
Electronic Auguries
Ongoing 533 Words


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Copyright (C)


John Perceval Cain

All Rights Reserved



She is a wild, tangled forest with temples and treasures concealed within.

- John Mark Green


Everything flashes from black to bright white to black leaving indistinct shadows and ghost-like after images. The smell of ozone and burnt flesh starts me gagging.  A convulsion ripples across my body as more and more muscles contract, arching my back making me writhe.


As I lie wracked in pain, text scrolls before my left eye.




.....System Reboot.....


My right eye begins to open, tears wet the eyelid and lashes, causing a blink.  I convulse again and static fills my ears and hearing.  It quickly fades to a metallic hum and a background tinny beep of machinery.  A wave of nausea ripples through me and I retch back a dry heave. 


"Easy Alex," a sultry and sensuous voice croons and a hand lightly caresses my right forearm. 


Text scrolls before my left eye.

...Logic Unit - Pass

...Mounting Memory Volumes - Complete

...Graphic System - Pass

...Direct Neural Interface - Pass ...Organic Link - Established

...Security Systems - Pass

...Quantum Network Link - Established.


"This will be over soon," a modulated, synthetic voice says, "you are augmented, and the final root system boot is completing."


Trying to sit up, a hand gently, but firmly restrains me.  "Not yet, let's make sure you're stable, and your systems are integrating correctly," the sultry voice urges.


A deep voice says, "Dealla, are you getting all the diagnostics on the remote feed?" 


Beep - static - "Yes, Gavin, it all looks good."


"DGH, how is the integration going?" Gavin asks.


"Operating system running stable.  Some power spikes at the neuronal endplate of the DNI, but these are rapidly stabilizing."  The synthetic voice says.


"Max, how are her vitals?" Gavin asks.


"Better, but cardiac output is still extremely variable.  Hopefully she doesn't pass out or arrest again," the sultry voice says.


"The augments are all stable and showing excellent neuromodulation integration at the moment," DGH says.


"I hope we've got her this time, I'm not sure she will survive another attempt," Gavin says.


"Probability of current success is 58%, and going up every second she stays integrated," DGH says.


"Good.  Dealla, get back to work and I'll update you on progress here later," Gavin says.


"Alex, keep in mind synesthesia is quite common during the first 24 hours post implant," Max says as she again caresses your arm.


"Given the state of the clone, despite being viable, the engram writing process will likely result in you having periods of amnesia and confusion for at least that length of time also.  If you prefer Alex, we can sedate you and wake you up in a day or two?  Max and I will continue to care and watch over you," DGH says.


Max states with the care of a big sister, "Yes, Alex, sleep dear, you need it.  There is plenty of time to get caught up on recent events.  DGH and I will take good care of you."

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