
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2

In the world of Cresteria

Visit Cresteria

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Chapter 1

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I was born into a wealthy family of sailors and grew up on a ship. My family owned a mansion in the capital where I spent a lot of time. I lived there with my mother, Luisa Falone and my father, Anton Falone. My father was the third in command of the Cresterian Navy. I wanted to make my own name not just get praise from being the son of a distinguished admiral. I found work on a navy vessel at the age of 16 and sailed around until I was made captain of the ship at the age of 17. During my promotion, the old captain of the ship gave a speech, outlining the reasons for this grand promotion. He told the people in attendance about how I was one of the best sailors he had ever seen and how I was good at working with the crew.


It was the winter of 28 PR that I would never forget.
Stormy weather at sea is never a good thing, let alone in the pitch black and freezing cold. Successful navigation relies on a good coordination, and a large dose of luck. My crew and I were sailing the rough seas. The waves crashed over the wooden deck of the galleon. As I laid in a rope hammock, swinging with each abusive wave punching the hull. With a sudden and tremendous force, an enormous wave collided with the ship causing several books to leap off the shelf. One landed on my hammock, striking me in the stomach. A sharp stabbing pain crossed where it impacted. I shifted my weight, leaning my head up to read the object. 'A Brief History of the Split' was all I could see on the dark leather that bound the pages.


Gently I opened the book. Glanced at the page and scanned the ink on the yellowed parchment. 'The world was split into many islands. The elemental water plane had leaked into our world causing vast oceans to form. The world was split by the Gods fighting over the land.' As the words crossed my lips, the cruel call, “Pirates!” was yelled from somewhere on the deck. As I stepped out of my cabin a huge lurch came across the ship knocking me over. I was thrown overboard and into the icy depths. An ominous wave struck me, knocking me out cold...
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