
Table of Contents

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

In the world of Skies of Sideria

Visit Skies of Sideria

Ongoing 4112 Words

Chapter 2

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Jenabell tugged at her tail, still wrapped tightly in Vara’s grip. “Shouldn’t I go meet the guild?”

“Fine,” Vara sighed, reluctantly dropping Jenabell’s tail. “Talk to Kieran , he's probably just itching to give you the grand tour.” Jenabell rose from the sofa and made her way to the door. As she reached to grab the door handle, Vara once more called to Jenabell. “Oh, and tell him to introduce you to those two.” 

“Those two?”

“He’ll know what I mean.”

Jenabell opened the door back out into the guild hall and was instantly met by Kieran , who was just a little too close. 

“So! What’d she say?”

“Nothing much. She just welcomed me to the guild.”

“That's all?” Kieran asked, visibly saddened “She didn't say anything about me?”

“She did say that you would give me a tour. And she told me to have you introduce me to those two; whatever that means.”

Kieran lit up “I just knew she’d trust me! You can count on me Jenabell. Let's go!”

Kieran led Jenabell back across the balcony. “You saw Vara’s office, the rest of the rooms up here are inn rooms. Plenty of people stay here, or they did before the city shut down. We’ll have to get you one later.” They continued down the stairs into the open guild hall. “This is home, the thieves guild hall. Basically, everyone hangs out here when they aren't on a job. Here you’re free to grab a drink, have a chat, pick a fight, or whatever you want to do.”

“Pick a fight? Why would I do that”

“Everyone’s gotta blow off some steam now and again. At least here you won't get jailed for it and a few guild members are doctors. Or so they tell us anyway.” Kieran snickered as he gestured to the far end of the hall where the most people were gathered. “That’s miss Lira's bar. She’s been here longer than most of us. She gives free drinks to members as long as the guild keeps her in supplies if ya catch my drift. And well, that’s pretty much everything here.”

“When Miss Vara said grand tour I expected a bit, I don’t know, more.”

“Well maybe if we had official guild money we could afford a bigger place, but our guild isn't exactly above board. If we had a member in the guild council we’d get more funds, but we're more of a guild for the guildless so we have no choice but to fend for ourselves. But hey, It’s way better than living on the streets like the council would have us do.”

Jenabell understood well what Kieran meant. If Balthus hadn't taken her in all those years ago, who knows how long she would have been alone. “I guess everywhere has people like that, kind souls willing to take on a burden to help people like us. We all find family in the end.”

“I think you’re gonna fit in here just fine Jenabell. Now speaking of people like us, I’ll introduce you to them. Not that it’ll do much good.”

“Who are you introducing me to? And what do you mean won't do much good?” But Kieran was already off.

Kieran pulled Jenabell into a dark corner of the hall far from the din of the crowd at the bar, where one table was placed apart from the rest. At the table, a pair of figures dressed in cloth robes from head to toe sat side by side cloaked in the shadow of the unlit corner. Before approaching the table, Kieran turned to Jenabell, “Here they are. They’ve been here for months and I’ve never heard them talk to anyone but Vara. She’s the only one here who even knows their names. If Vara thinks they’ll talk to you though, well who knows.” Jenabell and Kieran approached the table and took their seats opposite the two already there. “Good afternoon. I am Kieran and this is Jenabell. Miss Vara asked that I introduce her to you.”  

Jenabell noticed that Kieran took on a noticeably polite tone compared to when he had spoken to Jenabell or Vara. It seemed that even he was capable of reading the room. The two at the table did not respond. Instead, they kept their heads pointed at the table and looked away.

“You see Jenabell? Not much good. This is how they treat everyone here. Not that I’m judging.” He patted Jenabell on the back. “I knew this would be a waste of time. Come on, let's go get a drink.”

Jenabell and Kieran stood up and turned to head to the bar. When Jenabell turned away from the table her tail whipped around behind her and crossed over the table, under the two strangers' eyes. Before they could take a step towards the bar, the person on the right of the table stood up and reached an arm out towards Jenabell. “Wait! You're not Hilen?”

Jenabell turned back towards the table. “Well no I'm not. I can't say I really know what I am.”

“We’ll talk.” The figure turned to Kieran . “Is there anywhere private we can go?”

Kieran thought for a moment. “Vara reserved a room upstairs for Jenabell. That’ll be a good spot.”

“Lead the way.” The two stood up and followed as Kieran led the group to a room on the balcony, not far from Vara’s office.

The room was fairly bare. It was dominated by a four-post bed that sat against a wall and extended out into the centre of the room. A rough-hewn desk sat in the corner and a couple of wooden chairs were pulled under the desk. The four made their way into the room, and Kieran closed the door behind them. Jenabell and Kieran each took a chair, and the other two sat side by side on the bed.

One in sync with the other, both removed the cloth wrappings that covered their faces. Kieran took one look at their faces and noticed that compared to himself, their ears were pointed and they had extremely pale skin. He gasped. “You’re Kujei! I see why you wouldn't talk to anyone here.”

Jenabell whispered to Kieran . “Is that a bad thing?”

“I'm sure Vara told you since the bombing Kujei has been banned from the city. It’s amazing that any got past the guards.”

To Jenabell, both of the Kujei in front of her looked nearly identical. They both had perfectly straight blond hair, an extremely fair complexion, and pointed ears. They even shared the same eyes so blue that they might have been plucked from the sky. The only thing that differentiated the two, was that one was obviously a woman and the other was not.

The male spoke up. “My name is Lorne and this is my twin sister Linèa.” He raised his hands and cupped his ears. “And yes, we are Kujei.”

“What are you doing in Hiless?” Kieran asked.

“I’m sorry,” Lorne said. “We will not speak to Hilen. You may listen, but we will only speak to her.”

Kieran looked heartbroken. Jenabell thought to herself that Kieran must not have been used to being ignored. “I had a hard enough time getting into the city, and I’m not even Kujei. I was also wondering How you two got here.”

Lorne spoke up. “We’ve been here since before the bombing. Because of the war we have no way out of the city, let alone home. Miss Vara didn’t care what we were. She was kind enough to take us in and hide us from the eyes of the city.”

Kieran heard sobbing behind him. He turned to see Jenabell, with tears falling from her puffy eyes and snot dripping from her nose. “What’s got you all weak for?”

“Their life has been so hard and Miss Vara is just so kind,” Jenabell said through tears.

Kieran looked at Jenabell with an expression that read, “I must protect this fragile creature with my life.”

“So now you know about us, what about you? What brought you here?” Lorne said

Jenabell explained how Rakela had suffered due to the war, and how she had left trying to bring prosperity back to her home. She also recounted the voyage that had brought her to Hiless, and how Kieran had saved her from the city guard.

“Hold up a second.” Lorne said, “I feel like you just glossed over something important there. You did what on the ship?”

“I used one of my cards to speed up the voyage. Without Leviathan’s aid, the trip was just taking so long. I was starting to get restless.”

Lorne began to look frantic, mouth agape, “What do you mean ‘without Leviathan’s aid’? If Leviathan wasn't in the sky, how did you cast water magic?”

Jenabell pulled her cards out of the pouch on her belt. “With these! My father gave them to me a while ago. I don’t really know how they work, but I always seem to grab exactly the one I need.”

Kieran leaned in towards Jenabells ear, reaching from the tips of his toes. “Jenabell, I’ve never seen anything like that before, but I don't think you should just be showing them to everyone you meet. They seem… you know, valuable.” 

Jenabell whispered back. “Oh, should I not have said anything?  They seem so nice, and they're just like me, alone in a strange city far from home.”

“Your call, I just think that you should be careful who you show those to. I should know, I am a thief.”

As Jenabell placed the cards back into her pouch, Lorne continued. “I’ve never heard of anything like those before, The ability to use any type of magic regardless of the star in the sky. They could change the world!”

A voice came from the other side of the bed and Linèa, staring down at the floor, spoke for the first time.”I think they already have.”

Lorne's eyes grew wide. “Linèa, did you just speak? You never talk to strangers.”

“And what do you mean they already have?” Asked Jenabell.

Linèa, looking down at her feet continued. “It’s just a rumor that I heard once back home. Have you all heard of the first race?”

“Nope,” Kieran said.

“I don’t think so,” Jenabell said.

“Maybe a little,” responded Lorne

“As the name suggests, The first race is thought to be the first people to ever live on Sideria. They were an immensely powerful civilization, but one day they just vanished. Rumour has it that the reason they were able to grow so powerful, and the reason they disappeared, was because they possessed an item that let that cast any magic at any time, no matter which star was in the sky. Where did you say you got those cards?”

“You don't think that these cards could be the first race’s magic item, do you? My father gave them to me. Jenabell stopped. Her voice slowed “after his archaeologist friend brought them in to sell.”

Linèa looked Jenabell in the eye “Do you know where he found them?”

“I think he said he found them in Kallion. But I’ve never heard of it before.”

“Kallion is a volcanic region back on the Kujei continent, but I had never heard of there being any first race ruins there.”

“Hey Linèa. How do you know so much? Kieran asked.

Linèa shied away, her gaze returned to the floor and she wouldn’t say any more.

The silence was palpable. It didn't take long for Kieran to realize he asked something he shouldn't have. As his eyes wandered around the room, He noticed that it had become dark outside during the time they were talking. “You know what? It’s getting late. Why don’t we call it a night, and resume our conversation in the morning.”

Jenabell stayed sitting while Kieran held the door open for Lorne and Linèa.  As he passed through the threshold Lorne turned back and gave a bow. “Jenabell, It was nice meeting you. I hope that we might become friends one day.” With that, Lorne followed Linèa to the room they shared down the hall.

“Hey! What about me?” Kieran closed the door behind them before turning to Jenabell. “Seemed a bit cold didn’t they?”

“I don’t know, I thought they were Nice.”

“Maybe because they actually spoke to you.”

Jenabell Laughed. “Maybe, but Linèa seemed to know so much about my cards. I’d really like to learn more.”

“You said they came from Kallion didn't you? Maybe there would be information about them there. And who knows. If something as amazing as your cards were there, maybe you can find something that will save your father’s store there too. Let’s do it. I'm just itching for adventure.”

“I don't know, I had a hard enough time getting into Hiless, how am I supposed to get to Kallion?”

“We, how are we supposed to get to Kallion. Maybe if Linèa knows so much about the place she can help us get over there. I’m sure Vara must have a way to get us out of Hiless.”

“I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“Jenabell, we’re the thieves guild, crime is kind of what we do. Let's talk to Lorne and Linèa tomorrow. Maybe if we help them get home, They’ll help us get to Kallion.”

With that, Kieran stood up and left the room, leaving Jenabell alone to think over the events of the day. 

Jenabell walked over to the window and drew open the curtain. She looked to the night sky with a wistful longing. Same sky, same stars. I guess the view doesn't change even far from home. Who would have thought adventure would find me so quickly. A cell, a thief, and now a volcano. I know I’ll find something there, just you wait, father. Just you wait. Tears began to well in her eyes. As she thought of her father Jenabell grew homesick. She had only been away for a few weeks, but it was still longer than she had ever been away from home before. Before her tears could turn to a full sob, Jenabell closed the curtains and headed off to bed.


Jenabell slept better that night than she had in weeks. The lull of the sea may soothe some people, but not Jenabell. It was nice to sleep on a solid bed. Jenabell’s body felt heavy. She tried to roll over and off of the bed, but something stopped her. Maybe it was the comfort of a warm bed, or maybe it was Vara, who at some point in the night had crawled into Jenabells bed to snuggle with her tail.

Jenabell rose with the morning's first light, face to face with a snoring Vara. She gently pulled her tail out from Vara’s grip, a surprisingly hard task considering Vara’s small hands, and made her way out to the common area. Kieran spotted her as she made her way down the stairs and waved. Jenabell sat opposite Kieran at a table towards the edge of the room.

“Mornin’ Jenabell sleep well?”

“Mostly, though when I woke up Miss Vara was asleep in my bed grabbing my tail. Is she normally this… familiar with new members?”

“Can’t say that she is. Though most new members aren't so fluffy. Despite her position, she is still a kid.”

Kieran and Jenabell stopped by the bar for breakfast and then went back upstairs to Lorne and Linèa’s room. Kieran went to knock on the door but stopped himself. “Maybe you should take this one.”

Jenabell stepped forward and knocked lightly on the door. A moment passed, and the door pulled open revealing Lorne standing in the doorway.

“Hello, Jenabell. It is a pleasure to see you again.” Lorne looked at Kieran . “Him less so.”

“What have I ever done to you!” Kieran exclaimed.

“Well Jenabell, What can I do for you this morning?”

Inside, Jenabell was still working up the courage to ask, but not wanting the moment to pass, Jenabell spoke. “Is Linèa here too? There is something We’d like to discuss with you.”

“We? What could a self-serving Hilen want to talk about that could possibly pertain to us?”

“Kieran has been nothing but kind to me ever since I arrived here. I would be grateful if you would at least listen to what we have to say before you dismiss him.”

“If it’s what you wish, we will listen. Just don't expect the words of a Hilen to carry much weight.” Lorne gestured in through the door. The room shared by the two Kujei was no nicer than Jenabells. It had only one bed that didn't seem large enough for two people, a desk, and a single chair.

“First time having company here?” Kieran scoffed.

Jenabell slapped Kieran over the back of his head. “Don’t insult the people we’re asking for help. They hate you enough as it is.” Kieran bowed in apology. “I’m sorry for Kieran . He’s not used to being ignored.”

“I’d expect no less from a Hilen. Now, what do you require of us?”

Jenabell’s hand went to the card pouch at her belt. She pulled a card from the pack and palmed it in her hand. “These cards are everything to me, my father took me off the street and gave me a home, a family. I could never cut it in trade, but it was all I knew. I’ll never be able to pay back father for all he has done for me. With these cards I’m finally someone, I finally have a way to repay my debt. But more than that, whenever I look at these cards, I feel my father's love for me and I want to do everything I can to save him like he saved me. I thought I was starting to understand them but after listening to Linèa last night I realized that I don't really know anything about them at all. I might be asking too much but please, help me understand."

The room fell silent. Jenabell stared at the card in her hand

“You’re right Jenabell, you are asking too much,” Linèa said. “I told you I only knew bits and pieces of rumor and hearsay. No one has ever seen those cards in person before. The only way to learn any more would be to find out what the first race knew; by traveling to their original home. But if they really came from Kallion, that would be a fool’s errand. 

“Why is that?” Kieran exclaimed. The room fell into Silence again

“Sorry, Why is that?” Jenabell asked.

Kieran whispered to Jenabell “This is really starting to make me angry.”

“To start,” Lorne said. “Kallion is on the Kujei continent. There is no way to get there from here right now. And even if you could, Kallion is an incredibly dangerous place. The whole region is one big active volcano. It's a scar on the land, bleeding lava. There’s nothing to be found but fire and ash.”

“Someone found something there. They found these.” Jenabell said cards in hand. “If there is something to learn in Kallion I have to try.”

“No one is going to stop you from getting yourself killed. If you want to go, at least try and find an experienced guide.”

“We were sort of hoping that you and Linèa could guide us.”

“Us? Guide You? Why would we do that?”

“Well we were thinking, you’re trapped in Hiless, right? Maybe with our help, you can get home; and with your help, we can go to Kallion.”

“Even if we can get out of Hiless how do you expect to cross the sea to Kujellen? There aren't exactly passenger ships running the gap, every port is either closed or blockaded.”

Kieran spoke up “I know you don't care what I say, but the thieves guild has connections. If we ask vara it shouldn't be too hard to get off the continent. But once we’re in the Kujei lands we're on our own. That's why we need your help to get to Kallion. If you want to believe that we Hilen are so self-serving then I’ll be self-serving, call it a trade, our help for yours.” Kieran reached out his hand, but Lorne shied away. 

Linèa tugged on Lorne’s robe, “Brother I want to go home.”

Lorne sighed “I guess I want to go home too. What do we have left to lose?” Lorne took Kieran 's hand and shook.


The group made their way to Vara’s office, to discuss passage out of the city.

“You want to go where!?” Vara shouted.

“The only way that I’m going to learn anything about these cards is to go where they came from. If that means going to Kallion, I don't have a choice.”

“Kallion has to be the most dangerous place on Sideria! What if something happens to your fluffy fur? I’d just die!”

“Vara, Jenabell isn’t your dolly, she can take care of herself. Besides, She’ll have me.” Kieran said, giving himself a hardy pat on the back.

“And we’ll have Lorne and Linèa to guide us once we're in the Kujei Lands. I have to make this trip. But we need the guild to help us start.”

“There’s no talking you out of this huh? We’ll we thieves have to stick together, the least I can do is help my fluff come back to me as quickly as possible. Give me a few days and I’ll have you a way out of Hiless. Until then, Kieran , take Jenabell into town for supplies." Vara through a small sack of coin to Kieran , who deftly grabbed it out of the air.  "You won’t have much of a chance to resupply once you leave, so be thorough. And please keep a low profile, I’m so tired of pulling you out of jail.”  

As Jenabell and company rose from their seats, Jenabell felt a tug on her tail. "Vara, what are you doing?"

"Hold on fluffy, you draw too much attention like that." Vara rose as well and walked over to a chest tucked under her desk. Vara rummaged for a moment, making more noise than possibly could have been necessary, before pulling a bundle of something soft out and tossing it at Jenabell. "When you leave the hall, put that on, and don't take it off until you're outside the city."

Unfurling the cloth in her hand, Jenabell found herself holding a cloak; much like those worn by Lorne and Linèa.

"That cloak will keep your ears and tail out of sight, but more importantly it will mark you as being under the guild's protection. Not everyone will recognize it, and it won't mean anything outside of the city, but it's the best I can do for now." Jenabell took the robe in her hands and ran it against her skin. It was itchy; of course it was. The coarse wool cloak was barely anything more than a burlap sack. It wasn't meant to be fashionable after all. "Now be on your way. I'll meet you at the south gate come nightfall. I have preparations to make."

Vara raised her arms to shoo the group from her office before returning to her desk.

Jenabell was the last to leave the office. She gently shut the door behind her and turned once more to face Kieran. "You were right Kieran , she really is the guild leader."

Clutching his heart, Kieran gave an exaggerated gasp. "Did ya really not believe me? Jena I'm hurt!"

"She's barely even grown, how could I have. But I'm glad I was wrong. Miss vara really is a great person." Jenabell looked longingly at the cloak still bundled in her hands. "I have to do this, don't I? I guess I didn't really think about it, but I have to do this. I left home with nothing but a dream to help my father. I think it's only just become real that I'm doing this."

Lorne and linèa were already halfway down the stairs before Jenabell and Kieran noticed. "Come on Jena! we're just getting started." Running off to join the pair, he mumbled to himself. "ooo I can't wait! this is gonna be fun!" 

Jenabell clenched her fist around her cloak, steadying her resolve, before unfurling the cloak once more and draping it over herself. Still standing atop the balcony overlooking the guild hall, she caught sight of Kieran , standing with Lorne and Linèa, waving towards Jenabell. It really was time to go.

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