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Chapter 10 Missives and Rumors

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Theadora was in her chambers flicking beads on an abicuss as she went over a budget, Justinius' war was begining to chew on the Imperial coffers. Just as she had finished Valeria entered carying a three scrolls, each with a thick wax seal.

"Missives," Theadora hummed then asked, "add them to the pile and I will get to them when I am able."

"They are from our sisters," Valeria said, "each sealed with the mark of their mother."

Theadora looked as Valeria offered the first of the missives, the seal was that of a crescent moon bisected by an arrow with nine subtle dots along the inside of the cresent. It was the mark of the Daughters of Artemis, though the dots was the key for the cypher needed to read it. Theadora handed it back to Valeria with a nod and the other women brok the seal and read it.

"Twenty Eight have been marked and my huntresses prowl. The final deed shall be held until the apex of the little spiders macinations. The Mistress of the Hunt." Valeria read alloud.

 Theadora nodded with slight grin, so the names Pheobe managed to gether of those that appose her as co-regent were for the Huntresses.

Valeria then handed Theadora the second missive and she examind the seal, a circle with a virtical line with five dots along the the line. This one being the from the Daughters of Athena. Theadora handed it back to Valeria who opened it and read it like the first one.

"Orders recieved, thirty thousand Sisters stand ready for Troy so that Themyscira will come again. The Scythian in Silk," Valeria read.

"A new Scythian?" Theadora hummed, "and in Silk, was it? curious as to what it could mean. Did you hear anything of the Daughters of Athena changing leadership?"

"No," Valeria shook her head and reread the missive. "Medea has sent no word, so she must be a very recent change as well as a peaceful one too."

"The last one was the Scythian of Thunder," Theadora said, "A Norse I believe and a fallower of the Valkyries, but she was also old enough to be my grandmother who held her position by the respect of the others so I'm not surprised."

Valeria only nodded and handed Theadora the last missive. The seal was  spider mad of two circles and eight legs that curled at sharp angles with only a single dot in the clutches its forward legs. Theadora nodded and handed it back and Valeria read it aloud.

"Draw eyes to the Cult of Christ for they covet something other than the gloary of the Emprie. They preach of temperance and charity but are consumed by envy and greed. The tyrany of their Christ will fall from their own herasy and the spirit of the Empire will be ours to mold. The Aranea of Constantinople." Valeria said. "She aims to take down the Cult of Christ with the Revolt?"

Theadora couldn't help but to smile at the revilation, "This, my dear Daughter of Iris, is why I am so found of Othya, she always manages to exceed my expectations and desires. I only planed to take hold of the senate completely but she is planing to eliminate a competeing establishment of authority to the people."

Theadora found herself forcing her focuse on the matters of the court. The missives knawed at the perifery of her mind, Othya's more so than the others. On the throne she subtly drew her attention away from the ministers discusing the implimention of next months budget to Patriarch Joseph just steps away from the throne. The bearded man with shaggy hair and simple robes. Where once a High Priest of Jupiter stood now stands a member of the Cult of Christ, one temple and voice to replace dozens. A threat that took the place of a pawn.

"Is something there something of concern, my Augusta?" Patriarch Joseph murmured, just low enough to not be over heard but loud enough for Theadora to hear. "You're attention wounders."

"Troubling rumors that involve the church have reached my ears," Theadora replied, just a little too loud.

"Idle gossip I am sure is all it is," Patriarch Joseph said and smiled thinly.

"For the sake of your borthers necks I hope so," Theadora said, "while my dear husband is leaniant with the church and its affairs, I am sure even he would not allow personal slander go with out reprisal." Theadora pasued and gave Patriarch Joseph her full attention, "I certainly do not."

Out of the corner of her eye Theadora saw that the discusion on the budget had grown more subdued. The attention of the court shifting to her and Patriarch Joseph while not openly gawking.

"My Augusta," Patriarch Joseph said, voice becomin strained and rising to match Theadora's. "I can promis you that none of the preisthood would dream nor dare of slander of our esteamed Augustus."

"But they would of me?" Theadora asked, hiding her glee behind a scuprilus look. "Rumores from the church's charities say that the priests are questioning our rule."

For a moment the entire court went silent before countinueing, all be it with a strained tone. A few of the church's reprisentatives other than Patriarch Joseph started to loos the color of their face, while Patriarch Joseph himself becomes flush.

"My Augusta..."

Theadora cut him off, "though of course, Patriarch Joseph, the church would never dare to so openly and blaitently speak with such seditious ideas. It is not as if your order has set a president for such things."

Theadora turned her attention back to the discusion of the budget with satisfaction. The fluster of Patriarch Josephs was enough to draw eyes on to him and his cult.

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