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Prologue: Seeded Legacy Chapter 1: A Journey's Start

In the world of Gaia

Visit Gaia

Ongoing 9772 Words

Chapter 1: A Journey's Start

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Sebastian -- Road from Reinhurst to Conevico -- 2-3 Frostdawn, 1792 GSE

Some journey, I think to myself. At first, I was under the impression that there would be more to see from what confines I was and still kept in. Mostly all there was, was hills of snow, forests as far as I could see, roads and the occasional pilgrim face I've yet to see poking their face in to pay their respects and greetings to me. Mostly what Cassius calls women. Feminine faces who range from ogling, funny faces and outright annoyingly doting. Out of all the pilgrims, it's the women folk who seem most drawn to babies like me, at least the Lady Vesna was there for my naming along with what she calls Niall, my brother. I wasn't sure what a brother was, he was just ... someone who was and is with me since the beginning. He is almost always crying and sometimes a bit bone-headed, but am I really one to judge? I figured not. There had to be a reason for him; and for me to have been grouped together. 

Whatever the reason might be, it felt like ages since I'm able to see something that wasn't conceptually boring to me. But I have to concede, the vastness of the lands, this world was not only incredible, it remains a frightening place to me. Without proper guides, no, proper caretakers, we wouldn't have survived our first day. From what I could glean listening in to the travelers, we were in a country named Lothar. A human realm that borders the Elven Forests of Elentárië, The Embershard League, Iberia and Romagnia.

From what I gathered in my form of eavesdropping, what I could piece together, Elves were a pointy-eared people that look like humans but were of a lithe build, are of a rather sage disposition than that of humans, naturally pre-dispositioned to the arts of magic and come in a greater variety of forms than that of the differing humans I've seen so far in my life. Elves of the forest who mingle and live amongst trees that shroud the earth in shadow by its mere roots! Sea elves who build great dwellings or marble and volcanic glass within the bottom of a sea. Elves who take form to compliment the animals they live amongst as if they were one of their own. A curious description indeed!

To hear tell from the pilgrims around me that 'believing was far more than just seeing' seems to do little to satisfy my desire to see such a concept. Alas as we pass through a village amongst the road, the pilgrims seem to have little interest in the goings on of the community save a few interactions that I note as worthy. One of the templar levies was warning one of the peasants of the fate of Reinhurst village and seemed to spur action to the informed man but to what extension I could not know. We were to move on and stubbornly so.

Nights by the fire were filled with stories from people all over the world, speaking in different languages and with so many backgrounds. From village to village these pilgrims would buy their food, perform small jobs for needing villagers, trading possessions amongst one another and for those who are downtrodden, there were always alms to give. These pilgrimages seem like a parade of all walks of life, wherever they go they would always help and leave places all the brighter. The fact that Niall is finally at calm and at peace with our turmoil is a sign I take that the worst is behind us. Not that life on the road was a particularly pleasant experience, least of all in winter where pickings were slim aside from burrowed roots that harbor and hide within the grounded depths of the forest.

The night ascends upon the world once more with a fire roasting upon the foundation of firewood as Cassius prepares yet another mixture of porridge and wettened bread for us with the Lady Vesna returning from her foraging. Their talks were friendly and though their companionship seems tied to the caravan, they didn't seem much closer than that. Mostly silence. Yet silence was preferable than to the wailings and shrills of the night Reinhurst burned. Perhaps it was in moments like these where nothing should, or even can be said. Contemplation with pensiveness seemed a better dedication.

It was when we finally set off from the third wintry night and into the early dawn would we finally see Conevico.

Sebastian -- Conevico -- 4th Wehnsdas, Frostdawn, 1792 GSE

"There it is!" Shouted one of the pilgrims which roused me from my slumber to peek from the opening of the basket I've grown so accustomed to. Today myself, Niall, Cassius and the Lady Vesna would be seated -- or in my own case and that of Niall's, lain on the bench inside the wagon amidst the caravan. "The city walls of Conevico, we've finally arrived to Romagnia!" Another pilgrim 

The caravan roams closer and closer from whence I could finally see the towering tree-height sized walls, perhaps even bigger than even that for what my mind could describe. They were perhaps more like the mountains of white with the stone that founded its height with wooden palisade walls from which guards could gaze down upon the comings and goings of distant travelers. The sounds of voices were getting louder and louder but that was not what perturbed my being, it was more of the smell. An awful wrench of the city was striking my senses that repulsed my curiosities. Wasn't long before Niall was fussing, but yet not crying over the sensations that struck the caravan.

"Oh, you two must never been in a city before." Cassius observes aloud yet utterly helpless. It would appear that this monk, the man who would take care of us has business in the city. "Well at the very least were not walking in the muck of the streets." Lady Vensa jokes as the caravan pushes past the city gates. "Did you already make arrangements with a tavern?" Vesna asks Cassius. 

"Not with a tavern no. I imagine my stay will be at the cathedral, provided they aren't full to bursting this time of year." Cassius admits, it seems his trip was perhaps far less planned than what is normally typical for a pilgrim. Then again, even for people in his circumstances, after finding us he has a lot more to consider now with me and Niall now in his care.

"You could stay with me in the castle if all else fails. It might still be Lothar in territory, but Romagnia is but on the other side of these walls. My family name still commands respect." Vesna offers.

"I might just have to take you up on that offer." Cassius conceded with a bit of a chuckle, placing a hand inside the basket to tickle his digits upon the bindings that shrouded us, eliciting laughter and mirth from the both of us. "I still have to provide the news to the Temple and see what comes of it. If the parents for these children are alive. ...I might even have to stay behind to make sure they are returned, safe and sound."

"Of course, provided that does occur, at least be there if you intend to depart from my company. I detest meek goodbyes." Vesna demanded with Cassius laughing with acknowledgement but also concession to the request.

"I promise I will keep you up to date, good lady." Cassius promises with a hand elevated to his chest, across his heart before dipping his head to a bow.

The sounds of the city were plentiful and almost drowning, even from my perceptional limiting view from the basket I could gaze upon dwellings of stone and wood from where the caravan wagon roamed along its bumpy noisy street. Lines were drawn across the divine between the dwellings with articles of clothes hung and blown in the slight morning breeze like leaves from their branches across a clear blue sky.

An argument over a lost shipment, a hired hand told once again to repeat his list of chores, the gossiping of the townsfolk, the clattering of tools from the craftsmen. It was a vast sea of information, emotion, activity. The smells, and what even can be construed as the 'sights' from my basket was enough to for me to stick close to what was familiar than in that hotbed of chaos.

The templar commander Reickart returns upon his horse alongside the wagon, keeping pace with the caravan as it makes its way further into the walled town. "The caravan will resume its path to Theleto in about two days' time from now." The holy knight confers. "From there we'll most likely have a much smoother sailing than we did in Iberia."

"I would hope so being the cradle of civilization." Vesna spat with rapier wit causing some distant pilgrims to chuckle.

"You've been very kind in these times, Lady Vesna. On behalf of the men, the Templar Order thanks you." Reickart professes with a bow of his head. Vesna however stands up despite the motioning wagon.

"We've still a week before Theleto. Let's just make sure we survive the day." Vesna reassures the commander that their time isn't quite done yet.

The caravan disperses for the day once the wagons and horses were properly stabled, with Cassius taking basket in arm and leading us around in hand, he departs from the Lady Vesna with me and Niall making our way through the streets, an alleyway or two before happening upon a peculiar building with colorful windows depicting shapes of human figures in varying poses. Still images that portray an uncanny form of devotion to an unforeseen figure I could not yet discern. The building itself had a tower not too dissimilar from the elevations of the city walls, with its own bell resting in it's heights. There was in fact a wall surrounding the rear of the building, not so tall as the city walls, perhaps half the height of the building's nave, yet it's grand doors at the fore were massive and open to everyone, even the space left open with grandiose fountains of flowing water pour from basin beneath basin.

"Here we are little ones, the cathedral of AVO." Cassius voices aloud. "Let's hope we can find your parents before we have to leave, maybe even find ourselves a good place to stay."

The inside of the building felt clearer, and there was a sense of comfort within its walls. The sound of a choir singing in the distance of the stone corridors could be heard, a benediction of prayer. Cassius moves from the door down the hall in silent and considerate steps than he did in the town square. Perhaps this was a place where such causality was frowned upon?

"Ah, brother." Cassius calls out to a hooded man who emerged from a conjoining corridor yet stopped from Cassius's hushed yet firm expression. The monk slowly quickened his step. "I am Prior Cassius, of St. Avalor's Priory in Lycaron. There's been an emergency, Reinhurst village was burned to the ground."

"Oh goodness gracious." The hooded man recoiled. "Reinhurst? Was it the Elves?" To which Cassius shook his head.

"Lothar deserters, to my awareness they haven't been caught. But I do need access to the faith's assets ... our pilgrim's caravan found these two little ones. They're the only survivors we found." Cassius explains as he slowly lifts the basket.

"How terrible. ... Please, a moment if you can, we will soon be done with the Terce prayer, and I will send father Nikodemus for you. I'll also need to confirm your identity before our Ordo Luminary permits you amongst his archives." He insists before bowing his head. "Please, if you like we have an herbal garden you can await within." The hooded man professes before walking down the hall to open a door into an open courtyard that was built inside of this dwelling's perimeter.

"Thank you again." Cassius says with a bowed head and emerges into the door while staying within the open corridor that surrounded the gardens. A roof over the head with torch scones along the wall with a pretty view of the open space. "...See that, little ones? We have a garden like this at home too. But it's much more open, big enough to hold a tree." Cassius says to us in order to pass the time.

A tree, even if the garden was open to the sky -- surrounded by walls? Might as well have a house in a tree of itself. The world seemed full of possibilities, but I was still quite new into this world for me to think so widely of what and what was not considered 'possible.'

We didn't wait that long either for the choir to fall silent and before I could even fall asleep, the sound of a door opening followed by two figures, a black robed monk, dressed almost as similarly as Cassius and another in peculiar armor that wasn't nearly as imposing as the templars but a bit more subtle.

"Brother ... Cassius, was it?" The black-robed man asked, causing Cassius to face him fully with both hands upon the basket handle.

"Ah you must be brother Nikodemus." Cassius deduces aloud. "Thank you for taking your time to see me."

"Yes yes, quite. Brother Tybur gave me the details about Reinhurst. Something about needing Temple assets, of the Luminary's domain?" Nikodemus asked.

"That would be correct. I'm trying to ascertain the whereabouts and ... perhaps fate of these two children's parents. They were the only survivors and our caravan had no luxury of searching for them with deserters prowling the wilds." Cassius explains. "I was wondering if there was an inquiry or possibly even a survivor that made it here."

Nikodemus looked upcast before looking towards the armored man. "Brother Algier?" He asked.

This Algier was holding his chin in deep contemplation, shifting his eyes from the floor to out the side into the garden before his name was uttered, forcing it to lock eyes with Nikodemus. "This is honestly the first I've heard Reinhurst having been burnt down. Usually if there are people who survived it, we would have received word about it by now, if not from the town garrison, then from a local settlement. Your caravan seems to have been the first acknowledgment of it entirely by the sounds of it, Cassius."

"...No." Cassius says looking a bit taken aback by this information. Almost as if he was given the worst possible news.

Algier quickly smoothed his hand up. "That does not mean everything we know is concrete. We have riders learning new things daily, just as we have learned about this now and the Ordo Luminous never sleeps, as they say. Though my archives won't be able to help you, that does not mean the information network the faith has worked so hard to maintain won't fish something up. I presume these children have names?"

"No. At least. Not ones I didn't name for them myself. They were found in a hollowed-out signpost in the dead silence of dawn." Cassius admits. "No note, just the basket and blankets to keep them warm."

Algier sighs at this, hands on his belt, twiddling his thumb upon the leather. "...I cannot promise anything. The most I can do is make inquiries about missing children, or survivors of Reinhurst." He speaks. "Naturally we'll do everything we can to make light of this, no doubt the Grand Prince Ulrich will want to make sure these deserters are subdued before there's chaos in the region. If these bandits took prisoners, they'll help us ascertain their identities or at the very least witness accounts."

Nikodemus nods at this. "Have faith Cassius. You did well, for the faith, and for your new charges." He says with a smile as he held one hand over the other at the fore of his abdomen.

"Of course." Cassius says with a bowed head. "I'm afraid to impose on you as, I'm already doing so much already but would there be a place for me and the little ones to stay here in the cathedral? It won't be for too long, just until Fehrdas morning, or once I receive news of their parents."

"Ah, you're still enroute to Theleto." Nikodemus observes aloud with a hum. "Hm. I suppose this is a bit of a time constraint. Sadly, our monastery is already filled to bursting with pilgrims, the poor and the infirm." The prior laments. "But, under the presumption nothing new has turned up during your time here, we'll forward any new information to your lodgings in Theleto." Nikodemus reassures. 

Algier makes a motion to turn to the side as if to depart from the conversation. "Which means there needs to a mobilization effort. We'll have to skirt through the forest, the village. Lord Frikkeo Arco, needs to be alerted and other villages to be on high alert. If you will excuse me." He says with a bow before making a quick step down the garden corridor.

"A moment, Brother Algier." Cassius says stepping forward causing the Luminary to stop. "If you're headed to the castle, to Lord Frikkeo. Might I join you? I have a friend amidst nobility who can provide me living quarters, it might help if I had someone who can vouch for me at the gates."

"I don't see why not." Algiers concedes. "Come, we must away." He insists, making a much hastier step then what Cassius initially started with upon entering the cathedral.

It was quite a steady walk, but unlike from my view on the wagon bench I could clearly see the city streets from the view of Cassius's hip. From out of the cathedral and into the streets, it was nothing but muck and murk. Dirty cobblestone streets along the faces of the townsfolk dwellings with the occasional stall with peddlers praising their goods above the others it competed against.

"So, from what I've gathered on your caravan." Algiers began. "You were on pilgrimage to Sehlaris. ... From Lycaron? You've come a long way, prior." He says as he walks around a crowd of gawkers who seem fixated on an ongoing auction. The muck of the streets sticking to the footwear of Cassius and this strange figure by the name of Algiers.

"I would say so, these bones for years older. But it was a most awe-inspiring pleasure." Cassius professes. "The Sacred Sepulcher was everything I thought it would be and more. I only wish I could have afforded to stay the month, but the Sehalarians kept raising the jizyah for me."

"Hm." Algiers grunted in thoughtful consideration. "Would that I were given the time for meaningful travel as you are, I would be tempted to go there as well." We departed from the market stalls towards an erected structure of piled stones built around a mote of descending depth of the earth, bridged by a path erected in wood which pillared from the bedrock below with elevated pedestals of rock and limestone. Such depth and measure frightened me -- a discovered fear of heights urges me to hide further inside of the basket and beneath the blankets therein. A fearful whimper escapes from the depths of my throat eliciting my fear to Cassius who took a moment to stop and peer inside.

"Oh heavens, tell me you aren't hungry again?" Cassius hypothesizes with a slight 'hum' to his disposition before picking up the basket again and continuing his way across the bridge. Towards the monument of stone walls erected within the city, across the mote was a form of portcullis with jagged metal teeth above where the wall opens into a gate. Looking like teeth of a monster with its mouth ready to snare and sink down upon those who traversed under its threatening, accusatory pointed barbs.

The scenery changed from an obscuring wall to a courtyard of withered gardens and trees without leaves, the snow having been freshly shoveled from the pathways and earth where it was left trodden by footsteps. Above the walls were soldiers who patrolled and marched along the top of it's heights, alas now I find out how they get up so high -- as from behind the walls were built in steps along the wall with its ascent starting from the earth to the heights where the guardsmen traversed it's horizon.

"This is a castle, little ones." Cassius explains, slowly turning the basket around for us to view the courtyard entire, revolving us around until our view from opening became fixated upon a pair of grand doors almost half the size of the gate we traversed, it's ebony wooden shape with iron handles signifying a vain construction to appeal to the superficial. "The ruler of this place and all the nobles come here."

Seemed rather strange to me. The whole construction of this place belonging to one person seemed a bit much, even in the villages we passed by, the humble homes they've erected for themselves were barely kept upright by often to two even three families that stayed within. But a place like this was almost the size of the village. It was when I heard Algiers again that I only notice until now he returned from the grand doors leading inside of the castle. "Lord Frikkeo Arco will receive you, although I'd brace myself -- he's with a bit of an unwanted guest." Algiers heralds in a bit of concern.

"Guest?" Cassius asks with a face of growing concern. "It's not the Lady Vesna, is it?!" 

"Yes ... and no." Algiers says looking somewhat concerned for the atmospheric state of the castle interior. "I suppose we'll see when we get inside." He says with a sigh of resignation.

What was going on I wonder? I ponder this as Niall, my brotherly companion turns over to rest the other side of his head, comfortable in his slumber beside me. How could he be asleep at a time like this, I wonder to myself. There was so much life and wonder out there.

The grand doors of the castle part with the assistance of the guards who stand vigilant upon it's enclosure. Welcoming Algiers and Cassius as they entered inside the cave hidden inside of the doors. A much-needed warmth begins to blanket me, giving me a much-needed room for comfort, forgoing the need for my blankets to prevent a chilblain.

The halls were carved to resemble a form of cave of sharp shape, less so much like a cavernous mouth and more of shapely square, like the boxes of the caravan with hallways lit with torch sconces that provide light where the sun's depravation created shadows. 

Not too far away from the room where it transpired the sounds of bellowing and argument was heard -- I knew this sound from disagreements within the villages and caravan we passed. Always full of negative energy that coaxes me to hide, the door opens into the illustrious court room. From the opposite end of the door we emerge from was a wooden throne elevated upon five steps of stairs, shrouded in a carpet of jasmine indigo that reached from the bottoms of the steps to the foot of the throne. The throne itself was of an engraved craft with armrests depicting extended orbs shrouded in vines and grapes, a leather seated cushion built into the seat and upon the backrest of the illustrious chair with depictions of a bountiful vineyard trellises.

The area where the throne was erected was carved inside of the stone wall which accommodated additional stairs along the sides of the stone where it was carved, leading to another level of the castle, most likely where the lord resides -- great banners hung below these encasing stairs from the sides of the throne room, depicting a blade encircled in a grape vine like a serpent would be, with a background of a similar indigo of the carpet.

The man seated upon the throne was a portly sort, a circlet of jade and jeweled amethyst adorned upon his brow, a bushy goateed beard with a balding spot atop of his head with a few strands atop of his head, likely combed over from the shoulder-length flowing locks that circumvented the of the barren dome upon his head. Dressed in furs and vanities I have never seen upon another, a humbling brown color with an overflowing white wolf pelt scarfing around his neck.

Three figures stood before this noble figure, the lady Vesna whom I recognized immediately to the left, for whom she was flanking two other green haired individuals, the one to the right far smaller than the more adult figure standing betwixt the former. The green-haired individuals were quite bizarre as they wore clothes that were foreign to my senses, ones that were accustomed to the Lotharing aesthetics, the country-side full of dark colors, grey, brown and murk. And pointed ears! Like the stories of the elves, I was told from the caravan.

From the backs of the elven adult woman's shoulders was adorned a twin-divided velvety green cape attached to a travel tunic adorned upon her person, the elven woman's hair was tied in a ponytail, yet lengthy enough to resemble that of a horse's tail from its depiction. Beside her, the elven child with flowing hair that looked as though she were attempting to grow it out similar to her mother but not quite there yet. She was dressed in a brown ragged tagged winter top and pants, quite different than her guardian.

"You expect me to offer you hospitality elf?!" Bellowed the human noble. "Hospitality! While your kin stalk the western lands, take my people into slavery and leave behind nothing but burning shambles and broken families!?"

"Herr Arco, this is--" Vesna began to speak before the noble human raised his hand.

Nothing but silence fills the room before the elven woman breeches it. "Lord Arco, the dawn elves are not the wood elves. I, Eirina Gladeleaf, am ambassador of the wood elves to the Kingdom of Neustria. Our own caravan was destroyed along our way through Lothar on our way to the Romagnian border. I wish only to stay the night under your protection so as to leave immediately for Neustria." The elf spoke with a softness that reminded me of the tenderness the Blue Haired Woman of my dream espoused. Well and truly they felt like a species alien of human sentiment which was far more courser and rougher.

"You simply, 'had' to choose to go through Lothar, to go to Neustria? No ships would take you around our borders? For an ambassador you don't seem well aware of the Lotharing opinion of your kind. Or if you were aware, you show complete and utter disregard for it." The Lord Arco states standing up from his throne. "It is not mere dawn elves that debase these lands, but the high elves you swear subservience to! The incidents past this very last year exceed the digits of my hands and feet whereas the elves are considered."

"Herr Arco." The elven woman stated firmly, grasping her hand into a fist as the elven child beside her clung to her tunic. "The Sehlarians of the south are an established enemy of my people. Not only would we risk slavery within their waters, but the northern waters also far beyond the Embershard mountains might as well be seas of ice amidst this time of winter. My appointment is not with yourself, but of Neustria. I do not condone the attacks amidst humanity. The crown I serve, Queen Marvhen Sylvian has done much to try and bridge and account for human concerns amidst the Council of Queens. But I cannot, do not speak for the other elves."

"And that, right there. Is my entire problem with your kind. You speak the words, but it is the ones you represent who make a liar out of you." The human noble professes with a sneer, jabbing an accusatory finger in direction of the ambassador, turning away from her with his hands behind his back, staring into a bowl of pitch and fire that illuminated the space around the throne. "Pureblooded elves like you bend knee to the same ilk that bring disorder and despair upon my people. Oh, you might disagree when it's viewed as distasteful, oh you might protest ... when it is safe. But throughout history, upon these very lands when you could exercise it true, you did not stop them, you still carried out their will, enslaved our ancestors, made them into blood sport. Child and parent alike! And it still happens now!" He shouted. Loud enough that his voice echoed the halls of the castle, leaving the room in reverberating silence before he walked back to his throne yet remained in his standing position.

"The high elves still raid our western borders, the dawn elves still descend from the sky to carry off our people, what little they do carry off as we are too accustomed to bury the dead they leave behind... The way that I see it, even if your words were...are true. Until someone holds one accountable for the whole, your kind will ever be liars. And I will not be hospitable to a people so disingenuous with mine. It is because I am willing to believe your words, I do not have you imprisoned and ransomed back to the Queens. Find your hospitality in a tavern like everyone else."

The human noble spoke with such a coldness and reserved fury. I did not understand why they were so harsh upon the elves, especially given how scared the child looked. It was not fair, I professed to myself. And yet just like that the basket moved forward, Cassius was walking ahead, like he was about to join the group.

"Herr Arco! There are no taverns left in open reservation. They have nowhere to go." Vesna declares in protest with the ambassador clutching onto her child.

"Then they can sleep in the gutter, my decision is--" Arco declares before Cassius clears his throat. "...And who are you? Only the brave or an outright foolish idiot interrupts my court." Arco snides. "Monk, Pilgrim or otherwise."

"Actually, good Herr Arco. I am Prior Cassius of St. Avalor's Priory in Lycaron. I only caught the tail end of this conversation but. Might I ask you extend the hospitality to myself as well as your elven guests?"

The count looked annoyed at Cassius, which frightened me because his sight also encompassed myself as well which gave me frightful reminiscences of the frightening sky encompassing Eye that glared down upon me in my dream.

"You must not have paid attention to the conversation, history, or any of your books." Arco observed aloud, sitting back in his throne. "Lothar is no place for elves who are not subservient to the realm and by extension, to Grand Prince Ulrich. This woman represents my country's enemy in a time of barely concealed hostility, a heretic to your clergy, and all likeliness a spy for the Council of Queens. Under what delusion do you presume I labor under to tolerate her presence in my home?"

Cassius bows as Vesna and the Elves look in his direction, looking somewhat exasperated at his approach. "Forgive my layman's approach of politics. I would not wish to presume to speak or even ambassador beliefs that you do not hold." He professes. "I merely wish to point out that she is technically already a guest of another household. Just not quite your own." Cassius explains. "While Lothar might not cherish their relations with the elves, Neustria however does. She is ambassador by their pleasure and it would not make for happy bedfellows if something were to happen to their elected representatives. Even elves."

Arco was taken aback for a moment, almost as if coming to a realization within the words Cassius spoke. A hand rose from the armrest, stroking and combing the strands of his beard.

"After all, it is as you say. If one acts in a way that goes against the wishes of another, that would reflect poorly upon Grand Prince Ulrich should the topic arise in his dealings with Neustria. ... As the scripture says." Cassius proclaims with a risen extended hand. "Do not seek to domineer over your charge but be an example amidst the flock."

The human noble hums with a sigh and closed pair of eyes. "..."

"As well as 'Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.' In a city that reflects the piety of pilgrims that come and go through such places, surely you might--" Cassius continues only for the Lord Arco to raise his hand as if hearing enough. Cassius immediately stops not wanting to further annoy the Lord.

"... Verily well." The portly man states as he reclines back in his throne. "Eirina Gladeleaf." He states looking directly within the elven woman's eyes, who had straightened up with her daughter clung tightly to her. "By the grace, perhaps even serendipity of a Temple your people have mocked for generations, you have been secured in my hospitality. ... But if I discover one trace of malevolent intrigue to your person. I will have your dominant hand for a trophy." He warns "Of course which naturally father you will share the same responsibility. So, I suggest if as virtuous as your advice is ... you be sure to impart it to the good ambassador." Lord Acro curtly explains.

"Of course, Herr Acro." Cassius professes with a bow of his head to which the elven girls and Vesna do the same.

As Lord Acro rises, he descends the steps from his throne towards a door built into the left section of the wall where we entered the throne room. "For now, your accommodations await you in the guest wing. I bid you await here for the chamberlain who shall show you to your quarters."

"Thank you! Lord Arco!" spouted the little elven child for which the only response to her praises was the door closing behind the Lord with a defusing hostility in the air.

"That ... could have gone better." Eirina the elf professes before turning to Cassius with a suspicious and inquisitive glance. "And to what end would you go out of your way for someone like me?"

Before Cassius could explain himself Vesna interjects. "Oh no, this one is with me. He was part of my pilgrimage caravan." She introduces. "He's a bit of a wet mop where common sense is concerned but a good soul." 

Cassius clears his throat. "However our faiths may differ on the matter of the same Godhead we share. We are still part of this world, and cruelty is too cheaply and thoughtlessly handed out in its time."

Eirina sighs as she loosened her hold on her child and smiles to Cassius. "Well, I know how to act amidst humans. Truthfully our coming here was a last resort with the coming snowstorm. We were almost on the Romagnian border, but we were traveling for five days non-stop to avoid it's coming."

"Snowstorm? Today?" Vesna asks. I was curious too, what was a storm? What did it have to do with the snow? Was it dangerous? "And you said something about a destroyed caravan." Vesna inquired.

"Tommorow actually. I can see the channeling of the air, the frost. It's building westward and how the wind is pointing; it's going to blanket the Lothar-Romagnian border." Eirina explains. "As for my caravan...I want to attribute it to bandits, but ... they wore the banners of Lothar. Normally we'd be extorted and be sent on our way given the hostility but ... I figured perhaps there might have been open war. Me and my little Mahelverhen here have been--"

"I hate that name!" Shouted the little elf spouted! Looking annoyed with puffed up chipmunked cheeks that elicited a childish giggle from my lips. Which earned a curious glance from the elves and then to the monk. "Oh! I didn't know human monks could have children." She says skittering over to the basket. Kneeling down she peered within to look at the two residents within it, myself and Niall.
"Awh-hahaha~! They're adorable!"

She was a bright faced little one whose joy caused Niall to giggle and wave his hands to her with my own expression helpless to the mirth that fills my face, a smile from cheek to cheek.

"Oh no child, priory monks cannot have children." Elrina corrects her child. "They ... aren't yours, are they?" She inquires looking to Cassius.

"No. But that's yet to be decided. Perhaps over dinner I can explain it in full." The prior professes as he sets the basket down, leaving this Mahelverhen girl with us. The name itself was rather long and its structure was alien to the human's I've traveled with.

From down the steps behind the throne, emerged a jacketed man with flowing hair, trailing his fingers along a ring of keys and accounting for their purpose. "Madam Vesna, the Lady Gladeleaf ... and you are ..."

Cassius introduces himself with his hands behind his back. "Prior Cassius of Lycaron."

"Yes yes, quite." repeated the jacketed man. "Your living quarters have been arranged. I am Liebehrt, Chamberlain of Conevico Castle. The Lord Arco will be arranging dinner within the next hour or so. It is advised on a courteous brush-up on dining etiquette before being seated at his table.

Well, these people certainly seem to have a high and mighty opinion of themselves, I think to myself, Niall was too busy giggling and laughing at the elven child's playful tickling of her fingers. For now it seems we get to enjoy the luxuries of the castle.

"If you would not mind, we have maidservants to take care of the children." Leibehrt the Chamberlain attests. "Proper food and care will be given to them of course."

The elven child looked poised as if to protest with Vesna chuckling as she arrived beside her. "Come now. The grown-ups have to discuss grown-up things. You'll be stuck to your chair and bored out of your mind otherwise. Can we trust you to look after little Sebastian and Niall?

"...I ... guess." the elf child concedes. "Which one is who again?" she inquires kneeling down with Vesna who pointed to Niall. "That Niall." She explains. 

"But he's a human. Why does he have an elven name?" asked Mahelverhen. 

"Who knows for sure if these are human or half-elves? They were found in a basket by the road, we don't know who their parents are." Vesna explains. "And this one is Sebastian." she introduces, pointing directly to me.

"Niall annnnnd Sebastian! Got it." exclaimed the excitable elf child.

"You said you disliked your name. Mahelverhen, was it? Emerald Elven Legacy, it's almost fitting for a princess." Vesna translates and observes aloud. "What did you want your name to be?"

"Mmm, my friends call me Magirou for short." She says with a grin.

" That's ... not elven. That's almost nonsense even." Vesna giggles with the elven child hoisting her hands to her hips.

"It's easier on the tongue and easier to remember. I don't care for soph-...sophesim..." she fumbles with her words. "For...sophistry~!" She barked with a grin that she realized she got the words right.

Magirou. That was the name she chooses for herself. Was it truly that easy? I pondered to myself if even I could change my name by my own choice? ... But what would I call myself? I have no words that come to mind, even if I could, I wouldn't be able to speak them, and to what benefit? Sebastian was easy to understand for others, even to myself ... a little bit.

"Well then, Magirou. Can I count on you?" Vesna asks while Cassius and Eirina looked to have concluded a form of off-handed discussion.

"Alright, you can! Promise." Magirou attests with a friendly smile, walking over to heft up the basket and carry it along with every-one else following Liebehrt into the castle.

Sebastian -- Castle Conevico -- Night of 4th Wehnsdas, Frostdawn, 1792 GSE

The evening is spent within the warmth and secure cradle of Castle Conevico, the rooms that were given to us were spacious yet humble. The room accommodated two single beds on opposite sides of the wall with a desk closer by the door and a small dining table opposite the desk. The beds were cotton-weaved mattresses adorned with a layer of linen. Magirou was our guardian for the evening, me and Niall. It was the first time I've been permitted freedom from the basket as I course my hands and knees across the blankets of the bed. What fine feeling this is, a bit course but a beloving if not comfortable feeling. My head soon collapses to comfort of the bed sheets with a mirthful comfort running across my body. Niall on the other hand was rolling around and giggling once he was freed from his confines. A spur of energeticism which I could not bring myself to share.

Magirou was a delightful soul who kept our company for the evening while Cassius, Vesna and Eirina were away for their feasting and 'adult' conversations. Whatever that would entail. Magirou was otherwise busy trying to get the both of us to be able to utter so much a word from either of us.

"My name is Magirou!" She speaks. "Mah-ge-roh! Try and say it, either of you. Maaaaaah?" She emphasized much to our inability to comprehend what she was trying to accomplish. To our poor under-developed minds, we could only sense a form of playfulness and nurturing nature, not that of a instructive tutoring.

My attention was more divided towards the window outside and the brewing oncoming snowstorm for which I sat under the window to watch as the dark night sky become dotted and scattered with flows of falling crystals of white.

"Ohhh, you like the snow huh?" She asks while holding Niall's feet up while he was laying on his back, eventually laying him down while he wobbles around to play. Smoothing herself over to where I was sitting. "It is very pretty but it can be cold and dangerous if we let it in you know."

Dangerous? ... Sure, it was cold, but it was warm in here. Least that's the way I logically pieced it.

"It's going to get even more cold as the night goes on, so ..." Magirou continued on, rising from her knees to clasp the wooden window panels shut. Well, if it was dangerous, it was dangerous, I reason as much could be described as reason in my mind only to see Magirou's face turn from cool friendliness to stark coldness as she shouted and leapt from her spot in the bed.

My heart raced so fast, following her motions to see Niall leaning down from the foot of the bed and slowly but surely descending down before disappearing from my eyes entirely, an auditable thump heard soon afterwards with Magirou quickly leaping off the side of the bed and rushing over to where Niall fell. Horror struck me still as I had no idea what to do. The sound of Niall's crying was soon heard with Magirou slowly raising him up back onto the bed and looking him over with a bit of relief on her face however not entirely without concern departing from her expression.

"Oh gods, oh ... okay." She manages with a huff of relief. "Just fell on your back with a little bump on the head." She clarifies with a look of an adopted of confidence. 

Quickly crawling over towards Niall and Magirou but minding the edge of the bed ... a good thing to note, keep to the ground, one would fall otherwise. But upon arriving by his side, Niall's crying only continued with tears streaming down his face.

"Well, there's always a good way to fix this." Magirou proclaims as if speaking to me. Or maybe perhaps to herself.

Closing her eyes and raising her hands upcast with her palms flat yet directed in direction towards Niall ... the room began to feel charged with energy that I could feel along the hair's end of my skin. Something that felt like a subtle wind yet the influence was not so much as physical, but something more ... intuitive. Magirou's eyes opened with a look of clenching determination. 

"Laivë." She stated, almost in the form of a command.

From the ends of her digits to the center of her palm, a cyan form of energy flowed and encircled itself into a sphere of dimly glowing energy that slowly wisps like fog around Niall whose pained expression went from sadness to confusion ... to outright curiosity. I thought it was so strange this light. This anomaly, where did it come from? What was it doing? Was it calming Niall? Or was it helping him? Could someone like myself do such a thing?

The door opens with a maid servant investigating the cries of the crying child Niall. "Is everything alright!?" The maid inquired to which Magirou nodded and hummed in her affirmation.

"Poor Niall fell over, nothing a Salve cantrip couldn't fix." She reported to the maid giving a sigh of relief.

"Did you want us to handle things from here? You don't have to handle two children alone by yourself at your age." The maid servant offered but the elven child shook her head.

"Oh no, it's a pleasure. I used to do this sort of things a lot of times with my cousins. Humans sure are energetic though." Magirou explained and observed causing the Maid and one other servant in the hall to chuckle at such words.

What I was most curious was the energy at her fingertips and how it affected Niall for which besides his tears staining his cheeks being evidence to the contrary, looked wholly unaffected by his fall. Even went back to giggling along with the others. I simply had to find out if what Magirou could do was something I could do as well. Raising my hands though perhaps not as defined as the elf emulated, my digits were more pointed towards Niall as I babbled noises from my mouth with little to no result causing Magirou to giggle at my attempts to mirror her.

"Ah! Hahaha! Are you trying to cast magic? Oh you precious thing." She purrs. "Even for an elven child, magic at your age is impossible to cast. And you're a human." 

Wait, what does that mean? Someone like me couldn't do such a thing? Ever!? Such a thing made me feel frustrated, angsted. Enough to make me want to cry as tears began to well under the pools of my eyes. All of it halted by a motion upon the top of my head. 

"You have to learn the words, like everyone else. But you can't speak yet. Not yet anyway." She says with hope in her eyes. "But I can teach you if you want, is that what you want?" She asks. What I wanted was to be able to use that form of magic, but it was so alien to me. Things like words didn't matter to me, I didn't need words I couldn't use! But the ability to calm and to heal I did. So sure was my underdeveloped mind that I fostered for myself a desire and goal to be able to use magic as fast as I could! 

A grumble tore through my moment of dedication, the kind of which forewarns of hunger in the belly but it did not originate from me but from my elven guardian who looked down at herself and sighed. "Alright, I think that's enough excitement for one night." Magirou concluded standing right up. "It's time for bed and for myself to get some supper." She says before looking to the maid servant. "I think I'll take you up on that offer."

"Of course. We'll tuck them in while you see to your supper." The maidservant promises as Magirou gave us a tickle under our chins before a smooth palmed stroke atop of our heads before skipping out of the room and leaving us to the maid who collected us from the top of the bed and snugged us within the bed sheets.

Sleep again. Confined within the weight of the blankets next to my comforted and tuckered out brother. Well ... so long as tomorrow provides me more opportunity to practice skills outside of my limitations. I would settle for whatever training would come my way.

Sebastian -- Castle Conevico -- 5th Tihrdas, Frostdawn, 1792 GSE

The morning would arrive, between a change of my small clothes -- and breakfast to be served. A pecularity, mashed biscuit porridge laden with goat's milk! A grander treat I would never have experienced to know! The softness and richness of the milk's flavor was a far cry from the pasteurized cows of a wintry inspired diet. Eventually I was forced to attend a bath between myself and my brother under the care of Cassius. A day spent attempting to learn how to stand and walk under the supervision of Magirou as she lifts my arms over my head to dangle me upon the soles of my feet, pulling me forward to collapse under the weight of my legs, often times falling to my face upon my failures but given the bed's comfort would only act a springboard to hop back into action.

The snowstorm continued to rage on for the day, but perhaps it was less of a 'storm' as it was just a heavy down pour of white fluffy cotton balls, not too dissimilar to the stuff that poured from the mattress of the bed when the kitchener's cat raked its claws upon its fabrics.

It was revealed over mid-day lunch that Eirina and Magirou will be traveling with us to Theleto as the blizzard will make travel into the mountain passages too difficult thus, they will take the road to Theleto and circumvent the mountain range by taking a sailing vessel to Lycaron. While I didn't quite understand their words in explaining it, what a ship was or what these places even were, I was always content with familiar faces traveling with me, and no doubt have more to look forward to in the days ahead.

Lord Arco was reclusive during my stay here although it might be more persuasive of a perception to say he was by chance avoiding his elven guests given his soured views towards the very race of his guests. It took no small matter of charm to supersede his distaste, to then turn it to generosity. Perhaps in his fear of how he is viewed by his peers he was reluctant to entertain us further than what he already promised. Then again, I never did attend the dinner he had prepared for his guests and I could not have known what was said or transpired at the time.

True to her word, Magirou did her best to cajole me to learn how to speak. As it turns out, the word she spoke when casting her spell was the elven word for "Salve," whatever that is supposed to mean to me as a child. "Laivë" was the word of my ambition, yet no matter how many times she repeated it to me, my lips, my mouth could not conjure the proper shaping for the word to come out right. It was frustrating, humbling and all the same if everyone else could do it yet not myself ... the feeling of becoming a burden would encompass my mind, a melancholy for which would diminish my sense of self. As a child still within the first year of my life in this world, I did not wish to resort to crying the way Niall does. I want to be able to protect him the same way Magirou did when he was inflicted with pain. To protect anyone really. When the walking and talking lessons were concluded ... an utmost failure on my part with no small amount of subtle shedding of tears on my end, I was abruptly tucked away into bed for a nap.

Awakened eventually by dinner with discussions that the pilgrim's caravan will tarry on along the coast of Romagnia towards the city of Theleto. Perhaps once we arrive there, I will be able to fully cement my ability to conjure this magic on my own efforts.

Sebastian -- Castle Conevico -- 6th Fehrdas, Frostdawn, 1792 GSE

The early morning came and the tight knit group that surrounded us was packing to leave the castle, before I knew it, I was returned back to the prison confines of the blanketed basket I found myself within upon coming into the world. Of course our departure has conjured the portly balding Lord of Conevico out of his seclusion ... long enough to bid his farewells and good wishes upon us. Although I've perhaps never had a good first opinion of the Lord, perhaps I was too quick to establish him to be a wrathful figure in nature. A hand upon his crest a look of closed eye'd sincerity and a voice of reverence sent us away with the blessings of AVO.

Magirou, once out of ear of Lord Arco, jests that it was her smile and good manner that changed his heart, eliciting a half-hearted scoff and chuckle from Eirina as she smoothed her hand upon her hair to smooth it. back over and behind her pointed ears.

Whatever the reasons, the city was blanketed in a new layer of snow with many of the burghers shoveling, pitching and hauling the snow out by the wagon from the urban walls. Yet no matter the snow that plied itself in its layers, the retch of the city was repulsive as ever. 

"Well, no sense waiting. Let us away." Cassius declares as Vesna smiles with reassurance as she takes her side beside Cassius, next to the basket, Niall and I nestle within.

It was an easy traverse from the castle towards the city gates. The sun was beginning to shine across the horizon and the caravan was beginning to assemble with the Templar Guard saddling and packing their equipment into the carts along with the pilgrims. Commander Reickart, Templar Commander of our caravan was surveying the troupe on foot with his visored bascinet helmet under his arm. Directing free hand to assist those who were tagging along before coming across Vesna and Cassius. 

"AVO be praised, glad you've not been snowed in." The Templar commander professes with a half joke. His hair was a shaven yet what little was growing exposed a dirty blonde influence of color pallet. "I take it the children will be coming along with us then?" He inquires.

"To Theleto? Yes." Cassius professes. "From there ... Well, I will wait for a month before moving on to take ship to Lycaron." A professed sad look grew upon the knight's expression with Vesna thumbing her jawline in utter wordlessness. 

"It is in the hands of the Gods." Reickart assures with his gauntleted hand clasped onto Cassius's shoulder. "And yours." The last words on the subject that left it with a weighted sense 

"We'll have some new tag-alongs." Vesna professes to clear the subject as she turns her body to Cassius but looks opposite of Reickart where Eirina and Magirou step forth to present themselves to the Templar Commander.

"Elves ... amidst a human pilgrimage?" Reickart inquires looking a bit taken aback.

"...Is our presence a problem, Knight Commander?" Eirina asks, keeping an arm close around her daughter.

"Merely two extra mouths to feed and that's about the extent of it in my perspective. Elves and Humans might have a rocky history and Theleto is the sacred city of the Human Clergy." He explains. "I can get you there but..."

"We have an embassy there regardless of our Chantry's ... disagreements with the Temple." She reassures. "Once I am given quarter there, I will not be a factor to you in the least." Eirina assures.

"... True." Reickart concedes. "Nevertheless, you'll be protected on the road as if you were an ordained faithful yourself." He promises with a fist clamped across his breastplate with a lowered head.

"Eirina can help us trek through the snow using her magic, hopefully that might dispel issues of dissent with her presence if it makes the caravan go a bit faster." Vesna explains.

"I'll feign deny any help to see us through this blasted snow." Reickart chuckles fitting his helmet upon his head. "We'll be moving out within the half an hour. Until then." He explains marching to the head of the traveling procession.

"He was rather amenable." Eirina observed aloud with Magirou looking curious if a bit star-eyed towards the human knights of yore.

Cassius snickers with one hand to the basket "Vesna's influence no doubt." The prior jokes with the noblewoman's sigh.

"Laugh it up all you want. It'll be most likely a month, maybe a month and a half before we reach Theleto. With only three cities in-between our travels." Vesna states. "First up is Roccia." She recalls with her fingers to her forehead, raising and descending them across her brow.

"Better in Romagnia then in Lothar. Supposedly the more eloquent and sophisticated side of human cultures." Magirou boasts looking forward to the trip with two clenched fists against her chest as she rubs them together to combat the cold.

"Wait until you see Neustria." Cassius motions to impress Magirou. "Our Knights, the tourneys and our beautiful countryside is a treasured pride of my country." He boasts while hefting the basket and walking ahead towards one of the wagons to place the basket within before stepping up onto the benches before tucking the basket containing myself and Niall upon his lap.

"For now!" Vesna declares. "You'll be in my home country, enjoying my cooking for a change." She boasts as she clambers up into the wagon with a helping hand from Cassius as Vesna gives a helping hand to Magirou. 'Vesna was a native Romagnian?' Well, at least we'll have someone comfortable to refer to in their natural homeland.

"I'm moving to the head of the caravan to melt away the snow. You stay with Vesna and Cassius now you hear?" Eirina asks Magirou who nodded with affirmative intention. "Good, I'll be back later in the day, so you behave yourself."

"Sure thing mother!" Magirou called out as Eirina marches her boots through the mucked snowy ground towards the gates of the city, and before long the wagons and the people began to move, ushering out of the city and began into the wilderness.

More to see, more to explore. A city named Roccia was next. It's more of a shame I explored so little of Conevico aside from the brief visit of the chapel, a few streets of the city and all but three rooms of a castle. Would that I could wander aimlessly as this caravan does. Maybe one day I'll get my chance.

One day.

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