The Tribunal

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13 September

In the morning, Damien woke to the smell of freshly cooked food. The enticing scent of fatty meats and hot biscuits made his stomach groan. He was not expecting such rich food here in elven land, but he could get used to it. After dressing, he came out of his room to find Ashlyn sitting at the kitchen table, sipping a glass of orange juice and finishing the remnants on her plate. When she heard Damien's steps, she looked over to him.

"You're finally awake," she smiled. "My mother made breakfast."

Damien went and sat down across from Ashlyn. She looked proper with her tight hair-bun and expensive outfit. Did she always dress like a high-born, he wondered? If Ashlyn was truly so high-ranking then why would she have been raised here in this little cottage of a house? It didn't make sense, then again, all of Lorianthil didn't make sense.

Damien came back into reality when Calda placed his food in front of him. It was the first time he beheld crispy bacon that was meant for him, accompanied by warm, buttery biscuits and a generous portion of eggs. It was perhaps the largest meal he had ever been given. He bit into it, grateful for the high nutrients and delicious taste.

Without any prompting whatsoever, Calda said, "I figured you could use some fats. You're growing improperly, far too skinny for a human your size."

"They taste good, thank you," Damien said, then fell quiet while eating.

A few minutes later, Ashlyn cleared her plate off the table and scrubbed the used dishes in the sink.

“I bought some new clothes for you, Damien,” Calda said, “I'll go place them on your bed, shall I?” With that, she disappeared from the kitchen.

"She likes to talk a lot," Damien commented, causing Ashlyn to turn from her place at the sink.

"She's excited," Ashlyn said. "I think she loves having people to take care of again."

"She bought me clothes? Why?"

"When we go before the Tribunal, it'd be best if you looked presentable. They care about that sort of thing, you see."

"So that's why you're dressed so nicely. I've been wondering: what's the Tribunal like?"

"They're not so bad," she said. "Kyanthus can be the most hard-headed of the three. He prefers to look at facts and stick to tradition. Milanthius is more diplomatic, easily persuaded by a good turn of words. And Kallus..." she paused, as if she didn't know what to say of him. "Kallus has been a close friend of my mother's for years, but I get the impression he doesn't like me."

"Doesn't like you?" Damien questioned. "Who wouldn't like you, Ashlyn?"

"I know, it's silly," she said, brushing her concerns away. "But I'm rarely wrong about these things. I often feel as the people around me do, I can sense their thoughts, emotions. And Kallus has always had rough thoughts when he's around."

"Oh..." Damien understood. It was beginning to make sense why she took such pity on him. "You're an empath, I know few mages have the ability to do that."

"Really?" Ashlyn seemed fascinated. "And how would a prisoner of Ëolnir know that?"

Damien looked down. "One of the dark mages there was an empath, he used his ability to torture me, manipulate me. It was terrifying."

"I'm so sorry." Ashlyn approached him, reaching out her hand. "I wouldn't do that to you," she said, but Damien only flinched back, causing her to stop. Ashlyn let her hand float in midair before putting it down.

Damien chose not to look at her while finishing his meal. He kept brushing the top of his scalp as the silence thickened between them. He missed his hair. It was odd only having sharp roots for a mane.

"I'm assuming you had hair before this," Ashlyn broke the silence, and took the risk to sit back down at the table.

Damien rolled his eyes. Of course the Sorceress knew what he was thinking at that very moment. "So much of it," he admitted. "It's weird."

"But it'll grow back." She smiled, her face growing warm and bright again.

"Right." How was he supposed to converse with an empath? Surely it was useless if the girl knew what was going through his head at all times. Damien excused himself the minute his plate was consumed.

"I guess I'll go and get dressed then," he said, closing the door to his room.


It was late morning by the time the three of them left to speak with the Tribunal. Calda stepped in front of Ashlyn and Damien, leading the way to the old Ferion building.

Damien's clothes were a good fit, woven from cotton and long enough to conceal his dark veins. Dark veins were an easy cause for concern here in Gumber. It was often a sign that a person relied too much on blood magic, an old practice that was now banned and outlawed here in Lorianthil. Ashlyn had wasted no time in explaining this to Damien as they traveled. For now, it was best he covered up his scars until the Tribunal made a decision.

Once they arrived at the Ferion, they stepped along the fragile stone floor, past the ancient Fountain of Salumé, and stopped at the high platform where the Tribunal sat. Two of the elf lords were already seated there, but the third was not. Kallus must have been at home, tending to his family.

Milanthius was the first to address the arrivals. "Ah," he waved them forward, "I see Ashlyn has returned to us once again. Come child, let me behold you."

Ashlyn blushed as she came forward and met the elf lord's bright, pale eyes. "My lord," she gave a well-practiced bow, "you honor me."

"How goes the Mages Academy?"

"Quite well," she answered.

"What can the Tribunal do for you?"

"I have a favor to beg of you, my lords." The girl gestured Damien forward. "This boy is an orphan that I've vowed to watch over. I would ask that you make a place for him here in Gumber so that I can help and protect him."

"A human?" Milanthius crinkled his nose. He made a full scan of the young Damien, of his skinny form and tanned skin. "And why would you expect us to grant you such a request?" the lord asked. "He belongs to the human world, so let the humans watch over him."

"I can't bring myself to do that," she said. "As much as I desire Damien to prosper in the human world, he's too vulnerable there. I'd rather keep him here in elven territory where my defenses are most formidable, and I need your consent before anything is decided." She couldn't help but glance at the other lord, Kyanthus. The old, gray elf had such a dominating presence, such a hard stare. He watched Ashlyn through the slits in his brown eyes.

"That is all you would ask of us?" Kyanthus spoke. "And if we do not give our consent for a human to live here?"

"I'm prepared to find other options," Ashlyn told them.

Milanthius seemed to puzzle at the young Sorceress. "Of all the orphans in the world, why this one?" he asked.

Truly, Ashlyn did not know. She could only attribute it to the feeling in her gut. Damien was special, unique in a way that she couldn't place just yet.

"Because I vowed," she answered. "Damien and I have the bond of friendship, and I believe that is quite enough."

The lord grinned over at Kyanthus. "A friend, she says. So compassionate, is she not?"

Kyanthus groaned, crossed his legs. "We shall discuss it formally," he said. "As you can see, we are missing one of our members. We shall inform you once a decision is made, though, it would be wise to prepare a more reasonable course of action. It is not likely we would grant your request."

"Thank you, my lords." With another bow, Ashlyn gathered her companions and left the Ferion.


Once the three had gone, Milanthius turned to face Kyanthus.

"A human," he remarked again, pressing the pads of his fingers together. "What could she possibly want with a human?"

"Did we not intend our Sorceress to appreciate both worlds?" Kyanthus reasoned. "She has spent much time in human society, perhaps it was only inevitable."

"Yes, but to keep a companion here? What is her scheme?"

"Perhaps she is only thinking of the boy and his practical needs. I do not sense a scheme, not from her."

"But our laws do not condone it," Milanthius said. "To grant a human property, let alone a house, is not viable."

"Ashlyn knows the law can be overturned," Kyanthus said with a flat face. "Which is why she appeals to us. We should waste no time on this matter. Summon Kallus here immediately so that we may deal with it."

"Of course."

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