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Chapter 3: Romulus

In the world of Toril

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Chapter 3: Romulus

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In his second floor study room, Romulus Pertinax leans closer to view and examine his new found "toy".  Only a few days ago, he had picked it up at the Wanderer's Loot, a local shop specialized in unique and bizarre items.  The owner of the shop had called it a boomerang, and had ensured him that in the hands of an expert wielder, this "weapon" of sorts is quite a formidable projectile that always returned to its owner.  Romulus knew the game.  The mention of an expert wielder is the merchant's attempt to glorify the object's abilities and usefulness while still being able to defend this claim, if ever needed to, by stating that he, Romulus, was simply not yet proficient enough in the use of such weapon.  Still, Romulus had identified the flaws that such an item has in the face of danger, the uselessness in close melee combat, and the fact that he did not sense any magic emanating from the item allowed him to haggle down the price of the item before purchasing it.

Each day since, he had spent about an hour a day in his garden, practicing with the item, throwing it at random targets that he had found around his house.  Aiming was still a little tricky, requiring more precision and skill compared to the simpler weapons that other magic wielders would normally use, such as a quarterstaff or daggers.  Even a crossbow would be a lot simpler.  With this boomerang, the way it was thrown, the angle at which it left the hand, the amount of force or strength put into the throw, and the speed of the throwing action itself all contributed to the aerial course of the projectile.  All this had to be adjusted depending on the distance and elevation of the target from the thrower.  Lets not forget external influences such as the wind, rain or snow that would clearly affect its path as well.  Romulus suppose the complexity of learning how to use this item is the main reason why it's not so popular.  In fact, he's never heard of anyone using this as a weapon.  He, however, liked to be unique and always loved a challenge.  He's determined to become that expert wielder.

His focus was interrupted with a knocking on the door.  It opens and Romuls' house maid walks in with a wooden tray in her hands.  "Your lunch is ready, sire." 

"Thank you, Sorini. Just place it there and I'll get to it in a few." Responded Romulus, putting down the odd-shaped weapon.

"I will be heading to the market now. Anything in particular that you would like me to pick up, sire?"

"Nothing special.  I meet Darius tonight.  He's got another mission for me...sounds like an important one, so who knows how long I'll be away for. "

"What about your favourite, bananas?"

"Of course!  You know how 'ap-peel-ing' they are to me. " Romulus laughs at his play on words, as he gets up to walk over to his lunch.

Sorini rolls her eyes and simply smiles, having gotten used to his bizarre sense of humour over the years.  "Enjoy your lunch, sire."  She says plainly, as she leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

Only three bites into his meal, Romulus is interrupted by a loud crash below, followed by Soroni's scream!

With all urgency, he rushes out of his study and down the stairs, stopping midway as he sees his broken front doors wide open, slowly swinging on its remaining hinges.  Soroni lies on the floor a few feet from the door way, breathing heavily, eyes wide in terror.  At the entrance stands a tall, well-built female Half-Orc, holding two battle axes in her hands.

"Father?" she asks.  Her expression revealing some doubt.

Romulus ponders this. "Hmm, not that I'm aware of..." he slowly responds.

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