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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2

In the world of United Earth

Visit United Earth

Ongoing 590 Words

Chapter 2

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The Dead City

07:45 AM 


Jenna always enjoyed travelling in United Earth's VIP transport helo. Far from the austerity of the bare metal, webbing cladded military equivalient, a trip in the department's Sikorsky S-92 meant travelling in style. With enough room for 20 passengers, a ride in the S-92 meant relaxing in plush leather seats, drinks on tap from the bar, and a comfortable working area for Jenna's team to prep for the mission.  

The journey from Havana to New York took just over three hours. Now the weather had improved, Jenna could see the whole of the Dead City below ahead as they flew past Liberty Island then over Battery Park. Manhatten, or what was left of it, was always a stark reminder of the devastation the war had caused across the whole of what was once the United States of America.  

Nevertheless, Jenna was pleased the department agreed to wait the extra day before initiating the expedition, as it was unlikely to make a difference to the mission outcome. She hated travelling in bad weather, and most of the time, bad weather wasn't a reason to delay, when mission objectives were time critical. Even inside a S-92, in a storm you felt like you were taking your life in your hands. It reminded her too much of her late evacuation from Washington, a day she would prefer to forget. She had work to do and didn't need the distraction. Whoever had killed the crew last August in France had to pay. She knew it had to to be the work of Alok's terrorist group, the Chromos, but she had no proof at this time. Her mission, her primary and only objective, was to find out who planted the bomb and who gave the order to detonate it. 

As the S-92 slowed to a hover, 10 meters over Central Park's north side, the pilot indicated to his passengers to buckle up. Jenna and her two companions sat in their designated seats and complied. "So is everyone clear what we're doing?" she said, looking at each of her three companions in turn. 

"Afirmitive," said Alex, Jenna's second in command. Jenna knew Alex would someday take over her position with The Department, when she was done. As an ex-military officer, Alexis Brand was a strategic thinker, with the training and tactics of a special forces operator, and the compassion of a social worker. She had the whole package. Jenna knew that Alex could lead the team today, but the only thing holding her back was Jenna. However, unlike most of the career climbers in the department, Alex was loyal.

"Ready." Errol Brown, to Jenna's left. Errol was an excellent investigator and forensic specialist, so a perfect member of Jenna's four person tactical team.

The last member of Jenna's team was the one she was least impressed with. His name was Clemence Aurora. Everyone called him CA, which was apt as Jenna always thought this was for Complete Asshole. CA looked over, smiled and cocked his weapon. "Let's shoot come Chromos." 

"We don't have a kill order, CA. Holster your weapon." Jenna stared at him, expressionless, waiting for him to comply. "Any shit from you today, and you'll be sitting this one out." 

Slowly, CA secured his handgun back in his shoulder holster and sat back. "I hear ya, boss lady."

Discuss final mission brief and instruction, moving into formation and weapons ready but not threatening. 

Move to entrance of subway.

Describe city devastation and more of the overgrownness and destruction.

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