Grandmaster chaoshbu
Chaos Nightfall

Table of Contents

Episode 1: Wanna Be Friends? Episode 2: In the Ruins

In the world of Ghea

Visit Ghea

Ongoing 6458 Words

Episode 1: Wanna Be Friends?

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Long ago, Gods and humans lived together in peace. Gods would help humans; with their crops, hunting, leadership, and even personal love lives, in exchange for small sacrifices, often of livestock, and endless devotion.

The humans depended on the Gods, and the Gods helped them survive, as their devotion helped sustain them.

But one day, all the gods suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The humans searched for the Gods far and wide, and as their hope for their friends dwindled, so did their society. Since they relied on the Gods for everything, they had to start picking up the pieces on their own, and not everyone was made for it.

Sometime after the disappearance, however, a new race of humans started to slowly pop up through society. Some with unique powers, some belonging to a completely new race of being. These new humans were able to help restore the society that was left behind by the Gods. But not all was peaceful.

Since their appearance came right after the disappearance of the Gods, the rest of the humans blamed them for it. They were out casted by society, deemed lesser than the original pure humans. They gave them the name "Hellians," separating them from regular society.

Throughout history, the Hellians have fought a battle against themselves. Some fought to bring themselves back up in society, while others fought to destroy it.

Today, in the year 2097, most Hellians are placed in the same social class as regular humans. However, due to the different races held in the Hellian class, not all of the new races are fully accepted. The rise of villains have also brought back the race debate, making them fall back down in ranks of respect.

But with the rise of villains comes a rise in heroes. Heroes dedicated to save the world from the villains that wish to bring them all down. Ones who will fight for justice, even if it means trading in their own lives.

Some hero teams end up standing out against some of the rest, as leaders for hope and peace. Others... are questionable.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

11:00pm. She had work in the morning, but she just couldn't stop scrolling through her social media. Why did they have to make it so addictive?

She wasn't that popular, but she had a decent amount of followers. She constantly responded to almost every post she saw, just to try and draw some attention to her page and grow her following. She wasn't doing any revolutionary on her page; the attention was just addicting. Every like, view, and occasional comment gave her just enough serotonin to make her happy, and just not enough to fully satiate her.

She suddenly got a notification that someone commented on a post of hers, and she immediately clicked on it. It was just a basic post of her typing out her thoughts, but her eyes were glued to the comment.

Wanna be friends?

The person commenting this didn't have a profile picture, and when she clicked on their profile, there was absolutely nothing. No posts, or even a bio. But she continued to stare at the comment. She didn't actually have to be friends with the person. She could just reply 'yes' so then she can gain a new follower. Anything to boost her account.

She hit the reply button, and just typed up a simple 'sure." Not like she was actually going to commit to it.


Suddenly, she saw a spark from the back of her computer monitor. She let out a yelp before scooting her chair back slightly in surprise. Before she could react more, a spark of electricity quickly made it's way up her arm that was still on her mouse, and then it encased her entire body.

She started to seize as the electricity overtook her entire being. She has never been electrocuted before, but she knew for a fact this is not what it felt like. But she didn't have time to think on what was happening to her. As soon as it had started, it ended, and her head slammed onto her desk, unconscious.

The only thing left on her computer was the comment on her post, and her reply, before the screen sparked and the entirety of the computer short-circuited.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"So, explain to me again what happened."

Police were searching the entirety of the apartment for anything they could find. There wasn't much, though; the main thing that stood out was just the woman standing in the middle of the living room, motionless and reactionless like a zombie. There was a ginger man looking at her, with a few other officers watching him.

"That's the thing, sir. There's not really much to try and explain what happened. It the same as the other two cases this week." the police chief said, his brow furrowed. He looked to the mayor, who had taken his glasses off and was pinching his nose.

"That doesn't help us at all..." Mayor Merlini muttered. This was the third case of this mysterious... thing, happening. He didn't even know how to explain it. Someone would try to visit a relative, friend, or whatever, and they would find the person just standing, completely motionless, no reaction to anything. Almost like they were a zombie. But whenever they would check the vitals of the person, they were completely fine. The first person even had their brain activity checked, and it was perfectly normal. By any normal standards, their tests would show that the person was fine.

But why were they acting like this? They would be completely limp once moved, but trying to get them to move in general was like moving a statue. They wouldn't respond if spoken to, their eyes wouldn't respond to any movement, but would respond to light, so their eyes were working. They're lucky this hasn't gotten out to the public yet, otherwise there would be mass panic, since they don't know what the cause was yet.

The mayor looked at the ginger man that was investigating the victim. He was looking at her up and down, moving into different position to look at her from different angles, almost in a cartoonish way. Having him here certainly didn't make the mayor any more confident in the situation.

"When you say she's like a zombie," the man said, facing away from the police chief and the mayor, before suddenly bending backwards to look at them instead of turning around, "she's not gonna like, eat my brains or anything, right?"

"No, Jaxson," the mayor sighed. Why was he the one that was sent? "Where's Sophia? We called you guys because we could use Sophia's brains on this."

"She's busy. Plus, we thought it would be a good training opportunity for Khalia," Jaxson explained, properly turning around to look at the mayor. As if on queue, the short girl suddenly ran into the room, rushing past the mayor.

"Sorry I'm late! I was grabbing supplies," she blurted out as she ran up to Jaxson. It almost looked like she had just gotten out of school, as she was holding a bunch of notebooks and thick books.

Right. The newest recruit to The Divine Guardians was just a seventeen year old girl. The mayor remembered that there was a lot of rigmarole involved in trying to actually register her for the team since she was underage, but Jaxson was insistent on it. Something about her being a prodigy, and that he wanted to start training her to be a hero as soon as possible.

"Whatchu got?" Jaxson asked as Khalia placed a bunch of her supplies down.

"A bunch of notes and textbooks on soul and witchy stuff. I thought it might come in handy, since this case sounds supernatural," she explained. At least she seemed to be taking her new role seriously.

"Do you have any preliminary guesses?" he asked. She shook her head.

"Not really. But I think maybe it has something to do with her soul," she stated, her hands suddenly glowing purple. She hovered her hands over the woman, seeming to examine her through magic.

"What makes you think that?" the mayor asked, stepping closer to the two.

"If she's perfectly healthy in a scientific sense like the reports said the other two were, then the only thing I can think of is that it involves her soul. If a human soul is interfered with, it can cause effects that wouldn't show up in normal scientific tests.," she explained. The mayor looked at her. She definitely seemed to know her stuff, and he suddenly started to feel a bit better about having her involved with the idiots on her team.

"Wait, is the soul really that important to someone functioning?" Jaxson asked. Khalia shrugged, still hovering her hands over the woman.

"That's what it seems like for humans at least. It's hypothesized by some occults that the reason modified humans are different from other humans has to do with their soul." Khalia closed her eyes while explaining, before opening them again. "Yeah, there's definitely something up with her soul. It almost seems like it's blocked from the rest of her body."

"That can happen?" Jaxson asked, and Khalia nodded.

"It's probably why she doesn't react to anything, because she's not really in control of her body right now," she explained, and the purple glow disappeared from her hands.

"Are you able to do anything about it?" the mayor asked, pushing forward. This is finally some development in the case, and he wanted to make as much progress as he could. But Khalia looked embarrassed for a second, before shaking her head.

"I- I don't know," she sheepishly said. The mayor sighed. He knew it was too early to find a solution, but he was really hoping.

"Can you please have Sophia investigate this? She could most likely come up with a solution in a few hours," he said, exasperated and with a distressed look on his face. Khalia looked down in embarrassment, feeling like she didn't actually contribute much. Jaxson put a hand on her shoulder.

"She can't come out to investigate, but we can probably bring this woman to her to see if she can find some time to look her over, if that's okay?" Jaxson stated in a soft voice, probably trying to make Khalia feel better and ease the tension. The mayor sighed.

"If you can manage to move her, then fine," he said, waving them off. "These victims are super hard to move when they're like this, it's almost like they're a statue, so if you can manage to get her to move in general-" he cut himself off as he saw the woman's body slowly start to levitate into the air with ease, following Jaxson as he started to walk out of the apartment.

"Right. Telekinesis. Just let me know as soon as you find out anything," the mayor said, defeated. He watched as Khalia quickly gathered up all the books she laid out on the floor, running after Jaxson as he waved back towards the mayor as he walked down the hall towards the building elevator, the woman's body floating behind him.

The mayor sighed once more, looking back into the apartment as all the police officers investigated the living room. He needed answers, and fast.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Sophia~!" Jaxson called into the basement as he walked down the spiral staircase, Khalia tailing him and the woman still floating next to him.

Khalia looked around the underground lab. She had only been down here a few times since starting two weeks ago, but the vast amount of high tech science that was present down here never ceases to amaze her. It was a large basement, and it was filled to the brim with different things. The main thing that stood out, however, was definitely the giant supercomputer in the middle of the room. The two walked up to it, seeing the brunette woman working on something on one of the many monitors.

"Sophia!" Jaxson called again, but she didn't turn around. Jaxson made a disappointed sound, before setting the woman back down on the floor and approaching closer to Sophia. "Sophia, I brought you a present!"

"How is a motionless woman a present?" she asked, without turning around. Jaxson tilted his head in confusion.

"How did you-"

"The security cameras, idiot. I always have them pulled up," she simply stated. She then waved them off. "I'm busy. Go away."

Jaxson sighed, turning around as if to walk out.. "Fine, guess you won't be able to investigate why a woman's soul would be blocked, leaving her like a zombie-"

"Her soul is what?" she interrupted him. He smiled, and turned back around to see her looking at him over her safety goggles. Just have to get her interested in something strange, that's all it takes, he thought.

"Khalia says that's this woman's soul is most likely blocked, which is why scientifically, health wise, she's fine, but is basically like a m-"

"Mindless zombie." she finished his sentence, looking at the woman curiously. She then looked at him. "Is this what the mayor wanted me for?"

"Yep," Jaxson replied, almost mocking her. She scoffed.

"Well, you should've led with the fact that it's a perfectly healthy woman that isn't actually healthy," she reprimanded him. She stepped closer to the woman, and tried to lift her arm to no avail. She tried to move the woman's fingers, which also didn't work. "Hmm, it's almost like rigor mortis, but not exactly..."

"According to the mayor, the other two victims are like this too," Jaxson said, and Sophia's head whipped to him.

"There's others? It's not just a lone case?" she asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah," he stated simply, before muttering, "which you would've known if you actually listened to me when the mayor called..."

"Let me finish what I'm doing, then I'll take a look at her and see what I can find. I'll let you know if I find anything noteworthy," she said, walking back to her computer, and then waving them off. He assumed that was their queue to go.

"Come on, Khalia. Let's see if the mayor has anything else for us," he said, leading the young one out. As if on queue, he received a call, and saw that it was from the mayor. He sighed. This couldn't be good.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"This is the second one today," the police chief muttered to himself. "What on Ghea is happening?"

Jaxson and Khalia rushed into the living room of the house, to find a similar situation as earlier. Police everywhere investigating, the police chief and the mayor standing around looking worried, and a person standing completely still in the middle of the room, unresponsive to the people investigating him.

"What the heck is happening?" Jaxson echoed the police chief's statement. He noticed one difference in this situation, however; a police officer was talking with a woman, who seemed to be distressed. A witness, maybe? "Hey," he grabbed Khalia's shoulder, "check the man, see if it's the same as the previous woman." Khalia nodded, and walked over to the man, her hands glowing purple again. Jaxson took the opportunity to walk to the distressed woman, gently moving the police officer aside.

"Hey, you okay? Do you need anything?" Jaxson asked the woman, putting on his charm. He has always been able to comfort people easily, and it typically leads to him getting some useful information, so he decided to see if he can pull it off this time. Plus, he just truly liked helping people calm down in stressful situations, and seeing how distressed this woman was made him upset, and he wanted to help.

"He- he was just on the computer! And- and he just..." tears started to well up in her eyes. Jaxson put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"Hey, it's okay, slow down. Take a deep breath. We'll figure this out, don't worry ma'am. What's your name?" he asked, trying to deescalate her feelings. She took in a deep breath as he said.

"My- my name is Heather. My husband's name is Jack," she stuttered. He rubbed her shoulder, assuring her.

"It'll be okay, Heather, My name is Jaxson, I'm with the Divine Guardians, we're gonna help Jack." He looked at the police officer that he pushed aside. "Hey, can you go get her a cup of water?" The officer nodded, and walked off toward the kitchen. Jaxson looked back towards the woman. "Can you tell me what happened to Jack before he became like this?"

"I honestly don't know. He was just on his computer, he said he was finishing some paperwork for some customers. I came out here to check on him, and it looked like he was having a seizure. I went to call an ambulance, and when I ran back out here, he was just... standing like that!" Heather explained. He could tell she was getting worked up again. Luckily, the police officer came back with the cup of water, and Jaxson handed it to her.

"Here, drink this slowly. Take some deep breaths," he said, and she did as he said. "I'm gonna check around a bit, this nice police officer is going to keep you company, okay?" The woman nodded.

"Jaxson," Khalia called to him as he walked away from the woman. "It's the exact same as the previous woman, seems like their soul is blocked or something."

"At least it's consistent," he sighed, then looked at the computer that was sitting in the living room. "She said he was on the computer before he started to have what looked like a seizure. Maybe there's a clue on there." He walked over to it and sat down. He tried to boot it up, but it had absolutely no reaction to him hitting the power button. He tried again, pressing it harder, but nothing happened.

"It's fried," a random police officer said to the two, catching their attention. "We tried booting it up already, but it ain't working."

"How do you know that it's fried just from the fact that it won't boot up?" Khalia asked, and the man just shrugged before walking away. Jaxson rolled his eyes. These cops never do their job properly.

"I say we bring it to Sophia, she'll probably know what to do," he said, starting to unplug the computer from the wall.

"Why? What's so important about the computer?" she asked, confused.

"I have a hunch that the computer is somehow connected to the man having a seizure. If we can figure out what he was specifically doing beforehand, it might give us some kind of clue," he explained and lifted the computer up into his arms. He then made a beeline for the door, and Khalia starting running with him, confused.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going with that? That's evidence!" the police chief yelled at the two as they ran past him.

"It's our evidence now!" Jaxson mockingly yelled back, running out of the house. Khalia shouted a quick 'sorry' before they ran out of sight. The police chief sighed.

"Why do we always call them when bad stuff happens?" he said to himself.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Sophia~! I have another present for you!" Jaxson called down into the lab. However, when he made it to the super computer, he saw that Sophia was just standing at the monitors, and the woman was still in the exact same place as before. "Wait, have you even done anything?"

"I said I'm busy," she replied, deadpanned. Jaxson scoffed.

"You seemed so interested in this case, though!" he exclaimed, clearly upset. Khalia just stood awkwardly behind him, not knowing what to do.

"It is interesting. However, as I said before, I'm busy," Sophia stated. Khalia could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"What are you working on that's so important?" he retorted, and there was no response back. He sighed. "Could you at least take a quick look at this computer? Apparently a new victim was using it before he had a seizure and then became a zombie, but it won't turn on at all."

Sophia sighed. "Set it down."

Jaxson put the computer down on a desk next to the supercomputer, and she walked over and took the backing off. She popped her safety goggles down onto her eyes, and started messing around with different wires in the computer. After only a few minutes, she then hit the power button, and the lights turned on inside the computer, and they could hear the fans start up.

"There," she said, reattaching the backing. She then shoved it down the desk towards Jaxson, before walking back towards her supercomputer. "Now go away."

"Can you please just take a look at the woman?" Jaxson pleaded as he picked up the computer.

"I'm busy. When I'm done, then I'll take a look at her. You're gonna make it take longer the more you bother me," Sophia said, agitated. Jaxson decided pushing it anymore would probably just end with him becoming her next experiment, and decided to just drop it for now. Plus, he had to investigate the computer now that it was working.

"Fine," he stated, then looked over at another desk, where he saw a few different computer monitors. "I'm taking a monitor in the meantime then," he said as he used his telekinesis to lift a random one up.

"Whatever. Now leave me alone," Sophia responded, and even though her back was turned, Jaxson stuck his tongue out at her before heading back upstairs, Khalia trailing behind him.

They headed into the living room, and they set up the monitor to the computer. The display turned on, and Jaxson sat down on the couch, and started browsing through the computer that was sat on the coffee table. Khalia stood behind him, watching over his shoulder. She felt weird about sitting on the nice furniture in the mansion, even though she was an official member now and even had a room dedicated to her (even if her dad would never allow her to actually live there while she was still in high school).

Jaxson looked around what had popped up on the screen. It was the man's social media page. He must've been scrolling before he had a seizure.

"So much for him working on paperwork," Jaxson muttered to himself. "Let's see what we have here. He responded to a comment asking to be friends, replied to a half naked social media model's post-"

"Isn't he married?" Khalia asked with a grimace. Jaxson sighed before nodding.

"He has replied to a lot of posts of social media models. Plus a few random responses to his posts..." Jaxson looked at the man's posts, before he rolled his eyes, "which is also just him being publicly horny. What a catch," he muttered to himself. His wife definitely won't be happy about this.

"What other tabs does he have open?" she asked. Jaxson hovered over one, before seeing what the title of it was.

"I really don't wanna click that," he strained, and she made a disappointed sound.

Suddenly, they heard what sounded like a bunch of people yelling at the top of their lungs. They jolted, and looked towards where they heard the sound.

"What is that?" Khalia asked, slightly scared. Jaxson stood up, and started walking towards the front door of the mansion, where he heard the sound getting louder. Khalia hesitantly followed behind him as he opened the front door.

He gasped as he saw a large crowd of people collected outside the front door, at least a hundred, all screaming aggressively. He stood there dumbfounded, not sure how to react to what he was seeing. Khalia hid behind him, scared.

"Hey!" Jaxson yelled back at them, barely able to hear his own voice over the screaming. "What are you doing?! Stop!" He wasn't even sure if they could hear him. Khalia covered her ears, and squinted her eyes in pain. She's been in larger crowds before, but none of them were ever this loud. It was almost like they were literally ripping apart their vocal cords to scream this loud.

They then heard a different scream that sounded like it was behind them, and it sounded more terrified than it did aggressive. Jaxson then stiffened.

"Sophia?!" he shouted before running back inside, and Khalia ran with him, looking scared as she realized that the scientist was possibly in danger.

They quickly ran into Sophia's room, and then bolted down the stairs that led into her lab. The first thing they saw was that the woman was suddenly no longer immobile: as she was currently on top of Sophia, trying to stab a scalpel into her face as Sophia tried to hold her back.

"Get off her!" Jaxson yelled before tackling the woman, trying to hold her down. Khalia ran to Sophia and helped her stand up, as she was wobbly on her feet.

The woman somehow managed to get out of Jaxson grip, and tried to run after Sophia again. Frozen in fear, she just stood there as the woman charged, before a purple sphere that was almost like a bubble formed around her, trapping her. Jaxson realized that Khalia had trapped her in a magical bubble, as the young girl was holding her hands out towards the bubble, keeping it formed as it got thicker.

"Are you okay?" Jaxson ran to Sophia, checking on her. He noticed some blood on her, and his face paled.

"I was just working, then suddenly this bitch just came up behind me and stabbed me in the back!" she exclaimed, suddenly out of her fear stricken trance. Khalia heard this, and walked over to her.

"Stand still, lemme see if I can heal it," she said, and Sophia took off her lab coat. Khalia grimaced as she could see the wound through the burgundy shirt. She hovered her hands over it, and her hands glowed purple. Sophia sighed as she felt the pain start to slowly go away.

Jaxson looked at the woman trapped in the bubble, who was basically trying to claw out. She was screaming, and her eyes looked blank despite the angry look on her face. He could just imagine foam forming at the corners of her mouth.

"She reminds me of a rabid dog," he commented, and Sophia let out a quick laugh.

"That's one way to describe it," she replied, and rolled her shoulders as Khalia's hand stopped glowing and moved away. She could tell that the wound was now fully healed. "Thanks, chica. I would rather not have have a scar to remind me of a zombie woman attacking me."

"She honestly does seem more like a zombie now," Khalia commented, looking at the woman. They all stared at her, just completely confused as to why she suddenly had control over her body again, and why she would try to attack Sophia.

They didn't have much time to think on it, as they heard a loud crash upstairs. Their heads shot towards the top of the stairs.

"Shit, the people outside!" Jaxson exclaimed, and started running up the stairs. The other two ran behind him, with Sophia looking confused.

Jaxson ran into the living room, heard another crash, and then suddenly he was on the floor. He groaned, as he realized he just got hit in the head with something.

"Jaxson!" Khalia shouted, and ran towards him, helping him up. He looked at the ground as he got lifted up, and saw a rock.

"Did I just get hit in the head with a rock?" he asked, rubbing the back of his head. Suddenly, Sophia tackled the two to the ground, before another crash sounded out and more rocks flew over their head. They realized the people were throwing huge rocks through the windows.

"What the hell is going on?" Sophia asked, looking outside to see a crowd of people starting to surround the house.

"I don't know! There were like a hundred people outside just yelling at us from the front lawn!" Jaxson exclaimed, starting to panic. They were literally starting to get attacked in their own home, their safe space.

Suddenly, the screaming started up again, this time accompanied by the sound of a crowd of people running. Jackson looked at the window in the front from a distance, and saw the crowd of people charging towards the house.

"Shit!" he exclaimed, and suddenly a bunch of furniture from the living room shot towards the door as he used his telekinesis to barricade the door from the incoming impact.

"Behind us!" Khalia shouted, and the other two looked towards the doors behind them that led to another hallway, and saw people climbing through the broken windows in the two rooms located at the back of the house.

Suddenly, they heard quick footsteps towards the hallway they had came from, and saw a few people running towards them, and Jaxson could see that the door to the downstairs library was open, and saw pieces of glass flying out of the room. They were breaking in through the windows and invading the house.

Jaxson shoved his arms out towards the people running at them, and the people flew back, hitting the wall at the end of the hall. It didn't take long for them to suddenly get back up as if nothing happened, and started to charge again. He moved to throw them back again, but instead he was shoved aside by Sophia, who he then saw get thrown to the floor by a man twice her size.

Jaxson used his telekinesis to throw the man off of Sophia, and threw him at a wall. The three heard the front door being aggressively pushed up against, as the crowd of people were trying to get in.

"Why hasn't my security system gone off yet?!" Sophia yelled, exasperated. She wasn't a fighter; in fact, she was quite skinny, so something like being tackled to the ground twice within the span of a few minutes was enough to make her feel winded.

She then froze in place. "Oh no," she stated, before running off down the hall, past the people that were thrown and starting to get back up.

"Hey, Sophia! Where are you going?" Jaxson yelled after her, before the bangs at the front door got louder. He looked to Khalia, who looked petrified.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, kid. We just gotta get them away from the house while Sophia does whatever she's doing. I'll be with you every step of the way," he said to her, and she just slowly nodded, her eyes still locked on the front door. She then saw the people from down the hall start to charge at them, one of them being the huge man.

"Alright, on my count," Jaxson stated, and she whipped her head to him.

"Wait, what are we doing?" she asked, not knowing what his plan was. The people got closer to them. Right as they were about to on top of them, they flew through the air, hitting the furniture that was barricading the front door.

"Now!" Jaxson yelled, and suddenly, the door flew open, and both the people and all the furniture flew out the front door, knocking back all the people directly around the door. Jaxson ran out the door, and Khalia hesitantly followed him.

Downstairs, Sophia let out a scream as she ran into her lab. She instantly saw the woman using a crowbar to smash the supercomputer. Sophia realized that Khalia must of accidentally stopped using her powers to keep the bubble due to the panic upstairs.

"Get away from that!" Sophia yelled, and grabbed what looked like a giant high tech gun and aimed it at the woman. The woman stopped, and slowly turned to face the brunette. Sophia lowered the weapon a bit as her eyes widened. The woman didn't even look human anymore; she looked like a caricature of one. Her face looked horribly deformed, and her body wasn't bending naturally.

She was snapped out of her trance, however, when the woman charged at her full force. She raised her weapon again, aimed, and fired.

A ball of energy flew out of the weapon, hitting the woman and knocking her back into the supercomputer, leaving a dent in it. Sophia grimaced. She had to lead the woman away from her computer.

"Come on, perra! You want a fight? I'll give you a fight!" she shouted, before running towards a different part of her lab, dropping her heavy weapon. The woman took the bait, and started running after Sophia.

She ran in-between her different experiments, looking for the right one. She stopped for a second, looking at what looked like a tiny gun. She grabbed it, and aimed it at the woman.

"Haven't gotten a chance to test this out yet, so guess you're my first test subject!" she exclaimed, and hit the trigger. A small beam shot out of the gun, and hit the woman, knocking her back a bit. The woman looked at her chest where it hit her, and both of them stood there for a second, waiting to see what happened.

Suddenly, the woman started to slowly float upwards. She kicked her legs, trying to regain her footing. Sophia laughed maniacally.

"Gravity gun is a success! Thank you for your cooperation," she said, and mockingly bowed down towards the woman, who just screamed at her, making Sophia laugh more before running off towards more experiments. She decided now would be a good time to mess around with some of her experiments, since she now had a willing test subject. Anything to just make sure that the woman didn't destroy more of her stuff.

Outside, Jaxson and Khalia were fighting off the crowd of people, trying to keep the attention on them, and trying to keep them from going into the house. It was starting to get difficult, considering that it was two people against over a hundred.

"I don't know how much longer I can keep this up for!" Khalia exclaimed, using her magic to shoot a purple beam at a group who tried to attack her from behind.

"Just keep going! We'll get them to stop eventually!" Jaxson replied, but she could hear the uncertainty in his voice. They had no idea why this was happening, or what these people's goal was. They were just focused on making sure they didn't get into the house. They were hoping that Sophia would come up with something. The entirety of the house was rigged with a security system that Sophia designed, so if she could get it back online, then their issues would be solved.

Suddenly, they heard a loud sound; almost like a loud trumpet, but not exactly. Khalia looked around.

"Why did that sound like a-" she started, before finding the source of the sound. Her eyes widened. "Elephant!"

Jaxson looked over to where she was looking, and he saw a giant elephant in the distance, running towards them. He laughed.

"Inside!" he shouted at her, and she looked at him, confused. She did as he said, though, and ran inside. The crowd was distracted by the elephant anyways, and wasn't trying to get into the house anymore.

The elephant charged into the group, and used it's trunk to start throwing people around. Khalia watched in awe. Where did this elephant come from? And why was it specifically attacking the crowd?

The crowd became aware of the fact that they wouldn't be able to take on an elephant, and the crowd dispersed as they all started to flee in different directions. The ones that stayed got thrown far away by the elephant, and soon, there was no one left on the lawn. It felt like it was over almost as soon as it had started.

Jaxson walked back out, and Khalia freaked out on the inside. Why was he approaching it? She slowly walked out behind, and then it all became clear as the elephant shrunk down, and suddenly there was a man standing in it's place.

"Good timing, Max!" Jaxson exclaimed, and held his hand up for a high five, which the man returned.

"Why on Ghea was there a crowd of people in front of our house trying to attack you guys?" he asked, grabbing his hair to tie it into a bun.

Jaxson explained everything he knew to the best of his ability. They only knew so much about what was happening; the entire situation was quite confusing.

"Is Sophia still down there with the woman?" Max asked when Jaxson was done explaining. His face went pale. He somehow forgot that Sophia was left alone with a woman that already tried to attack her, and he didn't know if she was still in the bubble.

"Shit," he muttered before running back into the house, Khalia and Max tailing behind him. They all ran towards Sophia's room, and then bolted down the stairs.

Jaxson gasped as soon as he could see what they were walking into. Sophia was sitting on the ground, with the woman next to her, and he couldn't tell if she was alive with how badly beaten she was. Sophia definitely did a number on her.

But the main thing that caught his attention is that the giant lab, once filled to the brim with different high tech and giant contraptions, was now in shambles. If someone didn't know any better, they wouldn't be able to tell that this was once a beautiful laboratory. It looked like a tornado had come through and destroyed everything with no hesitation. The sight made his breath catch in his throat. It wasn't even his laboratory; if anything, coming down here always made him uncomfortable. But seeing the lab in this state made him want to cry.

"Sophia?" he asked softly, approaching her as she sat on the floor, her head tilted down and her hair hiding her face. He reached out to put his hand on her shoulder, but as he saw her shudder with a silent cry, he retracted his hand. Knowing her, trying to be comforting right now would only make things worse.

He took another look around, and his eyes caught on the supercomputer, which was now basically just a heap of metal and glass.

This definitely wasn't how he envisioned his day going.


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