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Pahleinuv Lovaas - The Cosmic Song Zii Lovaas - The Soul Song

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Zii Lovaas - The Soul Song

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After a brief moment of silence, the Worldwyrm spreads his wings and from the just radiance of the All Father's soul the other Cosmic Eldwyrms are made privy to his thoughts. The are entranced in Bormauthtiid's dream, they see themselves reflected in the tumultuous thunder of his inner Thu'um. At first they were long lost in the rapids of Bormahuthtiid's thoughts, they were lone wolfs in a dream of inconceivable vastness and splendor. They were blinded by the light to everything but their own song amidst it, they could not yet even begin to understand the whole of the score, the abstract intricacies and delights of the symphony. They could only grasp their own reflection in it's music.

Soon, as they braved deeper into the flow of the dream, they raised anew their Thu'um in an effort to give song to the All Father's score. Their mighty Thu'ums rose through the empty, devoid of harmony, discordant and cacophonic. Each song on it's own was sung with power and grace, but the Eldwyrms sang alone, each absorbed only by the his own reflection in the theme. The discordant notes of the dragons voices warred and clashed through inexistence, the display of furious wrath that followed would've seemed irreconcilable to anyone: a destructive display of violence and scornful might, simultaneous creation and destruction, an infinite miasma of chaos birthed from a turbulent storm of Wyrm song.



Yet, Bormahuthtiid saw beauty in it: his children could not comprehend the symphony, and though the result might be atrocious, they had seen beauty in the music and tried to add their own to it; they knew not how yet, but they yearned to sing the beauty of creation. 

Amidst the deafening turmoil, a single voice, as clear as glass; yet firm and strong as an oak, rose. Like an expert conductor he arranges the song into a glorious symphony. He guides his children through the score, like instruments in a virtuosos hands, he shapes the chaos and gives it direction. The Father teaches the Child, he shares the wonders he has laid eyes upon, and through story gives meaning and sense to an otherwise ineffable reverie. The Child then adds his infant wonder and light to the song as it takes life. 

The second score of the symphony is begun, and as the Soul Song takes flight, the first words ''Zii-Pruziig-Kun'' ring out and bear the Soul Mother, a Lucent Soul Wyrm. Ziipruziigkun, born from the First Souls' light and deep love for his children, is the virtue of the soul, the warm and compassionate embrace of a parent, generous mercy, a lighthouse in the stormy ink of darkness.

The song continues, with Ziipruziigkun's arrival, the symphony gains a new layer of beauty and complexity. From the warmth of her light, a shadow is cast: Iilahvulonvokun, the Night Mother is wrought. Lady of Shadows, secret and hidden, striking unseen from the deepest shadows, a silent and deadly beauty. Lady of Moonlight, mischievous and frivolous, of tricks and illusions, the delights of night and the pale mirror of the Moon.

As the music continues to rise on still, from the All Father's mind, shaped and wrought by the Wyrm Song, are born the twins, the Life and Death Mothers. Sillundnarand is the birth and growth of life, incarnation of soul into flesh, the budding branch of a sapling, a hungry litter of pups, the rebirth of spring after the cold season. Her sister, Liivnadriinpraan is the reaper of souls, herald of death, plague and disease. She is the rot and decay of a dead carcass, the return of flesh to the earth, passing of the old to make way for the young. She is however also a mother of healing and medicine, curing instead of infecting.

The second part of the symphony is complete, the Soul Song's last note has rung and the Soul Eldwyrms have been born, thus ends the Zii Lovaas.

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