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Chapter 1

In the world of Veneficia

Visit Veneficia

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Chapter 1

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The light reflected by the moon was filling up a small room in an inn. A silver breastplate was resting against a leg of the bed. A quarterstaff was standing against a white sink on the other side of the room. A young woman was lying on the bed and holding a piece of paper in the light of a candle. While she was reading, her lips moved up in a delicate smile.

"Honourable Ramona Pohl,

I have decided to send you to Melin. You are to assist the Honourable Councilor Clemente in training novices. I trust you both to prepare them for ascension perfectly.

Adam Steyer, Master of the Touched"

Ramona folded the letter, put it on the table and put out the candle. She lay on her back and took a deep breath. A huge responsibility awaited her in the city. It was just a few months after her ascension and she has been already given such an important task. Ramona knew that she couldn't disappoint the Master. She fell asleep almost instantly.

In the morning, Ramona woke up early. She used the faucet in her room to clean her face and then she put on her breastplate. She grabbed a silver pin with a sun, a symbol of the Touched, that she fixed to her collar. Right before leaving the room, she picked up the quarterstaff. Downstairs, the main hall of the inn was starting to get crowded. Guests were leaving the rooms. Ramona walked up to the counter and leaned on it. It was made from sturdy oak wood, but it already had visible signs of old age.

"Barkeep, breakfast!"

An older man with grey hair turned around towards her and put a bowl of porridge on the counter. It wasn't the best porridge Ramona has seen in her life. It was clearly overcooked, cold and all the liquid had soaked into the oats a long time ago. Ramona ate a few spoons of it, put two silver coins on the counter and walked away.

"It's 4 Leos, ma'am", the barkeeper said when Ramona was at the door.

"Serve better food", she said and snapped her fingers.

In Ramona's left hand appeared a white flame. A few customers jumped from their seats and looked at her. Ramona turned her head towards the barkeeper.

"Yes, Honourable, of course.", the barkeeper said with fear and respect in his voice

"Good", Ramona quenched the flame and left the inn.

She was on a busy street. Merchants, craftsmen and other people were on their way to work. On a few buildings, Ramona saw the green and white flags of the Tarran League. The town was Neapolis del Sud. It was built near the border between the League and the Tarran Crown Lands, Ramona's destination.


Ramona was lucky. In the last village before the border, she found a farmer going to a market on the other side who agreed to transport her. His farm wagon was small and full of crops and produce. She had a bag of potatoes on one side and a bundle of some cereal on the other. Meanwhile, her quarterstaff was resting along the length of the wagon.

After a few hours, the farm wagon reached a small red brick building. The farmer stopped the horses and Ramona took a piece of cloth and covered herself with it hoping that the border guards wouldn't see her.

"Purpose of crossing?", said a male voice

"Market, war..."

"Yeah, I know, documents"

After a moment of silence, Ramona heard steps moving along the wagon. Someone was getting near the back. Probably to inspect the cargo. Ramona closed her eyes and started praying in silence. Saviour, protect me from my foes, Ramona thought. A moment later she felt as someone was removing the cloth.

"And who are you?", asked a soldier

The soldier was a young man with short dark hair and the blue uniform of the Tarran League military. His only weapon was a sabre at the belt. Ramona pointed her finger towards her silver pin. The soldier made a quick step back and put his right hand on the sabre. Ramona saw the upper part of the blade slide out of the scabbard. She got up and picked up her quarterstaff. She was ready to fight.

"What are you doing here? Spying for the king?", said the soldier

Ramona didn't answer, her staff at the ready. The soldier pulled out the sabre and took a swing at Ramona that she instantly blocked.

"Soldier! Are you daft?"

The soldier put down the sabre and looked towards the brick building. Ramona did the same. There was an officer in a blue uniform with gold linings.

"Can't you see that she's a Touched? Do you have a death wish? Get down here!"

The soldier looked like he wanted to say something, but instead, he just put the sabre back into the scabbard and left the wagon. Meanwhile, the officer approached Ramona.

"I'm sorry, but since the Church has started to support the king, we are quite nervous around your kind, Honourable", said the officer.

"Thank you, I'm just passing through", Ramona said while sitting down, "I'm on a Church assignment completely unrelated  to your war."

The officer smiled and gave his soldiers a sign to let the wagon go.

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