
Table of Contents

Remnant Twilight (Book 1)

In the world of Remnant: The Odyssey of Destinies

Visit Remnant: The Odyssey of Destinies

Completed 14321 Words

Remnant Twilight (Book 1)

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Prologue: Destiny

A flower blows in the wind in a dreary forest..cold rain dripping from the ground, dim rays of sunlight shining through the cracks in the clouds but it was bleak and many days the Dreary forest pressed ever on. A single petal from the flower drops and it's shining beautiful light begins to fade...and so many days pass and the flowers wilters further and further as even the sunlight that gave it life was clouded..but then the flower is picked, a hand covered in soft pink fur and eyes observe the fading flower "Fear not, gentle the end even the Darkest Tunnels have a need only hang in there." The woman looks up, hood covering her head as she observes a fiery ball in the sky and sees it crash far beyond the horizon "It has begun." 

Looking back down she softly caresses the petals of the bloom “What happens now is the beginning of a long, beautiful journey. Filled with many twists. to some familiar faces will reappear but to others new ones entirely will come to the spotlight. It’s a journey once travelled many times across many tales. But this time, a quite different tale will be told. Hopefully sweet little bloom, this tale shall end in the precious light it began. Until then, sit tight and remember. There is always hope, sometimes it’s just a little bit out of reach.”

Standing up she looked back to the glow in the sky, grasping a staff with a glowing crescent moon and pressing on, to begin a new journey.

Chapter 1: Humble beginnings

Twilight opens the doors accidently bashing the baby dragon out of the way and Twilight calls out "Spiike? Spiikke!" Twilight steps through the door to see the baby dragon getting up and rubbing his head with a grumble.

Twilight smiles and walks off to the books "Ah good, you're here. Where is Equestrian History Volume 1?" Spike rubs his head grumply walking over and speaking with agitation in his voice "You bash me with a door and your first question is where is the book?" 

Twilight blinks at him before sitting down "I was going over some Equestrian Folklore, I believe I've stumbled upon something vitally important." Spike goes over to the bookcase, shifting through them with a huff "Fine..this better not be another conspiracy theory, last time you caused a National incident."

Twilight laughs it off waving dismissively "Oh Spike, you don't need to worry so much, As if the Griffin Kingdoms would -actually- attack us." 

Spike face palms and before slamming the book down and goes over to grab a book "I am going to the Courier's Express now." Twilight blinks and whines loudly "Buuuut spikeee~! I need you to write letters and stuff!" 

Spike raises an eyebrow "Can't you just, I don't know teleport the scroll to Celestia? You don't need Dragon's wind." Twilight taps the desk uneasily "You know how I feel about Teleportation..I haven't mastered it yet." 

Spike places the box down and walks over with a grumpy look "If you forget about Moon Dancer's  birthday-" Twilight blinks and interrupts "Who?" Spike looks shocked at her and rolls his eyes "Just read the stupid book already." 

Twilight frowns at him before opening it wondering what's gotten into spike today "The Shadow Wars..The Fall of Evergreen...the Equestrian Civil war.. Ah here we go the Setting of the Moon, upon the thousandth year the stars will align and the Mark of Luna will fade from the moon and soon the Great Nightmare shall reign..Spike don't you see we are on the thousandth year and the Summer Solstice will mark the end of this year. Nightmare Moon, the princess who fell from grace is going to return!" 

Spike just leans his head on his hand sitting at the desk "Twilight..Nightmare Moon is a myth, something people tell their kids to scare them." Twilight closes the book and shakes her head "Spike as Celestia's most trusted student it is my duty to warn her of this incoming danger. It is imperative that I write her a letter post haste!"

Spike just gets up and picks up his gift "Sure, have fun doing that." He begins walking out and Twilight gets up "Spike, what's wrong? Why are you-" 

Spike turns around and frowns at her "It's Moon Dancer's Birthday Twilight, more important than another conspiracy theory from some dusty, likely inaccurate book, later." 

He closes the door and Twilight sighs, grabbing some parchment, a pen and an ink well and begins writing.

Chapter 2: Unexpected Journey

Twilight stepped into the marble throne room, big glass panes depicting glorious moments in history alongside long flowing black white and gold banners with sun symbols on them. Princess Celestia was sitting at the throne with Advisor Quintus sitting at the Stewards chair. 

Celestia having just sent a courier out. Celestia nods with respect at Twilight while she arrives and Twilight bows before her "Princess Celestia and Advisor Quintus." Celestia smiles and speaks with pride "Twilight Sparkle, my favored student, what brings you here?" 

Advisor Quintus crosses his arms and places a hand on his chin, pondering as his golden hair blew with the draft that came through. Twilight levitates a scroll to Advisor Quintus who reviews it's contents and raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued by the contents of the letter and it’s long list of references, noting that Twilight has indeed done her research "My lady, this letter has some...sensitive suggestions in it, you may wish to read it." 

Celestia takes the note and reads it carefully with a discerning look on her face, one that inspired a moment of hope for Twilight and saw Celestia lowering the letter and placing on her hand rest ..this was soon followed by Celestia openly laughing at the letter and it’s suggestions as if she had read some well executed joke before speaking with a more sincere but still bemused tone in her voice "Twilight, that is ridiculous you really must stop with these conspiracy theories..I am surprised you found out so much about the Fallen princess considering how little there is written of her... I am impressed. Your ability to study and learn is surpassed by none." 

Quintus taps his arm patiently while he has them crossed "Save for Sunset more ways than one." Celestia glares at him before gazing at Twilight who blinks at the name, wondering who Sunset Shimmer might be before shaking her head and exclaiming with urgency in her voice "But Princess! It's true! I went through countless ancient records and folklore and pieced it all together-" 

Celestia waves at her dismissively, nonverbally ordering her to be quiet and Twilight obeys, bowing her head letting the Princess speak "Twilight, you have spent much time in books and scrolls, and you've cultivated a healthy and skeptical mind but you've forgotten what matters...Friendship and attachment." 

Advisor Quintus looks to Celestia with a inquisitive look and Twilight steps forwards "But Princess! Friendship won't-" Quintus interrupts and states out right "What the Princess means to say is, you are an excellent student but your skills with people are sub par at best, part of being an efficient mage and a scribe is the ability to communicate with people adequately." 

Twilight stamps her foot down "This isn't about me! There is a real threat here-!" 

Celestia then interrupts with an authoritative tone "Enough! Twilight Sparkle you will be quiet..I will hear nothing more of this..Nightmare Moon. I have decided that until you learn the value of friendship, I cannot tutor you further...My assignment to you is to go to Ponyville and study the magic of Friendship." 

Twilight frowns, very disappointed with Celestia and just walks out and sighs "Yes Princess..right away.." Later that day her and Spike load their things onto the airship and he sits on a suitcase  and leans back eating an apple "Banished huh? I mean Twilight you've caused quite a bit of trouble, besides maybe this will be good for you." 

Twilight sighs and places down a box she was levitating "Spike I know I've been a handful lately but I am serious, this is really real." Spike shrugs and takes a bite of his apple "Well maybe you can find something in ponyville, it's Near Everfree forest and in there is Evergreen city. The old capital. If you're dead set on pursuing this, historical records of that place are your best bet." 

Twilight sighs and finishes putting her things on and the Airship takes flight, leaning over the side she just watches the city slowly get more distant from her, having a strange feeling that things will never be the same, ever again.

Chapter 3: Arrival and Discovery

The Airship comes over the mountain from the Black and Gold city of Canterlot to the humble town of Ponyville, it's tile and thatch roofs tucked amongst lush green trees and long fields of crops and sprawling markets.

The Airship slowly descends onto an empty piece of land with a tower and a fence around it, Guardsmen guarding the entrances. Twilight and Spike pick up their things and get off the Airship, moving into the Registry building where their Identities and occupations are checked before finally leaving the Airfield and walking along a path with a running stream going along it and straight to Ponyville.

Twilight looks to her left and sees farmers tending the fields and then she looks to her right to see a Villa or two being built with Wine Plantations being laid. 

Finally they crossed a bridge into the sprawling market, those of Equine descent all taking part in commerce, as they walked Twilight bumped into a pink furred Woman who turned around and blinked at her and gasped at her. 

Twilight tilted her head before the Mysterious lady ran off into the crowd and both Spike and Twilight looked at each other confused before a Rainbow haired Woman with wings can be seen flying through the sky at excessively high speeds before landing, the people around her stare in awe and applaud her. Twilight looked confused as the rainbow haired Woman spoke "That's right, Rainbow Dash is back in town, fastest Pegasus in town!" 

Some cheer for her as she seems to be a Local town hero. Twilight observes quietly as Rainbow Dash flexes for the crowd and works the crowd expertly. Twilight, getting rather sick of the flexing rather quickly, simply walks through the cloud and Spike follows her, carrying a suitcase with him. 

They both leave the crowd and Twilight groans feeling quite fed up with all of this  "Ugh...The world is at risk and they're busy stroking her ego!" Spike snickers and nudges her "You are just jealous!" 

Twilight huffs at him in an annoyed manner before turning her head away "Am not!" 

Spike snickers to himself as they walk along the path they find a tree with singing birds at it, A Woman with yellow fur and pink hair can be seen humming at them and a Man with a jacket faint yellow fur and blue and white hair is trying to read a book.

Twilight looks at the both of them stopping on the road, as the Man groans "Ugh, I don't know how to read Latin.." Twilight, feeling curious, walks over and glances at the book "MacBeth? That's my favorite book!" 

She accidentally scares away the birds and Fluttershy shyly turns around "U-uhmmm c-could you please be more quiet?" Twilight looks at the flying birds and rubs the back of her head "S-sorry.." 

 The Man stands up and holds up the book "This is MacBeth? I thought it was Romeo and Juliet?" She shakes her head and takes the book off of him and points at the title "MacBeth, Our Common language takes a lot of influence from the Old world Language." 

Reaver sighs and shrugs at her and she hands him back the book before looking at Fluttershy " come you're teaching birds to sing?"

Fluttershy shyly rubs her arm "W-well it's for the summer Solstice..the Mayor asked me t-to do it a-and I couldn't say no.."

Twilight nods understandingly and gives Fluttershy a pat on the shoulder "Well you're doing a wonderful job!" Fluttershy smiles shyly and plays with her hair, Spike is then seen and Fluttershy races over "Ooo! A baby dragon!" 

Twilight looks over at Spike as he flexes for Fluttershy "That's right, baby Dragon..Names Spike! The dragon!" Fluttershy picks him up and cuddles him "Naww you're so adorable~!" 

The Man closes his MacBeth book "Well I guess we're going with you now." Twilight looks over "Who are you and why?" The man points at himself "I am Reaver Arklight, and Fluttershy here loves animals; she's bound to hang around and ask tons of questions." 

Twilight looks over to see Fluttershy asking tons of questions and Spike confidently answering. Twilight shrugs and turns back to Reaver "Say do you know anything about Everfree forest or uhh..Nightmare Moon?" Reaver just stares blankly at her "Nightmare Who?" 

Twilight stares in disbelief "Nightmare Moon? Global Legend? Infamous for the Equestrian Civil war? Tried to destroy the sun?" Reaver shakes his head "I am uhh..not from around here.. I am from the the uhm...large..towers and uhh..very..bleak?" Twilight questions him, not only can he not read a globally known language but also doesn't know the second most Infamous villain in history?

Twilight then shrugged her shoulders for now focusing on other things "Say..we better get to our new home now, it's just sitting there..waiting for us!" Fluttershy carries Spike and nods "Yes! W-wait..uhm we need to check with Rarity..she's organizing the decorations a-and I was a-asked to  m-make sure it uhh.. gets done." 

Twilight rolls her eyes "It's fine, I am a good organizer anyway I am sure I can help..not sure why Celestia didn't tell me to help in the first place.." Fluttershy squee's "Good! I a-am not uhh.. good at this sort of thing." She blushes and smiles at Twilight, grateful someone else is taking responsibility for this job. 

Later that day we enter a store, Spike showing off to Fluttershy the entire way. Twilight sighs and opens the door to see a Woman in purple and yellow top with a dress with a gleaming sparkle to it. 

Her long curled purple hair and glimmering eyes stuck out to Spike who went silent, just watching her work. Twilight cleared her throat "Ahem, excuse me." The Woman twirled around, blinking her eyes and striking a pose "How can I heeeelp~?"

Twilight walks over to some dresses looking at them over "I am here about the Summer Solstice decorations, Fluttershy asked me to help." She wipes some dust off a dress and the Woman walks up "Well then dear, I am Rarity and they are simply Marvelous!" 

Reaver walks up "Why do I get a sneaking suspicion they're not as okay as you say?" Twilight  stares down Rarity as she rubs the back of her head "Heh.. heh..Well about see I've had this tiny..itsy bitty problem in The Delivery never came and I got nothing to decorate the Town hall with!"Rarity almost faints but Fluttershy catches her as Reaver just sighs thinking about something, Twilight rubbed her chin.

"You know Celestia had that problem a few months back and Quintus organized the Decorations anyway by conjuring them all himself!" Rarity nods and grabs a book flicking through it "Oh Yes, Conjuration, an absolute lifesaver in the fashion world!"

Twilight nods and her horn glows, conjuring the fabric's matter from thin air, using her existing knowledge of fabrics to conjure a bow. Rarity picks it up "Oh darling, that simply won't do but never Fear! I shall see to it that the hall is decorated for the Solstice, thank you!"

Twilight smiles and nods "Anyway time...say do you know anything about Everfree forest or Nightmare Moon?" Rarity tilts her head for a minute before nodding "Why of course my dear..Everfree forest previously known as Evergreen Forest was once home to Evergreen city, the city's destruction is what triggered the start of the Equestrian Civil War."

Twilight nodded quietly documenting this in her head as Rarity proudly continued "There were two sides..The Lunar Republic and the Solar Empire, they fought each other for years but as time went on Luna, the leader of the Republic turned into the legend we now all know as..Nightmare moon. Shortly after the Lexean Rebellion had abandoned Nightmare Moon she was banished to the Moon."

Twilight rubs her chin "Do you think she could return?" Rarity shrugs her shoulders "If she were, I am sure Princess Celestia can handle her dear; don't fret about that." Twilight looks to the side unsure before waving at Rarity "We best be off!"

Rarity taps her chin as if remembering something "Oh Dear, could you check in with Applejack, she's by The Sweet Apple Acres Orchard. She will be handling the catering." Twilight gives Rarity a nod and begins walking out. 

Rarity waves them goodbye before noticing Reaver's torn jacket "Wait! You give me that jacket!" Reaver looks back and forth "Me?" She nods and he reluctantly takes off the jacket, revealing the white shirt underneath.

Rarity takes it and holds it as if cradling a sick animal "My darling this thing is horrible! Come later this evening, I simply must fix these holes!" Reaver rubs the back of his head "What's wrong with it?" 

Rarity blinks at him "My Dear, there are tears, scorch marks and Celestia knows what else!" Twilight raises an eyebrow "Why is your jacket so damaged?"

Reaver nervously laughs "My look at the time! We better hurry or we might be too late!" He grabs Fluttershy's arm and drags her out with spike as Twilight shrugs "Yeah you're right.." Later that day they walk out of Ponyville and approach an apple Orchard. 

Twilight looks around the Orchard to see hundreds of Apple trees to the furthest right an old abandoned Pear farm "Well...this must be the Sweet Apple Acres Orchard.." She walks down the dirt road leading up to a farm house and a barn her group of friends are following. 

Arriving by the house Reaver looks at the farm, there was not much to see outside of the Rustic Aesthetic of the place. The Barn was well maintained but the paint was starting to look a little faded. The Farmhouse was very modest and an earnest looking the side was an old worn out tree with a broken swing hanging from it..the place communicated a certain...emptiness to it as if at one point there was once a lot more here.

Twilight walked up to the farm house and knocked on the door and waited for a moment spike shrugs "Maybe she's not-" the door opens as a Woman with orange fur and blonde hair wearing a white shirt with rolled up sleeves torn denim shorts and leather boots coupled with what Reaver understood as a ‘Cowboy Hat’

The Woman gave a genuine smile "Welcome y'all to the Sweet Apple Acres Orchard! I am Applejack and this here is the proud property of the Apple Family for some hundred or so years now. What can we do for ya?"

Twilight looks into the lounge room hearing a lot of cooking and some mumbling "My name is Twilight Sparkle we're here to check on the Catering, how is that going?" Applejack nods "I knew someone was comin' here!" 

She takes out a Warm pie from a table in the lounge and brings it over to Twilight "You tell me, good enough?" Twilight levitates a piece to her mouth taking a bite and munches on it  "Mrmm that's good." She then swallows the piece of apple pie, finding it not just good but somehow amazing. As if she was eating perfection or something. "I see that the catering is handled..there was something I wanted to ask you though." She hands the pie back.

Applejack takes the apple pie and puts it down by a nearby counter "What about?" Twilight clears her throat "What do you know of Nightmare Moon or Everfree forest?" Applejack rubs her chin "Well there was once a city down that way but..not much else save for that changelings and other critters dwell there, honestly I don't know much else."

Twilight Sparkle sighs and looks to the side, Applejack raises an eyebrow "Somethin' not right, Twilight?" Twilight leans on the door way "It's just that..well..I am investigating something and it..seems..hopeless.." Applejack steps over and gives her shoulder a pat "Even if it seems Hopeless, Look to your heart to find your conviction."

Reaver raises an eyebrow at that, Twilight smiles and nods "Thank you Applejack we best be going now, farewell." Applejack nods, taking off her hat and waving with it "Bye Y'all!" Fluttershy shyly waves back, Spike finger salutes at her and Reaver just gives her a nod and walks off with Twilight.

Twilight sighs in relief "Well that was fun you two but we really must get going, Fluttershy shakes her head "I have so much more to ask though!" Spike nods and confidently points at himself "Can't deny her of my advanced knowledge on Dragons, Twilight." Fluttershy grabs Twilight's arm "Can I pweassee ask him more questions?" The Adorable Woman squees at her and Twilight gave in and sighed "Very well..let's go..." Fluttershy instantly goes back to spike talking, as they left Reaver looked back to the broken swing set remembering something. 

He then looks back to the group following along quietly, a somber look on his face, later that day they finally arrive the Golden Oak Library where Twilight looked up to the literal Tree house thinking of how small it is before finally opening the door, walking in with Spike, Fluttershy and Reaver.

As they did the lights turned on and everyone yelled "Surprise!!!" People from all over ponyville gathered in her house with a pink Earth pony in the center "Welcome to your Welcoming parttyyyy~!!"

Twilight jumped, raising an arm in front of herself, Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind her hair, while Spike fell over with Reaver just blinking at them, not quite expecting that! 

Twilight recovers and looks over at the pink pony and asks "Who are you?" The pink maned Woman giggles and  presents herself "I am Pinkie Pie, local but famous party pony around!" Twilight looks at all the decorations she laid out "Don't think I heard of a party pony before..did.. you do all this for me?" 

Pinkie pie nods furiously and grabs Twilight dragging her over. Reaver walks over to a corner and grabs a bottle looking at it and sees the title "Vengelbead Whiskey" Reaver unscrews the bottle "Thank God.." he says to himself before downing a drink as if he thought he’d never get the chance to ever again, until now that is.. 

Over at Twilight she sat down at a table with all the people she met today, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Twilight looks at them all as Applejack says "Pinkie here suggested we throw a party, to welcome you to town.. so this is it, welcome to ponyville!" 

Twilight blinks as Rainbow Dash hands her a tunic with her aura mark on it "And what better way to kick off your new life here, then showing your support for the coolest Woman around~?" Rarity shakes her head "I doubt she wants to walk around in such a ghastly tunic!"

Rainbow Dash  throws the tunic at Rarity and Rarity huffs, leaving Twilight at a disadvantage as she pours what she thinks is a punch. Reaver watched from a far swigging from his whiskey bottle. 

Next to him a Man in white shirt, a black and blue vest and fine dress pants motions to Reaver with a glass of whiskey as well "I see you have an admiration of Alcohol." Reaver glanced over, wandering when he got here before shortly responding "I'd not survive without it..Who are you?" The Man swirls the glass of whiskey and stares into his glass as if staring into eternity "Lucifer..." 

Reaver sips from his drink "Most normal name I've encountered outside of Spike over there." Lucifer smiles putting down the glass looking Reaver up and down  like some kind of score or trophy perhaps "You seem like a Man out of place, you new like your friend over there?" 

Reaver pauses for a second before responding "Yeah.. I am.. I came from uhh.. A far away place." Lucifer chuckles and claps his hands for a Woman balancing on one hand before looking back to Reaver "I'd say...though I suspect your arrival here was not willing?" 

Reaver drinks from the Vengulbead Whiskey before putting the empty bottle down and grumbled as he was suspicious of this Lucifer character "Awfully curious, aren't you?" Lucifer leans back in his chair, watching the Woman dance with eyes of admiration just enjoying the show and the moment "You familiar with sin?" 

Reaver looks over to the Woman indifferently, his mind in another place and his heart in another universe "You could say that." He says with a somber tone. Lucifer takes a drink from a tray, and sniffs it "Ahh..Redlin Teqli..a rather foreign see sin is like a wine glass, keep pouring into it eventually it overflows and becomes rather noticeable. I don't like sinners and by sinners I mean murderers." 

Reaver paused as Lucifer looked at him, his eyes glowing slightly while Reaver looked over to Twilight, worried about something "Something is wrong with all this, too cheerful and happy.." 

Lucifer looks over to Twilight and drinks his Redlin Teqli keeping a close eye on her "Understatement of the century...I am going to give you this small bit of advice..nothing good is coming to you, Reaver. The sooner you accept that the better. You have much work to do and soon you'll know what I mean by that." 

Reaver blinks and looks over to ask a question but he's gone.. leaving two empty glasses.. Reaver looks back to Fluttershy frowning slightly. It wasn’t the first time he’d been approached for a job but he feeling this was anything but an ordinary job. Looking to his hand he flexed and clenched it thoughtfully and quietly uttered “What kind of aliens evolves to have yellow fur?” 

Later that night Twilight finally drinks from her drink and coughs  holding her throat, Pinkie pie giggles "Whoopsie! Thats hot sauce!" Twilight got up coughing up the hot sauce and sighs "Well girls.. thank you but I best go get some sleep.." Rarity tilts her head as if surprised and a little let down before replying "But the Summer solstice-" Twilight quickly interrupts "I'll be there I just.. I just need some peace and quiet." 

Twilight walks up and Rainbow Dash exclaims "What's her problem?" She says wearing shades in doors to seem cooler. Applejack sighs rolling her eyes and took off her glasses “She prolly ain’t to fond of the party, you best leave her alone ya’ hear? Just enjoy the night.”

Applejack tosses Dash her sunglasses back and Dash catches them slipping them back on “Sure thing, I guess.”

Chapter 4: Midnight Terrors

Twilight sits on her bed staring up into the sky staring at the moon "Nightmare Moon is going to escape.. I know it..question is.. what do I do when it happens?" Soon a voice answers her question "Fight I assume." Twilight looks over to see Reaver leaning on the doorway, before standing up and closing the door behind him. 

Twilight tilts her head "Do you even know about Nightmare moon?" Reaver shrugs, walking over to her desk touching it and looking at all the random books and scrolls left behind before replying "No but from the name alone she sounds bad.. and if what you claim is true then we fight her." Twilight stands up  holding her arm "Thing is.. I am not that good at magic.." 

Reaver turns around and raises an eyebrow "So? When what you care for is at stake, your abilities matter the least..when I see a problem I take it head on.. I don't care if it breaks me. Maims me or kills me. When there is a problem.. you fix it." Twilight sighed, in her heart she agreed with Reaver in a sense "Your right.. we can't allow Nightmare Moon to threaten Equestria.. if Celestia won't do anything then it's up to us." 

Reaver blinks" Who is Celestia again?" Twilight puts her hands on her hips, getting rather annoyed with Reavers lack of knowledge "Princess Celestia? You know the ruler of Equestria?!" Reaver shrugged and just bluntly stated "I am not from this world, I don't know any of this!" 

Twilight steps forwards 'What?-" Just then spike opens the door "Twilight! It's time for the Solstice! Come on!" Spike hurries out and Twilight sighs and points at Reaver "We'll continue this later."

Later that night everyone gathers in the town hall, Reaver stands by Twilight, and Spike sitting on her shoulder cheers for Celestia as Mayor Mare walks up to the balcony and calls out "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Mayor Mare!" Reaver chuckles at the name under his breath as the speech continues "Welcome to this year's Summer Solstice! Each year we celebrate the rising of the sun, as a way to remember that with each sorrow comes a new dawn and that new dawn comes a chance for joy, love and laughter. It is through this our wise ruler, Princess Celestia reminds us of what is important.. speaking of which now I present to you Princess Celestia!" 

Fluttershy conducts for her birds and they tweet the presentation song and the streamers and white rose petals are flung however Celestia makes no appearance. The crowd murmurs nervously as Reaver looks around thinking to himself "Is this the work Lucifer meant?" Just as he finished that thought, a dark presence fills the room as an Alicorn elegant strides out wearing beautiful gleaming battle armour with a crescent moon symbol on it, accompanied with Black fur and long flowing magical and gleaming hair with a threatening gaze and imposing stature.. She smiles at the now cowering crowd.

With a confident gesture she raises her hand "Do you not recognise me? Has my banishment been so long as for my rightful title to be dust and memory? I think not.. for I see fear in your eyes, fear for what I am.. for what I was.. and for what I will be!" 

The Guards  point their spears and Bolt action rifles at her as she grunts "I see.. you have forgotten.. allow me to remind you...I..AM..Nightmare MOON!" She flexes her wings, the moon shining brightly through the windows as some in the crowd scream.. she looks down at the cowering subjects and notices two who stand out.. A purple Unicorn and a Man. 

Twilight stamps her foot down and points at her "I know who you are! Where is Princess Celestia!" Nightmare moon cackles wildly and appears before Twilight in a burst of darkness, causing her to jump back as Reaver just stares her down. 

The guards land behind Twilight and Reaver, protecting the crowd from the Nightmare moon, their weapons are ready.

Nightmare moon points her menacing scythe forwards "My dear Sister is out of the picture, what is she more important then me? Do you dare to suggest such a thing? She points the Scythe directly at Twilight but Reaver quickly says "We get it, you have a rivalry, now quick bullying them!!" 

Nightmare moon appears by him pressing the sharp scythe blade at his neck. The Scythe glimmers with faint lunar light but was as cold as the surface of pluto hinting at a dark and twisted nature within. He stares her in the eyes, as if somehow lost inside of them. Staring where few have ever stared before "Say that again, I dare you.." Reaver stares into her eyes and remarks almost breathlessly, his senses almost failing him completely when he utters one simple truth "You have such beautiful eyes.." Nightmare Moon's eye twitches, the statement disturbed her somehow, moved her in a way she was completely and totally unpared for and moments later Reaver is blasted out the door!

Splinters of wood fly through the air as he smashes into the ground rolling along the ground. The guards open fire, and jab their spears but Nightmare Moon casts a shield before opening her white eyes and casting Nightmares onto the guards causing them to scream and smash into the ground. 

Twilight's horn sparks up and she shoots an Aurablast at Nightmare Moon, it looks as if it was about to hit but as the light and the smoke clears Twilight is blasted back and then grabbed by Nightmare Moon and smashed into the wall before whispering "I know you’re my sister's little favorite  protege so lets play a game...try and find me..spend what little of your life you have trying to defeat me, it's futile and you'll all come to see that soon.” She lets Twilight down and cackles as she declared like a godly tyrant to the world "By Midnight, night shall reign forever and then we'll see how preciously you cling to the light!" 

She flies out into the near lightless sky, dark clouds swirling above. Her flight disturbing the clouds and caused a huge opening to rip open revealing the moon in its entirety, a  cold blue light emitting around it and soon turning into a total eclipse erasing the light from the sky! Visible by the light of her hair and armour she is seen  soaring high up and towards Everfree forest.. Reaver slowly gets up holding his side "Well..shit."

Chapter 5: In the Lion's Den

Twilight opens the door walking in and holding  her arm as she levitates through various books “Must be an answer somewhere..." Spike dashes in and  looks through the bookshelves. Reaver comes in with a bloody nose and sits down, opening a bottle of Fellstar Whiskey and drinking it down.

Reaver puts the bottle down letting out a sore sight  and rubbing at his forehead "She's beyond our skill level. .we'll need a plan.." Twilight takes out a book on the elements of Harmony "I do actually.." A voice at the entrance speaks up "Mind tellin' us to?" Twilight and Reaver peek over to see Applejack and the other 4 as Twilight nods to them "Very well.. you should know...seeing as I've asked you all questions to do with this subject."

Twilight brings out her various books and states "Nightmare Moon has returned and has somehow sealed away Celestia.. maybe stuck her in the palace or is sealed within the Moon as well. To Save Equestria, our friends, families and Princess Celestia we have to get to Evergreen and the Castle of the Two sisters." Rarity steps forwards looking over the books  and says "We'll need the elements of Harmony for that, dear. Nightmare Moon is a Celestial Alicorn.. she's stronger than all of us." 

Applejack crosses her arms and looks to the side "Where are we even gonna find the elements? And honestly? How do you know if we can?" Twilight looks around trying to figure out an answer, going through the books and replies in a hurried desperate tone "The Elements of Harmony are likely being kept in Evergreen, they were never recovered after the fall of Evergreen." 

Applejack looked over the book taking off her hat and pressed it at her chest processing the information and replied  "Still, how do you know if we can do it?  Nightmare Moon is way over our level and no amount of bravery is gonna change that." Reaver sips from his whiskey "It's that or you all die. Eternal night will kill off all life, without the sunlight, nothing will grow. Just the facts. When it comes to things like this, we gotta do whats right and whats right is finding these stupid gems and winning the day." 

Twilight nods at him clicking her fingers and motioning to the six other girls  "He's right, girls, if we don't face Nightmare Moon, she'll be the last Nightmare we'll ever see.That.. being said, this could also be a fool's errand, this could be the end of our story right here and right now. I am going and I can’t pressure you to follow me, so..who is coming with us?" 

Rarity stepped up placing a hand on Twilight’s shoulder “Darling, there is not a thing in this world more important right now.. I have a sister at home, sleeping. I want her to wake up at dawn tomorrow. I’ll follow you to the end.” 

Applejack slaps her hat back on and thumps at her fist with her own fist “I am fixin’ to teach this Nightmare Moon a thing or two about Southern hospitality! Count me in Twi!”  Dash crossed her arms and paused “I’ll follow you but we’ll need weapons. Bravery and persistence will only get so far. Other than that, I am totally pumped!” 

Fluttershy walked up to Reaver, checking his nose quietly and then replied “she hurt my friends, and the eternal night is going to hurt the environment. I-i know I am not exactly the most.. Strongest person out there but believe me, I am not going to let her do this without a fight-- e-ehm.. If you don’t mind, that is?”

Reaver placed his hand over Fluttershy’s while she held his arm and smirked “The more the merrier, right Pinkie?”

Pinkie nodded hurriedly, playing with a beetle and turned around, letting it crawl along her arm “I am Combat ready!”

Twilight clenches her fist holding it up and then pointed forwards at the door “Lets gear up, and meet at the forest limits, justo outside of ponyville!”

Later that night the group of 7 arrive at the Everfree forest, spike having to stay home and sleep due to staying up all night. Reaver stops by a sign looking at the moss covered wood with barely readable letters and says "I doubt there'll be intact pathways." 

The forest was dark, with spiked vines all over the dead yet living trees. A Sinister cold air flowed through the forest..crows cawing across it. The blackened forest screams of corruption and decay.. those of faint heart dare not tread here. Reaver's hands orbited a gun in his holster, guns were not too uncommon in the world but a gun of this type had never been seen before. 

He draws it, the gleaming metal in the moonlight and the marks of many battles on it. The group had grabbed whatever weapons they could, as Everfree forest was notoriously dangerous. 

Twilight held a staff, despite her horn staffs were still vital for Magi at her level as the Staff is used as a second Stabilizer for spells as well as having "Memory Runes" a magical Letter or group of letters capable of imprinting spell formulae in the mind. 

Rainbow Dash had grabbed a basic shield, not bothering with any weapons, seeing herself as too mighty and awesome to need one. Applejack held a Sledge hammer she got from the farm normally used for heavy duty jobs. 

Fluttershy had nothing though being too kind for weapons, finally Pinkie pie and Rarity had their own weapons.  Rarity held a fancy Canterlot Longsword etched with magical runes, it being a family Heirloom. Pinkie had no weapons save for appearing with random items and a handheld party cannon that produces such an insane blast of confetti, the air it blasts out can sweep you off your feet or snap your neck; however Pinkie never uses it fatally. 

Twilight observed the strange gun, remembering what he said earlier, that he was not of this world.. the more she knew him the more questions she wanted to ask.. but she felt that way about everyone, she knows so little of these people yet they all came out tonight.. all of them.. hell most of them seem terrified save for Reaver who seems cold.. straight to the point.. he'd not what they need right now..right now they need someone to look to and so she steps out in front of the group and speaks up. 

"Before we go in.. I want you all to know that if you have second thoughts.. if you wish to leave I will not hold it against you. No one will.. what we are about to do is crazy.. is needed at the same time. It is imperative we succeed and.. I can't think of a better group of people for this task." but no one seemed to change their mind, reassured Twilight stood proudly emulating the stance depicted whenever she read about Starswirl the bearded, a true hero in Equestrian Folklore and history.

The group looked onto her, their morale restored as Twilight pointed her staff forwards "Lets go!" and walked forwards the other 6 members followed closely behind. Twilight had a feeling in her gut, she knew she did well and wanted to do more, so for every bush and obstacle she'd be first in and lead the rest out just like the old tales. 

As time went on she felt more and more like a hero, the feeling was addicting but little did she know.. being a hero isn't all about the feeling.. the true test is on it's way. 

Emerging into a clearing, Pinkie pie bounces about looking around "I don't see anythiingg~!" Reaver looks around himself as Twilight walks from behind him and to a broken shrine, looking at the overgrown stone. Suddenly Rarity screams out and everyone looks to her as she points to a shadowy figure. 

It's twisted and malformed body oozes inky blackness, it's mouth opens twisted fangs. The Innocent eyes of the group could not bear such a horrific horrific sight, even the Stoic Reaver, the one who seems too cold to the terrors shuddered and shivered, never seeing such a horror before! 

His gun shook as he raised it and was locked by that fear, it's oppressive presence bearing over his body until his fingers failed him and he dropped the gun. The Fur stands up in horror as he watches it's horrific teeth near him and he gazes into the abyss of its mouth.

Pinkie Pie summoned the courage through imagining that the shadow had a funny face and began laugh and suddenly grab a metal bat with streamers tied around it and whacked it back before aiming her party cannon and blew it away decorating it in streamers and the momentary break of intimidation and the brief humour of it's look enabled Twilight to summon a spell, a radiant purple magic shoots out hitting the beast and killing it. 

Pinkie Pie smiles and spins her bat "A certified Pinkie win!" Her cheerful attitude breaks the others from their terror. Reaver shook his head grabbing for his gun and pointed it around, breaking a sweat. 

If there is one there is more! he thought to himself, he believed himself entrapped and began firing wildly into the bushes and trees. Searing glowing bullets hit the foliage burning it on impact. 

His heart races, any moment another could jump out, one of his new friends could die, he couldn't allow it, would not allow it! Fluttershy grabbed his arm and brought him into a hug, to calm him down. 

His arm touched her back and rubbed along it, breathing heavily.. his panic calmed.. thousands of thoughts rushing his mind. Twilight never saw anyone act out like that before, and could not utter a word for she was speechless at the display. 

When finally calm, Reaver parted from fluttershy and holstered his gun and took out a flask of whiskey, downing some of it before closing the flask. Rarity looked at the tree he shot right next to her and yelled “Be more careful!" 

Applejack picks up her hat and puts it on "Nearly shot us! Didn’t your father tell you nadda about gun Safety!/ ya never flag ya god damned team!" She yelled enraged at Reaver's reckless shooting. Reaver soon responds with a somber "Sorry..I , I never actually seen those things before. It won’t happen again, I promise you that." Twilight soon regained her composure and looked at the body of the Shadow and brought out "The Hunter's Bestiary" a book on monsters and the great many known evils of the world. 

After finding the right page she read up on it and said "The Shadow Stalker.. it hunts and prowls it's prey for mere minutes or for months at time.. the Stalker is a master of terror and normally is not seen when they go for the Kill. Capable of moving at the speed of shadow, it can Maim or kill it's victim in less then a second, a Good Hunter or a Guardian will always listen out for sounds, such as footsteps or breathing or use their trusty spell Aura Detect to seek out these Abominations and Slay them" 

Rarity walks over and examines the Shadow Stalker’s remains which amounted to a withering pile of shadowy mass rapidly degrading into nothingness and replies "This is an Evergreen Stalker.. it's dark energies are not so strong.. could not have come from a major source. This poor dear must've fallen to the shadow cautious to not let these beasts infect you. A simple bite is all it takes." she comments knowing a little of the Shadow Demons from her Study in History she has thus far demonstrated. 

Twilight closes her book finding the creature strangely fascinating "If only we had time to commit a Magical study and commit Autopsies.." Rarity shook her head at twilight, soon saying "A bad idea, Dear.. It is wrong to study Dark beings such as this, it never goes well. Only the elite could safely study such a being..consider it like a carrier cell for cancer. It will spread and multiply with every chance it gets." 

Twilight shook her head and rolled her eyes before spouting some criticism of Rarity's mindset "This is why Arcane Tragedies occur across the world. If we don't understand what these things are and where they come from, how can we hope to protect against them? It’s like the vaunted orders who fight these things ever feel like sharing their knowledge!" Twilight felt as if she had repeated this sentiment before, thinking about how all Study of Dark Magic anywhere for any reason is banned. 

She felt as if it was wrong to ignore an entire field of research like that but instead she let it go with a sigh. Rainbow Dash kicked it's downed head and stomped on it standing triumphantly, loving the rush of victory "It doesn't matter! We kicked its ass!" 

Applejack rested her sledge hammer on her shoulder and said "Sorry, but that wasn't you hon.. that was Twi and Pinkie pie." Twilight puts away the book and walks on using her horn the light the way "Doesn't matter.. Press on.."

Chapter 6: Trials and Tribulations

Finding a pathway they come across a river with a broken stone bridge. Applejack comes over to the riverbed with a stick and tosses it into the water and watches it rush by. She sighed and said "Hadion's Rush..we ain't swimming across this." 

Rainbow Dash flew by Applejack and scoffed "We'll just fly by! Duh!" Rarity holds out her hand and yells "Rainbow Dash, Wait!"  Rainbow Dash flies ahead and smashes into a magical barrier and flies back in the air and smashes into the ground. 

Fluttershy rushes over to make sure she is okay. While she does that Reaver looks to a disturbance in the water as suddenly a large Serpent emerges from the River. 

It's scales reflect the moonlight, a crescent symbol on it's chain pad  with chains wrapped around its body. It's claws sink into the river bed as it rises before removing it's claws and flexing them. 

It's eyes glowing with magic stare down at the party "Who dares cross my Master's bridge!" A snarl was heard and his razor sharp teeth made perfectly clear. 

The raging river bashing against his indifferent form..Rarity steps up and speaks loudly "Great Serpent, whose name is Lor, we are here.. to find and stop Nightmare moon! If we don't! An Eternal night will reign!" 

Lor examined the small Anthropomorphic Pony and announced with a mighty tone "You wish to cross my master's bridge? A grave request.. This bridge was built by Hadion.. his Manor is close to here. He was a mighty warrior. The only one capable of taming me. This bridge is his last standing memory, to cross it, and in so doing crossing the River you must give onto something to me..before I can give something to you." 

Reaver walks up to Rarity motioning to the bridge talking under his breath  "Unless you count my flask.. we don't get much. Of course if you can magic up some bullshit..." Rarity tapped her chin before soon conjuring a beautiful fine gem and levitating it to his scaled claws. 

The Serpent grasps his gift and looks it over but soon crushes it and roars at them "Cheap Parlor tricks! No.. to cross this River you must sacrifice.. There is a thing I need, something of value.. Heed my words..remember them you shall know what you must do." 

Twilight walked up "Mighty Serpent, Whose name is Lor! If we cannot pass, all will die!" The Serpent indifferently looked upon them, as if it's own death is but a fleeting and unimportant concern. 

Applejack sat on a rock leaning on her sledge hammer "We're doomed.." Pinkie Pie just whips out a cupcake and munches on it. Twilight paces back and forth, having no idea what to do. Fluttershy sat quietly crossing her arms ,a little cold while Reaver looked around for ways to get past, trying to warm her up by rubbing at her back.

Rarity looked over to a rock and thought to herself for a moment before using her magical prowess to conjure a pickaxe, one of Metal and wood.  She walks over to the stone and begins hitting at it. No one knew what Rarity was doing. Fluttershy looked to Reaver and whispered “We can keep watch, you should go help her.”

Reaver blinked a couple of times and looked at Twilight “What do you think Twi, leave these guys to keep watch and go help out Rarity with..whatever she is doing?” 

Twilight bit her lip in thought, hopping up from her seat and walking forwards with Reaver and asked Rarity “How can we help?” 

Rarity looked back  and simply replied “Help me gather some stones, I have an idea in mind..” 

A few hours passed and Rainbow Dash grew uneasy and yelled "We can't just stay here! We have a Day to save!" Twilight sighed, turning around  and replied "We don't know our way around here Dash.. we can't just go running around.. or finding a way around this river. We could get lost, forever."

Rainbow Dash groaned and knew it was true.. even if she, a Pony who could fly, would have trouble traversing the titanic routes and should she fall under the influence of the many natural gases of the Forest alone, she could go crazy from delusion in this forest. 

Rainbow Dash looks to Rarity to see her picking flowers and casting magic on them and yells "What are you doing!? We don't have time to pick flowers!" Rarity looks over to her for a moment, ignoring Rainbow Dash. 

Rarity walked back to the now chiseled stone and placed down the flowers by conjuring candles and turned around to Lor, the River Serpent and spoke "Great Serpent! Whose name is Lor! Look upon me!" The serpent peers over to the stone and sees a Memorial Rarity made to Hadion. 

The Serpent smiled "Many give blood.. gold and each other.. but they were wrong.. Hadion was a great warrior, but also a generous soul. After taming me in battle he gave me a home.. a people to love. An idea to cherish..By building this Memorial.. you have exemplified his memory and has such earned passage." 

Twilight looked between the Serpent and her friend shocked that this was the answer all along. Rarity bowed and soon all passed.. However as Reaver passed and began to walk away Lor turned around and said "You.. you walk Sorrow's will give much..but gain little. I pity you, you pathetic thing." 

Reaver didn't like that, he didn't like how things like this Serpent..  people like Lucifer keep saying these things to him, it made him worry what was in store for him. Still he pressed on, not saying anything to the Great Serpent Lor. 

Hours of walking later they decide to take up camp inside of a broken tower on a hill. The Ruined City of Evergreen and the Castle of the Two sisters is just in view. While the others slept down stairs. 

Reaver stood watch on top of the crumbling tower..leaning on a battlement. He holds his gun in his hands. The air blew and his hair flowed with it, a somber look in his face as the moonlight glimmered in his eyes. 

He heard someone walk up the rubble and vine covered stairs, he heard  her stop behind him.. it was Fluttershy and she said "Can't sleep?" 

Reaver doesn't respond, Fluttershy clasped her hands together walking up and stopping next to him. Reaver soon stood up straight taking out his flask and took a small swig from it, before speaking "I've never seen a Shadow Stalker before..Never seen a serpent either.." 

Fluttershy looked up to him and sighed to herself "I never seen them either..but..back at the clearing.. at that ruined shrine..You acted so.. differently." Reaver looked up to the moon and leaned back on the battlement with one arm this time. 

His eyes full of pain and doubt soon replied "Forget about it." Fluttershy takes his arm with a worried look in her eyes, she had seen that look quite a few times since she met him and simply felt that she had to say something!  "Reaver! I took you under my care...after that..crash.. I said I would look after you until you were well.. you clearly still not well.Look where we are, we’re in the middle of Everfree forest about to fight a Goddess! It’s just, something could happen at any second and you won’t get a second chance to tell me. Whatever is going on is clearly affecting you so please, just tell me what is going on. It’ll help, I promise." 

Reaver looked into her eyes and sighed quietly.. he doesn't like making people worry. He begrudgingly opened up to soothe her feelings and replied "I've seen some terrible things..done a few myself.. but when I looked into that..thing.. that creature's mouth. I saw an Inky.. unescapable darkness.. in that Thing's abominable mouth, I saw death." 

Fluttershy lets go of Reaver as he continues "I don't deserve to be here..I don't belong here.." Fluttershy shakes her head, disagreeing with Reaver "Everyone deserves to be here, whatever you did Reaver it's not important wait I don’t mean it like that I mean that I uh-" Reaver grumbled at that and dismissed her leaning back onto the battlement fully.. facing towards the blackened forest. 

Fluttershy places her hand over her heart feeling hurt that he would not listen and just walks off, back down stairs.. he looks back to see a tear stain on the stone floor..he sighed.. taking out his flask.. popping the lid and taking a drink.

Suddenly he paused and shook his head feeling a sharp pain on the side of his head  before quickly blurting out “Wait, no..stop..” Fluttershy turned around as he pocketed the flask  and walked down the stairs a bit “I know what you mean, I am sorry. I guess, I just need time to sort things out..when the time is right I will tell you more.”

Fluttershy wiped at her eye and cuddled into him letting a small whimper “I-i am sorry too..I guess, I just want things to be okay. I’ll be there when you are ready to open up, okay?” 

Reaver cuddled her close patting at her back and smiled a bit “Somehow you always make me feel a bit better about things. See you soon, Shy. I got a watch to maintain.”

She giggled a bit and parted from him “Don’t doze off to easily then~”

Reaver watches her walk back down the stairs before touching the side of his head “ head hurts for some reason..”

He then went back to watch feeling a little better than prior but still he couldn't help but to linger on a few things. 

During the Night Rainbow Dash looked at Evergreen fearfully not knowing what to expect.. she heard all of the terrible stories, the failed reclamation that the Guardian, Everence once tried. 

She looked back at the path, it was still open she thought, she could leave now if she wanted. A voice speaks up "Leave, run for your life.. it would be so easy.. you seek to be a Wonderbolt do you not?" 

Rainbow Dash puts her heart, gripping her tunic tightly. The Voice was right, how could she become a wonderbolt if she dies here? The Voice speaks again "Demons roam those ruins, they will tear you apart, no matter how fast you fly, you will never escape should you, run away." 

Rainbow Dash  felt a shiver down her spine thinking about Death, she wasn't ready she thought. It's not her time.. maybe she should just.. It was then she looked back to her friends and thought about what would happen to them if she left.. could she truly be a wonderbolt  if she abandons them here? Would anyone ever try to do what they're doing now? 

Rainbow dash lets go of her tunic and walks over to her bed roll and gets in.. no she would stay. Twilight peeked from her bed roll, smiling that Rainbow Dash didn't abandon them now of all times. She didn’t say anything though, to spare Dash the embarrassment as she had all the bravado beforehand.

Chapter 7: Sorrow's Road

The day was new but the moon was still high.. they reached the gates of Evergreen. They looked at the closed but battered gate. The walls were manned with Shadow Demon soldiers, patrolling it  holding crossbows and polearms. 

Beyond was the once famous capital of all Equestria, Evergreen City. Nothing more than a demon infested cesspit full of horror and despair. Skeletons dotting it’s streets and buildings.

Entry would not be easy, Rarity soon spoke up "We're not well armed enough to take on Evergreen but I do know of one possible tunnel straight to the castle. I read it when studying the fall of Evergreen myself." 

Twilight nodded to herself "Then that's where we will go, let's go." Rarity led them to a secret door and upon entering they made their way through the ancient and royal tunnels. 

Upon exiting they enter into a royal bed room.. The Room looked to be Luna's old room.  Twilight stepped out looking around "Whoa.." Twilight looks over to the nightstand and sees the old rusted crown of Luna.  The others had fallen behind a bit giving both Twilight and Reaver a few moments to really talk.

Twilight looks upon it and Reaver joins her side as she levitates it with magic before saying "The Crown of Princess Luna.. she must have left it  here before turning into Nightmare Moon.. the only vestige left of the Fallen Sister.." Reaver shakes his head "Not if I can't help it." Twilight raised her eyebrow as he took the crown and strapped it to his gun holster. 

Twilight looked up to him and  asked “It’s odd to me, you seem to know so little yet be so willing to charge head in.” 

Reaver chuckled and replied to her in a teasing manner “You seem to know so much yet still wanting to charge head first.  I can’t tell who is more stupid.” 

Twilight winked at him before letting out a small giggle  soon stifling it “Well I don’t really have an explicit reason myself. I guess  I am just falling back onto what I know. I read books, lots of books about the previous Elements of Harmony. Great and epic champions of valour and virtue. To me, doing this sort of thing just feels somewhat..natural in a way. So, what is your reason?”

Reaver shrugged his shoulders and spun the cylinder on his Revolver replying “It’s a long story, one I won’t get into here. I just got good reasons for doing what I am doing and well.. I am a soldier.”

He pulled out his dog tags showing them to Twilight as he explained further “Part of being a soldier is standing in the way of threats that’d harm those behind you, innocent or guilty.  It doesn’t matter, a Soldier's first job is always to protect and that means being the first ones to die as well. So for me, this is just doing my job. Though I reckon you’d be a pretty good Soldier too, if you wanted.”

Twilight scoffs and rolls her eyes at the thought “ I am not a military kind of girl..though from what you describe you’d make a pretty good Guardian too. A Champion of the people.” 

Reaver chuckles and walks towards the door replying “I am more of the quiet Professional type, no need for fanfare or fancy titles. Lets move out.”

Chapter 8: The Nightmare

Nightmare moon stands quietly , a voice speaking to her "Why wait..The enemy are weak.." Nightmare Moon looks upon her Scythe, as it gleams in the night.. her darkened armour with black and gleaming fabrics over it and soon speaks back to the voice "Because I wish to see their power..and because I seek to crush their pitiful hope." 

The voice soon replies "You will regret that.." Nightmare Moon scoofs. .but is alerted to footsteps as the door to the main throne room opens. 

There Stood Reaver and Twilight, behind them Fluttershy.. Apple Jack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and finally.. Pinkie Pie. Reaver drew his gun as they walked forwards, their boots and shoes hitting against the cold stone. 

Nightmare moon eyes them quietly, her gleaming hair flowing in the wind. Twilight steps forwards "Nightmare Moon, We've answered your challenge and here we stand. Give us back Princess Celestia and surrender!" 

Rarity quietly casts Aura detect, in an attempt to find the Elements. Nightmare moon laughs as Rarity searches and flourishes her Scythe "Surrender? You are in no position to demand anything little ponies. I am Nightmare Moon, Queen of the Night.. I am-" Reaver shoots past her head and says "Shut it." 

Nightmare Moon snarls and flexes her wings "You Dare shoot at Royalty!? I am your Queen!" Applejack taking her position along with everyone else bluntly says "Not ours you ain't!" 

Nightmare Moon Snarls again, her horn lightning fires off a beam of Lunar energy at Applejack but Reaver tackles her out of the way. Rainbow Dash flies in , shields first and bashes it against Nightmare moon's Scythe who holds her position and taunts "Such Loyalty for people you know so little! A Shallow virtue!" 

Rainbow Dash presses the assault  bashing at Nightmare with her shield. The Shield bashes against a magical shield Nightmare Moon casts causing sparks to fly out as Dash cannot break past. 

In a flash of light Nightmare Moon slices straight through solid metal, cutting the shield and Dash's arm before blasting her back with a Lunar Blast, sending out Lunar energy. 

Applejack having gotten up by now rushes over and swings her hammer "Take this!" she yells however a bright flash  and Applejack's hammer breaks on the magical shield. 

Apple Jack jumped back  and landed onto the floor . Reaver and Twilight lined their attacks, Twilight fired a purple Aura Blast while Reaver opened fire sending scorching hot rounds at Nightmare Moon. 

Rarity got to the middle of the room having sensed harmonic energy underneath the floor and read the runes.. meanwhile Nightmare Moon had glyphs appear behind her and flexed her wings, shooting forth via the speed glyph and swung her scythe at Reaver. 

Reaver bends backwards, watching the scythe slices past, cutting off his strand of hair. The shockwave of the slice shoots forwards cracking the stone floor. Reaver drops to the ground sweeping his foot around and tripping Nightmare Moon. 

Twilight struggled to use her horn, and produced a Teleport spell and appeared above Nightmare Moon hitting her with 2 Aura blasts as she fell. Both Reaver and Twilight landed or got up and got into their combat ready stance. 

Pinkie pie joins them aiming her party cannon as suddenly magical needles appear out of thin air and shoot all three of them, blood shooting out. 

Pinkie Pie recovered quickly while both Twilight and Twilight stumbled back from the pain of their legs and arms being pierced. As Nightmare Moon shot up Pinkie pie randomly pulls a flintlock and lets off a shot at Nightmare Moon. 

Nightmare Moon swung her scythe, the magic streaming off it and burned away the Flintlock Pallet before it got further. Nightmare Moon then had her eyes go white as  Dream Rifts open around Pinkie. 

Pinkie looks around as black tendrils latch onto her and she screams "Help!" Reaver having lost grip of his gun got up seeing a glimmer in his eye spotting a sword in a stone near by a statue of unknown origin.

He grasps the blade with an empty hole in the crossguard where Gem would be and sliced the tendrils with the blade and grabbed Pinkie, pulling her behind a pillar. 

Twilight fired multiple aura blasts at Nightmare Moon but Nightmare Moon's magical shield easily tanked the blasts. Nightmare Moon cackles to herself and says "Is this all you had?" 

Rainbow Dash shoots out again, going so fast and leaving purple streaks  but bashes against the magical shield that was when Nightmare Moon quickly slashed, cutting across Rainbow Dashes torso. Dash smashes into the ground as Twilight screams "No!" 

Reaver wasted no time and dived for his gun firing at Nightmare Moon, his gun echoing throughout the room however it did little as had her eyes glow white "Have you ever seen.. a Nightmare?" 

Suddenly an explosion of Dark magic infects the room, hitting all of the party and submerging them in a deep slumber. As the group fell Twilight tried to resist, stumbling backwards and forward  and saying "Y-you.. won't get. .away with this.." 

Nightmare Moon gracefully lands and says "I already have, it was an admirable effort.. but a futile one.. you cannot fight a power greater than yours." Twilight fell to her knees and fell on her face..closing her eyes..

Chapter 9: Twilight

Twilight woke up in a long field filled with grass.. hills in the distance with the sun setting beyond it. She stepped forwards before hearing a voice speak behind her "Irresponsible." Turning around she sees her Brother Shining Armour "Shine! Where am I-" Soon she hears Twilight Velvet say "Why couldn't you just be a normal child!" Twilight rapidly turns around, her hair flicking back "Mother!?" Soon Night Light says "You brought shame to our family.." 

Twilight turns to him "F-father!?" Shining Armour soon says "You nearly caused a war, and on Cadance's birthday no less!? What is wrong with you!" Twilight holds her hand close to her heart "I-i didn't mean to!" 

Twilight Velvet scolds her Daughter saying "You haven't spoken to us in years.. we raised you Twilight. We took care of you but you won't even give us the time of day!" Twilight shakes her head 'T-thats not true! I am just b-busy!" 

The sunset began to fall at night as Princess Celestia, bound in chains says "You failed them.. you failed Equestria.. you failed me.. you were my most favoured student but now.. because of your actions.. the Night.. will last Forever." 

Twilight stumbles back holding her head with one hand "No..noo it's not true! Any of it!" Twilight falls to her knees beginning the sob, everyone staring down at her with angry, cold looks. Judging her, hating her. 

Twilight stops realizing something "I..I don't need your approval.." She said slowly standing up "I am Twilight..and I will not let you..shame me... I will not let you control me!" Her eyes flare with a tint of red activating her horn and shattering the illusion!

The whole thing came apart like shattered glass burning up with purple energy, subtle flames of red dancing around them!

Chapter 10: Arklight

Reaver stood alone at a sunset, the sun going down with the fading light shining on him... he turned around to see thousands, upon thousands of faces..crumbling towers and towers of smoke rising above the clouds behind them.

Reaver looked along each and every face...he remembered every detail, soaking in the exact shape of every feature and every face. 

His heart throbs and he puts a hand on his chest straining to breathe for a second, falling on both knees. Reaver looks up again to see a human woman looking down at him, and the two just stare at each other. 

Cinders floating past the human, and into the fading Sunset. Reaver looks to his hand and sees his gun..looking besides the woman and sees a man with a hole in his chest. 

Reaver drops the gun slowly standing up as he looks the woman directly in the face "I am a failure..a Outcast and exile.. undeserving of my rank.. of my life.. of this world.." 

He looks her in the eyes confronting his fears and says "But this world.. is.. amazing.. the blue skies.. the singing birds..the green grass. Beauty is in this world.. not just in its look but within...   kindness ..fairness..honesty..laughter..loyalty..generosity. Finally there is magic..I failed you.. but I can't fail them..I am sorry."

Reaver grabs the blade with the empty crossguard and draws it slashing away at the vision..  Ripping it wide open with light shining around him causing hi mto shelter his eyes before finding himself standing before Luna. Twilight, clear of the dream, walks beside him not hearing what he said before. 

Nightmare Moon looks at the others as they struggle and says "Rare is it that someone wakes up from the Nightmare, but when two do so in unison." 

Nightmare Moon flourishes her scythe, her wings flexing as Twilight points forwards "We will defeat you Nightmare moon!" Twilight spots the elements of harmony behind her andl oosk ot Reaver who sees them who quickly draws his magnum and fires at Luna. 

Glowing Blue bullets rush forwards at Luna who shielded herself from the bullets. She blinked ahead, appearing before Reaver, slashing her shadowy Scythe causing sparks to fly as the metal crashed! Twilight teleports behind Nightmare Moon to the elements as Reaver draws the Blade and timed a parry hitting away her scythe throwing up the sword grabbing it by the blade and slamming Nightmare moon across the face with his blade. 

Nightmare Moon is sent flying and spots Twilight, causing Nightmare Moon to teleport to her. Twilight Raises her scythe feeling the Scythe cut right through it, splinters of wood hit the ground before she's grabbed, thrown up and blasted into the ground.

Reaver looked to check on Twilight who struggles to get up. Nightmare Moon flips one of the elements of Harmony in her hand and says "Good try, it was quite the diversion. So well executed without the slightest hint of communication. Sadly for you.." Reaver widens his eyes rushing a head, firing his gun at her, the bullets hit on the shield as she smirks with a smug attitude to her "All good things come to an end." 

Nightmare Moon lifts all the crystals as they glow each colour of the rainbow. Reaver Slashes his blade hitting on the shield desperately grunting as he did “Hragh! HRAGH!” Sparks flying with each impact! 

 Nightmare Moon Scoffs at Reaver, seeing him as less than dirt "You are Undeserving to carry that blade!" She releases the shield causing a shockwave to break out smashing Reaver into the ground, kicking up dust. 

His gun hits against the ground as he settles, sitting up and screams "Don't do it!" Nightmare Moon shatters all of the crystals, allowing their shards to smash against the ground. 

Twilight sat up and looked in horror, breathing heavily.. the shadow covering her eyes as Nightmare Moon cackles wildly "And now, the Night shall last forever! At last this cruel world shall come to an end! No more Tyranny! No more discrimination, genocide or war! May it all end!" 

Twilight slowly stands up as Nightmare Moon cackles on and on. Reaver watches as the shadow of her eyes faded revealing her eyes glowing pure white.

"No.. it wont." Twilight says quietly her horn lighting up and she fires an Aura Blast all on her own without the aid of any runes or items. Nightmare Moon fires a blast back, the two beams hitting against each other, Purple and white against Black and Blue. 

The Two deflect the beams as Nightmare moon growls, getting annoyed at Twilight's persistence. Twilight stands quietly as she begins to talk "Watching the elements break before me made me realize something..we never needed them..." She begins to float up into the air as Reaver stands up, his whole body aching watching Twilight extend out her arms as her horn glows.

Nightmare Moon is bewildered and confused as Twilight spoke again "Nightmare Moon.. The elements of harmony are not only in the crystal, but within our hearts..I realized this after thinking about the party we brought, Rarity showed Generosity to the Serpent, Fluttershy showed Kindness in tending to us, trying to ease our struggle, and taking care of those who were hurt. Applejack Showed Honesty in giving her opinions honestly and showing that honesty of commitment, fighting a battle she knows she can't win. Rainbow Dash showed Loyalty when she stayed by our side, despite all she could lose. Rainbow dash picked us over fear and fame. Standing for what really matters, the people around you.  Pinkie showed that joy can cure dread and terror, helping us overcome a terrible enemy..That maybe despite all thats going on there is always something you can do to spread a little roe joy and light to the world. The elements are within their hearts but there is more, the 6th element.. the element of magic! I will bring them together, to defeat you!" 

Her horn lights up and a bright light flashes the room, freeing the others from their Nightmares as they float into position, each getting a necklace that forms around their neck, with a gem of their element inside, each glowing their respective colours! Twilight was going to purge the darkness but if all that remained was Darkness, then everything that was before the nightmare would be gone too! 

Reaver looks to Nightmare Moon and realizes this , standing behind the bright light as he runs forwards; yelling out "Wait! Nightmare moon.. you know what I saw in my Nightmare. Whatever you did wrong you can be like me. We can make up for past mistakes.. it doesn't have to be like this! I saw the good in you, Resist the Nightmare, you can do this!"  

Nightmare Moon growls and yells, a tear forming in her eye and drops onto the ground wetting the stone below her "I am nothing like you! The elements are nothing but a FARCE!" She lights up her horn flying up and fires a massive beam of Nightmare energy, Twilight grabs the hands of her friends beside her, everyone else grabs each other's hands and all together they fire a blazing white beam. Hitting the Nightmare Blast, easily over powering it. Nightmare Moon covers her eyes screaming "Nooo!" As the light fades, and the 6 women float down to the ground. 

Reaver lowered his arm, having to shelter his eyes prior, looking at Luna seeing she is alive “it worked! She resisted! Fuck yeah!” Pumping his fist in the air, celebrating the victory!

Luna looks around, free of the Nightmare, she looks around terrified, and shaking. Twilight closed her eyes and opened them again, they were a brighter purple than before. 

She steps up to Luna, before noticing the sunlight shine against her face. She looks out the window to see Celestia fly through and land.

Rarity gasps "Princess Celestia!" The other 5 bow to her, Twilight getting on her knees and bowing her head. As Celestia passes by them, approaching Luna. 

Luna looks up shivering, looking at her sister who stands before her "I-i am sorry.. I-I don't know.. w-what happened, I I-i  didn't mean to-" Celestia lowers herself and cuddles her sister and rubs her back "Shh.. Little sister.. it's okay...I forgive you..after all these years.. I yearned for this see my Little sister.. be herself again." 

Luna bursted into tears sobbing into the shoulder of her bigger sister, feeling so many things at once. Twilight stands up straight before looking behind her to see her friends and notices that Reaver is missing.

Chapter 11: Something ends, something begins.

That afternoon the citizens of Ponyville awaited the return of the mythical Princess, Princess luna. The Guards stood ready, banners of Equestria flying. 

The six friends standing in the clear of a massive crowd. As the Royal Airship descended the crowd cheered and a band played. As the Royal Airship landed.. a rug was laid out, one of black and gold, down the board. 

The Royal Guard stepped off the ship, one the royal scribes teleporting a chariot in front of himself. Advisor Quintus got off the ship with a scroll opening it, speaking aloud thanks to a spell he casted "Dear Friends of Ponyville, today is the momentous day that Princess Celestia, not only came to Ponyville, for the vaunted Summer Solstice, but also the day the Light was sparked anew.. in the dead of night. When all seemed lost, Six heroes came to the rescue and saved the world from what could only be described as a Nightmare. In so doing the Six, who traveled deep into the dark woods of Everfree, into fate unknown rescue of Princess Luna from the clutches of Nightmare Moon. The instigator of the Equestrian Civil war, the tragic hero of the South.  Is now returned, renewed and ready and able to once again add her light to ours. Long may the two reign, together, in a united Equestria." 

Twilight didn't like how Reaver was forgotten, it was not six.. it was seven.. Fluttershy looked around hoping Reaver would show up but to no avail. 

The crowd claps and cheers as the two Princesses come down and step upon the chariot. Horses prance forwards, which would have been a strange sight for Reaver to see, to see Anthropomorphic Ponies use horses same as he would back in his previous life. 

Which is precisely what he thought when he watched from the back of the crowd, hands in his pockets. Just quietly watching, blending in with the crowd.

As the two Princesses' chariot arrived at the center. Advisor Quintus emerged from behind the chariot holding a case of Medals as the band calmed down, flicking the pages on their stands for the next song they must play. 

Celestia stepped off the Chariot, holding her sister's hand. Luna looked around anxiously, before gulping and summoning the courage to step down with her sister. The crowd clapping  and cheering as this marks the day Princess Luna returns. 

Celestia stood beside Quintus as Celestia bowed her head "I am most proud of you Twilight, you assembled the other 5 and rushed into the fray. You Saved my sister and learned valuable lessons about friendship." 

As Celestia did this, Luna looked around for the blue and white haired man who complimented her eyes, knowing he was with them surely. Wondering why he isn't here.. was it all a mirage?

Quintuis opened the case, however Twilight shook her head "Princess there was one other with us." Celestia looked down upon her student and Rarity nudged her "Shh.. later. Don't interrupt the ceremony." 

Twilight bows her head and Celestia looks back to Luna, who is shocked to hear it. Luna looked around desperately but could not find him. Celestia looks back down to the six and speaks "We shall speak of it later, Quintus?" Advisor Quitnus removes the first metal placing it on Twilight's chest, and does the same for each and every one of them. 

Celestia looks out to the crowd speaking loudly with the help of a spell "Now all can see, I pronounce the Six, as the heroes of Equestria, awarded the Golden Heart. The highest reward for a Civilian to earn."  The Six bowed and the band played the next song, the crowd cheering and congratulating the Six. 

Luna Approaches Twilight and bows towards her “Thank you.. From the bottom of my heart. Without you and your friends I’d not be here today. It’s going to be a long journey but.. I am going to find my place in this  country again, I just know it.”

Twilight caught off guard and gulps and bows her head at Luna, and patted at her shoulder “Anytime, princess. I’ll always be here if you need me. “

Reaver at the back of the crowd clapped with the crowd before turning around, putting his hands in his pockets and walking off.. leaving them to be awarded.

Chapter 12: A night in Berry Sweet Corner

It was night once more, and Reaver sat on a stool leaning against a bar. He could hear the local pub band play a mix of drums, Violins and Cellos playing a vibrant energetic tune. 

He looked around seeing a barmaid wearing a whtie dress with a corset and stockings serving drinks. He looked at her brown hair and white fur. Looking at her purple eyes thinking she was beautiful. 

Looking back to his drink he swirls the whiskey in his bottle. That was when the man from before sits down, giving a charismatic smirk, it was Lucifer "Got a fine taste for bars." 

Reaver looks beside himself and sees Lucifer "Hm.. I remember the old bars back at home.. none were so clean and energetic like this one." Lucifer orders a drink and leans against the bar sitting on his stool and says "Masterful work so far. Luna was restored, the threat was ended and Harmony was restored. Yet you didn't attend your own award ceremony. You had as much to do with that adventure as the others." 

Reaver drank from his bottle and sighs saying "I don't deserve thanks..I am basically a convict on parole..aren't I?" 

Lucifer smirks and drinks from his glass, tasting the fine Tequila and points at Reaver "Right you are, for your quite important, Reaver. While you did a fine job, this is only the first of troubles those six will face.. and dark forces conspire to lead them astray. They have a destiny they must fulfill, otherwise everything you see around you will burn." 

Reaver puts down his bottle and sighs looking back to Lucifer "Got names?" Lucifer shakes his head "Heaven's no, the enemy have done an excellent job in concealing themselves from me. But I know they are in Canterlot, possibly very close to the royalty as many of the problems of this nation originated from that city."

Reaver nods thinking to himself before saying "I see.. if you reveal this to the others you risk side tracking Destiny..thus I have to be careful with what I do around and with them..I am your solution to the outside interference." 

Lucifer chuckled and patted Reaver on the shoulder and said with an eager smile "Precisely, see I knew you were sharp. I need you to stay close to them and aid them in their journey. Find out who is trying to lead them astray and put an end to it. Make use of anyone you please, but beware...should you involve the Six too much, you run the risk of furthering the enemies goals.. at the same time you will need their friendship if you are to succeed." 

Reaver picked up his bottle and drank the rest of it down, chugging half a bottle of whiskey and tanking the burn of the alcohol in his throat before putting down the bottle "Count me in." Lucifer smirks, his eyes emitting a fiery glow for a few moments. “Fantastic~ Succeed in this and there could be something in it for you.” 

Reaver glances at Lucifer and raises an eyebrow, interested” I thought nothing good is coming to me, am I getting salvation for this?” 

Lucifer shook his head and stood up  putting one of his hands in his pockets “No, nothing good is coming to you..but I can delay that fate if your performance is good enough.” 

Reaver grumbled and shook his head “Nah..forget it. If I get rewarded for this then I am just being a good guy for the money..figurative money, but money. I’ll do the job, for free.” 

Lucifer raised an eyebrow but shrugged his shoulders replying “Suit yourself,  do enjoy some of the women here. Got a lot of work to do.” 

Reaver chuckled and swirled his whiskey “Booze will do me fine, See you later, Demon boy.”

The End

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