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Grillby Was Late Monstergarten

In the world of Undertale Sansby World

Visit Undertale Sansby World

Ongoing Words


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Grillby's birthday was last week. He was now a whole 6 years old, making him a year older than his best friend sans! He'd ran into the classroom to inform him of this, because it was important to know, but sans wasn't there today! He whined slightly, before flopping into a beanbag chair and letting out a smoke puff.


The teacher, Mrs. Gol, swept over to him. The others were busy playing with some tiny balls. “Grillby, what's wrong hon?”


Grillby whined. He had his new 'birthday suit' on, and he knew he wouldn't ever wear it again and sans wouldn't get to see it and it wasn't fair! “sans isn't here! That's no fair. I wanted to tell him I got older.”


Mrs. Gol covered her mouth with a small chuckle. “Well, his father took him to meet his brother, remember?”


Grillby's flames shot up. That's right! Sans had been boasting about being a big brother, and had excitedly told Grillby he'd be allowed to bring the baby here at least once so his class could meet 'the best baby of all!'. Grillby was excited now. “Oh cool! So is he gonna bring him tomorrow?” Tomorrow was show and tell, and sans had thought it'd be funny to bring his baby brother in as his show and tell.


Mrs. Gol made a humming sound, smoothing her skirt down. “I'm unsure. His father might keep the baby home for a while, or even sans home for a bit, but they might bring him by?”


Oh. That didn't sound like fun at all. Sans wouldn't get to play with him? Aww...Grillby wanted to play with the baby too.


Mrs. Gol chuckled and patted Grillby's head. “Well, we'll see them tomorrow won't we?”


Yeah, fine...


The next day, Grillby had managed to convince his mother to let him wear his suit again (“sans didn't get to see, Mama!” “Oh! Haha he didn't? Oh dear, well let's make sure he does hmm?” “YES!”) and had busted into the class along with the other children. He put his backpack up, and looked around for sans. No go.


Grillby pulled out his box of cool rocks. One was bright orange like him, one made him think of sans, and one was smooth and shiny!


Mrs. Gol called them up one by one. Alphys brought in some comic book (manga?) and had spent a good 10 minutes, not stuttering, arguing with no one about how the sequel was the WORST THING EVER, even vegetables!


Grillby wouldn't know. He liked vegetables.


Undyne cackled as she showed off her new way of making spears. They were funky looking, but Alphys had cheered her on.


Kara showed off her way of balancing on her tail, Jak had two coconuts (which he wasn't even sure where he got them), and Manni had a new picture book from the garbage. They all liked it, and had told Manni so. They blushed, and quickly gooped off back to their chair.

Before Mrs. Gol could call up anyone else, the door opened. Everyone turned to see who it was. Last time anyone came through the door during class (which wasn't really a class, as Mrs. Gol said they'd do more class things in 1st grade), it was the principal having come to read to them! It was pretty fun!


Grillby's flames shot up and he felt them lighten up. It was sans! Well, sans and Mr. Gaster, and a bundle?


Gaster's empty hand came up and started to sign. “Hello, Mrs. Gol. I was informed it was show and tell for sans?”


Mrs. Gol smiled as sans waved wildly at Grillby, who shook his box at sans. He whispered loudly, “I got my rocks!”


sans whispered back, “i got my brother!”


He turned back to his dad, who had made a bit of small talk with the teacher, yanking on his doctor robe. “dad, dad gimme! Please please?”


Gaster chuckled, a dark rough thing that was also pleasing. He bent down, getting a chair for sans to sit in. “Remember how to hold him, okay?”


sans made grabby hands at the bundle. “yeah dad, come on!”


Gaster adjusted the now known baby in sans' lap, and backed up, just making sure he wouldn't drop him. Sans cleared his throat and pulled the blanket back a bit. A babybones was sitting in the blanket, his tiny face scrunched up before smoothing out when sans let him grab his finger.


“this is my new babybones brother! His name is Papyrus and I get to watch him and play with him!” The baby made a sneezing noise, startling sans, before the baby made tiny whining noises. “aww there there Paps!”


He patted Papyrus' back, while Gaster tried to gently take the baby so he could do whatever it was adults do with babies. Grillby didn't know.


Eventually sans gave up the whining baby to his dad, who patted his back and held him close. Sans shrugged. “well when he gets older, I get to play with him, and take him places! Then he can come to class with me!”


sans got off the chair and quickly made his way to the empty chair next to Grillby. They smiled at each other. “i like your suit! didja see my bro? He's so cool!”


Grillby nodded. “Thanks sans! I did! Maybe he'll play with us later?” sans grinned wider, nodding faster.


Grillby went up, showed off his rocks (he gave the one that made him think of sans to him, which made the skeleton giggle), and soon it was time for them to just play around.


Somehow sans had convinced his father to stick around with the baby, with the promise they wouldn't shake the tiny skeleton around. Soon he and Grillby had gotten ahold of the playhouse (which was hard, because Alphys and Undyne liked to use it to play Anime, but they were engrossed in Alphys' book), and sans had Papyrus wrapped up and tied to his chest so the baby wouldn't wiggle free. He and Grillby were having a fake discussion about how Grillby's restaurant was doing-because Grillby wanted to be a famous cook!-and how sans' day was with the baby.


Grillby clunked the plates together, giving sans a piece of fake pie and sat on the tiny chair. “This is fun! You should bring your brother by more.” sans grinned and nodded, Gaster who was listening outside the playhouse on a tiny chair snorted into his hand.


Grillby's flame flared. “Hey! When we grow up, we should have a house together!”


sans gasped and nodded. “yeah yeah! You can have your awesome restaurant with uh, with people in fun suits! And we can have a biiiig house!” sans patted Papyrus' back. “can my cool bro come with us? He's tiny.”


Grillby hummed. “Won't he stay with your daddy?”


sans shrugged. “can my daddy come with us?”


Grillby nodded as Gaster burst into silent laughter. “Yeah! Then we can get married and have a baby too.”


Gaster choked on his breath. Well that escalated quickly.

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