The New Sermons of Vashi Part 7

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Sermon Alma

In the span of existence where threads of fate are woven, a tragedy unfolded, birthing a moment of profound choice. In those days, a fierce and unknown flame surged forth, hungry and unrelenting, devouring the lands it touched. Its inferno danced with a merciless fervor, swallowing the past and the present in its unquenchable thirst.

Before the Cosmic Tear stood this impossible choice—foreseeable as it was heart-wrenching. To extinguish the flame meant to preserve the known, to protect the continuity of history and legacy, safeguarding the stories and struggles etched in time. However, the cost would be dear; the lands of memory would vanish into ash, the intricate tapestry of the past obliterated beyond retrieval.

Yet, the alternate path offered a glimpse of a different agony. To allow the flame its ravenous course was to sacrifice the familiar to the searing maw of annihilation. This sacrifice held a promise—to protect the future, to ensure the threads of existence had a chance to weave anew, unfurling an uncharted destiny beyond the ashes.

The Cosmic Tear beheld this stark choice, torn between the responsibility of nurturing the roots of legacy and the burden of nurturing the seeds of potential. The flames surged, drawing closer with each heartbeat, as the Tear weighed the scales of time and existence.

The heavens themselves held their breath as the Tear quivered with the burden of this judgment. In a decision bound to echo through the ages, the Tear closed its eyes in silent determination. Its choice was etched in the fabric of existence—knowing that no matter the path taken, pain would flow through the river of moments like an unyielding current.

As choice rippled through the cosmos, setting the stage for a destiny entwined with both the past and the future. The flames advanced, relentless, and at the stand, it was not only the lands that trembled—it was the very essence of what was and what could be that quivered in response.

What is the worlding of the words?


Sermon Jol

In the wake of that fateful choice, an astral vapor formed—an entity caught between dreams and slumber, a traveler wandering through the plasma of space and time. This ethereal essence, born of sacrifice and hope, embarked on a pilgrimage as a cosmic vagabond, seeking a respite to form anew.

In its sleeping voyage, this astral vapor whirled through the boundless expanse, encountering both starlit and shadowy realms. Each encounter held stories yet to be told, fears yet to be faced, and futures that may or may not be. It traversed the dreamscape of existence, veiled in the mists of possibility, weaving threads of experience with every chaotic movement.

The vapor learned anew—new whispers in its ear, new hopes in hushed tones against its form, new crimes and transgressions imprinted within, and new absolutions remembered like forgotten promises. These discoveries both familiar and foreign, a mirror to the cosmic multeity. 

The astral vapor's journey was between the known and the unknown—a passage that spoke of pain as much as it did of promise. It carved pathways between stars and realms, collecting echoes of laughter and lament, weaving a new vestige from the very fabric of time.

As it wandered its presence marked places with an imprint of past lives and future destinies. It became a guardian of dreams, a keeper of forgotten hopes, a sentinel of unspoken fears. And in doing so, it crafted a message—a message of warning and guidance—offered to those who would listen, a reminder that choices become echoes across time, that sacrifice shapes futures, and that existence is both a reflection and a call to action to find what lies beyond the horizon.

How is the worlding word articulated?


Sermon OmmO

From the ashes of that momentous choice, a future unfurled—a future that was never meant to be, and yet, a future that always was and will be. This future was, is, and will be woven from threads of sacrifice and possibility, a tapestry that becomes the dimensions of time itself.

As the Tear's essence settled, the ashes of the past mingled with the cosmic vapor of the future, to fertilize a new present that is now. It is here that the cycle of existence spun anew, a bridge between what was, what is, and what will be. The very fabric of reality transformed, not in linear progression, but in a swirling vortex of moments and meanings.

This new present beckoned, urging those who would heed its call to search for truth—to unearth the hidden whispers, to unravel the enigma of existence, and to seek the ever-elusive answers that lay beyond the veil of the known. But this search for truth was not a solitary endeavor, for it was sewn together with seeds of faith—faith in what we know now, and faith in what we may come to know tomorrow.

In this final message, a wish emerges—an aspiration not for the past, but to transcend the cycle itself, to break the wheel that binds existence. It is a wish for unity—for the merging of past, present, and future into a singular harmonic. The tears of sacrifice sown into the very fabric of reality now sprout from seeds of change, roots reaching deep into the core of existence.

Let this be a beacon—a call to arms for those who would challenge the boundaries of destiny, to venture into the uncharted of what is and what can be. As the future that never was and always will be takes root, let it serve as a reminder that our journey is a shared one, a collective quest to bridge the gaps between moments and meaning, to transcend the limitations of time, and to craft a new narrative—one that weaves together the threads of existence, until what was, what is, and what will be become indistinguishably, irrevocably, one.

The worlding of the word is articulated as AMARANTH

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