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Prologue Chapter 1

In the world of God of Chaos

Visit God of Chaos

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Humans refer to it as the underworld, a place for spirits to go after they leave the world of the living. At least that was what it was before people started to call it Hell. Now they believe it is a place reserved only for the souls of the damned. Its existence is heavily debated amongst mankind, but one thing is for sure: if it does exist, nobody wants to end up there.
However Hell is very much a real place. It is home to the Iros, a race of people half human and half dragon. They were created by the dragons of Olympus to help protect the human race. The humans viewed them as heroes. You’ve probably heard the tales of the likes of Herakles and Achilles. 

A great war broke out between the humans and their gods. After the success of the Roman empire the humans grew full of themselves and decided to take the fight to the dragons.The Iros fought to protect their creators. many lives were lost on both sides, but it ultimately wasn’t enough. One by one the gods started to fall, until only one remained: Hades, master of the underworld.
Living humans cannot enter the underworld by themselves. But the Iros can. And so the few remaining Iros fled into the domain of Hades and sealed themselves in. However, during his last battle, Zeus managed to defeat the human emperor Romulus Augustus before succumbing to his wounds. With their leader dead and their faith shattered by their own hands, the Roman Empire fell. Many years passed and the Iros faded into legend. Then myth. But deep beneath the surface of the earth the Iros live on—completely unbeknownst to man.

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