Part 7 : Aftermath

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After the shock of victory had subsided, Klane experienced a nervous reaction to the terror of combat which he had not allowed himself to feel in the heat of the fight. To calm his shaking limbs he set to work immediately, using the klane to cut a deep grave for the creature, then hauling its bloody carcass into the pit and burying it. It was heavy labour but when it was done he felt much better. The afternoon of freedom that followed was one of much happiness and rejoicing for all the former captives. Klane insisted that they make a full survey of the base for they would need food, water and provisions before they left. They found many items of use, some of interest and others which just puzzled them. To Klane's great joy Lyr, reappeared early in the evening, his horse cantering back under Suak's guidance and nuzzling him as though apologising for abandoning his master. Then early in the evening they came again to the chamber where Klane had been instructed to assess the young women. 

"You know," Lucalle said in something of an arch tone of voice, "despite everything it wasn't ALL bad here. There was one thing which Ketha and I didn't mind too much. In fact," she continued in a more frosty fashion, "I think Ketha minded it much less than me!" 

The blonde girl grinned. 

"And there is something we wanted to know," Lucalle continued. "Who would you have chosen if you'd had to go along with the creature's plans?" 

Klane took a deep breath and closed his mouth. That wasn't exactly the kind of question to which there was any right answer! He might have faced down the creature but he felt far out of his depth now... "I hadn't given it any thought," he lied. "And now I guess we'll none of us ever know". He managed this last evasion with a smile and a commendably jaunty insouciance. It wouldn't satisfy either of them but at least it kept the peace for now. 

"I don't think we should let him off that easily, do you Lucalle?" Ketha giggled and persisted in a sweetly teasing manner. "Things are different now. The creature isn't making you choose. We're asking instead. Suppose you had to pick now?" 

This was making Klane's head spin. "How could I possibly choose between you?" he answered with blushing gallantry and tattered dignity, well aware that he was being toyed with but unable for the moment to think of a clever reply. Lucalle smiled again, making his heart thump. She was very beautiful. They both were. 

"We thought you might say that. But. Well, you see, we thought perhaps just this time you shouldn't HAVE to choose..." and now it was the princess' turn to blush, her diffidence touchingly undercutting the brazen meaning of her words. Remembering what Ketha had said about the way Lucalle used the word "we", Klane immediately glanced at the other girl but the handmaiden only answered him with a saucy wink. At that moment he realised they'd plotted this little charade between them and he couldn't help but laugh. So it was that Klane came to enjoy double the reward which tradition dictates normally belongs to the slayer of such archetypes as the creature.

And for that one night at least, he was happy.

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