
In the world of Parallel universe

Visit Parallel universe

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Chapter 5

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A New Clan Leader

Later that night, I slip away into the darkness, seeking solitude to devise a plan to address the pressing food issue and make my cause more enticing to the masses. "Zurrotan, how can I transform this capital of people into a formidable army when they will soon be plagued by starvation?" I ponder aloud, my voice echoing in the stillness.

As I contemplate, a distant voice drifts through the night sky, hauntingly familiar. It's the same voice I heard in the depths of the void. "Those who serve you shall never go hungry," it whispers, carrying an otherworldly reassurance. "Those who resist joining your great war machine will face starvation. Zurrotan has blessed your war machine, ensuring that your mess hall will always be plentiful." 

I made my way back to the barracks, a sense of disbelief almost overwhelming me. Could this truly be happening? How was this supposed to work? I reached the mess hall and entered, walking toward the back where the provisions were stored. There, I noticed a sizable box, measuring about 5ft x 5ft and approximately 4ft deep. Resting on top of it was a piece of paper with a clear instruction: "Write down the items you require and place the list in the box. Close the lid and reopen it."

It felt somewhat peculiar for me to write down food items, considering I no longer consumed food myself. However, I decided to proceed and requested approximately 10lbs of fish and 100lbs of Anoxe meat. With a hint of uncertainty, I closed the box and promptly reopened it. Instantly, the unmistakable aroma of fish and raw meat permeated the air. The items were impeccably arranged, surrounded by a layer of ice. A smile crept across my face, as I realized that tomorrow I would have the power to win over practically anyone who was hungry.

I remained stationed near the mess hall throughout the night, patiently waiting for the cooks to arrive before entering. As they approached, I approached them with a newfound confidence, assuring them that I had blessed their domain and that it would always be abundant as long as they served me. I then instructed them to proceed inside and prepare a grand feast, one that would captivate the attention of anyone plagued by hunger.

It didn't take long for my guardsmen to form a queue and begin partaking in the meal. The alluring aroma had successfully attracted a crowd, comprised primarily of the destitute and impoverished. I stood up and walked towards the gates of the barracks, addressing the assembled onlookers. "You all appear famished," I proclaimed, meeting their desperate gazes with satisfaction. It was evident that my influence held sway over them. "Join my war machine, aid in saving our people, and sustenance shall be yours. It is as straightforward as that." One by one, they lined up to enlist, swelling the ranks of my burgeoning army.

I pulled Emo aside, designating him to commence the training of these newly enlisted individuals. However, I made it clear that he should only instruct them to a level where they could proficiently wield their weapons, leaving the intricate strategies to our trusted leaders. With that settled, I felt the urgency to assess the state of the market in the capital and gauge the availability of stocks, which would provide an estimate of how quickly the remaining populace would join our cause. Determined, I made my way into the weapons tent and found Varok engrossed in handling various swords and knives.

"Varok, I have a task for you," I announced.

Varok's eyes widened, and he hurriedly approached me. "My lord, anything!"

"I need to venture into the market area and gauge the state of their food supplies. We must determine when we can anticipate a surge of people lining up outside our gates."

"Yes, my lord! Your will shall be carried out!" he affirmed with unwavering loyalty.

As Varok departed to carry out his assigned tasks, my focus shifted to the next crucial objective: commencing the training of these troops. Making my way back towards the training grounds, I could hear the sound of grunts and the clanging of weapons in the distance. It was a captivating spectacle to witness—the birth of new soldiers engrossed in structured lessons, honing their skills to become formidable instruments of destruction, obedient to my command. At times, a peculiar sensation would wash over me, temporarily consuming my thoughts, until I would snap back to reality and remember that my primary mission was to safeguard the very lives I was molding. With each passing day, I sensed a subtle transformation taking hold of me, though not necessarily for the better. It felt as if my choices were stripped away, as if this path I tread was predestined, leaving me with an unsettling uncertainty about my true nature.

"My lord, the training is progressing excellently. I trust everything meets your satisfaction?" Emo's voice interrupts my contemplation, snapping me out of my deep reverie.

"Yes, General, you have done an exceptional job," I respond, acknowledging his efforts.

Emo pauses for a moment, a subtle smirk curling upon his face. I can discern the satisfaction he derives from my address, the honor bestowed upon him by being called "General." 

I retreat to my quarters, awaiting Varok's return with the results of his survey. As I sit in anticipation, my mind begins to wander, but not towards nostalgic memories of hunts or my upbringing. No, this stray thought ventures into territory I should not be delving into—a memory that does not belong to me, of a time when I was trapped amidst flames and seething magma. The overwhelming sensation of rage and an insatiable desire for destruction pulsate through me, fueled by the memories of the Anunnaki's deceit. Just as I am on the verge of boiling over with anger, a sharp knock on my door jolts me back to reality. I open the door to find Varok standing there, ready to deliver his findings. However, I also realize that much more time has passed than I had initially perceived. What felt like mere moments lost in a daydream must have been hours.

"Please, come inside and close the door," I say to Varok, gesturing him in. "Speak freely, ensuring that our conversation remains confidential."

"Yes, my lord," Varok affirms as he closes the door behind him. "I managed to elude most of the security measures put in place by these establishments. It appears that it will take some time before the wealthy face dire food shortages. Although they can still procure substantial quantities of food, the demand is increasing, causing prices to rise. It is only a matter of time before the less fortunate begin flocking to our gates, seeking sustenance."

As Varok's report sinks in, a sinister plan begins to form in my mind. "You mentioned sneaking past their security before," I state, my voice laced with an ominous tone. "Do you believe you could do so again?" I inquire, a glimmer of anticipation in my eyes.

"Without a doubt, my lord. I possess a knack for infiltrating forbidden places," Varok responds confidently.

My mind brims with exhilaration as I contemplate the newfound potential for chaos that lies within my grasp. "The food stores heavily rely on their refrigeration system to preserve their supplies. I need you to infiltrate the facility and sabotage the system, causing it to go offline. However, it is imperative that you make it appear as an accidental malfunction. If you succeed, Varok, there will be a significant promotion awaiting you, accompanied by the recognition you deserve. Let it be known, though, that in the event of your capture, I will disavow any knowledge of this conversation, given my ongoing political battle with Chief Yorlee."

Varok's expression shows determination and understanding as he replies, "I understand, my lord. You can rely on me to accomplish this task successfully."

"Prepare yourself to impart your expertise to a select few of our trusted once you have executed this operation flawlessly," I inform him, my voice tinged with anticipation. The Idea of a stealth tasks force could have a lot of uses for my war machine.

"Indeed, my lord," Varok acknowledges, his gaze filled with determination. "Once the operation is executed flawlessly, I shall be prepared to share my expertise with a select group of our most trusted individuals. The establishment of a stealth task force holds immense potential for our war machine, offering us versatile and covert capabilities."

A sense of excitement and anticipation fills the air as we both recognize the strategic advantage that such a specialized unit could bring to our cause. The possibilities of executing covert missions, gathering vital intelligence, and striking at the heart of our enemies with precision ignite a spark of ambition within me.

"Varok, the success of this mission will mark the beginning of a new chapter for our forces," I declare, my voice resolute. "Together, we shall forge an unstoppable force capable of reshaping the destiny of this universe."

Varok nods in agreement, fully committed to the vision that lies before us. The stage is set, and the pieces are falling into place as our plans take shape. The world will soon bear witness to the might and cunning of our war machine, guided by Zurrotan, and driven by my insatiable hunger to achieve my goals.

"Now, go forth and execute our plan, Varok," I command, my voice laden with satisfaction. "Revel in the rewards that this undertaking shall bestow upon you."

Without a moment of hesitation, Varok departs, embodying unwavering loyalty and an unwavering commitment to our cause. As I watch him leave, a subtle smile graces my lips, reflecting the gratification of manipulating such a malleable and impressionable mind. The art of persuasion, when wielded effectively, can mold even the strongest of wills to serve one's desires.

In this moment, I revel in my ability to bend the will of others, to orchestrate their actions in pursuit of my grand designs. With each passing day, I solidify my position of authority and influence, ensnaring the minds of those around me, pulling them further into the depths of darkness that shroud my intentions.

As Varok ventures forth to carry out our plan, I remain immersed in contemplation, envisioning the future that lies before us. The pieces are falling into place, and the stage is set for the grand spectacle that will unfold, as I inch closer to achieving absolute power and dominance over this forsaken world. However, if this plan goes off without a hitch, it will surely win over the entire population. In the middle of my deep thought, a familiar voice interrupts, saying, "You are doing well, Diyu. Your plan will work because I will make it so. Time is getting too close..."

I quickly ask, "Time is getting close to what?"

"You have been given so much, and so much you shall have, but it comes with a cost. I am sure you have felt it building up inside: the anger, the urge to destroy!"

"Zurrotan, what have you done? Am I not your chosen one?" My anger began to boil up as I could feel the same sense of betrayal washing over me that I felt when the Anunnaki betrayed me.

"Even now your anger builds, good. Yes, you are the chosen one, and who you now will become is your written destiny. There is no changing it. Every second, his essence becomes more a part of you."

"Whose essence? What will I become?" I ask, my curiosity tinged with a hint of fear.

"Let me show you," Zurrotan replies.

A sudden wave of pain engulfs my mind, and I am transported into a vision. I see an image of myself, but I fail to recognize the person before me. Yet, somehow, I know it is me. I am seated upon a fiery throne, overseeing the devastation of a battlefield. My people are engaged in a fierce battle against otherworldly creatures, armed with far superior technology than we possess. Streaks of blue light slice through the air, instantly taking the lives of my people. The enemy is clad in unfamiliar armor that I have never seen before. Their weapons resemble bows, but they are deadlier. As I continue to observe, I recognize someone on the enemy's side—a figure standing next to their leaders. Could it be... my mother? No, how is this possible? The vision abruptly ends.

"You have glimpsed the future that is destined to unfold. Some aspects of it can still be altered, while others are already set in stone," Zurrotan explains.

"This can't be. I saw my mother; she was with my enemy on the battlefield."

"She will betray you, Diyu. She does not like your new role of power. She feels the same as your old chief did. She should meet the same fate or suffer the future as you saw it."

"I will not kill my mother! She will see that my methods and actions are for the best for our people's survival."

"Say and think what you want. You have seen what will happen if you do nothing."

I am then left in the silence of an empty room, contemplating what I saw and what was said. I go over it repeatedly throughout the night and into the next day.

A knock on my door interrupts my thoughts, followed by the voice of Varok saying, "My lord, I have returned from my mission." I open the door to see Varok standing there, covered in filth.

"Come inside and give me the details." I motion for him to enter and take a seat, eager to hear how his mission went.

"My lord, I did just as you asked. The majority of their stored food supplies are spoiled, and the rest will be spoiled before they can correct the problem."

"Excellent. What did you do?"

"My lord, I sabotaged the refrigeration system to make it look like neglect of maintenance. With some luck, the crowd will blame Chief Yorlee for neglect. If that doesn't do it, I also introduced a healthy rat population to their supply. They are currently feasting on their food supplies. By the time they open the doors today, everything should be ruined."

"Oh, Varok, you have outdone yourself with this! Job well done! I will be coming to you when I need a job done with a more delicate touch."

"I am glad you are pleased, my Lord."

"Now, quickly head to the mess hall and let them know we should be expecting new soldiers soon." I wanted to witness what was going to happen in the market today, so I made my way there. The market was already in a state of chaos, with people shouting at each other and blaming poor standards for their supply loss. It all went perfectly according to plan. The crowd was already gathered outside the chief's residence, bombarding him with anger from shopkeepers and hungry customers. Our eyes made brief contact, and I simply smiled at him before continuing my way back towards the barracks.

As I approached the barracks, there was a crowd outside the gate, which initially worried me. However, as I got closer, I could hear General Emo passionately pitching our cause to the people, and the crowd rallying to his words. I was relieved that our plan was successful, but I also felt troubled knowing that the rest of what Zurrotan said was likely to come true as well. 

I could hear in the distance a large crowd walking towards our barracks. As I stopped to see who they were, I noticed my mother sitting on the caravan, leading the rest of the villagers who had finally made it to the capital. I instructed General Emo to make preparations to feed and accommodate them, as well as to set up a new training facility for our soldiers. I also asked him to personally escort my mother to my quarters and ensure she had her own domicile.

I took my seat, positioned above the training grounds, observing the soldiers as they trained and witnessing the integration of my village into the War Machine. Within a few days, all capable and loyal individuals were armored and prepared for battle. Our total count reached approximately 175,000 soldiers. I turned to General Emo and said, "You have done an excellent job in training these soldiers. Each of them is ready to fight for the greater good of the Kreegan race!"

"Your will be done through me, my Lord," Emo replies, kneeling as he speaks.

"Gather all our soldiers in full armor and armed, in front of our gate. It's time to stop playing games."

"Your will be done, My Lord."

While General Emo rounds everyone up, I make my way to the top of the gate to overlook the gathering. I signal two men to follow me and instruct them to bring the war drums to meet me at the gate and play them for the gathering.

Standing on top of the gate with the drums pounding, the soldiers quickly line up, their spirits lifted by the rhythmic beats. Finally, I can see all 175,000 soldiers in formation before me. It is a sight to behold. I wave to the drummers, signaling them to stop playing, and the soldiers quiet down, ready to listen to what I am about to say.

"I have called you here for a very important task! However, before we embark on this task, it is crucial to remember why we are here! We are here to save our people! We will show the universe that Kreegans do not simply roll over and succumb to the demands of this planet. No! We will rise up, unite, and leave this rock!" The soldiers erupt into cheers and excitement. I raise my hands to quiet them down.

"There are those who are stubborn and others who are cowards, who wish to surrender and accept defeat. Let me make one thing clear! If you stand in our way, you are no better than this planet itself. And if you choose to perish with this planet, then we will gladly oblige! We will not be held back by these individuals!" The crowd explodes with cheers and excitement, ready to receive orders and eradicate these cowards.

"Today, we march. However, we do not march far, for the chief of this very capital and those who follow him are the obstacles in our path! I implore you, when we reach the capital, we must not recklessly kill anyone who is willing to join us. Now we march!" The soldiers let out a simultaneous battle cry, "ERRA!" I turn to General Emo and instruct him to lead them to the meeting hall.

As we approach the meeting hall, the beating drums and the noise draw attention, causing commotion as people come out of their homes to witness the soldiers marching through their capital. I spot Yorlee emerging from the meeting hall, his face reflecting shock and defeat. I command the soldiers to halt and approach Yorlee.

"I will be taking over from here onwards. This capital now belongs to the War Machine," I assert. Then, raising my voice for all to hear, including those listening from their homes, I declare, "Anyone who wishes to join us will be welcomed. But those who stand in our way pose a threat to the Kreegan people and will face death!"

I refocus my attention on Yorlee and speak directly to him, "Is that clear? If it is, kneel before me in front of everyone, and then take your place in the ranks at the back." Yorlee, recognizing his limited options, drops to one knee and quietly rises before walking to the back of the formation, joining my ranks. Witnessing their chief join my forces sets off a chain reaction, and soon, all the outsiders and residents submit to my rule. I am hailed as Diyu, Lord of the Anoxe Clan!








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