
In the world of StarSailorSeven Miscellaneous Stories

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They call my mom the "Mother of Monsters." Not the friendliest of titles. I suppose with children like Fenrir and Jörmungandr it might seem a fitting name, but then what does that make me? Yeah. The easy answer is that I am a monster. I have been told that I look like one with my left side blue, like the frost giants, and my right 'normal' human. They also say I'm gloomy. Or rather Thor and his cronies say I am. They also use words like goth, emo, and the ever-popular giant-kin. Like some of them aren't half-giants themselves. Whatever. 

When I came of age, Odin made me caretaker over Hel. Thor and his friends got a real kick out of that since that's my name as well. Or rather, Odin made the place Hel and named it after me. You could look at it as a compliment, but yeah, they didn't. I'm sure it wasn't intended as one either. Hel is where you go when you die outside of battle. No one really WANTS to be there, right? Everyone wants to die gloriously in a battle somewhere!

Odd thing that. After living here for a while and visiting with those who have arrived here, there are quite a few who were really glad to be here. Okay, sure there were some of the blood-thirsty Valhalla or nothing sort as well, but really most people quite like it here. I have put in more than a little work to tailor the place to those who arrive here. There is a performance hall where people can go to hear the bards tell tales and sing songs. There is a library for those who are literarily inclined. I have several museums for those who still pursue their crafts and want a place to display them, as well as for those who only started their art after death. I mean what else do you do with your time when time is all you have? If they were into war in the first place then they'd most likely be in Valhalla, right? Since they aren't, they can do whatever they want with their time and I do my best to ensure that whatever it is, it can be appreciated. I believe in appreciation.

The day Baldr arrived I was stunned. I mean, he was a god, how did he end up here? Of course, my father had something to do with it. He's such a meddler. That's one of my favorite things about him. It's how I got to rule over Hel, and spend my days surrounded by like-minded creatives rather than the battle bros and gals. I got out, but poor, sweet, innocent Baldr got stuck up there. Until he was killed by an arrow and came to visit me. He wanted to stay but his mom just couldn't stand the idea of him living in such a gloomy place. (Hel is so not gloomy but I have to admit I do encourage the reputation. It keeps the rif-raf from visiting.) Anyway, he came, he saw, and he loved the place. 

I was thrilled to have him around and not just because he's easy on the eyes. He is also a great patron of the arts. He was always willing to listen to a poem or admire a sculpture or carving. He also gives great constructive feedback. Heck, that's an art in itself! Most people say things like, "yeah, I like it" or "it could use more action", but Baldr really makes suggestions. He will tell you where you have used a word too many times in a work, or how you should really cut a scene that distracts from the overall narrative. 

His mom though, she wanted him back. She came storming up to the gates demanding that I release him. Like me I would [get it, I'm Hel]. Still, with all the gods demanding that he should get a chance to be restored I had to think of something fast. I needed it to be a super hard task that still seemed doable, and I needed it to fail because all of us here, including him, really wanted him to stay! 

Then it came to me, "Get everything to cry because they miss him and want him to be restored to the land of the gods." I mean seriously? Everything? Would literally everything cry over one guy? He's pretty enough, and kind, but real tears just because he wasn't around?

I underestimated Freya though. She is one powerful woman when she decides she wants something! She managed to talk around not just everyone, but everything...except for one giantess. It took her awhile to work on this and while she did I spent enough time with Baldr to know he didn't really want to go back, but he'd feel obliged to after his mom went to all this trouble. 

I may have asked dad for a favor. He may, or may not, have been said giantess. It was enough for me to put my foot down though and insist that since not everything had cried for his return, I would keep him in Hel with me.

He'll return for Ragnarok, as will we all, but for now he is enjoying being a patron of the arts.

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