"Hard Times"

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When the sun-chariot of Helios
     sailed over your head,
When a cave near your home
     held the Land of the Dead,

When some of your friends
     got turned into flowers,
When the Horai from Heaven
     would call down the hours,

When nymphs and satyrs
     splashed you from a stream,
When Athena stopped by
     to gift you a dream,

When pig entrails dictated 
     your life's path from birth,
When the children of Zeus
     still walked the earth,

When amulets blocked evil
     from within a clenched fist,
          It took
          to be atheist.

Greg R. Fishbone
July 2020

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Jul 12, 2020 02:20 by Morgan Biscup

I have a new favorite of your poems!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jul 12, 2020 04:07 by Cryptoversal

Thanks! Glad you liked it.

Greg R. Fishbone, Author in Residence at Mythoversal, is releasing his young adult mythic fantasy, BECOMING HERCULES, as a weekly serial on Kindle Vella. This diverse coming-of-age drama shares its ancient roots with the Percy Jackson series, Song of Achilles, and Lore Olympus.