Chapter 8: Her Newest Disciple

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Aeris couldn’t wait to get back to work.


Her life finally felt as if it were slowing down and returning to some semblance of normalcy. But now that she was a Matriarch, everything felt different. The Matriarchs she had met before were dragons of awe and wonder, exuding power and always in control.


She was none of those things.


Yet, everything had changed. The world felt different. Smaller and more cramped. The dragons sensed it. They moved out of the way when she approached on the street; a few even looked away or bowed slightly when she passed. The others treated her differently as well. The biggest change came from Maxis. He stopped making sarcastic remarks and even bowed slightly when she entered the room. She told him several times it wasn’t necessary, but he would grunt and do it anyway. The others walked on eggshells around her.


It made her wonder if they knew about what happened with Windor the other night. That no one spoke on it made her believe he never told them. She wasn’t sure why but she wanted to keep it a secret. Part of her still questioned if it was a mistake to accept Windor’s offer. She had just reacted without thinking.


Just like she didn’t tell the others she was going to receive lessons from the Dracaena. It wasn’t that she wanted to keep it a secret but it just felt right to keep it from them. The less they knew about her and her Matriarch abilities, the better.


Except for Janine. Keeping anything from the young woman would be an affront to the sacrifices she made. The debt that could never be repaid.


Surprisingly, the young woman was glad to hear about the lessons. “It’s about time a dragon finally started helpin’ you out,” she had said.


Aeris wasn’t so sure. Just a year ago, she would have been fascinated by the idea that such a powerful being had taken notice of her, but she started thinking the visit wasn’t for her benefit.


But she didn’t have a say in the matter. Her power was out of control and Sareen was the only one who could teach her to use it.


Those thoughts and worries faded when they turned the corner and saw the long line of dragons outside the Dragon’s Den. 


She tilted her head and turned to Janine. “Uh, what’s going on?”


Someone next to them gasped. “I can’t believe it’s you!”


Every dragon in sight spun around. The closest ones began bowing.


Aeris groaned softly.


Janine patted her side and stepped forward. “Yeah, it’s her. What’s goin’ on?”


“What do you mean?” a Ravager replied. “We’re just here to eat.”


“Yeah, but this place ain’t ever this popular. Why the line?”


“Oh! The Dracaena ate here and her favored owns the place!” another dragon cried.


Janine turned back to Aeris who shrugged. Last she heard, Mr. Thomas owned the restaurant, and he was no friend of Sareen’s.


“Thanks for the info,” Janine said. “We gotta get to work now.”


Aeris avoided looking at the other dragons who whispered excitedly to each other as they passed. 


It was all wrong. Here she was supposed to be too focused on taking orders and cleaning up to think about much else. 


The bottom level was packed with dragons. Every eye was on them the moment they entered as a din of silence greeted them. Mr. Thomas was quick to greet them with a very wide smile. “Snowflake, I’m so glad you could make it! Please come with me, we have so much to discuss.”


He hurried them towards the kitchen. 


Something’s different, Aeris thought. He never greets us at the door. Does he know about me?


There were two other humans and a dragon, a female horntail, in the kitchen. The humans she didn’t recognize, but she recognized the dragon, Shai, who confronted her before. The dragoness stared at her. Aeris said nothing.


“What’s goin’ on?” Janine asked. “Who’re these folks?”


“I’ll get to introductions later,” Mr. Thomas replied. “Right now, we have an entire building full of hungry dragons and more waiting outside. Janine, I need you to get out there with the others. There’s two more people on the floor and they’re barely keeping up.” He motioned to the other humans behind them. “Our chefs are overworked.”


“Where do you need me?” Aeris asked.


Mr. Thomas pulled her to the far side of the kitchen and spoke in a hushed voice. “I’m promoting you to assistant manager. I need you to just go around and see how the customers are enjoying their meals.”


Aeris tilted her head. “Is that it? What about--”


“Snowflake, please, there’s very little time to explain it now. Please go along with this. I promise you I’ll explain everything after work.”


Aeris wanted to push the issue further, but seeing him up close, his glasses constantly sliding off his nose,  his clothes wrinkled and disheveled, she decided to cut him slack.


Never had she imagined hating coming into work. There was never a reprieve from the walking nor the bombardment of questions about the Dracaena’s visit, how they knew each other, and if she would put in a good word for them. Eventually, she grew tired of making up excuses so she just settled for smiling and nodding. She felt sorry for the others taking the orders, delivering food, and cleaning up the tables. Everyone except Shai would smile when they noticed her looking, but she saw the exhaustion in their faces.


She wanted to do more than just walk around and smile at others. Once she tried to clean up a table, and Mr. Thomas appeared as if by magic and ushered her away. “Please, you don’t need to do anything except ensure that the customers are happy. If anyone has a problem, I want you to direct it to me, okay?”


The desperation in his voice made her feel too guilty to disobey.


The only upside to the busy day was she got to avoid Shai. Every glimpse she caught of the dragoness, she was being stared at. Shai never spoke, but Aeris made a point of keeping her distance. 


It was well into the night when the last of the customers left. Aeris sank to the floor the instant the doors were locked. Her paws were so sore; she didn’t look forward to walking home.


I really wish I hadn’t left my flying license at home.


“That was great, everyone,” Mr. Thomas said. “Before I send everyone home, I would like to make some introductions.” He motioned to Aeris. “This is Snowflake, our newest co-manager.”


There was scattered applause, the loudest coming from Janine who wore a huge smile on her face. Aeris did her best to smile and waved with her tail. This isn't right. I didn't do anything to deserve this.


Mr. Thomas walked over to the Shai. “And this is our newest addition, Shai.”


The dragoness did not react to the introduction and continued to stare in Aeris’ direction. Aeris avoided meeting her gaze.


He showed no sign of acknowledging the awkward exchange and turned to the human. “This is Dann. Olivia is in the kitchen helping Martin.”


The man introduced as Dann nodded slightly, his black eyes glinting with a friendly light and a small smile on his bearded face. “Hello, everyone.”


Janine pulled Mr. Thomas away. She spoke in a hushed voice, but Aeris heard clearly. “Hey, I gotta ask you somethin’ important. I’m glad Snowflake got promoted an all, but she ain’t worked here that long.”


“Yes, Caroline said the same thing. I know it’s too obvious, but...well...we’ve been packed like this for days now. And, well, it turns out it’s because of Snowflake.”


“Wait, what did she do?”


“Word got around that the dragon favored by the Dracaena works here so now every dragon in the city wants to eat here. I can’t have the Dracaena’s favored cleaning up tables.”


Janine sighed and glanced Aeris’ way. “We’re sorry to get you caught up in all this.”


The remorse in her voice stung.


“No, no. It’s perfectly fine. No matter what happens, you and Snowflake are welcome here.”


Aeris wasn’t so sure, but she chose not to speak on it.


“Well, it was nice meetin’ y’all,” Janine said. “Snowflake and I gotta get home and rest now.”


Aeris nodded to everyone then followed Janine outside. The feelings of relief at finally getting to go home and lie down were dashed when they saw the Dracaena’s guards waiting.


“Her grace, the Dracaena, requests--” The tall one began.


“It can wait ‘till mornin’,” Janine said. “We’ve been on our feet all day, and--”


“Janine, it’s okay,” Aeris said. Her compliance was more for the young woman’s sake. The last thing she wanted was to do anything the would draw the wrong kind of attention. 


Janine looked as if she had objections but instead responded, “Well, I’m comin’ with you this time.”


The men looked worried but they didn’t object.




“Ah, I see your attendant chose to accompany you,” Sareen said.


Aeris wasn’t sure what to expect when they got to the Dracaena’s room, but she let out a small sigh of relief at the friendly tone.


“I’m her friend,” Janine said matter-of-factly.


Sareen chuckled. “Of course, child.”


Aeris bit her tongue at the obvious sarcasm and chose to change the subject. “Why did you call me here? My next lesson isn’t until tomorrow.”


“I’m fully aware. However, something has come up, so I chose to move our meeting.”


“A little warnin’ woulda been nice,” Janine mumbled.


Aeris quickly nudged the young woman.


“Are you ready to begin?” Sareen asked. Without looking at Janine, she added, “You may leave us.”


Janine folded her arms across her chest and opened her mouth, likely to object, when Aeris cut in. “Please do what she asks. I need these lessons, and I don’t want to make her angry.”


“A’ight, I’m sorry. I’ll be good for your sake.” She shot a glare Sareen’s way. “But her attitude is gettin’ on my nerves.”


There was no further discussion until they were alone. The moment Janine left, the drake from the last lesson came in. He looked much better than she left him. He didn’t acknowledge her as he moved to the center of the room and sat down.


“Now, same as before: focus your mind and give a single command.”


She stared at the drake. “Um, what’s your name?” When the drake didn’t reply, she added, “It’s okay, you can tell me.”


“If you wish to converse, you’ll have to use your Call,” Sareen said. “I’ve instructed him not to say or do anything without your command.”




“Because the purpose is to teach you to control your Call. Unless you have a more favorable suggestion?”


Aeris hung her head. It felt wrong to invade this drake’s mind and command him without knowing a thing about him especially now that she had a better understanding of the risks. 


Tell me your name, she thought. The drake didn’t react. 


Her claws scraped the floor as she thought back to her meeting with Windor, the excitement and anxiety of their first date. It all had to go right. 


What’s your name?


“Silias,” the drake replied.


Aeris started at his sudden voice. She not only managed her Call, but she didn’t feel the side-effects from before.


“Well, you catch on quickly,” Sareen said, smiling. “At least at the novice level. More complex demands require a greater degree of control and power. Continue."


Are you angry with me? Because of last time?


"No, I knew the risks of helping with your training beforehand and came well prepared for them."


So where do you come from?


"I was once part of a clan that was destroyed by humans a long time ago. I've lived in service to the Dracaena ever since."


"You caught on to this much faster than anticipated," Sareen said. "Obviously this level of practice is wasted on you. We shall move one to something more advanced.”


Aeris tilted her head. “What do you mean?”


There was no reply, but Silias turned and left the room, going through the door that Janine used. Aeris’ tail curled around her legs. 


"How are we supposed to train if there's no one--"


“Hey! Whaddya think you’re doin’?! Lemme go!”


Aeris ran for the door, but Sareen quickly cut her off. “We are going to attempt something more advanced. Let's see how you handle using your Call under duress.”


Aeris growled and tried to move around the dragoness. She was struck from the side and sent to the floor. Before she could get up, Sareen jumped on top of her, pinning her down.


“I had hoped to wait until we started the next phase, but it seems I’ll need to expedite things with you.”


Janine screamed again. Aeris thrashed and roared but couldn’t buck her captor.


“If you wish to save your ‘friend’ you’ll have to use your Call.”  The venom in her voice at the word ‘friend’ made Aeris shudder. Sareen then whispered into her ear. “Oh, and if you kill him, I’ll kill her.”


The door swung open and Janine bolted through the portal, holding together the remains of her top. Aeris smelled blood. Silias caught up to her two bounds, slamming into her and sending her sprawling into the wall like a doll.




“He only responds to the Call, child.”




“You do not possess the power nor the strength to command me, so I implore you to focus your efforts on the one you can control.”


Silias had Janine pinned under his paw. Her eyes bulged as she clawed at his leg, mouth soundlessly moving. The drake showed no acknowledgment or emotion.


Aeris closed her eyes and focused her thoughts. Her thoughts immediately went to her eggs. She wanted to save them more than anything but failed because she couldn’t control her Call. 


It felt as if her head was being slowly split open. She clenched her teeth against the pain. It was nothing compared to what she would feel if she let Janine die.


Get. Off. Her.


The weight was removed from her body. She immediately opened her eyes and staggered to Janine’s side. Silias had backed off and stood there, panting heavily. Janine lay on the floor, her breath coming in hard starts.


She began searching the young woman for any blood or broken bones. There were bleeding scratches on her chest and shoulders. The wounds weren't deep, but she licked the wounds anyway. “Janine, Janine, are you all right?”


“I...I think so.”


Aeris curled her body around the young woman and glared at Sareen. "Why did you do that? I thought you were here to help me."


The older dragoness smiled. “I did help you. I discovered your anchor. The last time, you nearly lost control, but your feelings for that human keep you in check. You are ready for more advanced training.”


“I’m done training with you."


“On the contrary, we’re just beginning.”


“You’re not putting her in danger again!”


“And what do you suppose you’re doing by not having control of your Call?” Sareen asked calmly. “How long before a single stray thought leads to her demise?”


She didn’t respond, but the words hit the mark. The idea of hurting Janine unintentionally terrified her.


“Then this concludes our discussion. You will accompany me back to Amethyne so that we may finish your training.”


“Wait, what? Why?”


“Because I deplore this place. Also, my presence here is causing quite a stir and I would rather not agitate the humans before it’s time.”


“Well, I never agreed to anywhere with you.”


The dragoness chuckled again. “You’re welcome to refuse me, but the other dragons won’t stand for a Matriarch who can’t control her Call. If discovered, they’ll kill you and your friend.”


Aeris looked down at Janine. The young woman shook her head, eyes pleading to turn the offer down. It was too much of a risk. After what happened with Caroline, she couldn't take the chance.


“Fine. I’ll go with you.”


“Aeris, no!”


“I have to. I can’t let anything happen to you.”


Janine slowly sat up. “A’ight. Then I’m coming with you.”


“But—” she shot a look at Sareen.


“If you’re concerned for your friend’s safety, don’t be. I swear she won’t come to harm so long as you’re both with me, and she won’t be ‘assisting’ you with your training. The purpose is to condition you to learn to control your Call outside of crisis situations.”


Aeris nodded. One of the guards came in carrying a long jacket. He gave it to Janine while avoiding her gaze which she quickly took and covered herself with.


“Then it’s settled,” Sareen said. “You shall remain here for the night. I’ve already arranged for your things to be brought here. We will depart at first light. Should you require anything, there are servants on call down the hall. Speaking of which…” 


She turned to the door and moments later, two servants entered. They bowed to Sareen who sent a sly smile in Aeris’ direction before turning back to the humans. “See to it, their needs are met for the rest of the night. I shall retire to my chambers.”


They were left alone with the humans. Aeris avoided looking at them. Their faces showed no emotion; it felt like looking at mannequins.


Aeris had lived in a mansion before, so pampered treatment was nothing new to her. Janine, on the other hand, couldn’t stop smiling or expressing her awe at her first time in a luxurious hotel or any hotel.


They ate a banquet’s worth of food. It helped that neither of them had eaten much after such a full day of work. After dinner, they bathed in the largest bath either of them had ever seen. Janine spent most of the time splashing about in the water. After their bath, one of the servants cleaned and bandaged, Janine's wounds. 


The young woman was having the time of her life, but Aeris chose to remain alert. The servants followed them everywhere, and while they did whatever Aeris asked, she wondered if they were there to watch them. Silias could have easily killed Janine if he wanted, but that the young woman was used as bait to further Aeris' training didn't sit well with her.


“Aeris, I think we outta take Terran and the others with us,” Janine said. “I feel a lot safer havin’ them with us.”


She suppressed a groan. That meant Windor was coming along, too. But the thought of leaving him alone in this city felt wrong. She couldn’t place it, but something told her it was best not to leave anyone behind. 


It didn't take long for Janine to fall asleep. Aeris didn’t want to go to sleep. There was no telling if Sareen would try to "test" her during the night. But the full belly and warm, soft bed overpowered her fears.


They were woken up at first light. Sareen was nowhere to be seen. When asking about her, they were told she was busy. They ate a much smaller breakfast, still feeling a little stuffed from last night’s feast.


The Dracaena awaited them downstairs in the lobby along with Terran, Maxis, and Windor. All three males stood against the wall, staring at the floor like scolded children. Aeris would have found it amusing if not for knowing how intimidating Sareen was. 


"What're y'all doin' here?" Janine asked. "Me and Snowflake were just talkin' about how we wanted you to come with us."


"I assumed you would want your companions along," Sareen said. "Unless you would rather leave them here?"


"No," Aeris said quickly. "They can come."


None of them looked happy about her response.


Before they left, Aeris insisted they say goodbye to their co-workers. She had no idea how long they would be gone for and it felt wrong to leave so suddenly. Mr. Thomas seemed sad to see them go, but staying meant inviting the wrath of the most powerful dragon alive. Dann showed surprising emotion despite only having met them yesterday. Caroline wept openly, claiming, “She was once again stuck with no females to talk to.” When it was pointed out that Shai was available, the dragoness snorted.


Shai was the only one who showed no emotion. It struck Aeris as odd; she expected her to at least be happy to not deal with her for a while.


Just before leaving, the dragoness nuzzled her and whispered, “Don’t trust the Dracaena. She’s not your friend.”

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Dec 19, 2020 15:33

Shai might have a point about the Dracaena. But I doubt she's giving that warning as an act of altruism. Has Aeris grown wise enough to start to realize when others are attempting to play her? Dracaena is ruthless with her instructions. Is she also trying to inure her new apprentice to casual acts of violence? After what she's done before when she was cornered, is the Dracaena playing with a fire that even she can't control?   With Aeris leaving, I would question whether some of the sub-plots introduced before were just throw away ideas that won't impact the main plot. But after having reread the entirety of Dissent and Rebirth I don't think that you do 'throw away ideas'. It is pretty clear that you've had a comprehensive plot right from the start and are good at interweaving items into the narrative that don't demonstrate their importance until much later.   Could you please tell me, have you always so carefully laid out the path a main story line takes? Or have you toyed before with a more free-wheeling, seat of the pants type of storytelling?

Dec 19, 2020 19:25 by Sonny Dae

It's funny you mention that. Yeah, it's totally seat-of-the-pants. I had no idea Aeris was leaving until I was writing it. It makes the most sense with everything going on. Sareen can't stay there forever and she won't leave Aeris to her own devices just yet. And also, it's not as if she can't come back when her training is done (and she will be back)   I don't like throwaway ideas. They just leave the reader disappointed. Even if it isn't fully resolved it should bring the reader some kind of closure. My writing style is a bit chaotic but I do my best to make sure the ideas tie together.

Dec 20, 2020 10:43

Well you had me fooled. Like the way that you had Aeris' displaying traits indicating what she would become from the earliest chapters. I thought you had something already well-mapped out. Some of the ideas I can't call throwaway yet because they could very well be revisited later, it just seems as if they will be written off for the time being since Sareen is leaving the city along with Aeris.   What you call chaos seems a whole lot better put together than my own. Every time I start typing new additions to my story it's like staring into Pandora's box.

Dec 20, 2020 21:42 by Sonny Dae

Oh, Aeris being a matriarch was totally planned. Her finding out the way she did was not. I just knew she would become one eventually.   Pandora's box is where all the best ideas are stored. It's totally worth looking into. ;)