Chapter 12. Daki and Lars in Hyde Park.

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Chapter 12. Daki and Lars in Hyde Park.

Grieglands was not the only place where tensions and apprehensions were running high. Across the cosmos, in Londonatis, evil games were afoot. The fae folk knew something extreme was happening. Daki and Lars had been walking around the festival on high alert, waiting, watching, talking to Smarles and Nymphs. Some Luna people had met them on Hyde Park Corner.

            “When you get into the stadium go straight to the water fountains on the far left, there you’ll meet Sammi under the trees, she’s our cousin, she’ll know more than we do. Go, hurry, go now.”

            They negotiated their way through the gates, up through the park to the left of the stage, they found the trees, and in the muddle of hot people clamouring for water at the fountains there she was.

“Hi, you Sammi? I’m Lars, this is Daki. Your cousin said you might know something about the vibrations, there’s something going down.”

“Hi. All we know is that Old Fleet has mustered up the Thames Tribe, the underground witches and apprentices, as you’ll know they are bad people, very bad people. They’re all over the place, waiting in alleys, basements, car parks and abandoned buildings. As soon as word passes up the river they’ll gather together. They want to seek out how this strong magic is coming, they know something or someone is coming from outside our galaxy. They’ll do anything to get their hands on a new and more powerful magic, they’re lying in wait to capture any mage from afar that they could torment for their own ends. Old Fleet is losing his powers, he used to be the top dog around The Fleet river but now he’s feeble. One of the Tribe gave it away that he’s trying to find an ally in his bid to control Londonatis. He detests democracy and with his poisonous words is trying to get the people to adopt a him,  being a more controlling leader. He still holds a lot of influence but he’s too old and weak. Unless he gets a more charismatic ally with the same mindset he won’t be able to influence the country as he previously did. Tell me what you know….”

            “Thanks Sammi, that’s really helpful. Well, in Soho, about a week ago, The Good Witch Laylia had a terrible vision. It was blazoned in the stars. A portal is opening from a parallel universe and through it will come a small fighting band on a mission we know nothing about. Everyone’s crazy to find out what’s going on. We’ve all heard of mythical portals but nothing’s ever happened before, so I guess we didn’t really believe in them. The fae folk all know and we’re on the watch for cosmic strangers,” replied Daki.

            Sammi interrupted, “But it’s happening now! Everyone I speak to says they’ve either felt the vibrations of ripping time or had a message from space. The land has spoken and the animals are going to cover and it’s not even autumn yet. The trees are beginning to turn and it’s way too early. Nature can feel it, the earth can feel that something’s about to kick off.”

            Lars jumped in,

            “To be honest Sammi, I think it is now, I think it’s near, I can feel it. If only we knew who the corrupt old terror was in league with. He’ll never find a portal on his own, he’s too lazy and greedy, he’ll get someone else to do his dirty work. He may have control of the dark Thames, but that’s all.”

            “Look, Santana’s playing next and the crowd are bound to go down to the stage. It’s the perfect time to walk around the stalls and get some gossip. Most of the food stalls are run by Smarles or Lunas and they’re all in the know. We can’t just wander around with hundreds of people hoping for the best. I’ll meet you back here after Santana’s played.”

            “Ok. Thanks Sammi,” Lars replied quickly and off he and Daki went to where the vast crowd were gathering to hear the band. Most people had already poured in through the gates of the festival but a few newcomers were trickling in to catch Santana and Clapton later.

            Nothing came of talking to the stall holders. It was boiling hot and the crowd was packing in densely down by the stage. The band had struck up to huge cheers and whoops and guitar riffs were drifting on the hot wind. Giant screens behind the band showed close- ups and special effects, the music carried everyone with it, they were moving with unabashed abandon, singing, dancing and wildly delighted.

            “Let’s get in and watch the crowd for a bit, sure, the Thames Tribe will be able to hide among this many people but were bound to sense them or see their auras. If we can suss out where they’re going we’ve got a chance of reaching the visiting mages before they do.”

            Then something changed. As soon as the band started to play “Black Magic Woman” the massive screens behind Santana showed an image clear as day - it was the Thames at Greenwich, with a mermaid getting into difficulty in the water. She was in peril and desperately calling for help, waving and struggling in the water. It definitely wasn’t part of the show and the crowd obviously weren’t seeing what they were seeing.

            “That’s it,” said Daki, “We’ve gotta get to Greenwich.”

            As they ran out of the festival Lars rapidly stuck his hands in his pockets and pulled out a bag of Talking Dust. He threw it as high as he could, it caught the wind and, not looking at all unusual at a festival, the golden dust spread across the crowd and drifted slowly down on them. All fae people knew at once what Daki and Lars were thinking and doing when the dust settled on them and for everyone else it was just a fun twist to a great day.

            Crazily rushing to the Tube they got to Greenwich as fast as they could. They charged along the bank until they were in front of the Royal Palace and scanned the dark green water for the mermaid .

            “We’re too late. Who knows who she was but we haven’t made it in time. She’s gone.”

            For a while they sat on the wall and just stared. What on earth could they do now? Who was the mermaid anyway? Was it a trick to lure them to Greenwich? None of it made any sense.

            “Let’s go up to Madeline.”

Madeline was The Keeper of The Deer at the top of Greenwich Park. They knew her well. She was pretty quiet but she always knew what was happening in the city by talking to the nymphs in the trees at Greenwich Park, and of course she knew how to creep in to the Observatory unnoticed to check on the alignment of the stars.

            It was a push but they got up the hill as fast as they could. They paused by the observatory and surveyed the scene across Londonatis.  As they stood there a tall woman in a golden, decorated cape, with flaming hair and a sword rushed over to them. Her friend was also tall, proud and elegant.

            “I mean you no harm,” she said. “ I am Honeybee and this is Lilliana, we are Raven Warriors”.

            Lars laughed, “Look, I’m really sorry but were in a massive rush and I can’t stop. But you look great, whatever party you’re going to you’ll knock ‘em dead!”

            Lilliana waved her hand and quietly whispered an incantation. Lars and Daki were stuck where they stood, but they could hear what the Ravens told them.

            “We have come through a rare portal to this fine observatory. We seek Genia our friend and future Queen. We have travelled from a distant galaxy to save her. We have toiled for eighteen years to come to your land. Please help us, we can see that you are fae and we know no one in Londonatis.”

            Lilliana then released them . Shocked they were, but everything was moving so fast they had no time to stop and think. They instinctively felt that they could trust these two, after all the women were rather ‘otherworldly’ and everything they said fitted with the word on the streets. Either they trusted them and took them to Madeline with them or left them to be found by The Tribe. These two clearly had no idea who to trust in Londonatis and could easily be found by the wrong sort of witches.

            “Right,” said Daki. “Here’s the thing, I’m Daki, this is Lars, we came to rescue a mermaid from that river down there, but she’s gone and we have no idea what to do next. The evil witches are led by the corrupt Old Fleet. He trades in lies and blackmail, he’s listening out for your arrival, so we have to keep you a secret while we work out what to do next. They’ll want to kidnap you to learn your most powerful magic. It stands to reason that you must be more advanced than we are to have travelled through a portal, you see we have always felt there could be one, but one’s never opened before.  Fleet has an ally but we don’t know who it is yet. You’re in a lot of danger. ”

            “Should we disguise ourselves?” asked Honeybee.

            “No, this is Londonatis for Greta’s sake, you’ll blend right in! But maybe put the sword away!”

            In no time at all, after a lot of puffing and rushing (the boys weren’t as fit as The Ravens), they reached Madeline who was tending to the herd of large red deer at the top of the park. As they talked it became clear what they needed to do.

            “Lady Sage, my grandmother, has told me that we must go to the large park with much music making and a lake shaped like a snake,” stated Honeybee.

            “We’ve been tricked!” said Lars. “We were just there and were sent on a wild goose chase to Greenwich, but it’s not all bad or we wouldn’t have met you Ravens. Madeline will sort this out for us won’t you Maddie?”

            As fast as lightening they explained just enough to Madeline who prepared the strongest and fastest large red deer who took to the air with them all. As they flew Lars threw up another bag of Talking Dust over the cosmic visitors so that they all knew what was in each other’s minds. They all gripped on hard and leant into the powerful flying deer who were hot and warm and were breathing very heavily. They flew immediately over the capital, no one noticed of course because everyone in Londonatis is very busy, except for a man lying on his back on a bench looking up at the evening sky. He actually gasped and rolled off in surprise. It took a while but they arrived back in Hyde Park and alighted in trees beside The Serpentine Lake. They could hear that Clapton was starting his set and the day was beginning to draw to a close. At least while the festival was going on the mages in the park could keep an eye out for Old Fleet’s servants of evil. The evening was heavy with summer heat, there seemed to be no air as they approached the normally fresh lake.

            The four of them watched for a while but saw nothing. A few people had picnicked by the lake in the afternoon but gradually weary parents and their children had made their way home, young lovers wanted to move on before the festival spilled out and all the Tube stations would be packed. No one wanted a crush on a boiling hot summer’s evening.

            As the lake-side cleared, a green, wet mist descended. The sky was growing dim and night was nearly upon them. As the sound of ‘Layla’ wafted across from the stage the air began to get cold. A breeze was creeping across The Serpentine and small waves turned into larger ones and ripples reached the banks. It was hard to focus as daylight disappeared, they could only make out the shadowy shape of the lake and the trees beside it.

            To their disbelief a beautiful maiden emerged from the water, a mermaid. The four stood stock still and watched, they did not want to be seen. Was this the mermaid that they had envisioned in the Thames at Greenwich Palace? It was! It was!

            “Who is she?” they all wondered.

Honeybee and Lilliana looked at each other. This mermaid was the image of Genia! How could this be possible? What foul and strange magic was occurring here? Honeybee moved as if to approach the swimming maiden but Lars gently held her arm and whispered,

“Wait lady, we may see more.”

As the darkness grew more black and the moon shone dimly they saw a dreadful creature emerge from the rippling water. They drank in the sight of The Midnight Lady and knew straight away that she was the Watery Witch who must be in league with Old Fleet. She disgusted them with her dirty, muddy hands and face and the cloying way that she spoke to the mermaid. It was shocking how she caressed the young maiden and stroked her red hair with her long webbed fingers. The mermaid seemed to fall into an almost trance-like state as she was held and caressed by the witch. They saw the maiden fall back into a dreamy faint in the witch’s arms that dripped with slime, all the while she spoke softly and cloyingly to the girl. The witch placed her upon a rock and rolled back into the water with her beautiful face to the moon, cackling and spitting water out of her pretty mouth. She rolled in the small waves of the lake, dived below and came up, rolled again laughing all the time. At last she came out upon the rock and stood up to her full height, her watery weeds dripping down as she did so.

            Suddenly she raised her hand into the air as if to feel around for something invisible and then she pointed directly to where the four stood.

“Come out dears, I have looked forward to meeting our visitors from afar. You are welcome here at my lake.”

However friendly this witch seemed all four knew that she was a foe. A mortal enemy in the shape of a Water Witch.

They approached warily.

            Lilliana spoke first, “Lady, thank you for your greeting. We are indeed visitors and are most pleased to meet you. Pray tell us who this mermaiden is?”

The Midnight Lady cackled again.

            “Look closely dears, for you can see she has your friend’s face, and hair and mouth and eyes. Her hands you have seen before are like the hands of your dear friend Genia.  This is Scylla the mermaid daughter of Genia. But know this fools, that I have had Scylla in my power for many years, she has told me her mother’s secrets and much of her magic. She has deceived her mother, she has played a traitor’s game, she is in my power and my power alone.” Again she let out a ghastly, gurgling scream of delight.

“You should take care lady, for you cannot stand in the way of our quest. We shall destroy you and find Genia whatever you think you have the power to do,” said Honeybee bravely.

The witch just threw her head back and laughed.

“You will never see Genia with your own eyes, however much you believe you will! I tell you this you foolish child,” she spat out her angry words now. “I have waited hundreds of years to claim my birth right and rule the rivers and lakes of Londonatis. Too long have I suffered under the enchantment of this lake. I now rise and challenge you and we may do each other a service.”

The Midnight Lady raised a glass dagger above Scylla’s heart itching to plunge it deeply into the girl who she hated with a great passion. A girl who she had been kind to against all of her natural instincts.

“You come to me dear Raven, yes, you in the red, come hither my pet.”

Honeybee stepped as close as she could to the water. Lilliana held back with the men, she was ready to strike the moment she needed to.

“Tell me your name dear, tell dear Lady of Midnight your name.”

Honeybee stood tall and shouted across the lake,

“I am Honeybee, Raven Warrior !”

“I recognise you dear, I can feel your magic, I know that you are a great sorceress and I offer you a bargain.”

“I do not strike bargains with traitors!”

“Oh you shall want to strike this one my dear. Very soon an old crone will come to hang a Silver Pear on that tree, it will enable Scylla to walk as a woman and go with her to a magical glade. I have waited patiently for hundreds of dark and dismal years, but now I have got my prize. I don’t want this worthless girl, this weird and useless mermaid, what I want is you! I can feel your power, I can see your wisdom glowing around you, you shall give me the innermost secrets of your sorcery, and you shall do this willingly!”

They stared at each other. Lilliana clenched her fists tightly hoping that Honeybee would choose to fight the witch. Surely between them they could defeat her. The men stood by with what magic they had. They desperately hoped that the fae folk at the festival would come to their aid but no one else was anywhere near this misty, wet lakeside.

Honeybee could see that The Midnight Lady had no genuine feelings for the mermaid who she had twisted and controlled for many years. She could see that the glass dagger was inches away from Scylla’s heart and the witch’s dirty fingers were itching to use it.

“Raven,” said the witch, “You may walk away or you may try your magic in this lake, but it will have no effect, I have been guardian of this lake for hundreds of years and your magic cannot touch me here. But if you come willingly I shall take you down with me to my watery home and I shall release this pathetic mermaid. You shall become my servant and do my bidding for the rest of time. It is but a small sacrifice. You give me your life and your friend’s and your future queen will go free. The Old fool Fleet will be in my power, he will bend to my superior magic, for with you I shall become the greatest witch in the land!”

Again she let out her evil, gurgling cackle.

The green mist came down more thickly so that Lilliana, Daki and Lars could barely see. They could hardly breathe for all the moisture in the air. As they looked towards one another Honeybee had already started to stride into the lake.

“Release the girl!” Honeybee said proudly.

As Honeybee grew tall and waded across the lake to The Midnight Lady she held her head high. She had lain her weapons at the lakeside and turned once to smile goodbye to her friends. As she neared the rock the witch put her dagger back in her belt, waved her hand over Scylla and gurgled at her,

“Go to Hecate you malformed creature, go to Hecate and never enter my lake again!”

Scylla did not know what was happening but in sheer terror she swam to the edge of the lake and was met as usual by Hecate. She saw the others at the end of the lake but she did not know them. In a daze she took the Silver Pear and ate it quickly, all she wanted to do was to reach her mother. Hurrying along with Hecate she turned briefly to see a tall, beautiful, red haired woman slide beneath the waves of the lake with her arms clasped across her breast, The Midnight Lady’s dirty hands were pulling the beautiful woman down into the dark water.

“What is this? What does this mean?” she thought rushing towards her mother.

Genia came through the veil to greet Scylla with love as usual, but she stood as still as a statue as she saw her best friend Honeybee appear before her for the first time in eighteen years in this enchanted realm. Raven Warrior sank beneath the water. She did not struggle but it was hard to tell if her face was wet or if she had shed a final tear and then she was gone. Genia sensed grave danger and desperately dragged her child towards the glade.

Lilliana folded up in tears, Daki and Lars had to support her in her grief. She ran towards Scylla. She shouted to the maiden,

“Scylla, Scylla, I am your mother’s friend, when I find her I shall come back and rescue you from that crone.”

 She did not recognise the old crone as Genia. Lars held her back and swiftly pulled her away from The Serpentine. She felt weak and far from home, everything that had happened was the most enormous shock. First the portal, then the city, The Lake, the witch and Scylla. She was totally bemused and in despair about the death of Honeybee.

“This is not over Lilliana. We must not stay, this place is dangerously bewitched. Come we must run to Hyde Park Corner and speak with The Good Witch Laylia, this problem is too great to solve on our own right now. We have witnessed terrible and enchanted things and now we need sound counsel to save your friend. They rushed Lilliana away from the Lake fearing for more terrible magic. At least they could save one of the travellers. As they ran a few of the revellers stared at this unusually strong and beautiful woman who appeared to be in a state of collapse, but it was Londonatis after all and they thought she was probably drunk.

They sat by the wall next to the gates and Laylia revived Lilliana with her magic and a strong draught.

“Lilliana, all is not lost. Compose yourself and we shall look into my magic mirror.”

As the mirror cleared they saw a carriage, a funeral cortege, led by six black horses with black plumes in their bridals. The coffin bore the name ‘Honeybee, Raven Warrior’. The horses pulled hard as they dragged up the hill to Highgate Cemetery.

“ No! No! Show me no more! I cannot bear it, my dearest friend and the greatest Raven of all Grieglands, dead, dead! Oh woe, oh woe for we are not to bring her home.” Lilliana was doubled up with weeping was led back towards the glade where the new portal now awaited her. No Honeybee and no sign of Genia, what on earth could they do now?

What Lilliana could not know was that Honeybee had drawn from her pocket the magic rope that Diana and Celeste had woven. She had hidden it when they had rescued the ladies. There was no stronger rope in the universe and as The Midnight Lady pulled her down into the watery grave Honeybee had lashed the rope around her until the witch was tightly bound, she could not use her evil magic. With this binding the witch was killed and having breathed in most deeply Honeybee could just swim to the other side of the lake. It was most important that Lilliana, Daki and Lars believed her to be dead. If it were known that Honeybee was still in Londonatis then Old Fleet would have risen up with all his tribe and kidnapped her himself. Old Fleet was a sordid old fellow and not long for this earth. His power was weak and waning, now without The Midnight Lady his followers would desert him in search of a new leader. Old Fleet had anticipated Honeybee’s funeral with interest and swam in his river a weaker wretch.

Meanwhile, Genia had half carried Scylla into The Glade. Jack and Kalo came close. Genia had no eyes for anyone else. She sat beside Scylla who lay on the soft couch on the veranda. For eighteen years they had all loved and cared for this poor maiden who was neither fish nor woman. Now as she lay there dazed from her terrible experience with The Midnight Lady she stared into space. She was shocked and shaking, her world had just been smashed like glass. She barely knew where she was or who she was, she doubted everything. Scylla felt too frail to think straight. She just wanted to huddle down and that everything bad would just go away. This was too much for her to take. At last she gulped down some air and said,

“Mother, I have been wicked! I was wrong, I do not hate you, I love you with all my heart. I was bewitched by The Midnight Lady, she coaxed me to be her friend but she has just used me to reap greater magic than I possess. Oh mother I am so sorry. I’m so sorry. I love you so much.”

“Darling daughter, everything will be alright. Nothing can come between you and I, our bond of love is so great.”

Scylla smiled weakly. In a flash something extraordinary happened for into The Glade appeared a tall, wonderful man.

No one had ever entered before. He must have come by magic.

Genia knew immediately that this was Demetri, she nearly fell to the floor with surprise and hope. Her old arms started to shake and her hands tremble.

“Madame, I have come form afar to seek my one true Love, Genia The Princess of The Western Farmlands. Pray tell me have you seen her?”

“Kind Sir, do you not see who is before you? Look deeply into my eyes and you may see who I am.”

Demetri looked at the old lady with a puzzled air.

“Madame I see that your daughter looks familiar to me. She reminds me of my one true love. Can it be that you have concealed Genia from me with some evil magic?”

Tears began to flow down Genia’s wrinkled old face and Demetri looked into her wet eyes and saw one who he remembered but could not believe that it was Genia. He shook his head hard to try and think straight. He had just been thrown from one universe to another and now had the misfortune of being confronted with a shaky old lady, surely there was someone more able and quick witted than this woman?

“Excuse me dear lady but I have come a very long way, after many a hard year to seek my blessed love who I lost eighteen years ago. I have come with hope in my heart that I should find her, rescue her and return her home with me. I am so forlorn that I do not see her here, pray tell me what I should do in this strange land to find my beloved?”

Slowly Genia reached into her pocket and drew out the last letter that Demetri had written to her before he went to war. He looked completely amazed at first as he remembered this letter well, but he hardly recognised it because of the eighteen years of wear that it had suffered from Genia’s hands as she had read it over and over and over again.  He hung his head and sighed deeply. As he looked up and peered around this night time glade, he saw many things, the cottages, the garden and the pink and green lamps. Then suddenly something caught his eye, he spied a beautiful tapestry which clearly showed The Summer Palace and scenes that only he and Genia could have known. He looked back at the old crone and then to the tapestry, he looked at the letter and then as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt, his face changed, he peered intently at the old lady. He began to weep uncontrollably and he held out his hand which the old woman took. As they touched each other the enchantment was lifted and thus Genia returned to her true form. The stunning, wonderful Genia stood before him, smiling more broadly than she had ever smiled before, tears rolling down her grateful cheeks. The pain, the trials, the banishment, the childbirth, the mothering and the worry suddenly became too much for her and she howled with sobs. They threw themselves together.

Demetri and Genia embraced so tightly and cried all at once. Then out came the tale of Scylla’s misfortune and how they had longed and hoped to be rescued by him. As Demetri greeted his daughter with love the dark spell was lifted and she was now once and for all a woman.

“But we must make haste, we have to return through the portal before it closes. Come, leave everything, you Smithy, you boy, all of you come with me, the gateway is but just outside your veil.”

With that they held hands and ran for all they were worth towards the veil. Daki and Lars, red with rushing, had brought Lilliana back in the nick of time. Lilliana was still crying that she had lost Honeybee forever, there was no time to think, she had to save herself now and go with the others. She was staring wide eyed at Genia and the young woman who Demetri was rushing towards the portal. Together they all jumped into the bright, glistening, vibrating, great unknown.





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