
In the world of Land of Anair

Visit Land of Anair

Ongoing 1350 Words

IV: Gagnan

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Jarmon breathed in, opened up the kitchen doors and stepped out into the main hall area, looking as normal as possible. Two Dark Souls were glancing at other patrons inside the tavern like they were looking for something. Both bald men had long black coats, one had a sword on his belt. Other one had a shoulder belt with five Gvils -knifes. Those knives were from the other continent, from Bear province, lethal in capable hands. The man was a long way from home. They had been riding for a while before getting to Radowan, judging by the smell. They were an interesting pair. One with the throwing knives was much smaller than the swordsman but wide as a barrel and one could not tell whether he was smiling or showing his teeth in anger. He was missing a piece from his lower lip, most likely lost in a battle, as he had a clear scar from the lip to his chin. Swordsman was the opposite of the smaller scar face. His bulky, tall frame was towering over Jarmon. Despite being a Black Soul rider, this man with brown eyes had a perfect set of teeth, which was unusual for a hired mercenary. 

"Anyone saw the man that came in with that horse outside?" Smaller man was speaking with his teeth almost tightly together, which made his speech difficult to understand as well as the low tone of voice he had. People were shaking their heads and avoiding eye contact as both men walked around them. Paddy was standing in front of Jarmon with eyes focused on the threat. Jarmon avoided their question. 

"What I can do for you, gentleman? Some ale, or perhaps you are hungry for our seasoned dish after your long ride?"

"No thanks, we just want to have a talk with the man who came in with that horse outside. We are not here for trouble. Just talk." Jarmon's face turned from a merry bartender to a more serious statesman after the taller man responded to him. He was quiet a moment before speaking in a focused tone to the two Black Souls. "Now look, gentlemen, I've seen these things before. Just talk usually means trouble and people breaking places, some bones and maybe even killing people. It’s terrible for business in these parts of the city. If you are going to bang heads with somebody, bang outside. I have a business to run here and I don't need any meatheads breaking places here. Why don't you just head outside?" 

Stepan opened the kitchen door and walked into the main hall. It became total silence in the tavern. Patrons looked at Stepan and the Black Souls, and were trying to figure out how fast they can get out from the tavern. Jarmon was standing in the middle, back against Stepan, and was waiting for the two men to make their move. Taller man looked at Stepan, now ignoring Jarmon. 

"Well, well, well, Stepan, we were looking for Balmon since that is his horse outside, but I reckon you've handled Balmon already."

Stepan knew this man. It was Gagnan, a rider he had been working with in the past. Gagnan was one of those men who made very little noise about themselves, but in the background he was a player who gambled with anything and everyone. Question was why was he looking for Balmon? The smaller one was Khesin, always deadly with knives but not with his wits. They always travelled together doing odd gigs, but taking low risk gigs since they valued their life more than gold. 

"No need to find Balmon anymore, Gagnan. But you can tell me your message to him and I'll make sure he gets it to the other side." Gagnan eyes went wide for a second but he regained himself quick. He raised his both hands in a sign or reconciliation. 

"I see, won't ask about him then anymore. Believe it or not, we were after him, not you. He was not part of Black Souls anymore. He deserted from our ranks with his men as there was a breakdown into multiple factions, and we've been trying to find him ever since with Khesin. We came from the north following their tracks and learned that they were looking for you. Don't know why and won't ask questions if you aren't willing to give any answers." 

"So when did my name come up? I left already 10 years ago from the riders." Paddy kept its focus on Khesin while Stepan was talking.  

"Look, we are just riders of the Black Souls. We do what we are told and ask no questions about why we have our orders. You know how these things go. We were just following Balmon and his men to either bring them back or wipe them out. Got into their tracks at Tolwaina and heard they had been asking about a man called Stepan. I knew it right away it was you. No idea why they were looking for you, since I have no clue about that." 

"Well, if you have your orders, then you can probably show proof of that. Show your orders to me." 

"You know we can't show those to outsiders of our guild." 

"And I don't fucking care!" Stepan shouted it out so loud that patrons started running outside from the tavern no matter what happens. Stepan's eyes started changing to black as his rage was building up. Paddy started growling and was more than ready to attack. Jarmon was in a panic, changing glances from Stepan to Gagnan and back. He feared he will get his tavern wrecked for this, but stayed between them and tried to calm down the situation with a low voice and pointing both men with his hands. 

"Gentlemen, please, go outside. There is no need to break down things here." All patrons had left the tavern. Paddy's low growl was the only voice. Gagnan started reaching into his pocket slowly while sweat started rolling down on his forehead. He kept his eyes on Stepan.

"Calm down, I'll show you the letter. Just stay calm. I don't even know why you are so hostile against us. We used to be on the same side and that hasn't changed." Khesin was kneeling against a table behind Gagnan, totally relaxed. Either he knew there was nothing to worry about or there was nobody home in his head to ring any warning bells. Gagnan picked out a letter from his pocket and pointed it towards Stepan. Stepan's eyes didn't flinch from Gagnan. His voice was much lower than before. He was controlling his rage, but failed miserably at hiding it. He intoned his speech, emphasising every word. 

"Jarmon, take the letter from this gentleman and read it to me." Jarmon froze on his feet and looked at him. He'd never seen this side of Stepan. This nightmarish entity didn't look or sound like his friend anymore. One wrong move and Jarmon would lose his life or tavern. Both would mean the end of him. "Now would be the right time. Don't keep me waiting." Jarmon snapped out from his frozen state and looked at Gagnan, who had the letter in his hand.

"Fine." Jarmon took the letter and opened it. He read it first, looked towards Gagnan and then at Stepan. "It says they were to catch Balmon and his men. He is speaking the truth." 

"Read it to me word by word." Stepan's gaze did not move from Gagnan, who was now sweating like a pig on a spit. 

"Gagnan, we need to show swift justice and take out those deserters. They have broken all laws of our guild and tried to divide us. Kill Balmon and his men, but bring Balmon's head to me." Jarmon raised his head to look at Stepan. "It's okay. This seems okay. Calm down. Just calm down." Stepan was still looking at Gagnan.

"Tell me who signed that letter." Jarmon looks at the letter and responds.

"It's signed with a letter A. Does it matter?" 

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