Chapter 3

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While being dragged by the bear, Lily took in her surroundings. From what she could gather, it was a quaint-looking bookstore with a few people milling about. Behind the store’s front counter was a bat, casually flipping through a magazine as she, presumably, waited for a customer. Past the counter were shelves that stretched far out of sight. Much further back than the store should allow. On either side of the counter were display cases for quills, various-sized bottles, and other magical knick-knacks.


A sharp turn near the front counter soon brought Lily’s journey to a fittingly abrupt end. "Wait here." commanded the bear while leaving the rabbit in front of an empty table by a window. Sandra turned on her heel and disappeared behind the counter, into the back. 


While Lily waited, she decided to check out her new surroundings. Though certain that she had started inside a bookstore, the rabbit found herself inside a cozy cafe. The walls were made of brick and sported vines near the top. They also weaved themselves among the rafters above her head. Along the vines were flowers that provided light to the patrons sitting below. The air was heavy with the smell of fresh coffee and assorted baked goods. 


A few solo readers dotted the tables within the cafe, but nothing of note stood out. That was until her eyes fell on a wolf who slept near the restaurant entrance. Dreadlocks spilled from the top of his head and obscured most of his face. The black hair contrasted with the chocolate brown fur on the muzzle that peeked out from under them. The rabbit took a few steps closer to him as something on his coat jacket sleeve caught her attention. 


"Wait? Does that say ‘security’?" Lily asked under her breath. 


"I see you’ve met Danniel. Contrary to appearances, He keeps an eye on the place." The bear spoke while carrying a silver tray. On it sat a plate with a piece of cake and a mug full of steaming apple cider. She placed them on the table she left Lily originally. "Come. Sit." 


Lily looked at the square cake coated with a thick white icing and the steaming beverage in the porcelain cup, then back to the bear. "One, thank you but,  two, I’m not sure how this will help with my nose."


"Oh, it will. Please, give it a chance." 


The rabbit eyed the food again before giving a shrug. Lily slid into the chair and moved to the baked goods. With her first cautious bite, Lily discovered that it was carrot cake and quickly came the second and third. Before she knew it, the cake was gone. 


"That was amazing," Lily exclaimed, looking up at the bear. 


"How’s your nose?" The bear asked. 


The rabbit paused. Touching her nose, it twitched as she expected but nothing else. Any hint of pain was wiped away thanks to the chunk of cake. "It feels good. Thanks." 


“You are very welcome, honey. Goodness, where are my manners? My name’s Sandra." 


" 'm Lily. Is there any chance you have any more of that cake back there? Preferably still free. I'm a little tight on credits." 


Sandra smiled and nodded,  “I don’t see why not. Now, normally I wouldn't be so giving, but I don't normally crack people in the face with a door. Drink your cider before it gets cold." 


The bear returned to the back as Lily lifted the cup to her lips. Still warm, the flavor was rich and sweet. Like the cake, the rabbit made quick work of it. As she chugged down the drink, the fatigue and strain from walking all day faded away into nothingness. With the cup  back on the tray, her entire body felt as energized as it was when Lily hopped off the train. 


"I hope it's not weird that I gave you carrot cake," Sandra remarked, returning to the chair. As she sat down, the bear placed another plate on the tray. On it sat another, slightly larger, serving of cake. The sight of which caused the rabbit's eyes to light up. 


"It’s a little weird but, if you keep it coming, I can look past it.” Lily responded while eyeballing the treat. 


"Good to know. So what were you doing before I popped you?" 


Lily paused again while lifting the cake to her mouth. She put it back down with a sigh before slumping down a little in the chair. "Job hunting. I've been looking for weeks, but I haven't got back so much as a call. Actually, this cake was the first thing I've eaten since I got into town. Thanks again, by the way. I think this will give me enough energy to make it back to the train station."   


"You poor thing. Well, Starlight is hiring." 


"Starlight?" Lily asked while pulling a chunk of cake free to pop in her mouth. 


"Here. Starlight Literature and Magical Supply, or Starlight Books as most locals call us. I'm the co-owner. Gonzi, my partner, handles hiring. I’d need to get you in front of him. Interested?


"I mean, I'm not really in a place to say no." 


"Good, be right back." The bear hopped from the chair and headed towards the cafe entrance. 


Lily turned her attention back to the cake and took her time to savor the treat. The rabbit's mind began to wander as the soft jazz played over the cafe's speaker. Just as she was about to drift away, her phone buzzing startled her back into reality. Quickly pulling out her phone, Lily saw Kisa's name splashed across the screen. 


"Where the hell have you been?!" Lily growled quietly into her phone. 


"Geez, what's got you so mad, honeybun?" 


"Kisa, I haven't seen you in two days, and you were supposed to be looking for a job!" 


The line went quiet as Kisa spoke to someone. She couldn't figure out what was being said, but it ended with a playful laugh. "Sorry, I've been busy. Visiting mom in Harvestvale, you know?" 


"Oh, really, Kisa? That's funny because I swore we visited your mom last weekend in Glazemedow!"


"Oh. You see." 


Gritting her teeth, Lily tried her best to keep her voice low while that pit feeling in her stomach returned. "Kisa, I swear if you are with ano-" 


"Lily. Lily." Kisa quickly spoke up to cut off the accusation. "I have been looking for a job, baby. I just got caught up with a couple of friends, and I wound up in Goldstable. I will be home tonight, I swear."


"You said last time was the last time…." 


"Honeybunny, you know I only have eyes for you." 


"Whatever, Kisa. See you tonight. Might have a job.".As the phone call wrapped and Lily moved back to the cake, she felt a presence loom over her. Glancing over her shoulder, Lily was greeted by the bat she saw at the front counter. Her expression, though friendly, seemed vacant. "Can I help you?" 

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