
Table of Contents

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2

In the world of Grandel Isle

Visit Grandel Isle

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The Darkness reaches out in its misty black form. It pushes through the portal and slides over the warm barrier. Its shape shifts and churns as it looks for a weakness. It thinks of the barren wasteland in which it is trapped on. There are no plants, only charred, blackened rocks. Years of neglect and destruction have destroyed all the structures that once stood here. A few damaged grimy stone columns and statues are all that remain. In front of the sunlit portal is a shadowy dark platform. In one of its many sinister forms, sitting in the center suppressing the beams of light, is a stone figure of the Darkness. The only other illumination is from the crackling fires and the constant flashes of lightning that dance in the unbalanced atmosphere.

The beings that once flourished here had christened it the Darkness. It has been known by many names through its endless lifespan. The Mist, Evil, Devil, and God are only a few. The entity is none of these and yet is like each in some way. It doesn’t remember the beginning of its never-ending life. Only that it has always had one basic need, food, and like all living things, it does what it must to ensure its survival.

The Darkness feels its pathetic Enchained behind it. When the creature first arrived, she had three that were willing to help it. They bound the ones that didn’t accept their fate with chains. After months of being tortured by their own and the Darkness drinking, the negative energy that collected around them. Mind and body, they were forever changed. They removed the physical chains then, but freedom was never to be theirs again. Invisible shackles bond them permanently to the Darkness. They watch it intently with their lifeless black eyes, fearing that the Darkness’ unwanted attention will turn on them. After years of being harvested, their dark leathery bodies are all that’s left of whom they once were. There are so few of its Enchained that are still capable of feeling anything. Their only purpose is to serve the Darkness in hopes of being spared.

The Darkness lets out a tortured scream. It can smell fresh food but knows it’ll have to settle for the stale unappetizing food behind it.

“There has to be a way through,” it hisses as it pushes against the repulsive barrier. “I must get through. I must feed.” In its fury, it slams itself against the golden wall and feels it give ever so slightly. It turns to face its feeble servants and steps forward in the form of a tall, dark-haired woman. She has a slight grin of satisfaction on her pale narrow face. Her chance has come again.

“The barrier is weakening. The Grandel’s Queen is dying. They will need to go to Earth and retrieve the new Queen soon. Shortly after they find the new Protector, they will send the box. Then, we can find her. We will need to move quickly. You,” she says with a soft growl. She points at two cowering slaves on her left, with one of her long black claws. “Get ready to move. I must have the delectable negative energy that flourishes on Earth. I am starving.”

Her Enchained recoil under her menacing gaze as a thin stream of icy mist, as black as her eyes, comes from the end of her finger. It encircles the two slaves in front of the group. They shiver as the vapor washes over them.

“I need this new Queen after she acknowledges who she really is, and I need her alive.” Another louder growl escapes her.

They fall to their bony knees and grovel at her feet.

“Yes, my mistress,” they cry in crackling voices. “We will find her, and we will not let any harm come to this one.”

She walks to an altar made of the bones of her enemies. The Darkness pulls out one of her long black claws, which quickly regenerates. She drops the old talon into a small black container. There are red symbols etched into it. She adds a drop of melted flesh from the last Enchained she fed upon and a pinch of crushed bone from the latest body that her bound slaves dragged home. Before sealing the container, she adds a mysterious burgundy liquid.

She shakes it vigorously then throws it into a nearby fire. The flames brighten as the revolting contents burn. A thin black smoke rises from the fire. She reaches out and seems to caress the smoke.

Her creation will transport the two Enchained to Earth. Unfortunately, for the Darkness, the black smoke is not strong enough to carry her to Earth.

“Find the Queen’s transport box, use it to find her. Utilize her father to get to her,” she says to the black smoke, and it seems to bow in agreement to its mission. The smoke moves toward the two bound slaves, engulfing them. As they dissolve into the smoke, they shriek in fear. The Darkness steps closer and shivers with delight sensing an underline of pain.

“Quickly, leave,” she says, her voice thick with longing.

The Darkness watches her creation glide through the portal. She forces her attention back to the glowing barrier, and bursting back into her vaporous form, she starts probing it again. She doesn’t know how much longer she can survive if she doesn’t get to the new Queen first. If the Darkness can consume the replacement Queen, not only will the barrier be gone, but she’ll have a direct doorway to Earth.

How magnificent it’ll be on Earth!

Humans are so deliciously thoughtless and cruel. Blocking out their brilliant sun will be easy. They have done half of her work themselves.

First, she must consume all the negative energy from those who are in pain. Then, she’ll go after the tasty cruel ones. She’ll be strong enough then to start blocking out Earth’s life-giving sunlight. What plant life they have not killed themselves will begin to die, and she’ll drink in the withering plant’s pain.

Oh, the lovely fear and despair will commence then! How delicious that’ll be! The more she eats, the stronger she’ll become, and one day the Earth will die. Then with her new strength and Enchained, she can have her revenge for all her years of torment. The hateful people on Grandel Isle will suffer. She’ll also be able to get back the three that escaped from this world. The ones that left their bodies behind, the ones whose bones make her alter. A shiver of pleasure ripples through her.

She looks through the portal and sees a young man sitting at the border of the Outer-lands. The Darkness feels something deep inside her stir, something unfamiliar. She doesn’t understand what it is. The Darkness only knows she doesn’t like him. Pressing closer, she tries to figure it out.

He’s tall and muscular with strong features. His golden hair is long and hides most of his face from the Darkness. She looks past him and sees two more young men coming. The one closest to the golden-haired boy is short and pale with soft round features. She bypasses him with no concern. The last one is also tall and muscular, like the first, but he’s leaner than the blond. His features are sharp and darker. She can sense the anger and turmoil within him. Now, he’d be a tasty meal, she thinks.

Slowly, the three come together. The Darkness must move swiftly. These three are going to be trouble. She thinks.


The Darkness
Thank you for reading these chapters of my book. If you want to discover what happens next, You can order the full version on Amazon or Barens & Noble today.
  Please have a look at my world, Grandel, as well!
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