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A Starlit night The next one

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A Starlit night

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On a Library roof, two cloaked figures silhouette whenever a cloud clears the path of the bright moon.

"I hope you pay good money for this, entering a royal library" - one of the cloaked figures grumbles to the other.

"Shut up and cut the glass" - the other responds, no sooner the response comes as they are inside, a small lantern with a shade illuminates rows of bookshelves, slowly they walk as the flicker of the lantern appears to have the intention of giving away their presence but never daring to do so. After a brief search, they encounter their target and pocket the book. Across the library, a large sound is heard as if a door was forced open. The pair immediately put out the lantern and start going for the exit, suddenly almost as a scream pierces silence a crossbow bolt flies and hits the first figure at the center of mass immediately stopping it, the second figure, almost as if ready for such event starts running and weaving across bookshelves kin to water in a pipe. In half a minute it manages to get to the entrance and climb out the rope left to escape, outside on the ground several squads of soldiers are seen running in every which way trying to find the assailant as the very same looks down on them and begins leaping rooftops and soon appears to lose them.

A chase ensues and the cloaked figure starts masterfully leaping across buildings always with a sense of showmanship. Teams of soldiers on the ground try to keep up but their armaments and armor get in their way and none can match the acrobatics of the shadow. however, from a nearby roof, an archer looses an arrow glancing at the leg of the fugitive and a tear of blood pours out. Still, it keeps the pace up and does not falter. Alas, a team of heavily armored Men stands guard at one of the buildings, and quickly the figure is surrounded.

A clad Man heavy in bulk and weighty in statute comes forward and Smiles.


They take the figure to a cell and the Knight addresses it - "White star, finally in my grasp, I thought it would be a much harder catch."

"Captain Okan the pleasure is all mine - A snarky remark escapes the lips of the prisoner.". "Don't play smart with me Star we have been after you for a year" -  Okan nearly gnarls at Star - "It is time we knew who you are.". "Before you de-cloak me Okan are you sure you want to end the chase today? You will be left with nothing to do if you catch me" - Star remarks with a twinkle in their smile. "You wish you were that important to me" - Okan laughs. "I never said that" - Star said wittily.

Okan approaches to de-cloak the figure and as he does so says - "You were right at one thing you never did have to pay your partner." As the cloak falls a long black hair can be seen. Well, men are easy to fool- "Star says as she melts the shackles.". "She's a fucking witch" - Okan yells. However as soon as the last sound exits his mouth a dagger takes place in his throat - "I did tell you that you would not be doing anything after today" - Star whispers in the dying man's ears.  

Chaos ensues as guards call for backup and the other guards rush into an empty room Star had taken the opportunity and used her powers for a short teleport. No sooner Star escapes she makes the night her friend and escapes under its darkness.

After the escape Star is in the woods outside the town of Kargor. Setting up camp they look to hide their position, adept at tracking and counter-tracking, they hide tracks and make the position as hidden as possible. Still, it is almost presentable with a small opening in some bushes opening up to a small fire and a sleeping cot. This felt almost like a house however It was not a home. Star sits with a pensive look cleaning her blade. Doubt besets the face, eyes devoid of pain and yet full of sorrow. No better word could describe Star other than "Empty". This thought crossed Star's mind, they know they are no hero and yet do not feel like a villain, a thought of a pawn is what takes hold. Nothing more than a person playing a part in schemes they do not understand or even want to understand, the money is just as good. Yet there is pain, not like in a cut, but more like a hangnail a pain that stays quiet and still loud. The pain crossed her head all day but did not take control of Star. They look at the fire and the flames start dying down and ambers take hold, slowly the wood breaks apart and open in small burning coals. Slowly lying down in the cot Star looks at her namesakes and wonders if the Gods are real and if they are if they matter, why such a universe only to be "Empty" like them. It was late, slowly closing their eyelids Star fell into a dream or maybe a nightmare.

The day dawns like a guillotine, Star never liked the day or the Sun for that matter. They were too bright, too... Public. Star liked the dark maybe because she hid so well or because her fears could see them. Lifting camp Star has a sinking feeling, one that is too familiar to her. It falls on her every day only going away when the focus shifts to a job. All days felt the same, Star had tried to look at rivers, and grassy hills even going to see the mountains. Nothing would subside the "Emptiness". Life felt dead, Stars thoughts again strayed. Started walking North across the "Pits" holes made in the earth in a long ago war, teams from Kargor tried to plug them but the more they plugged the more that appeared. The holes were so numerous that trying to plug the superficial ones would cause collapses of tunnels underneath them. Walking was far more cautious in this area having to watch where to put the weight. 

Moving across the Pits Star almost moves like a shadow. Many a time had they crossed this, however soon it started to rain, which on a day that had had no signs of clouds was strange. The clouds fell as if out of nowhere and the already tricky terrain turned boggy. Star adapted her movement style to an even more meticulous one. However, still, this rain felt unnatural, almost as if apocalyptic, but Star was not superstitious and so powered through the rain.

Almost out of the Pits Star feels the ground shake. "Was this a collapse?" but quickly Star had her warmth sucked out as two giant creatures one bulky and boulder-like and the other seemingly made of fire sprouted out of the ground. This was unlike anything Star had seen so far, there were tales of old about creatures made of fire and earth but Star thought them to be myths. Myths they were not.

Right in front of Star, a battle raged with the earth creature picking a boulder the size of a house and throwing it at the other creature, and passing right above Star. Star had to run away, but how? Her powers were limited able to teleport a distance of about 40 feet a day and able to melt small metal objects in her hands this was not useful to the situation.

Still thinking, the battle raged with the fire creature summoning a whirlwind of flame, which barely missed Sta. The heat could be felt almost as if Star was burning. This fire whirlwind hit the earth creature dead center and caused it to trip, coming straight at Star. With a quick thought, she used her teleport to move a bit more front and propelled itself on small boulders that were left from the battle and seemed more stable than the muddy ground Star leaped ahead and escaped the falling giant.

With this, the battle kept raging but Star was out of its reach, it was a close call. They had never seen anything like this, and from a safe distance kept watching as the two creatures wailed on each other almost to a deathly duel. In the end, the fire giant won and the earth creature defeated returned to the depths. The fire creature turns to Star and a searing headache flew through, and a voice echoes in Stars mind, "Elf or Human?". "Both" Star replies with determination. The gaze gains focus on Star. Soon the giant disappears again to the bowels of the world and Star is confused by the spectacle that just unfolded.

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