
In the world of Kingsmaker

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(Pale) Sewer Rat (2/4)

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"Have you heard already, where we will board next week? Rex'toll, the capital city of Do'oshmi. Feathers en masse. Been a while since we had some avian booty to please."

"Sure thing friendo. I am especially looking forward to hanging out with all my pals again. We have already planned out the three land days for a lovely time full of plum greatness."

Pale was already waiting for 10 minutes for the northern elevator to stop at the 2nd city level allowing him to descend to the ground level. Huge and slow elevators formerly used to allow the crew to elevate the military flight crafts, who got stored and maintained in the ship's belly, up to the launching platforms.

Gemenskap was a city founded by the demigod of Space Vapor, built in the massive bellow of his former flagship 'Leviathan'. Upon reflecting on his behaviour as a mortal before ascending to mechanical godhood, he desired a change. The fallen military aircraft Leviathan, was a tool of mass destruction, he commanded as a mortal. A ship that got feared by the whole world for its unparallel firepower and aerial superiority, Vapor intended to use for redemption. 

1000 years ago, Vapor reclaimed the wreck of Etherium's faded glory out of the deep ocean and rebuilt it from scratch into the civil airship housing the neutral and beloved city of freedom and trade Gemenskap. The enormous belly of the airship got therefore turned into a city built on four levels. Originating from the metal walls of the former storage room or spread like flowers around the massive vertical beams supporting the Leviathan's integrity. Artificial sunlight and cunning edge technology simulating a clear sky at day rendered this mobile city into a blooming retreat for those wanting to start anew up here or in a different country. And with time passed Vapor's baby developed into the secret tip for many exotic goods it is known and loved for today.

In the Stardistrict one can find nearly every ingredient one could lusts after. Be it rare cocoa beans from Squa'osa or the highly potent and unique herbs of Nemthi; if you search for it, you can find it. Cooks and Alchemists from around the world refill their stockpile, whenever the Airship boards nearby.

And the Moondistrict. . .the world-famous bordello district is a beloved place to visit for exquisite fun without any boundaries, and that with nearly every species present on Prius. A deviant place unlike anything found on Prius with sex being performed in open and public and that casually. The lack of prudence from the denizen of Gemenskap is fascinating and alienating at the same time for visitors.

Listening to conversations around him waiting for the arrival of the platform as he did, Pale's thoughts derived into planning the Shade's next moves. Deep in thoughts, he fondled at his coral goatee.

Ahh, the Avains' turn is approaching. Seems like I will have to stock up the more unusual cocktail ingredients these plumed bundles of compassion crave so much. What do I need? Wormwood? Crushed mealworm? Does my apple wine suffice? Vestla will surely be excited to be the centre of attention of tons of uniquely formed dicks. . .I should think about restricting the orgies to certain areas of the Shade. The last time we nearly drowned in countless wings blocking our walking paths, rendering serving the patrons impossible. Hmm. . .

The sudden deep 'clink' of the massive elevator locking in on the second level pulled Pale back into reality. Quickly he checked one last time the presence of the knapsack containing everything needed to aid the Kobold he desired to rescue from her ugly fate.

A faint grin ran across his scaled face when entering the house-sized elevator room, witnessing what was hanging currently in mid-air over their all heads screaming soundly and happily. Pale immediately recognized the Arachnid' special webbing art.

Perfect. A random show for our pleasure while waiting for our exit. It is always a lovely sight, seeing an Arcadian Arachnid fooling around with those valiant enough to turn the mating act into a miraculous show of gravity-defying pleasure. An act I kinda wanna be a part of as well, if not for my more than poorly built stomach. Better reside to enjoying Utleda's show instead of being up there myself puking all over the witnesses ruining everybody's day. I think I even know this particular girl. . .

The dance between Utleda and an athletically built Jackal, who was surely just a random fan she just picked up, was coming slowly to a head. Woven closely to the Arachnid's chest, the Jackal ground slowly her dripping wet slit as love juices started to rain down at the mesmerized voyeurs stunned by the lewd performance. Pale leant back and watched smiling as the canines balls began to pulsate in the beat of the inaudible music of their lust. He dipped his finger into a droplet, that landed on his shoulder and gave the spider's nectar a taste. The sweet and familiar taste reminding of honey and grapes pleasured his palatal causing him to fall into a silent humming tuning in into the imaginative choir in his head. Pale however shook his head immediately after trying to not give in to the weak aphrodisiac poison within her juices. But the grin of his got even wider spotting pairings of people failing to resist giving in to the lewd act with those next to them. 

A good performance is crucial to ignite passion. And Utleda of the 'Arcadian Emporium' is a champ in that case. I would have loved to recruit her for the Shade, but my Pub was sadly not built large enough to support her craft. It's a true shame because her performance up there was more than enough to forget my current worries for a moment. . .Oh! Ground-level is approaching I recon. The gears are slowing down as does the creamy performance in the ceiling. 

The pair in the sky had now started passionately caressing each other's chest when the elevator finally came to a halt. A mechanical voice imitating the low and mighty voice of their patron god Vapor announced to the passengers, that they were now arriving on the lowest level. 

The ground level is a beauty for itself. The presence of actual ground rather than massive platforms actually allow for some below ground structures. Real cellars, not such free-hanging structures like my wine cellar. All in all a much less industrially inspired building style with large scale parks and rivers. Such an idyllic level of Gemenskap.

Pale stepped out of the elevator immediately turning right, ignoring the vast green grove in front of him. Today he was not searching for beauty and idyll. His goal was still to find the sewer entrance Byta gave him the coordinates for before him leaving the pub. He, however, allowed him a brief moment to admire the view above him. Like a jungle, the city bloomed above him, spread out like leaves from the pillars, who got repurposed as anchor points for the more exclusive spots of the city. It felt like living under the blue clear sky, but Pale knew that the ceiling got built to emulate that feeling with tech and magic intended to get rid of the crippling feeling of living in a tin can roaming through the skies. That whole place was a feat of international industrial and arcane knowledge that came together to develop the 11th wonder of the world.

Pale took a deep breath and his admiring face retreated to make way for seriousness. He still wasn't down here for sightseeing purposes, tho he had to admit that he never visited the sewers before. . .and frankly Pale hoped that he could skip scavenging these places finding the Kobold quickly.

A few minutes had passed, and Pale finally let the grove behind him. The laughter and sounds of pleasure from that place made way for the business the most important people of Gemenskap were undergoing to keep the city in its lighthearted state. The outskirts of the industrial districts occupying most of the remaining space on the massive aircraft. Entrances towards the industrial districts coating Gemenskap keeping water, electricity and the very ship afloat and in working order. Pale walked over to a human canal worker bent over a bunch of important-looking papers spread out on makeshift tables in front of his. Pale greeted him with all the formality he was able to scrape together, earning an amused smile, teeth blinking out of his imposing beard:

"Have I heard of a Kobold living in the canals, you ask, stranger? Maybe. . .maybe not. It does depend on what you want to do with the information, Mer. Elaborate."

Pale felt an odd hostile aura going out from the canal worker. He clearly knew about her but was not eager to tell it to strangers. Pale took the knapsack containing medication, food and water and showed it to the human:

"Excuse me, fine man, if I appear untrustworthy of that enquiry. I got wind of that rumour from one of my co-workers and couldn't think of anything but attempting to get her out of that grim fate. As a canal worker, you surely have heard of these grim stories of Runaways illegally boarding this ship, getting lost, hiding away in the sewers, and dying a horrifying death. I am by no means part of any legal office trying to get that Kobold out of our city but rather would attempt to offer her recuperating and setting foot in our beautiful town. Or whatever she desires to do that brought her to Gemenskap."

Pale tightened his grip holding the knapsack close to his chest.

"So, please. I don't intend to cause harm or anything to the Kobold. I just wanna help."

The hostile aura around the worker vanished, and his stare softened. He pulled out a large schematic of the sewers from a pile of papers on the table pointing at an area near the entrance of the sewer systems:

"I'm sorry, pal, but I wanted to make sure that you are not one of these creeps trying to take advantage of the lost. I know of what emerald Kobold you are talking about. She is one of the 'Sewer rats' avoiding us and anybody wearing uniforms. 

I left then and when piles of food for her to not starve to death, but saw myself unable to do much more, as she recognized me even in civil. That Kobold is at least smart enough to not go further in; you will have an easy time finding her somewhere in quadrant XNZ, the second main pipe from left. 

If you are able to break through to her bringing her to leave the sewers with you...please visit me somewhen with her so that I can see she is doing well. Will you?"

Pale was kinda surprised by that rapid 180-degree turn of his opposite, but seeing his brown eyes softly shimmering, putting his trust in this for him complete stranger helping an individual that might have caused him emotional pain for a stretch. Yeah, he was hopeful Pale could save that sorry soul from her demise. Pale cracked a smile and gave the worker his calling card as a symbolic token of his determination.

"No worries, dear man. I, Pale Velas, will take care of your 'Sewer Rat' issue. Feel free to give me a call in a week or two if I succeed. Mister..."

"Gared, Gared Zwess. I will. . .and good luck."

Gared took a quick look at the card letting out a deep whistle:

"The 'Flustering Shade', eh? I actually heard of that steampunky pub. Got quite popular lately. And that makes you.."

"Its very owner. So no worries, I can afford to nurse the Kobold back to health and grant her privacy in one of my guest rooms until figuring out why she is here."

Gared signalled Pale to follow him and lead him to the entrance grating leading to the mentioned quadrant. Gared opened it and wished Pale a last time good luck and success dealing with the Kobold.

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