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Meeting Up The Pub

In the world of JauVon

Visit JauVon

Ongoing 4170 Words

Meeting Up

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Sitting on the stool right by the counter, Ron was messing with one of her little robots. It was something she liked to work on whenever she had to take her turn at the front counter since it was easier to work on than an engine block for the latest spaceship that came in. Course the project was most likely not the best thing, sometimes customers had to snap her out of her trance and get her attention. Jumping she felt the battery gave her a small zap. Cursing she scratched her head with her screwdriver, wondering what she did wrong and gave the circuit board a tap.

" just...why.." She stuck her tounge out as she took a pair of tweezers out of her belt, fiddling with one of the wires now. 

The door to the shop opened with a tinkle of bells and an overweight Dejuov wondered in with an elderly looking Benuov. The older man leaned on his cane and took a moment to catch his breath while his younger companion took his time pretending to look around the shop, and getting into anything that was available to get into. 

"Put that down, you're going to get us kicked out." The older man laughed and took his hat off to smack the younger one with as he came over to show what he'd found that he shouldn't have messed with. 

"I hope they have to get physical with me." The younger man grinned toothily and wiggled his eyebrows. He seemed to be more amused by the hat smacking than properly chided. 

Ron was half paying attention, so she recognized the bells but didn't look up from what she was doing. She alllmoost had it, the wire was being difficult with going into the peg she wanted. She was almost there when her hand jerked, hearing a voice she recognized.

Clenching her tool she pointed it at him, "Don't you DARE rearrange those shelves again y-y-you hoodlum!" Her eye twitched remembering the mess he made in here last time he came to visit. 

A huge grin spread over the younger man's face. Ora, she knew his name all to well.

"Well, a very fine and good morning to you too Miss Mechanic." Ora handed the object he'd been messing with to his elderly friend and bowed dramatically, pulling off his hat for added flourish.

The older man struggled to balance the item without crushing his hat that was still in his hand or letting go of his cane.
"Caor, would you put this back where you got it." 

Ora finished his show and took the item back, putting it on the shelf behind his companion, not at all where he got it. Ron puffed up as she bristled at his attempts to get her upset. Unfortunately she was way too easy, and his last visit was rather fresh in her mind. 

"What did I tell you about messing up the shop?! Do you want another wrench to your head?" She put her little robot down and went around the counter, ready to scold him up close. 

"That's not where that goes?" Ora looked back at the shelf. "Are you sure? Looks fine to me." 

"Its in the auto compressor section! It needs to go back in the air coolant one!" She tugged at her feathers, looking at him for the part so she could snatch it back. 

"Oh, I suppose you're right. Here, I'll fix it." He picked it back up and held it as high as he could to keep it from her snatching hands. Not that that helped much as she was a bit taller than he was.
"I've got it, you can count on me, miss mechanic." He beamed, as she tried to retreive the water pump from him.

Her eyes fell upon the other person there and she colored in embarrassment, just now realizing someone else was in the shop even though they were there the whole time. Ora lowered the part when she changed focus and wiggled his eyebrows at her behind the old man's back. 

"Ah! I'm sorry I didn't realise there was someone else here, is there uh anything I can do for you sir?" She asked, giving Ora a quick nasty look. 

"Oh, dear me, no. I'm quite sorry, I'm only here because my very silly nephew dragged me here on the way to the pub. You wouldn't, perchance, be willing to join us on our adventure, would you?" He smiled at her.
"Though, I must admit, it is a rare occasion that my companion is noticed before me." 

Ora looked like he may well lick the pump while she was busy talking. Her eye was starting up a twitch, concerning since she didn't want the poor older gentleman to think she was annoyed by him. She looked surprised when he mentioned that he was related to the mess maker. At first she wondered if he brought in family to help mess up the inventory even furthur! What did he have against her that he wanted to make sure spend the rest of her days reorganizing all the goods?! She was plenty busy enough, didn't need help to find things to do! Though as she looked at him some more he didn't seem much like a mess maker as Ora was. He was too sweet looking to be doing nefarious things like that to a stranger. Tilting her head she looked at him confused when he offered the drinking invitation.

"Join you? W-why?" She glanced at Ora, getting suspisous. "He isn't using you to distract me from leaving work is he?" 

"If he is, he hasn't informed me." Ora's 'Uncle' put his hat back on and adjusted it on his head as he spoke. "I just assumed he brought me here for a reason, and I was hoping we could leave so that I might sit for a while. If he simply wants to bother you, I figure doing so some place nicer wouldn't hurt. May as well get a free drink for your troubles, am I quite right?" 

Ora's grin got wider as he was subtly scolded for taking a detour. 

"I um... appreciate the offer for drinks, but I have to work." She told him apologetically, still giving Ora some suspicious looks. 

"What about after work?" Ora asked quickly, handing pump back to her.  

"Why, perchance, did you bring me here Coar?" The older man sighed and tapped Ora on the snout with his cane. "Was it just to harass this sweet girl in front of me?" 

Ron took it back, ready with an excuse but was silent unable to really think a good one.
Honestly she couldn't use that she had to go pickup Jakob from daycare, she usually gave herself two hours after work to do errands or other things before she had to get him. Could she hide out at work until she had to go pick him up? Doubtful on that too, she was sure that the troublemaker knew her schedule and call her out on it. Moving to put the object back she answered with a sigh, "I guess so." 

"Excellent!" Ora rubbed his snout. "I'll see you then." 

"If your father knew what you where up to, Coar, he'd be ashamed." His uncle leaned on his cane again, looking worried he'd hurt Ora's nose. Ron thought it was unneeded consern, she's hit him much harder in the past and all he'd done is grin.

Ora laughed at that. "When isn't he ashamed of me, uncle Darc? Come on, lets get you to the bar before you cry. I don't like that the way aunt Chole does." He wiggled his eyebrows. 

"COAR!" Darc covered his face. "Must you cause a scene every location we go to? I feel faint, I don't know if I can make it to the bar now." 

"You getting tired? Should I carry you?" Ora lifted his uncle up into his arms before the poor man could answer. 

"Why do I willingly take this abuse from you? Coar, please, put me down, you're embarrassing me. And in full view of the young lady no less." 

She could possibly 'tolerate' Ora trying to ruffle her up, but it seemed she couldn't stand poor sweet old men getting the same treatment from her heckler. Coming over to him she smartly smacked him on the arm and put a finger up in his face.
"Now listen you! He may be your Uncle, but he is my customer and I won't tolerate you harassing customers in this store! Put him down nicely and behave or I'll chase you out of here again!" 

"Harassing? Me?" Ora did a poor job of looking shocked. "Nono, you see, I'm helping him." 

"Helping? Helping make a fool of me." Darc clung to his nephew, seemingly afraid of falling. 
"You, sir, are just showing off. That's what is going on here isn't it?" 

"You know what? I will go to the bar with you right now, just so I know you won't be further upsetting this poor man." There was no way she could work the day feeling easy without knowing if the poor man got safely home or died of embarrassment in the middle of the street. 

"I wouldn't want to get you into any trouble." Ora grinned and set his uncle back down, making sure he was balanced before letting him go completely. 

Darc got his feet under him and adjusted his clothing and hat indignantly. "Though I am quite flattered that you want to show me off to your friends, Coar, I would like to request you do so with a smattering of dignity. I still have my pride, believe it or not." 

Ora gave him a pat on the back, being as gentle about it as he could. "If it makes you feel better, I carry Saw around like that too." 

Darc considered this new information, perhaps imagining the scene in his head. He nodded, conceding slightly. "Alright, I do admit, that actually does make me feel some what better." Whatever it meant it must have been enough to mend his pride a degree.

"I'll go ask my boss, you better not mistreat him while I'm gone." She gave a warning finger shake at Ora and went into the back to talk to her boss. Of course she peeked over at her shoulder again to make sure that Ora stayed behaved before ducking out of the room. He held his hands up to show he was behaving when she did, though he was grinning.

Glancing around she found her boss, a big rotund Benuov, whom she went up to to explain why she was leaving early. He didn't look none to pleased and waddled his way to the front, ready to tell off that scaley rapscallion. 

"Now listen here yo- o-oh! Uh...Good day to you sir!" He stuttered, noticing Ora's Uncle right away. 

Ora's face crawled to a huge toothy grin as soon as her changed his tune. He clearly knew something she didn't.

"Good day." Darc smiled pleasantly. "I'm sorry we're causing you so much commotion so early in the day. Come now Coar, apologize." 

Ora held his hands up again. "Don't wanna get smacked by your hat again, I don't think I could take such violence." He teased before bowing to Ron's boss, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I am truly sorry, that I can't steal her every day." 

Ron's eyes narrowed at Ora as her boss was more busy fretting over having the old man in his store. 

"N-not at all! You're more than welcome to come in here anytime! Anytime! Y-You were wanting to borrow my employee right? You're more than welcome to borrow her as long as you like." He stuttered, bringing Ron in front of him even though he had a hard time seeing around her due to her height. 

"Whats... going on?" Ron asked, puzzled over this mood change. 

"You're coming for a drink is what's going on." Ora rubbed his hands together in glee. 

"Well yeah, but..." Ron made a vauge gesture indicating more about why her boss was so flustered.

"There's really no great need for such a fuss, though we do appreciate your generosity." Darc insisted. "If only my nephew could behave like a normal person we wouldn't have this problem. I do humbly appologize."

"N-Not at all! As I said feel free to take her as long as you like sir!" 

"And you won't be to put out missing such a diligent worke-" Ora cut his uncle off by acting like he was going to try picking him up again. Darc backed away slightly and went for his hat, ready to smack him with it again, for all the good it did. 

"I haven't seen you this ill behaved since you were a boy, where did your manners run off to? Had I but known you would be like this around your crush I might not have agreed to let you drag me in here. There are much better ways to show off, of that I'm sure." Darc scolded in what seemed to Ron to be an amused tone. Though in hoesty she was not the best it picking up on tone.

"I haven't even started misbehaving." Ora chuckled and wiggled his fingers threateningly. 

"And I'm going to make sure you don't even start." Ron stepped forward getting close up to Ora so she could waggle her finger in his face. "I won't allow you to torture this poor man any further." 

Ora grinned in absolute glee at her repremanding. "You can surely try." He moved back a step and took her accusing hand in his. "Did anyone ever tell you your scolding face is delightful?"  

Her feathers on her head puffed up in her way of blushing at his compliment. Giving a scowl she freed her hand again and grabbed his cheek, giving it a good pinch.
"W-what have I told you about lying to my face? It's not nice." 

"I am many things, but I'm not a liar." Ora informed her matter-of-factly as he put an arm around his uncle's sholders, and started walking out the door now that he had a hold of them both.

Ron clearly gave him a 'Uh huh sure' look, not at all convinced. She still didn't forgive Ora for when they first met, and was suspicious of everything he said that was sweet or complementary. 

"Now then," Darc interupted as he gave his cane a fancy spin and fixed his hat at just the right angle, "Off to the bar!" 

Amused at watching the older man's twirl she asked, "You must really like drinking huh?" 

"Oh dear me, no! I just like getting out of the house now and again. I have a few dear friends at the bar I am quite eager to chat with." He seemed to have a bit of a pep in his step. Ora grinned and eased his way to behind them to let them talk. 

It amused her how happy he was to be going to the bar. She might later be suspicious why he was so tired but now had no problem getting along on his own. But for now she didn't question it, it was cute seeing the old man so happy. 

"Do they work there, or do they like to hang out there alot?" She asked, distracted from her Ora watch. Normally she'd be all over him trying to sneak behind her. 

"Some of both, some of both. This particular bar, and you may have heard of it if you're around this area often, doubles as an apothecary, I got my first job there when I was just starting out, before I set off on my own. Brings back memories." He sighed wistfully, recalling his younger days of stary eyed adventure. 

"Oh uh I don't... get out much, so I'm not too familiar." Before she got Jakob she mostly holed herself up at the shop or at a parts store or at home either working on little robots or baking. Her co-workers were always pretty jazzed whenever she came to work trying to dump her cooking efforts on them. 

"Ah, a home body are we? Well, fear you not! I'll handle all the socializing." He beamed "Leave it to Uncle Darc."

"I tend to get caught up in personal projects." She admitted, smiling as she thought he was just such a soft sweet squishy old man. "And taking care of my nephew." 

"I know how that is." He nodded and paused to check where Ora was, as if he had to keep an eye on him. "What sort of projects are you working on, if you don't mind my asking." 

She got that faraway blissful look as she thought on her newest robot. "Well right now I'm making a Street Sweeper, an upgrade for a engine on a Rosette Cargo Ship, and designing a new control panel for a Knight Ship model. I can't do much for the engine until the ore I need comes in from Ocuv Ana, so I'm modding my oven to a three stacker instead of a one." 

"Oh, I uh.. yes that sounds.. lovely?" Darc looked to Ora who only grinned at him.  "And what, perchance, is this ore? Is it something you quite like to process yourself, or do you have to send it to Ciwn?" He asked unsurely. It was clear he had no idea waht she was talking about, but she kept going.

"Fecraull, its great as a conducting unit for wires and switch parts. I like making my own, I have a few molds for when I melt it down and a wire extruder too."
She sighed happily, "Oh it's been so nice to finally have one myself! It makes the process go by so much quicker! Don't have to run around town looking for exact one I want. It's strange though... it just appeared on my door one day." She gave it some pause then shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh well! I'm glad that it appeared!" 

"Oh, now that is strange." Darc agreed. "I do wish people would give me random things I wanted without having to ask! Hopefully it isn't something nefarious!" 

"Hey now, I left a note in the box. I'm sure of it." Ora said with a snort. 

"Why would you leave a note in my extruder for?" She turned to look at Ora. "That'll break it!" 

"Hahaha nono I said in the box. Worked hard on that note too, such a waist of good poetry. Oh well, for the best likely, I tend to drone on in letters." 

Ron took a moment to think over his words, then her eyes went round with a realization which was followed suit with a frown. "That... was from you? How did you know I needed that? Why did you get it? That thing was expensive!" 

Ora laughed again, highly amused by her for some reason. "You were only swooning over it the last two times we met, how could I not get it for my favorite mechanic? Sadly my wooing seems to be sorely misaimed. Perhaps I can break even if you let me see you use it once or twice?" 

Oh... she did remember that, now that he mentioned it. She didn't think he was actually listening to her chatter, he always just sat there with a smirk on his face when she went on her rambles. At first she started thinking on why he would do something so nice for her, but unfortunately her brain didn't go down the local path. 
"If I was your favorite mechanic then why don't you listen to me when I tell you NOT to fix everything with ducttape!?" She screeched. 

"Because I love that face you make." Ora grinned. She bet he was happy with himself then, as she was making that face at the moment. "And it keeps you invested. You're so sweet to always make sure I'm safe from the tape." 

"Coar, you really must learn the proper way to flirt. This is quite unbearable." Dac sighed.

"I should take your hat away until you stop using that tape!" She threatened. 
Hearing what Darc said she snorted, "This isn't flirting, this is how he gets me to come over to check on his ship. I wish he was more straightforward with his requests like everyone else is." 

"Oh this most certainly is his attempt at flirting. I can't see what else it could be really. You may not believe this, but normally he is quite easy to be around." Darc insisted. "That or he really just enjoys harassing and showing off to you. Perhaps he simply wishes to be friends..."

"You know I tease people I like, you're just used to it by now." Ora took Darc's hat and switched it out for his own. 

Ron saw her opportunity and snatched Ora's hat in the transfer, wanting now to really hold it hostage against him. 

"Don't drag me into your hat mischief Coar! R-return my hat at once." Darc blustered in the most authoritative voice he could muster and shook his cane at Oar. 

"Haha! Can't get me for misbehaving now, I have your weapon on my head! And such a nice fancy hat it is too. Maybe now she'll swoon for me. The Ladies go crazy for a nice hat." 

"N-no it doesn't match your outfit at all." Darc covered his face. 

Ron put Ora's hat on her head in triumph, but now a new problem arose as he was harassing his poor Uncle again. "Give him back his hat miscrient!" She said, being a hypocrite herself as she leaned over to reach for it, putting her hand on his arm for balance even though she was taller than him and didn't really need it.

 "I dunno.. I quite like it. I've always fancied his hat, if I'm being honest." He moved away from her slightly and took it off his head to hold out of her reach. It seemed he was fond of this move today.

"But for you, anything." He said as he put it on top of his own hat that was on her head. "But now I'm hat-less, Can I borrow your goggles so I'm not exposed?" 

"No!" She stuck her tounge out at him, grabbing the new hat on either side to keep it down on her head. "That's your punishment, a cold noggin! Only good ship owner's get to have fancy hats!" 

"If you don't terribly much mind, I'd quite like my hat back." Darc piped in, a bit too worried about it getting stretched to be more charming about it. 

"Leaveing me out in the cold, this is abuse." Ora grinned. "Smack me with it, I know you want to." 

Ron handed back Darc his hat, but with the other one she gave Ora a good smack. "Behave you, or I'm keeping this forever." 

"Thank you kindly." Darc checked his hat, brushed it off, and set it just so on his head. He seemed to relax a bit, as if that hat brought him comfort.

"Your temper is matched only by your beauty." Ora said with a grin, clearly not as ashamed of himself as he should have been.

She smacked him again, "Stop teasing me with your lies." She smacked him one more time for good measure then handed him back his hat. Ora took her hand as well as the hat and gave her palm a kiss before letting go and putting his hat back on, about as meticulous in positioning just so as Darc was. It was hard to know if he cared the same amount, or if he was teasing with mimicry. 

She grabbed her hand back like he bit it, scowling as she looked at him in confusion over his little signs of affection. She really didn't know what to think of him. He teased and made a mess of the workshop when he was around, but then turn around later to compliment her and now she found out he left her an expensive present. She sighed, messing with the goggles on her head. "I just don't get you." 

"That's because you take my teasing seriously and my seriousness as teasing. If you never want to see me again you should probably say so, or I'm going to keep coming back and bothering you." 

"Ah, and here we are." Darc interrupted to gesture at the building of his desire. 

She was glad for the interruption, because honestly she wasn't sure how to respond to that. Yeah alright he was abit of a pain and he did make her mad at least once or twice everytime he showed up. One would think she would be happy at that chance to tell him to go away, but... she didn't really feel like she wanted to. Ron messed with her goggles some more as she pondered on this, giving it more thought than she probably really needed to.

I apologize in advance for any terminology getting tossed about that may be unfamiliar.
  The two terms used here without context are Benuov and Dejuov. They're races in the setting, think little bird person and little lizard person.

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