In the world of Adventures in Valerick TTRPG

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Violence and Void-dust

Ongoing 1037 5 0 40825

A Templar of Sir Kartheart, rather freshly appointed, following the rules of the Laknoth, his holy code. Guided by prayer, she has found herself in the Fir-Jiem Crescent Valley region of Suranth, and with the short tundra summer coming to an end, hopes to find why her pilgrimage guided her here. Her closest friend, with which she shares a long and unique history, a magister of the Topaz Order, rather freshly graduated and licensed, has traveled with her. The pair of them have an interesting and long history, their bond strong, but unique.
  A chemist whom had some debts to pay, debts that found her in a dangerous and difficult position. However just one more run, one more shipment, and her debt will be squared and she can disappear and get out of the region before winter sets.
  A traveling performer, a happy and go lucky young man, a story-teller and tale-spinner, who finds himself amongst the tangled webs of events.
  These three threads are where things begin. The events that would come from this would be many, and many would be Violence and Void-Dust.