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Simon William Wolf

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

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It was Sunday, the 1st September. The sun has just falling down. A little alchemist was resting in his leather armchair. The hobbit has slept over for a while. He was awaken by his little stomach, which reminded him that this is the time of lunch. The hobbits have incredible great apetite for their little bodies. He stood up from his armchair. He puts no little efort to do it because he has founded such a good possititon for his sleep.

Then he left to the kitchen to make some food. Fles, as like as every hobbit, was fond of cooking and much more in eating. In his home he had piles of pans, pots and another useful utensils (dishes). It's an art to do a fine meal. The art he was hone for years to be perfect, and for which he is proud. It needs a bit of pepper and it's done. During giving back the pepper, accidentally toppled the salt, which content was now spilled on the table.

"Ouch!", the hobbit shaked and quickly start to move the salt back.

"If this happens in my lab with some danger potion, that might be hell", he mumbled for himself.

"I'd rather pay more attention of what I'm doing."

He paused and then start to eat.

With his full belly he returned back to his comfortable armchair.

A nasty drumming knock on his door has woken him up. Bang, bang, bang - this was periodically repeated in his mind and ruined his peaceful sleep. Finally he couldn't stand it any more and open his eyes.

"What a goon disturbing my sleep?" he groaned.

"What's up?!" answered hobbit angrily.

"Don't you know we are closed already?" He opened the door quickly with more curses on his tongue ready to scold the invader for everything. He looked up at the stranger and stayed staring at him in a silent and awkward pause.

"I was expecting a better invitation for the man of your reputation", said the man in front of the door.
"p...p... Prince Neus", stuttered Dief. 
"At least you know who I am, things are going faster though."
Prince Neus with his four guards stepped into Flese's house.
Now a little less confused alchemist started with apologizing for his bad maners, but prince just shouted
"I am incognito."
Prince without a shame sat on the leather armchair where little alchemist was resting before. Of course, it was the most comfortable armchair in the house. 
"Hmmm, softy."
Prince caressed the ebon skin of the armchair.
His guards moved on the  every corner of the room.
"So my business here is simple", started
"I've heard you have the best vault in the city."
"That's correct, my lord. I bought it for a higher price from the unname famous mage, but it's worth it. I've got all my secret recipes save in it and..."
"And that's why I've came here. Not for your recipes. I must hide something - keep it safe and I can't trust anyone at the castle."
"And what is the thing you must keep, your grace?"
"A black box which no one can open. If you hide it for me until I come back in a week, I reward you bountifully/unstintingly/munificently/lavishly/liberally. Of course you will not talk about our little secret with anyone."
"Of course, your majesty. I will be silence as a grave and protect your package with my own life."
"You're not far from the truth. A fellow of your intellect is able to imagine what would happened if the package lost."
Alchemist gulped imagining that awful situation, but he calmed quickly. He has the safest vault in the world - nothing can happen.
Princ put the package into alchemist's hands with heavy purse full of gold coins.
Then he strode away.
Fles collapsed on his armchair.
Fles repeated the whole scene which changed his life.
He stood up and quickly scuttling off to vault to safe the package.
After all he was happy again. He's just earn a bunch of gold and if prince will be pleased, he can earn much more and have the best contacts. A fiery expression was now discovered on his face. 
He couldn't stay at home and countinuing his sleep any longer. He has the  best reason to celebrate. He put on dark brown coat and set out to his favourite pub.


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