4338.210.1 | Undeliverable

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Seated in the cab of the small truck, I felt a mix of irritation and anticipation, as I typed my first message to Luke:

11:07AM Gladys: I'm at Collinsvale. Where the hell are you?

11:09AM Luke: Bring it around home. Sorry.

11:09AM Gladys: Seriously!?

11:10AM Luke: Yes please. I'll get you some wine. I promise.

My fingers hovered over the keypad, my mind racing. The offer of wine was hardly adequate compensation for the morning’s hassles. Then, an idea struck me:

11.12AM Gladys: I want two bottles

Seated in the truck, I watched the screen of my phone intently, my knees bouncing wildly in a mix of anxiety and a touch of guilt. Was I being too forward? But then, Luke's reply came:

11:13AM Luke: Done

A small smirk appeared on my face. Feeling satisfied with my sharp negotiation skills, I turned the key in the ignition. The engine rumbled to life, echoing my sense of accomplishment. For the amount of time and effort I had put into collecting Luke's fence order this morning, an additional bottle of wine was hardly over the top. Yet, when opportunity comes knocking, there's no point in turning it down, I told myself. Chuckling softly, I steered the truck away from the Owens property, feeling a bit more empowered.

"Hey, Luke!" I called out, stepping into the downstairs living area. My voice echoed slightly in the space, startling Luke, who seemed deeply engrossed in something before my arrival.

Luke jumped visibly, his attention snapping from the couch to where I stood. "How–" he began, clearly taken aback by my sudden entrance.

"Front door was open," I said quickly, cutting him off before he could finish his question. I thought to myself, somewhat amused, Not that it really mattered. I do have spare keys! It was a small detail, but in the grand scheme of things, it felt like a trivial concern.

"Open?" Luke echoed, his eyes widening with a hint of panic that struck me as odd and somewhat disconcerting.

"Not open, open," I clarified, trying to ease the tension I saw building in him. "Just unlocked." I didn't want Luke to think there was any cause for alarm, or that I had been careless.

"You had me worried there," Luke admitted, his voice carrying a note of relief as he exhaled a loud breath. It was clear he had been on edge about something.

I shrugged, still puzzled by his reaction. It didn't quite make sense to me why he was so tense.

"So," I began, drawing out the word as I took in the scene around me. My eyes scanned the numerous boxes scattered in random places across the room. "What's with all the packing? Why not take it straight to Clivilius?" I asked casually, brushing small clumps of dirt from the couch, making myself comfortable.

Luke's expression turned into a frown, a shadow crossing his face. "My Portal Key isn't working," he said sharply, his tone laced with frustration.

Taken aback by Luke's unexpected news, my concern for Cody intensified. "Do you know why?" I inquired, moving over to the recliner and starting to clean off the dirt that had stubbornly embedded itself into the fabric. From the corner of my eye, I watched Luke pull out his wallet and hastily extract a wad of cash.

"Move the truck onto the vacant block and then you can take Jamie's car to go and buy yourself some wine," Luke instructed, waving the banknotes under my nose.

More wine? I couldn't help but telepathically confirm with myself. Don't mind if I do, I thought, even as a part of me wondered about the generosity of the gesture. I snatched the cash from Luke's hand. "Sure," was all I said aloud, thumbing through the notes, counting the well-earned reward.

"Spend all of it," Luke interjected, cutting off any question I might have had about how much he expected me to spend.

I shoved the money into my back pocket and headed towards the stairs. Casting a quick glance over my shoulder, I caught a glimpse of Luke wiping a tear from his eye. I paused mid-step, a sense of unease washing over me. Something isn't right with Luke today, I thought, my mind wrestling with the decision to either stay and probe for more details or give Luke the space he seemed to need.

Choosing not to add any further pressure on Luke, I continued up the stairs. But as I hurried away, my mind was clouded with questions and concerns. Why was Luke so emotional? What was happening with the Portal Key? And how did all of this tie together with my own increasing involvement in this Guardian world? Each step seemed to echo my growing uncertainty.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I took a deep breath, trying to push aside my concerns and focus on the task at hand. Yet, the image of Luke wiping away a tear lingered in my mind, a poignant reminder that beneath the surface of this strange new world I was navigating, there were real emotions, real people, and real consequences.

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