
Table of Contents

Chapter 1

System Takeover 2
Ongoing 1151 Words

Chapter 1

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The world was ending and not in the melodramatic sense. More in the "The earth is splitting apart" sense.

Sara was out, looking after some of the horses, when it happened. The road riped open infront of her bike, a dark wall wall of smoke shooting from the ground. The crack expanded meeting up with others in the distance. When she was surrounded by the black smoke wall the shaking began. The newly formed platfrom arose into the air, the distance from the ground finally allowing Sara to see anything beyond her sky island. The sight robbed her breath.

As far as the eye could see guisers of black smoke dotted the landscap, each one holding up a island of rock, riped straight form the surface. Over time more and bigger islands joined in, eventually the was no ground left. Her mind refused to process the state of the world.

That is when she was teleported away.

At first, Sara did not register the change in environment. One moment, the world was ending, and the next, she was sitting in a comfortable chair. The room had the vibe of a homely office. A goliath of a man sat on a chair similar to Sara's, only scaled up to fit him.

The man's most striking feature beyond his height was his skin color, a red that seemed both vibrant and natural at the same time. He wore a white business suit with a black tie. His eyes were soft and inviting on his symmetrical face.

"Finished gawking?"

The man's voice was warm, like a sunny spring afternoon breeze. His tone of amusement made Sara's ears burn with embarrassment.

"Do you want anything? Coffee, tea, maybe just water?"

"Water is fine."

"Suit yourself, I say. I am Ulrat by the way." Two cups materialize out of nowhere. One holds water, the other an opaque gold liquid.

"Well, now that the pleasantries are over, let us get down to business. Earth is gone."

The statement flowed over Sara. No, Shit. That much was obvious to Sara even before she arrived here. If that cataclysm continued as it had, there would be no way for the Earth to survive.

"Good. I see you have a decent enough grasp of the situation. You would not believe how many humans I had to argue with until this point. You see, I am a god. A minor one, but a god nonetheless."

"Your world was destroyed due to mismanagement. It kept accumulating miasma until it popped. The guys upstairs felt bad for humanity. They will relocate you to a new planet in our universe. We actually have a way of dealing with miasma. And that leads me to the next topic. You."

He took a deep gulp from his beverage.

"You see, the way we deal with miasma is slightly complicated. We need people to do the job, and not everyone is cut out for it. I am speaking about becoming a dungeon."

"Dungeons absorb ambient miasma and recycle it into mana. They also control the local monster population, serve as training grounds, and as resource sources. Those additional functions were added over time due to complicated history that should not matter to you."

"Important is that a dungeon must defend itself form both monsters and people, with lethal force. They can not let themselves be bogged down with the morality of killing for the greater good. It takes a special kind of crazy to manage a dungeon."

Sara looked offended. She was not crazy. She was as normal as they came. Sure, she was slightly introverted. But that is not unusual at all.

"You are deluding yourself. I will admit you are highly functional, but underneath, your mind just works differently. We looked into everyone's past. Not caring about other humans is part of your nature. When your mother died, you could not bring yourself to feel sad. Yet you loved her and still do."

"Do not understand me wrong. We do not want genocidal maniacs to do this job. But people who will not hesitate to do what is right for the world."

"And why would I accept this job?" she asked.

"Oh, you have no choice. This is just a formality. With the influx of eight billion humans, we will need to add about 25 thousand dungeons to the world, accounting for expected fatalities on both sides."

"But I understand you need as much help as you can get so I will give you a small boon. Tell me something that you want to have. I will place you somewhere close to where you can find it."

"Well, I do not know much beyond what I learned in high school and farm work. Could you drop me off near some horses? I know how to tame a wild horse at least."

The man got an amused smile on his lips. Like he knew something she did not.

"Can do. Make sure not to die."

With this she was engulfed in a golden light and wisped away from the room.

Now alone the god let out a hearty laugh. He knew it would be a while until that now former human could ride a horse.

Sara was surrounded by utter darkness. She only saw a floating screen with some text on it.

Dungeon System Initialised.

Welcome new user [Sara Weber].

Congratualtion you have been granted the Skill [Dungeon Magic Lv 1] as a starting boon.

New quest available, claim teretory by using the [Create Domain Anchor] spell.

Ulrat had not told her about a system. Did he not consider that Earth humans had no such thing? Well, no time like the present. She readied herself and did a mental stumble. How did she cast a s...

Before the thought even left her head she just knew. Just think about casting the spell and it will work. Without any pomp she did just that.

"Coat the world in lacquer.
For only i am the comander
of reallity.
Manifest sanctity
[Create Domain Anchor]"

Cast spell [Create Domain Anchor]

Please waite 25 minutes for the anchor to materialise

Time cralled by inside the void. Sara lost all sense of time. When finally:

Finished creation of [Low Quality Domain Anchor].

Your Energy Cap has increased by 50 points.

Quest complete: Create one Domain Anchor [1/1].

Quest Reward awarded: 20% Experience to the next level.

With the message's arrival her world lid up.

Looking around, all she could see was a field of grass with ocasional rocks and boulders lying around.

Sara tried to look down at her body but realised that all she could see was a white and orange fist sized rock slightly covered by grass.

"No. Ohhhh FUUUCK."

Name: Sara Weber
Dungeon Name: N/A
Species: Dungeon Heart

Level: 1 (25%)
Integrity: 100%
Energy: 50/50

Dungeon-Spell List
Claim Monster, Create Domain Anchor

Skill List
Dungeon Magic Lv 1

Claim one monster [0/1]

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