
Table of Contents

Chaper One

In the world of The I.R.S (Interactive Recrational Stories)

Visit The I.R.S (Interactive Recrational Stories)

Ongoing 1274 Words

Chaper One

3838 2 1

Chapter 1

 Another for You. It was rushed but at least she had said it. The saying was becoming second nature by now. She then slipped one huge coin into her satchel. It was more like a plate than a coin, but none the less valuable.
 “Where did it go!?” Came a shrill voice from a few paces off. The Giantess who had first spotted her was writhing around with disgust. Her husband had gotten the broom and was searching around for her. Ebba quickly made a brake for under the kitchen table, a rather rash and impulsive move.
 “Get out! If you don’t, I will have no other choice but to smash you!” Ebba laughed to herself. You’ll smash me either way… But she could make it and she made a run between the Giant’s huge muddy boots. Down came the broom and up went the giantess on top of a stool. The door was open. It was lovely when life was somewhat working in Ebba’s favor. She made a break for the door and was helped along with one big sweep of the giant’s broom.
 She flew into the air a good ways and then she began to do what most things do, she began to come down again. She plummeted towards the rocky mountain-side where the giants took up their dwelling. Ebba panicked for just a moment, but only did she ever panic just for a moment, never longer. Solidly, she landed on her feet and then fell onto her face.
 Laughter came from not too far away. Ebba stood up and brushed herself off. The fall was big and she felt it all in her face, but no one else could know that.
 “Well, I got it.” She said as cooly as she could. Three figures came from behind a ridge.
 “Did you!” One laughed. Ebba had taken him to be the leader of the other two.
 “I would hope you got it… wouldn’t want word to get round stating otherwise.” Said a girl with the brightest of pink hair, like an early summer sunset.
 Ebba answered by pulling out the coin and holding it out to them.
 “She did!” Answered another woman with long dark braids.
 “Said I would.” Ebba shrugged. “But as you would guess, no pay no prize.”
 “Ah yes…” The first man looked at his companions awkwardly. Then they all bent over to unlace their boots.
 “Not here.” Ebba held outa hand to stop them. “Where the deal was made is where its going to end.”


 Ebba watched with a smile as the three travelers went up to the Tavern Keep for something to drink, only to be turned down by a single gesture to her. Business came first in that tavern. And not the food, drink, and lodging sort of business. The other regular customers chuckled to themselves as well and all had their eyes moving from the stout girl in the chair to the three travelers. Suddenly one of the gruffer men in the tavern hollered.
 “No use makin’ everyone wait! Just get it done and over!” The travelers tried their best to not look his way. They presented themselves awkwardly in front of Ebba. She stood and held up the coin for the whole tavern to see. There was cheering. Then the three travelers bent to unlace their boots but again Ebba stopped them and patted the table with a nod. Begrudgingly, the travelers stood up on the table and unlaced their boots for everyone to see. Then they removed their socks and held them up as the tavern goers laughed and cheered. Then the three of them all got down and slapped their stalkings down in Ebba’s hand. Payment had been made.
 After the cheering had died down the tavern goers went back to their business and the three travelers took a seat. Ebba grabbed her satchel bag as if she were going to leave.
 “You are leaving so soon?” Asked the girl with the pink hair.
 “I have gotten my pay. Why would I stick around?” She shrugged.
 “Well why don’t you stick around and we’ll buy you a drink?” The man pulled away the chair closest to him in welcome. Ebba thought it over for a second and then took the chair. She swung her legs up and settled her big boots on the table top. Ebba was very stout with one thick braid of hickory tint that fell down her back. Her clothes were all faded and stained and her boots were two sizes too big for her small feet.
 The man signaled to the Tavern Keep to bring them some mugs and then the table became silent. Ebba just tapped her boot to the sound of the struggling flutist in the corner.
 “So, people seem to know you pretty well around here…” The girl with pink hair began. “You must live around here?”
 “I’ve only been around for a little. But, people catch on to who I am (or at least what I do) fairly fast.” Ebba shrugged. The woman with the braids chuckled.
 “You see too many people still walking around with stalkings to think she has been around for very long. If she lived here no one would have any wool between their skin and their boots.”
 “This is true.” Ebba nodded.
 “Well, now that business is over, we are free to share our titles. I am called Cadall, and these are my traveling companions, Rivm” here the girl with the long braids nodded. “And Azalea.” The girl with the bright pink hair made a small wave. Ebba took this in with a slow nod.
 “There are some who call me Ebba Big Boots.”
 “Your name is suited for you.” Rivm put her dirt-stained elbows on the table. Ebba shrugged.
 “Why the big boots?” Asked Azalea.
 “Why the pink hair?” Here Ebba swung her legs off the table and sat up in her chair. “Did they let you out?”
 “It’s not what it looks like.” Azalea tensed.
 “I’m sure.”
 “And you, where is it you come from?” Cadall folded his hands and set his sharp blue eyes on Ebba. She could feel the edge of slow brewing tensity.
 “Do not ask questions you would not answer yourself.”
 “Are you some sort of halfling or dwarf?” Asked Rivm.
 “And you? Your braids tell me you're Dannorian.”
 “Don’t forget it.” Rivm clenched her fists. Ebba grinned slightly.
 “This is just a child!” Cadall stood up and pushed his chair away.
 “My age is my own. It is true I was once a child.” Ebba folded her arms. The other two pushed out their chairs and stood.
 “You ask too many questions.” Azalea narrowed her eyes.
 “I’m sure I do.” Ebba folded her arms. The three travelers stared at her long and hard, their eyes like arrows ready too loose any moment. But the didn’t.
 “You best learn to mind your own affairs.” Cadall spat and then the three paid and made their way out of the tavern. “You’ll regret it.”
 Ebba felt her chest go tight as she tried to keep in a sneaky little laugh. I’m sure. She had learned early on that a person’s talk was usually bigger than their bite. But that laugh was suddenly engulfed under a wave that made her tremble. Ebba Big Boots bit her lip, sighed and the wave passed. The socks went into her satchel and some coins went on the table. The light had now fallen outside the tavern, the sounds of evening streaming through the open door, the smell of the cool night air mingling with the smell of good food and old wood. Ebba made her way out and on her way tossed a coin to the struggling musician.
 She waltzed down the steps with her sights set on the road, but she never got to the road.

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Aug 28, 2022 01:17 by Time Bender

Good work thus far! Seems a bit rushed, although Ebba is a very interesting character. I wonder why she likes stockings so much?

Aug 28, 2022 13:51 by Duckiepie

ha! Thank you! Yes, each chapter may very from quality since I am only giving each chapter a week of attention. The story plot is very loose and I am going to try to tie up all the ends, but I have left it there for the players so that they can really have an impact on the story .   Thank you so much!!!

--Duckiepie<3 Tale Tamer, Lore Crafter, and Tea Brewer Extraordinaire.
Aug 29, 2022 00:20 by Time Bender

I totally get that; writing a story while getting feedback at the same time is difficult! That's really cool that you've designed it for readers to have a big impact on the story. I like that! I'm eager to see more of the story once you've gotten more out; but there's absolutely no rush. :)

Aug 29, 2022 01:37 by Duckiepie

Thank you! The fact that anyone takes interest at all is meaningful. This is the first thing I have actually put out there for people to read and I'm honestly petrified. Thank you for the encouragement!

--Duckiepie<3 Tale Tamer, Lore Crafter, and Tea Brewer Extraordinaire.
Aug 29, 2022 02:17 by Time Bender

This is the best website to post your first public writings, as I've never met anyone unkind on here! So don't worry, no one is going to leave hate. And if they do, just talk to the World Anvil team, and I'm sure they'll help you! Also, the other Anvilites will probably pounce on that person immediately. :D

Aug 29, 2022 13:20 by Duckiepie

Very true XD you all are so nice but scary talented. Thank you for the encouragement! I can't wait to see what you do next!!

--Duckiepie<3 Tale Tamer, Lore Crafter, and Tea Brewer Extraordinaire.
Aug 29, 2022 15:57 by Time Bender

Thank you ever so much! I hope your writing flows smoothly for you.