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In the world of The Kingdoms of Man (WIP)

Visit The Kingdoms of Man (WIP)

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Succubuss Rebirth

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Succubus Rebirth   


Mr. Satan pulled his pocket watch out of his waist coat and yawned his next meeting was coming up, he was bored with mortals of a late, but he knew the next one was a real sinner for him to judge. Right on cue the chair Infront of his desk a man suddenly appeared. The man was white and middle aged. He wore a bowler hat and a black over coat a pair of trousers; his coat was covered in a crimson stain. He looked around shocked that he was in some kind of office and then looked across from him to see the man with dark round sunglasses and slightly long hair across from him. Mr. Satan spoke at last as he thumbed through some papers saying, “good morning, Mr. James McDougal, or should I say the Glascow Slasher?” James looked up at the man and said, “how do you know that?” Mr. Satan smiled and said “allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lucifer Satan, founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board for Hell Incorporated. McDougal looked at him out of shock “hell? So, this means I am dead?” Mr. Satan nodded, “but how?” “Well, you see that last victim you lured into your trap? Well, she was a succubus working for me and she stabbed you with a knife, now you are dead” McDougal gulped and said, “I guess this explains the blood stains on my clothes, what happens now?” Mr. Satan looked down on the page and said, “you seduced and lured 16 women to their deaths, you will get the punishment you deserve” He then waved his hand, and several chains came out of the darkness and wrapped themselves around the man's wrists and ankles lifting him up in the air making him spread his body eagle style. The man started to hyperventilate and started to beg “Please have mercy on me!” The Devil laughed and said “why? You never did?” he then snaped his fingers and the man’s clothes disintegrated and the ground below the hanging man opened up to a red abyss. It was then that a thought came to Satan’s mind, “you might be a disgusting, but your skills of seduction might be useful, but I don’t have any spots open for incubuses at the moment....” he started to think “but I do have one spot open again now” He then picked up a receiver for a phone and said into it “one for the kiln please” Mcdougal started to panic “what are you doing?” Mr Satan laughed and said, “oh you will find out later, see you later my lady” The chains released, and the man fell into the pit. 

The man fell for what for felt like minutes when suddenly he came to stop landing is some kind oif liquid, it was pitch black and very hot. So hot he swore he was melting, and in fact he was slowly his body was melting into the liquid until only his head remained and he was still alive the whole time. As his head started to go under, he tried to scream but found he was unable to and silently mouthed a scream as his head went under sure he was dead until sometime later he awoke once again. This time however he felt very cold when he found that he was unable to open his eyes at all but not because he could but because his face was completely covered by some kind of metal casing, in fact his whole body was encased in tight cold metal, it was then that he felt tiny pricks all over his body like 1000 pricks from a 1000 tiny needles then the needles started to pump something into his body before retracting then he heard the sound of gears as some kind of machinery started up and he felt pressure on his body as the machine started to hiss as his felt pressure everywhere, but mostly on his genitals, chest, waist and face as he felt himself being squeezed until he once again passed out. 

McDougal felt the wonderful touch of silky sheets on his body, it felt wonderful like being wrapped in cocoon. He was awke but he did not want to open his eyes he just wanted to stay in the moment as he let out a series of satisfied noises that sounded a little too high pitched to be right. Still, he stayed in the sheets and drifted in and out of sleep again until he was satisfyingly rested. He opened his eyes and saw the white ceiling he looked down to his surprise were a pair of sizeable breasts, he was not too familiar with sizes, but they look about size D. What was more surprising was that they were bright pink Shocked he decided to get up and find out what was happening. He rolled out of bed and stood up and after finding his balance he looked around to find a nice-looking room. The bed he had just woken up from was a genuinely nice 4 poster bed with nice sheets. There was also a small fireplace with a miniature grandfather clock on the mantle and a door leading to a closet and on the other side another door, however what sprung his attention first was a full-length mirror next to a small desk with a face mirror above it. He went in front of the full length mirror and what he saw amazed him.    

Looking back was a stunning creature she had bright pink skin that looked not quite human with two D cup breasts and a figure any woman would kill for and a face that was both beautiful and refined with high up cheek bones and a rounded chin along with horns on the top of her head. She was on the young side but with the look of someone who had experience probably about mid 30’s. She looked down at her genitals and indeed she now had the genitals of female human her hand was tempted to explore but was fascinated by her new ears witch were pointed on top. She smiled reveling her sharp pointed fangs and forked toung. She curiously was turned on by the look of her own body and placed both hand on her chest and guided them down her figure all the way to her plump rear where she found her tail. The wait was thin and black with a small sharp tip at the as she moved her hand down her tail and found it nice to feel. She fely tempted to explore her new body more but then she realized she needed to get some answers but she found she could get used to this new body. She looked around and found the door out of the room but when she tried to open the door she found it wouldn’t give way “locked just great” She made her away around the room untill she came to the closet door witch had a note on it that said “hey pick out something nice and meet me in my office” She shrugged and opened the door finding the closet a large room full of almost any type of clothing you could think of including some she never saw before. 

The new demon woman had no experience with female clothing but settled on a conservative black dress which had a handy whole for her tail to snake through and after she put it on the fabric seemed to magically conform to her body showing off her fetching figure. Unsure what to do next she went back to the bedroom door only to find it was now unlocked. She opened the door and to her shock she was back in the office she started in but instead of a desk was a small table with dinner set for two. Mr. Satan was sitting down at the table and said, “sit please and enjoy” She sat down at the table and finnly asked the question that was on her mind “so what happened?” He started digging into her meal and said “I changed you into a female demon a succubus, I figured that while I detest you human actions your skills might be useful to this company” She pursed her lips and asked “so I'm a demon now... ok but why female?” he started to salt his food when he said “because we needed more succubus's, because I like looking at pretty things, many reasons” She looked him in the eye and blushed “are you offering me a job or asking me out on a date?” “Why not both?” She blushed and her tail swayed back and forth and snaked under the table wrapping around his ankle she said “I accept your offer” her new sex obsessed instincts took and said, “how about we skip dinner and go straight to the sex?” Mr. Satan smiled and threw the table aside “sure let's do that” she threw self at her and the two kissed and threw their bodies at each other with Mr. Satan putting his hand on her rear and said, “what's your name by the way?” She smiled and said “Zerus... that sounds like a good name” He kissed her and said, “sounds good Ms. Zerus you start tomorrow but now you are all mine” She smiled and said “yes sir” 

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