stupid since these people obviously already knew him. “Well, I guess … I mean who else can I be?”

            Eramar frowned as if Ryan had just failed some sort of test. “A man should know his legacy and respect that legacy,” explained Eramar slowly as if speaking to a two-year-old. “Otherwise, you really don’t know who you are, and that makes you nobody.”

            Ryan opened his mouth, stunned. He quickly bit down the urge to punch his former hero in the balls, but the intrigue at Eramar's meaning stayed his hand. “What the heck is that supposed to mean, squinty?” asked Ryan indignantly.

            Instead of answering, Eramar turned to Zax. “Did he really ignite the water?”

 “Yes sir,” responded Zax immediately. “That’s why I sent for you, sir. I’ve never seen anything like it in all my years at the Ministry of Fire.”

            Wait, that’s what’s got these guys worked up. That was nothing. It didn’t even work that well. What about freakin' demonic flames shooting from my fingernails? Man, these guys are weird!

            Eramar leveled his penetrating gaze in Ryan's direction yet again. “Tell me, boy. Do you want to know who you are, or at least where you come from?”

            “What are you talking about?”

            Eramar sighed. “You don’t strike me as the bright type, so I’ll use simpler terms. There are billions and trillions of sentient lifeforms that call this universe home. We, the Elementals, are the gatekeepers of all life in the universe; acting as both a mediator between humans and the alien races, as well as a deterrent for unbalance in the universe.”


            “Chaos, kid,” Eramar said, as grim as ever. “Forces that seek to destroy the order of society, whether because of racism, greed, religion, or just for the heck of it in some cases.” At the last part, Eramar seemed to tense up, as if haunted by the memory of a ghost from his past. “You just made fire out of thin air. And more than that, you taught yourself how to control it.”

He paused and rubbed his goatee as if considering his words carefully. “To a certain extent, at least. Although your technique is crude and unrefined; plus your control over your psions is below amateurish. We can work on that … I think … given that you aren’t nearly as dumb as you appear.”  

            “Ignoring the jibe,” said Ryan in annoyance. “But just to clarify, do you want me to train to become an Elemental?”

            Eramar threw his hands up in frustration. “Ding, ding, ding! That’s kind of the whole point, kid. That’s what we do. We look for people who manifest Elemency, either because they inherited it, or they’re just unnatural freaks of nature. Hmm, nature; that’s funny.” Yet he did not laugh, or even crack a smile.

            Before Ryan could respond to Eramar, Hannah suddenly stepped between them. “This boy is under my protection, Razor. The Ministry of Fire has no jurisdiction here.”

            Hannah usually had a commanding presence that made other people uncomfortable, but Eramar didn’t even blink when she confronted him. “Good to see you too, Hannah. It’s been a while.”

            “Don’t try to change the subject,” she replied.

Eramar’s posture became more rigid. “Very well, then. I’ll get right to it. We would have come to him sooner, except the brat didn’t manifest any powers. A late bloomer like his father. As you know, it’s forbidden to approach a child until proof of their Elemency is irrevocable. That’s the only reason we let you tag along with this boy despite the fact that you’re infringing on Ministry of Fire territory. And look what happened because of that. Some high roller hears you’re in town hanging out with this kid and decides to bump the both of you off. If we hadn’t been keeping an eye on you, those paid bounty hunters would have succeeded.”

            Hannah seemed unfazed by Eramar’s stern speech. “Nice timing by the way. Were you counting on the boy and I to take them all by ourselves, or did you hope that they might put me out of your misery so you could claim him without a fuss?”

            Eramar ignored her quip. “The point is, Hannah, that despite everything you may have done for us in the past, as long as he remains within our jurisdiction of District 8, we simply cannot allow you to take the boy to the Monastery. At least, not yet. Not until he has learned more.”

            Hannah smiled triumphantly. “Well then. It’s a good thing that the law is quite clear in that if an initiate has come of age, which Ryan has, then he must choose for himself which path he would follow. Even though Ryan has no legal guardians, you can’t just induct him into the Ministry without his consent. Not you or even the Minister of Fire herself can change that. The ancient laws cannot be questioned.”

“I know that, Hannah,” said Eramar a tad more softly. “But there is no law that says we cannot give him the offer.”

            Eramar directed his attention at Ryan, who shifted uncomfortably on the ground. Eramar knelt down to Ryan's eye-level and put a hand to his shoulder, speaking in a gentler tone. “Look, kid. I’m not going to lie to you. We don’t have all the answers. And the answers we do have, you may not like. Elemency is not for the faint of heart. It’s a hard life … harder than you can imagine.”

“Okay, that’s encouraging,” said Ryan ironically. Despite his gruff mannerisms towards him, Ryan felt that Eramar didn't really hate him; he was just wary.

“But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. If you’ve ever looked up into the stars and wondered what mysteries life had hidden; if you want to be a part of those great mysteries … to discover them and help mold them … if you want to know yourself better than you ever have before, then we can help you get there.

“We can show you all the wonders and the horrors that this life has to offer in all its many glories … in all its variety and shades of color. We can teach you to help shape those wonders; to hold them in your hands and decide for yourself what they mean, not what some bureaucrat or salesman would have you believe.

“To see the marvels of this universe with your own eyes and make your own judgements; that is the essence of Elemency … the very reason that the Ministries were founded. Elemency is seeking answers of what you see in the essence of nature, and more than that, helping to shape that nature for the betterment of yourself and those around you. Basically, secrets of the universe, kid.” Eramar winked with his good eye, which diminished Ryan’s fears somewhat.

            Ryan stood transfixed by this obnoxious and strangely likable old cyclops. Ryan had never heard anyone talk about Elemency like that, except maybe his dad. All his life, Ryan had dreamt of what it'd be like to become an Elemental. To help influence the forces of good and chaos in this universe … ideals so vast beyond imagination. To seek the answers he so desired, namely, why does Ryan Uruks exist? Is there any purpose for him to pursue? Anything he can do so that people know him for who he is and not just as Ryan Uruks the half-breed or Ryan Uruks the screw-up? He almost laughed at himself for a sudden realization that he just had. In other words, could he leave behind his own legacy?

            “We’ll give you time for your answer,” Eramar said. “This is not something that you should decide lightly. If you want this, you’re going to have to want it more than anything in your life. You need to think long and hard on what you wish your future to be. I can’t decide for you, neither can Lady Lioness. You, Ryan Uruks, hold the keys to your future. The only question is, which door will you choose?”

            Ryan blinked and Eramar vanished. He had seen that happen a lot to protagonists in many different dramas, but it still disconcerted him. Strange that it somehow happened when Ryan stared right at the man. It made him wonder if Eramar had even been there in the first place. With shock, Ryan realized that Éclair, Leon, Rachel, and that other guy gathered behind him. He had quite forgotten the name of the older fellow. Éclair, Leon, and Rachel seemed utterly shocked as they observed Ryan with newfound interest.

            Ryan fidgeted at their staring and said, “What?”

            Leon spoke first. “That was Eramar the Demon Slayer, an Elemental Wielder on the Council of Fire. He never does recruitments himself … ever.”

            The older bald man stepped forward. What's this guy's name again? Dick, or something.

What’s-his-face cleared his throat to command attention. “Alright, we’re heading out. Local law enforcement is on the way to clear these guys up and to pick up the trail of any hunters who may have escaped. And then there’s the matter of their cover to deal with.”

            Ryan decided to take this opportunity to get some answers. “Their cover?”

            Leon answered in a voice that reeked of contempt. “The bounty hunters were using the local gang, the Preservers, as a cover to hide their identities from the authorities.”

            Ryan heard someone groan as Shaver Creed stirred while curled up on the ground. “I’m not a criminal, mum,” said Shaver with his eyes still closed, obviously a bit punch-drunk. “I’m a radical. There’s a difference.”

            First Shaver focused on Ryan, and then on the other Elementals standing over him. “Have I died and gone to hell?”

            What’s-his-name picked up the cringing Shaver by his shirt. “Not yet, bub. But close enough.” What’s-his-name did something strange; he started sniffing Shaver like a dog. “I smell enhancement drugs on this trash … Elementally based ones too.”

“Enhancements,” repeated Ryan in astonishment. “So that explains how he did ‘Konan the Barbarian’ on me! Wait, how can you smell that?”

            “Could he have stolen them along with the Psionic Knife?” asked Éclair in concern, ignoring Ryan’s question.

            Leon shook his head. “Very unlikely. All Elemental products are jealously guarded by the Ministries, allowing zero possibility for Non-Elemental tampering. Besides, I doubt this piece of crap could rob a drugstore properly. I don’t know where he got a Psionic Knife laced with Electric Iron, but there’s no way a wretch like him pulled off a heist like that, especially not from the Lightning Ministry. They’re way too paranoid. I’m guessing those mercs supplied him with the weapon and the enhancements.”

            Ryan decided to try regaining a little face, and maybe one up on Leon and sound important in front of Éclair. “Those guys were influencing Shaver and his gang to come for us. They practically threw rooster head here at me. When I beat him up, they said that then and only then did they have orders to take me alive.”

            “Could it be some kind of recruitment,” responded Éclair to Ryan’s input.

            What’s-his-name spoke first. “We’ll know soon enough. Won’t we, Creed?”

            Shaver paled as he yelled out, “I want a bloody lawyer! I know my rights! You Element freaks can’t do this to-”

Ryan punched him in the mouth, knocking him unconscious. Amazing how Shaver used to seem so scary to Ryan, and now he was nothing. Be that as it may, Ryan’s fist still felt like his hand had just punched concrete, but he tried not to show it.

            Leon seemed to approve as he nodded enthusiastically. “Decent right cross, Grunt. Maybe there’s hope for you yet.”

            Ryan was unsure why, but he felt himself emboldened by the compliment. Even though he had already decided that he disliked Leon, the guy didn’t seem too bad all the time.

Leon turned to Éclair. “It’s time we were off. Let us know if anything out of the ordinary happens, and a full squad will teleport here within seconds.”

Éclair came to attention. “Don’t worry, sir. I know my duty. With any luck, maybe we can get him to orientation so he won’t have to wait a full year before training starts.”


Leon leaned forward and spoke softly, “I’ll meet you back at the Ministry when your assignment’s done. Why don’t you try to fill in some of the blanks for the Grunt?”

The ‘Grunt’ has a name you know, thought Ryan, reminded of why he didn’t like Leon.

            Éclair smiled that same breathtaking smile she used in the woods with Ryan, only this time she did it for that son-of-a-jerk named Leon. “I won’t be long.”

            Ryan wanted to gag himself, and curiously, Rachel looked like she did too. Ryan then understood why he felt so much tension between the two heroines earlier. Leon and Rachel leapt away into the darkness with what’s-his-name, leaving Ryan alone staring into the violet eyes of Éclair. His heartbeat sounded like the drummer of a rock band as it started beating at a million miles per hour.

Okay! So maybe she has a thing for Leon. That doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, right?! That doesn’t mean she doesn’t remember me.

Before Ryan could speak, Éclair cut him off. “I just want you to know, I think it was a very brave thing you did for Hannah,” she said. Ryan feared his discomfiture might make him turn purple as she brushed a strand of her hair back elegantly. “A little stupid, but brave nonetheless. I’d like to officially introduce myself. I’m Éclair Kaves.” She held out her hand to shake.

            Ryan froze with dread. She doesn’t remember. All this time I’ve remembered her, and she never gave me a second thought. I was never anything more to her than a strange boy she met in the woods and then forgot.

Ryan knew that he was being stupid and overdramatic, but the knowledge of Éclair's indifference to him felt like a dagger to his heart. She couldn't even remember him, and yet she herself had been one of the biggest reasons that fueled his dream of becoming an Elemental in the first place. It just about broke Ryan's heart, an occurrence that had become too frequent for him. 

Éclair seemed to sense Ryan’s distress. “Is something wrong, Ryan?”

Right then and there, Ryan made a pact with himself. He vowed to play dumb and pretend that he had never met Éclair until she remembered him on her own. He knew that it may seem silly, but his pride wouldn’t allow for anything else.

And then, as if coming out of a dream, Ryan remembered what Éclair had said when she introduced herself, and he realized that something was off. “Wait a second. Did you say your name was Kaves?”

I could have sworn she told me a different last name when we first met!

Éclair’s eyes suddenly flashed with alarm. “Yes, of course I did. Why do you ask?”

For some reason, Ryan didn’t have an answer. He somehow got the feeling that her last name shouldn't be Kaves. But when he tried to remember, his mind went blank. Ryan decided that he must’ve imagined the whole affair. “Oh, nothing. Pleased to meet you, Éclair. I’m Ryan Uruks, son of Richard Uruks.” He took her hand in his own, and for the moment, they just stood there shaking.

Éclair grinned awkwardly before saying, “You can stop shaking my hand now.”

“Oh, right,” started Ryan as he let go, slightly flustered. “I was shaking your hand for too long and it was awkward. I was awkward. I’m sorry, I’m just making it more awkward, aren’t I? I tend to ramble when I’m embarrassed.”

Éclair seemed to relax a little. “Ryan, I know all this may seem a bit overwhelming to you. Trust me, I’ve been there; but I promise that I won’t let anything happen to you as long as I’m your protector.”

Ryan’s heart skipped a beat … again. “You’re my protector.”

Éclair nodded. “New Elementals that have just awakened their abilities are often targeted by humans and aliens alike, as you might’ve noticed. Sometimes, even other Elementals from rival Ministries are responsible. I’ve been assigned to protect you until you make your decision.”       

Ryan thought that he might as well gather as much information as possible while he had the chance. “So, what happens if I choose not to become an Elemental?”

“Your powers are suppressed, and you will be relocated to another portion of the Empire; probably off of Tarrus since most Elemental hunts begin here.”

Ryan frowned incredulously. “Suppressed?”

            Éclair nodded. “Unauthorized Elementals are too dangerous to society to go unhindered with their powers unchecked. It doesn’t hurt or anything, you just get an injection that suppresses all the energized psions in your body and reverts them to their normal phase so that you will be unable to use Elemental techniques for the rest of your life. You would be normal.”

            Ryan almost laughed out loud. Yeah, right! As normal as a half-breed can get!

            Instead of voicing his complaints, Ryan decided to ask a different question. “What are these psion things you guys keep talking about? I mean, I know of psionic energy. It’s the main source of fuel in the galaxy, but you guys make it sound like there are psions in my body.”

            Éclair smiled a knowing smile, her mirth beautiful to behold. “There are some things that are better left for you to learn if and when you make it to the Ministry.”

            Now Ryan decided to ask the question that had plagued his mind since he inhaled that blue gas. Truthfully, it was a question he'd pondered since his parents' demise. “Do you know who would want to kill me and why?”

            Éclair seemed genuinely sympathetic as she explained, “That I cannot tell you, because I truthfully do not know. I know those bounty hunters were targeting you, and possibly Hannah Lioness as well; but I can’t tell you why or who hired them. You probably know that the Elementals have many … many enemies in the universe. More so than most humans because we have to deal with external alien threats as well as internal human threats.

“It could be someone that just wanted to prevent you from joining the Ministry. Alien/human children are usually the offspring of Elementals since Elementals are the humans that have the most contact with the alien races. But that doesn’t mean that they always develop Elemental powers. In fact, for you to develop your powers now rather than in younger years is extremely rare. However, I can tell you with certainty that we will get to the bottom of this. We’ve been doing this job a very long time, and in case you haven’t noticed, we are quite accomplished at it.”

Got that right! These kids made grown mercenaries look like pushovers.

            Ryan doubted that Éclair knew anything about his parents, so he didn’t ask. Ryan decided that if anyone knew anything, it had to be Hannah Lioness.

            Ryan soon realized that Hannah was nowhere to be seen. “Hey! Where did Auntie Hannah go?”

            Éclair motioned towards the hotel and said, “I think I saw Lady Lioness heading back to the hotel after Eramar left. How did you ever meet a woman like her anyway?”

            For some reason, Ryan got offended. “What do you mean ‘a woman like her’?”

            Éclair lifted her hands apologetically. “I didn’t mean anything by it, Ryan. It’s just that I’ve heard some rumors about the name, that’s all. She seems like a courageous woman, though.”

            “What kind of rumors have you heard?” asked Ryan, his curiosity peaked.

            “Only that she was once part of the Ministry of Fire, an Elemental of great stature … but then one day she resigned and joined some religious order,” explained Éclair. “I never knew why she left, only that she did. She has maintained a limited amount of contact with the Ministry since then, but she is for the most part unaffiliated.”

Well, that is vaguely unhelpful, thought Ryan in frustration.

Although he had to admit that he didn’t find it the least bit surprising that Hannah had once been an Elemental, seeing as how she seemed to know everything. What happened to make her leave, and why couldn't she use her powers anymore?

            “I need to go up there and talk to her,” said Ryan. “What does that mean for you as my protector?”

            Éclair patted him on the shoulder reassuringly. “Go ahead, I’ll be around. There’s nothing to worry about. I’ll be seeing you, but you won’t see me. Rest assured that as long as you’re in my care, not even a blood-sucking fly will get close enough for you to swat it. Just remember, when you have decided on what your answer is going to be, come and see me so that I may inform my superiors.”

Ryan could tell that she meant it, and he found it very reassuring, even though he didn't know how she could watch him without him seeing her. Must be an Elemental thing.

“Before you go, mind telling me what that orientation thing is that you mentioned?”

Éclair hesitated, putting her arms behind her and rubbing her hands together. “That’s … classified. I can’t tell you anything more until you’ve made your decision. All the same, if you do want to be an Elemental, you should probably decide soon.”


“Just trust me.” Éclair turned to leave, but then said, “Oh,” and ran back to Ryan’s side like she’d forgotten something.

Éclair brought out a strange medallion with three symbols on it. One symbol was a dragon that walked on all fours, one was a normal lion, and in the center was a roaring fire. From what Ryan could tell, the golden medallion was solid with no technological holographic features. But when Ryan held it in his hand, it felt warm, and Ryan saw that the figures on it moved slightly.

The lion and the dragon followed each other around the fire and made complicated motions that Ryan knew couldn’t be prerecorded. Then they looked up at him and began pawing the edge at the front of the medallion, almost as if an invisible wall separated him from them. The fire even glowed and moved like a real flame and Ryan felt a tangible warmth emanating from it. The medallion reminded Ryan of the toy that his mother had given him for his birthday. Ryan remembered painfully how he’d never seen his gift again after that day.

“What is this thing, and what technology do they use to get the figures to move like that?”

Éclair laughed with her sweet voice, and for a moment, Ryan was in little teenage heaven. “It’s the symbol of the Ministry of Fire, and as far as I know, there is no technology to make them move like that … at least none that humans know of.” She smiled her I-know-more-crap-than-you smile.

Ryan felt confused again, a feeling he’d grown all too accustomed to. Why did he have to be the only one always out of the loop? Maybe he was cursed by some kind of Elemental ignorance jinx, or something. Despite how stupid he would sound for asking, Ryan started, “Then how-”

Éclair shushed him with a finger to his lips.

It always annoyed him when people did that. Even when the things he wanted to say were obvious, he still wanted to hear himself say them.

Éclair lightly removed her finger from Ryan’s mouth to trace it along the medallion’s edge. “The medallions are made from a special metal forged by the Dwarves. The Dwarves know more about how to use Elemency for craft than humans ever will. Just keep that with you at all times, and if you decide that you want to be an Elemental, speak the words to the medallion and it will summon me.

“It’s used for other things as well, but I think it would be best to explain that stuff after you decide to join or not. Remember, you must keep that medallion with you at all times.” Éclair spoke the words dramatically, almost like his life depended on it, so Ryan just nodded timidly until she seemed satisfied.

            As Éclair turned to leave, Ryan thought he would try one more thing to jog her memory. “Éclair!” She turned to him curiously. “Butterbarts!” It was all he could think to say to remind her of their time together. 

Éclair stared at Ryan with an unreadable expression for a few minutes, and then she said, “You’re a very strange child, Ryan Uruks. We’d best be keeping an eye on you.” And with that she jumped so high that Ryan lost sight of her. 

Damn! Blew it again! Alas … fate is cruel!

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