They Lusted

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"First contact for humanity was nothing like what they expected. Where they thought they would find lanky beings with bulbous grey heads and eyes as large as our hands, they found vivacious creatures with curves that kill. Where they thought to find quadrupedal giants, we found elegant beings that oozed sex."

"Humanity collectively lost its mind. Within three years, humanity had discovered that not only were the aliens they met incredibly attractive, but their bodies also produced a chemical pheromone, that when mixed with human adrenaline and serotonin, produced a drug-like effect in the human and the alien that made ecstasy feel as if it were a child's Tylenol."

"To top it all off, the primary export of these races to each other, and what they offered to humanity, was sex. No kink was too kinky, no experience too deranged. Humanity agreed, and within months, the Earth had almost twice as many aliens on it as it had humans."

"Fifteen years after first contact, the alien ambassadors approached the human leadership, showing that they had noticed a decline in 'sales.' The human leadership nodded and said that this happens and that humans were fickled creatures when it came to sex and love."

"The aliens were shocked, they had never heard the term love before. They wanted to know what it was. So the humans set about attempting to educate the races on love, and how it was an integral part of humanity."

The human Professor who was giving this lecture stopped then and looked out into the classroom. "What do you think happened next?"

A young, in the professor's eyes, woman raised her hand. That action alone, her raising her hand, combined with the aura of sex and her big 'fuck-me' eyes was almost enough to get even his libido going at almost 300 years old. The professor ignored his response to the student and nodded to her. "The humans asked us to leave."

"Correct Kalla. We humans asked that the aliens, that would be your people, the people of the Dohenta, the Killwana, and the Halzix, leave the earth and that only diplomatic envoys and those who had married a human be allowed back to earth." The professor said looking around the room.

The room as a whole looked like a whos who of pornstars and supermodels in the professor's eyes. Since the events on Earth, fifteen more races had been found, each as lusty and attractive as the others. Another race like Humanity had yet to be found and the Professor wondered if there ever would be another like humanity.

"Professor?" Another woman said getting his attention.

"Yes, Iljana?" The professor said suppressing the urge that arose from the slight questioning raise of her eyebrow that seemed to accentuate every part of her nearly perfect face.

"Why did they ask us to leave? I have heard tales from family members and friends that sex with a human is as close to the ultimate experience of any being that has ever been found. I wish to experience this. With you even if you amicable." Iljana said.

The Professor sighed. It was not an uncommon request, and it was not meant in any way to harm. But the professor was tired of it. "While I am flattered, and I appreciate that you would offer that to an old man like me. I must decline because I am fairly certain that my body would not be able to perform, and I think that my wife would kill you, and then me in a fit of rage."

That got a chuckle from the class, as everyone knew the professor's wife, another of Iljana's people the Halzix, and the headmistress of the school. Iljana shrugged, "Well that is fair."

The class continued, lectures on love, devotion, self-care, and a number of other human concepts until finally, the bell rang. The professor quickly packed his things and entered a hallway that lead to the human-only portion of the school compound. He went quickly to the tele-pad and was transported home for the day.

The professor was there for several hours, grading papers, and finishing lesson plans, before he heard the quiet hum of power that was the tele-pad transporting his wife home. "I'm in here honey." He called out.

In a flash, his wife, looking close to his age, was on him. Turning his chair around to straddle him and kiss him. She felt him stiffen. "Hello, my love." She said, slowly moving her hips over his clothing to keep him hard.

"Hello, Hallana. " He said smiling up at her. Despite what he had said in class, the aliens had provided humanity with advanced technology that prolonged life indefinitely, he knew full well that he could perform. But he wanted no other than the glorious woman currently reaching to remove her shirt as she gyrated on his lap.

"Anything interesting happen today?" She almost moaned out, as she removed her shirt, and began working on his.

"I got propositioned by a student again. Another of your race." He said leaning forward to facilitate her removal of his shirt. She responded by burying his face in her voluptuous chest.

"Ohh, will we be having company then?" She teased, and they both laughed. They had an agreement that no one they currently, or in the past, had taught would ever cross their threshold.

"Why can't we just tell them the secret?" He said, moaning as she leaned to bite his neck and run her fingers down his chest to his pants and begin working on his buttons.

"You know that if we just tell them, it does not work." She whispered, finishing the thought by biting his ear gently.

"I..." the professor moaned as she slid his pants down letting his manhood spring loose to be massaged by her gentle gyrations, "...know that. But they don't understand, they need more to realize it." he said panting, as she pushed him back in his chair, and began teasingly pulling her skirt up to reveal that she was wearing the panties that he had bought for her.

"They will," she said, reaching down to pull the panties and their built-in vibrator to the side, "you worry too much professor. For now, just know that I have been using this all day, and I will settle for no less than everything you have." She panted the words out and then guided her husband inside her, letting out a moan that by itself could have sent another man unused to it, over the edge.

Later that night, with both of them fully sated, the professor thought back to the day that the aliens realized that love changed them, it made them better. But if they were simply told about it, about the trick to love, it conflicted with the ideals that they had been raised with so much that they would most likely end up in catatonic shock.

The professor looked over at his wife her face bearing a look of total pleasant exhaustion. He loved this woman, and she loved him. They wanted none other than each other. It had been their idea almost one hundred years ago to start a school on love. It wasn't called that, but the goal was, that while the students gained an education they would be introduced more and more to humans, and love, and hopefully find love of their own.

The professor looked to the ceiling of the room, finding his reflection in the bed-sized mirror there, and remembered the trick himself. Humanity lusted, lusted for all things, but most of all humanity lusted to belong and to care for their partner.

He smiled to himself, it was so simple but so alien to beings like his wife. He rolled over to pull his wife close and listen to her contented breathing until he fell asleep, wishing love for all his students.

These stories are complete!
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